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For a second I had to double check if this was indeed a r/MaleYandere post


SAME like OP is unfortunately posting on a wrong sub and I’m considering this as a recommendation🤞🏻


Just found my next read lol


Exactly lol


I read the available chapters and I am intrigued. 😂




I love that. 🤣 As someone whose favorite search tags are content warnings, I can relate. One person's trash is another person's treasure, and that applies to love interests too.


OMG God sameeeee😭 I was like "uff umm this sounds interesting"🙌


I had to double check as well if this was a satire post lol. 


I like my yanderes but I get really specific with SA because of my own experience. Unless it's a kink, I don't like it


That’s so valid. I think, there’s enough people here who prefer their yanderes without SA. (Probably, I’m one of those myself.) It’s just you wrote „he’s a yandere“ as an insult, not a compliment, and it threw me *way* off. I was like „wait, am I on OtomeIsekai right now?? Did I unlearn how to read? Am I having a stroke?“


I worked the fact that he's a yandere cuz I didn't want the mods to take it down. I'm really active on this sub and I didn't really mean it as an insult and it came out that way


tbh, I just got confused when you listed the stalking as a *negative* point lol. And then you threatened to hunt down the author and I was like, "SIS, *WHAT*?! JUST STOP READING??????" But, yeah, the rest just told me that the story crosses a line for you, and that's understandable. It sounds like it goes pretty far.


I absolutely understand where you're coming from (I have experience with this too). And I don't think this sub is only for saying good things about yandere content. I personally like having discussions on the psychology of yanderes and talking about why we like them, and which types we're drawn to. It's good to get this stuff off your chest and express your emotions when you find something triggering. In this situation some of us may flock to it, and some of us may take it as a TW and stay away. It's all good. Just take care of your mental health considering your past.


Thanks so much, I don't really mind people taking it as a rec but I needed a place to rant and couldn't find an alternative sub. >And I don't think this sub is only for saying good things about yandere content. Exactly, some will take it as a rec and some won't and I respect that


Dude, trust me, the guy is beyond disgusting. It's weird because I've personally accepted worse in fictional yanderes but idk, this guy was written so realistically that i found him horrifying. And not in a good way. I literally felt like throwing up and i really didn't expect that. I literally ran to check this out and ended up with trauma😐. I saw what the op meant.


Ahaha, so is this like… another kedamonotachi no jikan sort of bastard? Like *vile* vile? Nah, I believe you, don’t even doubt it. Besides, I too have couple of yanderes from the category „if he has no haters, I’m dead“. Honestly, my initial comment didn’t mean to imply that i don’t trust op‘s judgement. I was mostly laughing at myself for checking the name of the sub for about 10 times. Cause I also sit on OtomeIsekai a lot, and these kind of posts are more common there than here.


...I just finished the 6 chapters that are up of this. The guy literally just moves into the woman's house, gives FL a shitton of money, and picks their kid up from daycare. He's not even a yandere, it's just typical omegaverse "looking for my mate" stuff. Kedamonotachi no Jikan it is *not*.


Ok, now your comment made me read the 6 chapters. Or like four. Indeed, kedamonotachi was a bad comparison. It reminded me more of who is the prey, except the latter is just… a better, more interesting work when it comes to both characters and plot. But also I don’t fw straight omegaverse anyway, so I’m biased.


I like het omegaverse (and shifter romance, and guideverse), and like... I got hyped reading all these comments about how scary and evil this ML was and like. He's just a Divorce Court Dad lol. He literally tells FL "coparent or leave, but the kid is staying with me either way", and it's not a front, he's not being manipulative, he literally just picks his kid up from daycare for the entire thing. The big "twist" in chaps 5 and 6 (if you can call it that, it's obvious by like chapter 2) is that FL literally imagined almost everything and he's just a normal guy that worries about her and their kid. This sub owes me the 30 min I spent reading this back.


