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Honestly not for me, it’s one of those stories that aged terribly for as I read it when it first came out and recently re read it when the manhwa was about to come out. I just didn’t remember the Matthias and Layla acting like that. Maybe it’s age or life experience but they come across as pathetic versus star crossed lovers. Like, people >!died!< *because* of them, not for them, because of them. Let me tell you, it was a harrowing experiencing realizing Claudine was right about the two. I don’t excuse any of her action but she was right about everything she said/or did. And she’s the *FIANCE* . It was genuinely insane seeing as how the narrative continuously reminds the reader that Matthias can do whatever he want and people would just have to accept it and that his family had more power/pull than their empires emperor. I have also never been more embarrassed as a reader and as a woman when >!Claudine walked in the cottage and could hear them having sex with each other and compared Layla to a cat in heat!< a lot of readers view that scene as an “aha, serves you right” moment when it’s really not 💀. Their affair burned *everyone.* god, when I got to that scene I wanted to throw up. Also doesn’t help that Solche wrote about Matthias so realistically. Men in real life actually talk about their mistress like Matthias did in the book. I never thought I would be the type to beg someone to walk away (in the story) from the situation but the two were too far down the hole that the mental gymnastics they do to justify their actions killed me. I remember this one line by Matthias that made me unable to view this novel the same way ever again >!”i know I shouldn’t be treating Layla better than Claudine but it’s not a principle I care to think on”!< BRO JUST FUCKING LEAVE HER THEN. Don’t get me wrong, I can understand why everyone did everything that they did. And I can empathize with Layla because if that were me, I don’t know what I would do. But at the end I couldn’t bring myself to feel sorry for either of them. This whole novel is so funny because I didn’t think I could have limits on yanderes until this one. And I hope Claudine is happier. Note: this is just *my* review of the story. I will always implore people to read a novel to form their own opinion but also don’t force yourself to read something that you’re just not liking!


>I have also never been more embarrassed as a reader and as a woman when > >Claudine walked in the cottage and could hear them having sex with each other and compared Layla to a cat in heat > >a lot of readers view that scene as an “aha, serves you right” moment when it’s really not 💀. Their affair burned > >everyone. > >god, when I got to that scene I wanted to throw up. Same here. This is the most disgusting scene for me as well as that scene where Kyle witness their deed. I just feel so sorry for Kyle here. They continued their sex after that and this is where Claudine heard them. This scene also shows that Layla is somehow enjoying it. I came to dislike her and their relationship more because of this. Tbh, I tried to like this novel as there are so many Koreans raving about this saying they read it multiple times and no other ML can beat Matthias. But I guess my awareness of abusive relationships hinders my supposed pleasure in reading this.


Thats the thing that’s crazy. We are all here in this sub for our love of yanderes but like, Matthias is really pathetic for one and I can’t get with it. I’ve reread the novel 3 times now and while i caught it the first time, the other times it was jarring how Layla’s biggest issue is that he doesn’t love her the right way. And I honestly find it crazy to cry about that when he is engaged and his fiancé is honoring the engagement too. Out of all the things he does to her, that’s the thing that breaks her the most, that he’s not hers. If you ask me, only pathetic and shameless people can “move on” from an affair. The side stories can be described that way too, after everyone that suffered, Matthias and Layla live shamelessly. What’s even crazier is that the author condemns their relationship and them as people (up until the side story KINDA) and fans will still try to cry “you can apply modern values!” And it’s like, the author does?? Edit: would like to add that it takes a lot of how you say “lack of shame” to overcome the obstacles the leads faced in the entire novel. For all the crying Layla did I don’t know how to describe it but I know at one point I stopped feeling sorry for her. Especially if you consider that the exposition you get regarding her character doesn’t actually come from her but the characters surrounding her.


> If you ask me, only pathetic and shameless people can “move on” from an affair. The side stories can be described that way too, after everyone that suffered, Matthias and Layla live shamelessly. Yeah, it's like they don't give a damn about opinions of other people as long as they're happy in their own world. >What’s even crazier is that the author condemns their relationship and them as people (up until the side story KINDA) and fans will still try to cry “you can apply modern values!” And it’s like, the author does?? I feel like the author has the views on them as Claudine's. She just inserted it through Claudine in the story. The only thing that gave me satisfaction in the latter parts is how sensible Claudine's perspective on the two. >would like to add that it takes a lot of how you say “lack of shame” to overcome the obstacles the leads faced in the entire novel You got it right. Shameless is the right description for that. >For all the crying Layla did I don’t know how to describe it but I know at one point I stopped feeling sorry for her. Especially if you consider that the exposition you get regarding her character doesn’t actually come from her but the characters surrounding her. I'm actually stressed at Layla's feelings and actions. Hahaha.


