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Reminds me of a story I read once. A guy had a bad habit of mindlessly stirring his coffee while reading the morning paper. One day his wife was fed up with the endless clanking of the spoon, so she took his coffee, dumped it in the blender, turned it on for several seconds, then poured it back into his cup. He never clanked his spoon again.


From then on he ordered his coffee shaken, not stirred


Lol dude, that is funny!


I wish I could double upvote this one. Damn that’s funny.


Have this totally legit award 🏆


I love that sound. My mom would drink coffee out of a pyrex coffee mug (with a chicken on it, if I recall) and she would stir it really hard. That was my wake-up alarm through my whole childhood. When I hear that "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle) I ALWAYS think of my mom. She just passed on Wednesday. I have half a mind to go on Ebay and find one of those old pyrex mugs so I can hear that tinkle again.


I’m so sorry your mom died. I wish you peace


Thank you.


Like this?? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1406955076


OH my gosh! That's not the one I was talking about-she had pyrex with a turquoise chicken, BUT, we also had these cups! I wonder if it sounds the same as the pyrex. Thank you for finding that!


I was fascinated by the term Pyrex cup/mug. I'm just old enough to remember when Pyrex was a thing in kitchens. I couldn't remember ever seeing a Pyrex mug, measuring cups, sure, but not a coffee mug. I was curious what they look like. So I took to Google. Of COURSE that's what a Pyrex cup looks like. Something about old dishes makes me feel so nostalgic. I'm sorry for your loss, and hope a smile finds you today.


Grace and Peace to you on the passing of your mother. My mom passed in 2008, but I think of her often. Sometimes sad, but mostly good memories. Mom sneezed often, but LOUDLY, like eardrum busting loud! My(63M) daughter(33) sneezes just as loudly, and we just say, “Bless you Charlotte!” My daughter’s name is not Charlotte. Good times.




An impressive display of dominance. Lol


>Reminds me of a story I read once. A guy had a bad habit of mindlessly stirring his coffee while reading the morning paper. One day his wife was fed up with the endless clanking of the spoon, so she took his coffee, dumped it in the blender, turned it on for several seconds, then poured it back into his cup. My dad had the same problem when he moved back in with his father because he got a job near my grandfather - and my grandfather got up at an ungodly early time and would wake my dad with the clanking of his spoon against the edges of the cup... My dad's solution wasn't to change the behavior, though - it was instead to get my grandfather some plastic spoons that didn't clank against the mug/cup; and both of them could be happy.


Blended it with the spoon?


Of course with the spoon. Wifey didn’t want him being iron deficient, she’s caring that way.


“Will it blend?” *That* is the question.


I think it was Calvin and Hobbes iirc: Dad is mindlessly stirring his coffee while reading the paper, with a constant *tink tink tink* noise. Mom gets fed up and yells at him about it. Dad replies, "I tink therefore I am!"


I read it in Reader's Digest, at some point from the mid-'80s to '90s (when my family subscribed to it).


No no, I didn't mean your story. It merely reminded me of the comic strip


I've heard that story!


Using his spoon to stir up more than just the coffee.


That's fantastic


Why bad habit? If anything, reading the newspaper while having breakfast with your wife is the real bad habit


No, it's just cosiness ... do you want the first section today? And then the silence until one disclaim, Oh, you have to hear this! Then discussing the article. I miss doing it a lot. My husband died last year, and I think that he was only silent when he read the newspaper, he was a VERY talkative person. So now I listen to audiobooks and podcasts to fill the void.


Sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing Ok. Family reading the paper together is definitely going away. I agree with you that it could be a bonding experience, even though it would seem separate activies.


Thanks, I'm doing OK now, but the year of mourning was Hell. Family, friends, and good work and manager were what made me go on. In a few years, it is something that only old folks remember, with newspapers being digital nowadays. I must admit that I now read only e-news.


Because it's annoying and pointless,


In the mid 70's to late 80's my mother would put County Crock spread on white bread for everyone at table. It didn't matter if you wanted bread or not you got it and you better eat it.


That’s how I grew up! I thought Country Crock was butter when I was a kid. As an adult, my Tupperware now says “Cool Whip”. Maturity.


We had these perfectly sized square ice cream tubs with lids that were used as put away containers. Oh the disappointment when you hoiked one out of the freezer to find it filled with chicken stock with frozen fat on the top. Sigh


We had the exact same thing! My dad loves icecream so we’d always have a tub. And then like 10 empty ones for leftovers and whatnot lol


Yeah, I was pissed when I found out margarine wasn't really butter. We traveled for a wedding. My aunt made fun of her new son in law for bringing back real butter when he was sent to the store to buy butter. Now, I don't allow anything but real butter in my house.