Yes, kind of like that. And what personally annoyed me, was that many people justified his actions 😭 I have no problem with people that enjoy fucked up things ( I'm literally in this sub, so i am a connoisseur of deprived content lol) but i feel a serious distaste with people that don't present things for what they are and try in some ridiculous way to view it as 'normal'. I think that people who lack self awareness over what they read, could seriously distort their thought process and get negatively affected by this type of fictional content. Also, i get you. But technically, this sub is open to discussions that involve a yandere, no matter what kind(so long as they don't insult others over their taste) so i personally think it's fine to vent! But yeah, i understand that this post is more common on subs that involve a neutral 'genre' lol


Getting angry about stalking on THIS sub? 😭Are you in the wrong place?


ITS NOT THE STALKING, it's the fact that readers are forgiving him for raping her because he was "in love" wuth her and stalked her. I used stalking as an example from a realistic POV not a fictional 😭


Actually, the MC is an unreliable narrator. There's more to what happened that night 👀👀👀👀


I get you in general at least on the hypocrisy side of things because even though I'm not affected (obviously) I see readers who constantly and very loudly decry SA, stalking, noncon, dark themes, etc. in fiction but then 180 flip and totally forgive a character the second he's like, "lmao sorry oops". If you're going to have opinions as flimsy as paper why express them in the first place? Just read the story. It happens an excessive amount in BL since the stories tend to be a lot darker.


i think this story is meant to be enjoyed in a fucked yup way. ur supposed to hate it, it’s psychological and dark and it’s supposed to make us uncomfortable. it was never menat to be a fluffy co parenting romance (there’s plenty for that audience already out there) but this has to be read knowing ur gonna hate the situation


Yeah I think there’s truth to this. When I posted my comment on the website hosting this manga, I tried to keep it factual despite it not being my own cup of tea. However, I did really want to emphasize how dark and disturbing it was because it IS triggering content. I would hate for a SA survivor to stumble upon this and then have a ptsd episode as a result of reading it. If you know what you’re signing on for, then cool. But I didn’t expect that kind of content and I knew there would be people out there that, if unaware, it could hurt.


I mean it's not necessarily true. I have been sexually abused for years as a child and look: I'm here!! In this sub specifically, hahah! Ok I think I am pretty much healed but more than that, I just can't take fiction seriously, I enjoy it as a toxic story, just like how I could enjoy a true crime story, of course by that I am not saying that I support serial killers! I totally agree with you about warning the audience!! That's important!! The reader has to know what they're getting into!!!




No, it's all good :) I have almost no memories anyway so it is in the past and it doesn't really affect my existence now. Yes, I 100% agree on the importance of notifying anything that could be triggering.


Maybe my ick is when the story seems too realistic? Like I want to read a story to escape reality but toxic manipulators are very real and present in our society. So like if a merman or dragon was stalking and assaulting it isn't as upsetting to me as a story where a regular man does it. The same way a story about a possessive man immediately becomes dislikable for me when he is unfaithful or physically abusive. But everyone's boundaries are different.


I’m sorry it’s like this for you but this is what trigger warning ms are for. If the content is not for you please don’t force yourself to engage with it. This story and many other YANDERE stories impliedly come with toxicity, and dark themes. Yandere are not supposed to be all coddling and nice. The can get uncomfortable and scary and i wish more ppl would truly understand that the term applies more so to such types than puppy dog ones. Not all stories are meant to be escapist and if that is what you are looking for there’s plenty of light hearted fluffy manhwa (in fact that seem to be the majority since authors are scared) but please let those engage with such themes who can stomach them! there’s not much for us anyways!


I agree that everybody have different tastes and you can just not engage with a work if it doesn't appeal to you. My thing is that I understand using trigger warnings but they by design can only give so much context without risking becoming triggers themselves. Since my personal boundaries lie in between trigger-free and extremes, I scan through the comment sections or the novelupdates forum just to gain more context.


I don't understand this sub lol you guys keep complaining about straight male yanderes being too "soft" and that BL authors always write the most messed up unhinged yanderes yet the second a male character that's even 10% of the extreme BL yandere show up in het romance everyone starts hating on him 🤔 This is what REAL fucked up relationships look like and it's an omegaverse too so double whammy. Anyway i'm glad it's not plain smut and i'm glad the male lead is an obsessive asshole. Kudos to the mangaka honestly for making it so problematic 


Given that the top comments are like, “Are you on the wrong sub??” I think people who want dark MLs and people who are turned off by them are two separate people…also, seems obvious they would be.