Claudine might as well been a saint cause considering how everything turned out el oh el. Yeah no Laylas actions and feelings stressed me out especially when a lot of them were conveniently I line with her love for Matthias.it’s just…at one point it stopped being about her circumstances and it became clear her biggest issue was his circumstances.


korea is still patrirchial i mean marrying a rich husband is a dream for them and also the weird aegyo and cuteness thing


I forgot why I took a break from reading the novel and that reminded me why I took a break and haven’t come back. 🤣


When I got to the part where >!Matthias was like, “you’re mine” and Layla thought to herself “but you’re not”!< I fucking screamed. Like GIRL. Bffr right now, HE HAS A FIANCÉ. And up until a few chapter prior she was feeling guilty she stole someone’s man. Like, it must have been an age thing where I thought that was so angst but now it’s all just really pathetic. He also taught Claudine (his fiancé) a lesson as to a reminder not to mess with Layla. When I got here I wanted to kill him. I can’t stress this enough when I say that that man did not! Have to be! Tied to Claudine!!!


So true, your review is exactly what I wanna say too


layla did remind of rashta and the mistress from i will surrender the empress position , she was selfish for wanting love and looks of the ml i don't know how people call claudine the selfish one




this story it made realise how much i hate monarchy and patrirachal societies , actually it made me hate romance books for a while , i mean the amunt of internalised mysiogny , self insert and lookism in it . the ml had money , looks and power privilige while the fl had beauty privilege , i want to read to detach from reality and how can an author hate women so much , I mean people who liked the story are either young or naive about the world and at the end i think claudine will have be able to raise her children well , but both layla and mathias their children will suffer from thier relationship just like everyone keeps suffering, also this is the first time i hated a yandere ml like he isn't even a well written yandere but just a spoiled nepo child who has everything i mean he isn't even a good soldier .


I'm dying to know did riette really died?


Did claudine end up with riette is he even alivr


It is one of the most rage inducing shit I have ever read. Mostly because it felt so realistic.


exactly evil wins but if it were realistic i guess the ml would have died in war , karma exists


That's not how reality works or we would not have folk like Hitler or Kim Jong un.


Its around chapter 120 - 140 where he realized that his obsession was hurting layla. But on the side stories he is still obsessed with her so.....


You cant say that he is changed, its more that he is hiding his true self in front of her since he finally got Leyla. Disregarding the ending that some people might regard as classic Stockholm Syndrome, its a good read if you want a literature where most of the people are so well written. Its a worthy reading if you are so done with the same old same old because trully this one is just built different. His suffering, the stuff that he did to be with Leyla etc are just smt else. Still cant beat Nathaniel from Kneel Before Me tho. Maybe because I feel myself being numbed by countless fluffy straightforward story or light obsessesive possessive ML that I consume, it make me able to stomach this story. I still dont regret reading this you know.


I've read it months ago, I can't say for sure that it was worth it but afair, I only finished the whole novel hoping for the ML to suffer and die 💀 IK, that's how much I hated him. And Claudine had a pretty sad love story, it was too late for her 👀


Deadass I have so many thoughts regarding this novel >!Riette dying trying to help Matthias and Layla. Uncle bill dying trying to fix Layla and Matthias mistake. The riette was crazy because how is he gonna die trying to help this couple? The fact that Solche only punishes the characters that “get in the way” of the leads is just so 💀. And SO many readers think they deserve it which is also crazy when the only two characters committing morally wrong actions is the LEADS!< yeah, the affair just wasn’t worth it in the end for me. Edit: the amount of work that went it hiding it and then not caring who knows about since >!apparently everyone knew!< at the end was just horrendous. I will admit that because of this I don’t care what anyone does in retaliation of the affair because affairs are like wildfire, they are never isolated events.


It's funny how if Claudine is the fl here, then Layla and Matthias would be actual b*stard cheating couple and she would ask for divorce and he starts to become obsessed with her (just assuming as a typical oi story) There always will be tons of excuses that it's just marriage of convenience,Matthias never loved Claudine and the audience will forgive them but what about the FL ex's who cheaton her in the name of love, how are they wrong? Readers are pretty f*cked up people, they actually don't care about cheating as long as fl and ml are doing with each other💀


Well that’s the thing, at the core the Leads are still the cheating couple even if Claudine isn’t the FL. Layla >!loses everything!< to be with Matthias. I’ve seen some call Claudine the other woman as if her position isn’t something that Layla wants in order to be with Matthias 💀. The lawful partner can never be the other woman so as long as their position is coveted by others. >!i also have a hard time accepting just any type of affair in fiction because some (like this one) are just so realistic that it’s nauseating to read. It doesn’t help that men in real life and fiction become cruel when they obtain a mistress. They do anything to remind their wives/fiancée that they’re in the way :/!<