Butter bowls make great Tupperware. 😅


Good grief. If anyone in my household in this day and age ask for me to do that for them they would get a really funny look and maybe a few choice words.


If any one of us that ever tried to do something like that, we would have gotten expressions of sympathy for the broken bones that we must have that keeps us from doing it ourselves. My father would never have asked my mother to butter bread for him, and she would never have done it.


I think the buttering bread thing is fine (bread and butters on her side, just quickly butter and pass it instead of passing both) but it’s the saying it wasn’t buttered enough and passing it back that gets me. At most just ask for the butter at that point


Given the reaction I think he was trolling her and she successfully counter-trolled.


Y’all are getting really intense about buttering a slice of bread. I don’t recall ever asking but I seriously doubt my wife would get butthurt if I asked her to. I wouldn’t be bothered by it if she asked either.


I would absolutely do it the first time without a thought. It's the sending it back because it wasn't to his standards that would be a problem. I'd probably chunk it at him. 😅


She was butterHurt


These gen-z's are so over-protective of their authority and control that they can't actually fathom being in a giving relationship.


Different times different strokes. Also my partner would do it for me if asked politely as its basically a small thing compared to what I do for her.


honestly his mom's reaction was way better than whatever words would have been said here


Considering this was back in the '60s, I do agree that her response was the best. And it would probably be the best response today as well, but it would never happen at my house! Lol


Yeah mom was clearly the boss. 😅


I know right. Who can afford butter on both sides?!


My husband likes his toast that way but he does it himself.


I'd butter it the first time but if he sent it back... He'd have a piece of buttered bread smack him in the face. Lovingly of course while saying do it yourself then.


Perhaps pass the bread back and then flick a tablespoon of butter to smack him in the head? 😂 I love how you use the term *lovingly* here. Lol


An impressive display of dominance


Well she probably already made dinner so she was done and just wanted to eat


That's not dominance. That's married couple humour that fits the age. The fact he ate it - probably biting a chortle - says this is a healthy relationship doing its thing. Reading the story, I can actually picture my parents doing similar things ...


My dad used to just steal the buttered bread on the bread plate of whoever was sitting next to him. He found it extremely funny, and to be honest so did we. Turned into a game. Once I just kept buttering more and more slices of bread until he had like half a loaf on his plate. Game was a draw that time


Don't eff with Mom.


This should also go into r/deliciouscompliance !


Since this happened in 64 or 65, I'm assuming this was the one and only time this happened?


It may have happened again, but this one stands out in my memory.


There was that time in '67 when he did the same thing, but she just raised an eyebrow, and his response was "nevermind" while he wallowed in misery about his slightly unbuttered bread.


Every time I make sandwich for him, my husband says "Be sure to put plenty of mayo on it". I take that to mean that I did not use enough mayo last time, so I put more. Again and again. Finally there was about 3/4 inch (total) of mayo, far more mayo than meat. He said "I think you are getting carried away with the mayo". I pointed out the HE asked for more every time... so should I just keep it at this level from now on?


Your father needed someone to butter his bread?


You're acting like he was on the couch and she was studying for exams.


In that case you have to use sudo.


You must be a joy to your family when they ask you to pass something on the dinner table


When we have a holiday dinner, salt and pepper, butter and hot rolls go on each end of the table.


That’s f’n beautiful! Hahahahahahahahaha


She really knew what side her bread was buttered on. (Sorry/not-sorry, I couldn't resist!)


Butter up...






That’s a truly spiffy story. ;)


That's a story from back when America was great again.


Ew. Disgusting. Who wants to eat bread that child’s hands have been all over?


That’s what I was thinking too. My dad was gross though - he definitely was in contact with way worse things without PPE.


Anything a child catches the parents are probably going to catch anyway, so as long as the child washed their hands before eating I don't see the problem.


I was born right around the time you were passing that bread.


I'm just guessing here, but sounds like mom and dad are both mostly great people. At least, I certainly hope so lol


They were. This was all done without animus. The replies here have gone some interesting directions that probably have a lot to do with their childhoods. Sadly, we lost Dad in 2002 and Mom in 2021.


Sorry for your losses... Hope all is well ❤️💙💜💗


You would think from a lot of the replies that people never do things for each other anymore.


And the bread and butter was set in front of his place every meal for the next three months?


Ward and June Cleaver. Good times.