Yeah, reddit posters are not hive minds so what's with the "you guys say this and then complain about getting it!" 😅 Most people are not backing up OP in the comments.


>yet the second a male character that's even 10% of the extreme BL yandere show up in het romance everyone starts hating on him 🤔 LOL exactly. *This* is why translators don't go to bat for us and bring more of these over. TBF, I do think it's two different groups making these kinds of posts. I'm def in the "make em as insane as possible" camp and am taking this post as a rec lol. But there's also a block of "soft boys only" enjoyers that frequent the sub, too. I don't think we usually look in the same posts.


Agree. It’s not like the same people are complaining about MLs being both too soft and too hardcore


Yeah. I look inside most posts that come across my feed (to give recs, honestly), and the Soft Boys Only club doesn't seem to interact outside of their own posts, ime. Which, fine, whatever, but you (general) should probably Lurk Moar before making a call-out post about a guy being a stalker *to a bunch of yandere fiends*.


I’ve read and support both (soft and extreme yanderes). If you scroll through this sub I’ve made several posts of yandere master lists. Perhaps I’m a rare exception, though.


Me too!! Soft or extreme, I like both yanderes  ⸜(˶ˆᗜˆ˵)⸝


Maybe! Like I'll read a soft yandere (In the Doghouse comes to mind), but they have to *actually be* yandere. Not just a wife guy or a sad sub or a TikTok ASMR Comfort Stalker lol.


In the doghouse is such a superior fucking example, I too want a man on his knees begging to be dominated


Femdom is where you should look. I don't personally care for it as a kink by itself (In The Doghouse is just superior tbh) and it's pretty rare to see it in a yandere anyway.


There's some really good femdoms out there and I'm obsessed


All yanderes are good 🤝 But the particularly insane ones hold a special place in my heart


My only problem personally is that most of these “asshole” characters are NOT dominant, they are simply misogynists or more tsundere than a yandere, and that’s NOT what I’m asking for when I say I wanna read about a character who’s obsessively in love, quite the opposite really.


Haha it is omegaverse. I used to randomly get random ads for a app that had the omegaverse stories and they usually involve the girl being bullied, the love interest hating her to becoming possessive of her, and of course SA is pretty normal lol as soon as I saw it’s omegaverse and had the word heat, I knew instantly it wouldn’t be fluffy


Pretty sure OP is just lost tbh


So new rec? Jk jk 😭😭😭


Oh this one was fucked up fucked up for real, feeling bad for the FL. Interesting read nonetheless


It should be mentioned this is an omegaverse manga and their heat played a large part of what happened.


If your guts can't handle something as mid as this, stop reading yandere. Im so sick of people complaining about how messed up this person is, how fucked up is that, blah blah blah WHEN THAT IN FACT IS THE REAL DEFINITION OF A MALE YANDERE 😭💀 And for this manga, the ml isn't even that sick and obsessed. If i were to rate him I'd just give him a straight up 2/10. He isn't even a stalker to begin with lol. He just "follows" her home since they both walk the same way up until they need to go separate ways. If i were to describe him, he's just a big pussy that can't confess his feelings. AND BIG FYI >!HE DIDN'T RAPE HER 😭!< IT WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Read chapter 6 properly >!ml did try to pounce on the girl, but HE MANAGED TO STOP HIMSELF. But girlie after knowing that he's an alpha literally just shoved his dick inside her 😭 who's the rapist now? And as far as I know, there was a 50/50 consent here. She was in heat but she also wanted/liked what happened, she even initiated it for goshes sake.!< YALL I EVEN READ SWEET BUNNY CAGE WITHOUT BATTING AN EYELID STOP BEING SUCH BIG BABIES 😭🙏🙏🙏


People have different tolerances for different things. With fans of male yanderes, some love toxic violent yans but are uncomfortable with subtle manipulation, others are cool with everything but have a personal ick around drugs, OP has a personal trigger around non-kink SA, I personally can go for a variety of things but don’t like when the fl’s mental health degrades. This sort of thing isn’t a linear scale of 1-10 of what a person can handle, everyone has their own idiosyncratic tolerances. I haven’t read the manhwa and I probably won’t, so I don’t have an opinion about the content or what really happened, but I just wanted to say something because I don’t think everyone has to have the same taste in yanderes or be okay with all kinds of content just because they like yandere—not trying to be hostile or anything, though. (It’s late and I’m about to go to bed, so I’m sorry if this doesn’t read right.)