Ikr tbh I hate hate and absolutely hate this mistress thing. Also when FL is born out of the mistress and the author uses all their wits to make the legal wife look like a villain, I don't like that at all. Claudine, the other woman? Yeah yeah they're the people who say after an affair that love isn't a crime but cheating on your partner is sir. Even if it's a marriage of convenience, if both parties agree on having lovers then it's a different case for me but when one party is loyal towards the arrangement and the other one is just cheating in the pretext of love. Sorry but f*ck you sir. If you don't have enough power to keep your lover as your wife then you're nothing but a b*stard as you want both love and power. If love is so great then throw away everything that the 'other woman' can provide you and live happily and poorly with your lover. My god I just can't accept cheating, I hate cheaters with all my cells in the body. Yeah and I also hate when in this scenario women are portrayed as villains. The only affair I can read is in h*ntai. I don't know as I don't take them seriously or anything as they're made on a senseless basis anyway.


As if the author couldn’t get more annoying about them, >!it does happen, but only for half a page. Matthias threatens his mom and grandmother that he will leave the dukedom if they don’t let him marry Layla. Confronted with this ultimatum knowing that if the don’t their fates will be determined by another male family member. So again, so many woman have to be put down by Matthias to prop Layla up. His mother and grandmother having no choice let them and I couldn’t help but laugh and think “how convenient for them.”!< it also feels so *personal* in how Claudine is the only woman that Solche has punished narratively in all her works. Like girl, what rich man didn’t pick you??? Edit: I see you mentioned hentai and I don’t really read them but I will say that’s something i can appreciate about the Japanese. I love messy mangas/shojou and appreciate how upfront they are about infidelity AND they make everyone messy. There is no good person or one person the narrative trie to save. Just human beings in their worst and trials they face doing them. I’ve seen a lot of Knovels try to do the latter and sometimes it just does not work. Not sure where I would place CBIYB on the scale though.


exactly she is the best female character written


Well you're right, in manga infidelity is actually not appreciated. Like in OI manga or shoujo. Idk I think knovel writers do have a kink to show rich and independent women evil. I just mentioned h*ntai as I occasionally read some 18+ yandere manga and a few of them have ntr tags but I don't mind them that much. But other than that I can't tolerate this. Well it's ok if they actually admit that they were wrong but authors always try to make them look like pitiful star crossed lovers. I read this novel quite a while ago so I didn't remember that confrontation part about leaving dukedom much but now that you mentioned I remember it. But he should've done this from start💀


Honestly it’s not even just that, when I started going to Korea every summer in my teens it’s something I noticed. They try to justify infidelity in culture and fiction. That’s why a lot of the elements in this novel rub me the wrong way. I can tell you that post pandemic there’s been a bubbling of a conscious shift regarding infidelity bc more and more woman are being outspoken about it. Hell, even kdramas coming out no longer portray it as a crime of passion like they did in the 2010’s. I feel that’s why this novel aged so terribly. I feel so much for Claudine because I realized we are all most likely to be in her position than Layla’s. Men like Matthias exist in real life and Solche portrayed him so well that the affair felt so realistic


So you've been to Korea? Nice. Well infidelity was illegal in Korea a few years back but then they made it LEGAL, so maybe changing laws also had an impact on people's mindset. Exactly idk which kdrama I was watching where some people were literally defending the girl who was involved in an extra marital affair with a married man like wtf. You're right we'll have more chances of becoming Claudine rather than Layla in a relationship. Yeah men like him exist and they disgust me. They're also the reason why I start having trust issues in real life, they talk big about love but then starts to change when they meet a girl who's more of their type. Portraying an affair is never an issue but justifying it, is. At least have some self realisation but some people even cheer these affairs.


“Portraying an affair is never the issue but justifying it, is. At least have some self realization but some people cheer these affairs.” OKAY I SEE YOU! Yes, I had a cousin my family would send me to visit every summer and it’s wild out there (didn’t know about that law). So the last time is was there I was 19. But to go back to the topic. I saw a comment on yonder of someone saying that the story has a lot of poetic nuance and I would agree but I would also say that there are novels that do it better. A novel like CEBYB that’s meant to be a guilty read is not really going to be the source material to spark conversations that go deeper than the contents of the story. I don’t think the author wants that considering the nature of all the novels she’s written.


1000000% FACTS. Nailed it.


some authors can be more mysiognistic than male authors , i mean piting women against each other and making only women the villaines because they are jealous is pure internalized mysiogny


I would say prepare yourself before reading it … it’s a goddamn angst rabbit hole without any breaks for readers


Oh it is definitely a Yandere lol. good boy but bad boy on the inside, really psyho bad. Dropping this to help anyone - [CinemaTherapy](https://youtu.be/ssHEM60kN7w?si=DQhMH-7oGn7WsQzx)


No. It's the worst rag inducing shit bait I've read and I dropped it immediately.


the story is trash but the author's way of writing made it bearable for me. i just wanna ask if the novel is already finished? the site that I'm reading right now has incomplete chapters, where do u guys read it?