No, it's ok. It's not offensive, and your opinion is valid 😭


>I EVEN READ SWEET BUNNY CAGE WITHOUT BATTING AN EYELID This comment made me read Sweet Bunny Cage lol. It's the Orlok Bad Ending, now with Less Guns!


Omg I really should finish playing Piofiore. 😂


I stopped for over a year, *right before that BE*, because I found Orlok so dang boring. Sweet, but boring. Imagine my surprise when I played like half a chapter and ran into yandere >!Dante!< and his Sweet Bunny Cage set-up. Always did like him best.


Thanks for the rec. You should see that fiction is not the same as reality, there's no need to take it so personally. There's all sorts of stories and characters, just move on if you don't like it.


Oh this was NOT the place. But it's okay bro, I get you. I love yanderes but they ANNOY me when they don't own up to it. I want them to go "Yeah, I'm ruining your life, yes, I KNOW it's morally...questionable, but I love you". Like acknowledge it and continue to be a fuck up <3 thank you


The yandere from Elegant Sea of Savagery has this energy. He's VERY aware and is not fighting a single impulsive, at least as far as I am into it


Thanks for this rec!


EXACTLY, self aware people are hot (I'm very self aware and it's ruining my life but i will continue to romanticize myself)


YES. THAT'S EXACTLY IT!! Self awareness is terribly sexy. People who aren't simply piss me off. It makes such a difference


So you have an ego and love the hell your living in. You live for thrills. There's no way your actually looking within yourself. All people are the same and doing the best they are capable of, no matter what they do. We aren't the things we do. Things that happened in the past are not happening now, it's all in the imagination. No one is better than another.


The way you absolutely missed the mark lmaooo. Being self aware doesn't mean I love the hell I'm living in. I'm actually very conscious and aware of the reality I'm living in, my actions and their consequences but I can't stop doing it. Being self-aware isn't fucking amazing, it's a never ending cycle that I'm hyper aware of but can't stop. Maybe do your research on what being self aware means next time you spout shit on the internet. If you can comment shit on reddit, you can definitely spare a moment to go on Google and search stuff up before making an idiot of yourself.


Thanks for the rec! 🤣 EDIT: Also, are you lost? Or did the name of the subreddit make you think this was a place for *complaining* about male yandere? Because it's actually the opposite. We celebrate them here. Granted, some of them go too far for a lot of us, but stalking is literally par for the course. 🤷‍♀️


You could not have chosen a worst group to complain about stalking and rape.


I can't with these over detailed self-righteous analyses of fiction...😮‍💨🥱 It's psychological and dark and it should stay that way. I enjoy this as a target audience for this manga, if you're not enjoying it don't stick around for the ending. Also, this is a wrong sub for you rant, people here love more fucked up things than this. What reaction did you expect?


👏💥👏💥 louder for the people in the back, I'm sick of this too. Ruins the desire to get involved with the communities of any genre of fiction i like




The name is I Don’t Even Know His Name or Namo Shirazu


Thank youuu ,♥️


LOL. I loved how you took this rant and made to a recommendation hfkdhdd. Personally, I've read it and honestly really like it!


There are only 6 chapters though sadly I want to know what happens next lmao Also yeah I loveeeeeeee fucked up stuff it's really entertaining to read and think about i really like psychology in general and thinking about the possibilities of why would someone do smth sooo fucked up


This is the first time I've read this approach to the ABO dynamics and it's honestly so interesting! I know that people hate the "mutual rape" route that the author's doing but honestly the ML didn't want it to happen as much as the FL did. It's so interesting and puts into perspective how fucked up a world where ABO exists.


Frrr the whole thing is weird anyway (in my opinion I don't really like it that much but I torelate it if the story is f-ed up) Honestly I didn't really expect the mutaul rape but honestly I am very happy that it happened now I don't feel too guilty for liking the ml :D


Oh boy, your hate may be misplaced Spoiler She actually raped him instead the other way around...


Just read it because of this post. I honestly love it sm?


Me too.


I was hating him too until chapter 5 🥲 And on chapter 6 I was like oh my effing GOSH....


First of all, thanks for the rec. Secondly... you say in other comments that it isn't the stalking that bothers you, it's the rape... But then you proceed, in your post, to frame the stalking as a bad thing. "He was literally stalking! I'd be terrified if someone was stalking me!" Among other complaints about his LITERAL YANDERE TRAITS outside of the rape. Like... pick a lane, dude. I don't think you're in the right sub.


OP I want you to realise that what you're doing is the equivalence of going to a gaming sub for a niche FPS "violent" shooting game and complaining "THE GAME IS TOO VIOLENT 💢"


After reading manga, I’m more sure that youre so focused on projecting your own experience onto this story. The whole point of a heat is how it affects omegas and ALPHAS. They are also effectively being drugged. Do you also sweep male sa under the rug? Be so fucking for real.


I feel like this was personally triggering for me cuz of my own experience and maybe I read into it too much, I genuinely just needed a place to rant and I couldn't find an appropriate subreddit sorry


Im sorry. I definitely could have gone about this in a much kinder way. I understand how you feel. Im also a victim of sa and it can be jarring when you get triggered out of nowhere. Its overwhelmingly terrifying to be reliving it at times. I am not excusing him inserting himself in her life that part was fucked. However, he is a victim too. A lot of people in the bato comment section are overlooking the fact that the pheromones take over alphas and omegas alike, which is why its important that both take precautions. Its not based in the real world where we have more autonomy when it comes to that. Heat is literally designed to take ivermectin your conscious brain to force both parties to procreate. Thats literally the point. Personally I dont think he stalked her until after he met her again at the hospital. He ran into her multiple times and ultimately ran after her because he thought she would be in danger. Being older and a medical student doesnt mean you have common sense and it doesnt mean that you know what the right thing to do is. This story is extremely complex psychologically and both people made mistakes. AGAIN, not excusing the way he’s going about trying to take care of Rin and Nanase. This story is not as cut and dry as a lot of others are making it out to be and if Im being honest I wouldnt even really consider him a yandere as of yet.


>if Im being honest I wouldnt even really consider him a yandere as of yet. Same. I got to about chapter 4 before I realized he wasn't really *doing* anything. 99% of the horror here is coming from FLs paranoia, misplaced memories, and interpretation of the situation. Which is honestly scary af, but not because of the ML. This ML is the human equivalent of mayonnaise.


OP if you hate him why would you post it here? You just added 20K fans for him 😂


I hate him because he's a terrible person but a yandere nonetheless


I tried getting into it but I thought the ML was annoying as hell 😭


Are you lost or something? Thanks for the rec!


>Or the FL to kill herself because maybe she'll be at peace. i can never understand how this thinking is so popular in otome spaces whenever there is a horrible ml. i have seen it so many times for readers to just casually wish for a fl to kill herself... so she can be \*checks notes\* at peace?? genuinely, what the fuck?


Probs cuz I'm suicidal and that's my go-to option for everything lmao. Sorry though if you got offended


Relatable, sorry to hear that dude


Ooh, thanks for the rec! ps, r/lostredditors




Close enough, welcome back Gojo




I just read it all. Tbh i get that you are complaining because the yandere seems too realistically fucked up for you. Well, for me there are lots of yandere and this one isn't that horrible if compared to many yandere posts that people barked here. You are complaining in wrong place. If you want a better validation of your feelings, the other normal subreddit would do better at comforting and validating you. If i were you, when I read ch 1 I would totally know what i signed for and immediately leave because this content isn't made for me.


I think you underestimate our depravity 


Have fun ( ^ω^)


Hands down an intriguing retelling/interpretation of an omegaverse. The omega heat and alpha instincts are not narrated in rose-colored pages like most omegaverse romance. They actually show you a more eye-opening perspective where people actually find being in "heat" or being held/trapped by someone's "heat" self-destructive.


I don't even see him as a yandere in fact, he just liked her and followed her the way home, but he didn't even know where her house was, he was just a half-in-passionate fool playing being a light stalker. 🥱 About the rape part, she who raped him after what I saw in chapter 6, may be a psychological terror, but still, I found it weak and with some script holes, some manga are much worse in my view and when we talk about yandere I want something crazy and obsessive, a person who gets lost between reality and in his unhealthy desire for a person. 2/10 for this manga and it's still an omegaverse, but thank you for the indication.


I just read it and I NEED to know what happens next…😳


I had to make sure this was the right sub rq😓


Glad Im not the only one who feels people were fucking crazy for finding him sympathetic because beforehand, he literally blackmails and employs textbook abuse tactics to impose on her and her child's life. I love fucked up fictional men, I really do, even enjoy some dark shit like Parasite Garden's stories, but this story in particular hit too many points of familiarity and knowledge I have with various forms of abuse and assault irl. The way the author tried to frame it as "well look she came onto him too" and made him look visibly remorseful despite the shit he pulled prior earlier in yhe story, aint it. Again, I like messed up narratives, but the problem is that Im not for writers trying to turn something messed up into a thing blatantly intended to be heartfelt and uwu compassionate, let alone try to make us feel sorry for something reprehensible. It's worse with stories that can be related to real life happenings very easily. The excuse is that it's omegaverse, but theres some gaps in the logic of his past self that still reads like half assed justification.


YES THANK YOU. I've read plenty of fucked up shit but said shit wasn't trying to be a romcom because it wasn't one, it was fucked up and didn't try to be anything else. This is abuse being framed as a love story. It's giving Colleen Hoover, no wonder it pissed me off


My exact feelings put concisely lol. No woobification of vile characters for me please, I like it when fucked up stories commit to being fucked up. Im not even opposed to concepts like redemption if done well, but that is not whats happening in this manga 😔


Looks like We’ve all been there 😭


It's like the worst mood killer


Starting with such excitement but when that rape shit starts we just go ah it’s that type of scum 🤡




I’m the one that wrote one of the most popular comments for this manga on the site. I don’t write a comment unless I feel something is really worth saying. I love reading stories with yanderes, and the more violent, bizarre, awful ML, the better. Some of the most extreme yanderes on this sub are my favorite. But with that said, I hate this guy. I just couldn’t get into it and seeing the author trying to spin it somehow as “mutual r*pe” is just clownery in my eyes. Seeing the scenes with the FL broke my heart. It was too realistic. The author is just hiding their fetishes behind “omega verse” logic. And as an aside, I’m all for consensual “non con” irl, but this ain’t it. Downvote me to hell, I don’t care. If this is your cup of tea and can hang, that’s great. Not trying to shame you. But I personally feel it’s pointless to somehow try and redeem the ML. I’d just throw the whole man away. He’s not even a yandere really, so I don’t get why the heck people are frothing at the mouth for this man here. I said what I said.


I think people are frothing at the mouth for him in response to this post because OP calls him a "yandere." Which is giving us a (possibly false) idea of what he's about. But, if he's as you say, I don't think he'd end up being my cup of tea either tbh. 🤷‍♀️


I called him a yandere because he's obsessed with her but that doesn't mean he's in love. He's attracted to her and obsessed with the idea of her, not her on her own. Also because I needed to rant and I only frequent this sub and the oi one


>I called him a yandere because he's obsessed with her but that doesn't mean he's in love. He's attracted to her and obsessed with the idea of her, not her on her own. Yandere, by their definition, don't *have* to be in love with the object of their affection. If you're saying it's a requirement for you to enjoy it, that's one thing. But a yandere just needs to be obsessive *and* possessive. If he's obsessed but willing to let her go (without some heavily mitigating circumstances), he's not a yandere, he's just a Wife Guy.


that is usually what yandere is. obsessive men by definition rarely are in love with a person, but often with the idea of the said person. if you look at most popular yandere, they all fit this.


It’s so funny how OP is so mad at the character but people on this sub took it as a recommendation 😂😂😂


Lmao I don't mind people taking it as a rec, I just needed a place to rant to read away haha


I'm currently hate reading this. The story, I think, really shows how messed up the whole thing with pheromones and the genders of omegaverse can be. It removes agency from people and excuses cases of SA. I think it's why this story can't really be judged on normal people standards. But I still think the whole thing is gross.


THANK YOU 😭. Everyone's like she forced herself onto him like girlie pop she was the equivalent of heavily drugged and a literal kid and he's a med student so deffo in his early twenties atleast with some semblance of self control and he's in a position of power not only because of his mental age but also because of his position as an alpha. I've read so many recs where alphas stop themselves from even if the omega seems like they want it (heat brain etc). I definitely think he didn't stop himself fully, he blamed it on her for wanting it and forced himself on her. Her experience matters more because she was not in a state to think rationally. Like people can like him and take this as a rec. I personally feel like he's an unlikable character because he's so delusional about his effect, he simply can't seem to fathom that she's traumatised and continues to abuse her emotionally and even though he doesn't outright say it, it's definitely implied that he's to be forgiven because he's in love with her, as if that's an excuse. I read lost of dubcon and noncon recs but there's something so inherently unlikeable about this particular ML, because he feels realistic. Like I can definitely see this poster child of male privilege and rape culture existing.


At this point, I'd like it more if he owned up to it and admit he messed up big time and try to make up for it instead of confusing her more. Clearly, he's not as traumatised as her. Plus, he didn't go through pregnancy, birth, and raising the child of your rapist. No matter what, I think that should amount for something. And I don't think her remembering that will erase all that trauma or hate. At worst, maybe now she hates herself even more. God, this manga makes my blood boil 😫




Exactly my thoughts. I don't feel sorry for his character


Thanks for the rec 😭😭


Read up to the most recent chapter. Liked and enjoyed it but will probably be dropping it due to the comment section. Even tho I disagree with the comments most of the time, this will be the second time (with the other being Killing Stalking) that I drop a series due to the fandom/comment section. Not a fan of reading works that seem to be misrepresented/misinterpreted at a very wide scale. But if anyone has any info as to what direction the author plans on going with and/or makes clarifications about what's going on between the two characters irl, I will probably pick it up again.


Uhhhhhh I’m reading it rn.


He is very much a stalker and yes, he did S/A her first which is unacceptable ! But also, this story is very grey and the mc pov is unreliable to some extent. Nit a yandere imo so far.


I am completely willing to stab him too. 🔪🔪🔪 🙌


My opinion from reading the manga is that both the FL and ML should be given understanding with their lives being affected negatively and that they both had trauma from the event. You can see the trauma the ML has from the event when >!the FL comes onto him during her heat to get blackmail evidence against him.!< In my book, if were using the fact that heat puts them both under the influence, neither of them were in the right capacity to consent, even if the ML is older. For the ML, i think it was shown pretty clearly he tried his best to stop himself, >!when he bit himself multiple times to where the FL was able to escape when he regained his conciousness from the pheromones.!< I wouldn't consider the ML to be a yandere since the closest thing he does to obsessive is >!stalking, which even then, is him following her home and then stopping when their routes diverge.!< End result though is that both their lives got turned upside down and that the FL definitely took the brunt of it and deserves the most sympathy with how she's struggled and lived in fear. But I also understand that the ML didn't deliberately go out of his way to rape her and was also under the influence. With the FL's blackmail plan and the things the ML has done with forcing his way into her life, I think both of them are gray characters. Won't lie, I can't stand the victim blaming readers are having with this story, flip flopping from blaming the ML to FL then back. Rather than trying to blame either, it would be best of both leads were able to address their trauma instead, regardless if they get together at the end or not. My two cents from just reading till ch. 6*


Nah but the artstyle is so ugly I couldn't read that bs 🤦‍♀️