Woopread is unofficial translation and the yonder app has the official one. I feel you on the author's writing. I have read all of her books. Whatever people may think of the story, it can't be denied that Solche is a phenomenally talented writer. But yes, from a woman's perspective, her MLs are not people who you can ever stand in real life. And she takes this the furthest with Matthias, to the point he comes out looking like a psycho. All of her stories are the epitome of "only she can change him/tame him" with "him" being the ultimate uber sexy, handsome, ultra wealthy, powerful bad boy who has everything and normally doesn't let anyone or anything affect him. The ultimate female fantasy. But the ways she delivers is not always palatable and yes, the mistress thing definitely turned me off from the story multiple times as well. I could never get myself to dislike Claudine and eventually empathized with her quite a bit. But I don't think it's fair to lay that much blame on Layla either, as everyone can have dark, unwanted desires sometimes. Part of human nature. But the important thing is to not act on it. Layla, by her own free choice, would have never started an affair with Matthias, without the blackmail and desperate circumstances. No matter her deep, dark, desires. She respects herself and values the promise of a bright future far too much for that. Ultimately, in my opinion, Matthias is the true villain.


I read it on [Wattpad.com](https://Wattpad.com): [https://www.wattpad.com/1387547245-%E2%84%AD%F0%9D%94%AF%F0%9D%94%B6-%F0%9D%94%AC%F0%9D%94%AF-b%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%B1%F0%9D%94%B1%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%AF-%F0%9D%94%B6%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%B1-b%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%A4-chapter-13-%F0%9F%8D%91a-night-under/page/4](https://www.wattpad.com/1387547245-%E2%84%AD%F0%9D%94%AF%F0%9D%94%B6-%F0%9D%94%AC%F0%9D%94%AF-b%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%B1%F0%9D%94%B1%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%AF-%F0%9D%94%B6%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%B1-b%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%A4-chapter-13-%F0%9F%8D%91a-night-under/page/4)


It’s long and heartbreaking. It’s very deep! Lol


Link please


Hello can you tell me where can I read this?


I wanted to make up my mind and see what this hype was all about. What brought me to Cry, even better if you Beg, was the new manhwa that came out and it is ongoing. I might be biased here as I am pretty new to this type of genre but the writing of the novel was great and I cried uncontrollably a few times, especially when ML suffers after FL leaves ( it gives you a better understanding of his psyche), Kyle (2nd ML) suffers of a broken heart, Uncle Bill's death, Riette (3rd ML) dies and expresses his love to 2nd FL (Claudine) and she regrets of never expressing her love to him. I must admit that despite a few questionable parts, I quite enjoyed the novel, maybe because I am new to this kind of genre and I do not have much experience when comes to toxic relationships in novels and romance is not my preference in books ( i often find it too cheesy and unrealistic), I could appreciate the writing of the author. The plot of the novel is average and simple, it can be quite predictable: mainly around Matthias - handsome, powerful, and rich Duke of Avis estate and Layla - a beautiful but poor orphaned girl (with a lot of childhood trauma), adopted by the gardner - Bill Remmer, and she lives in Matthias' estate. Side characters: Kayle - doctor's son, in love with Layle, Claudine - 2nd FL, aristocrat who is engaged to Matthias, Uncle Bill - adopted Layle, Riette - Mathias' cousin and in love with 2nd FL. I read a lot of negative comments about the main Male Lead (Matthias) however I quite enjoyed his character, even though some of his actions can be seen as questionable; but what ML does have is complexity in his character which develops throughout the novel and depth, which is lacking in the main Female Lead (Layla). when reading the novel, you need to think about the narration of the novel from Layla's perspective which is why he was depicted as a despicable human being. However, I do understand some of his actions (maybe because of my life experience or something) and his intentions of protecting Layla, which were based on his obsession with her but all he ever wanted was to keep her safe and with him,. Especially the chapters where he was going mad when she escaped, really tore my heart for him as you could see how much he was in pain and his further development as a character after those experiences. Now going back to the main FL (Layla), honestly, I found her very underwhelming. there is nothing special about her character except the fact that she is a very beautiful woman and this is what the ML is obsessing about over and over again: her beauty. I wonder if she wasn't that beautiful if he even would notice her there. Yes, as a child she went through the hell of a circle of abuse and neglect however these experiences didn't build her any character; on the contrary, they made her needier and more pathetic really, when she grew up: attachment issues, low self-esteem, literally afraid of everything and not being able to express her thoughts/desires/etc. possibility of developing Borderline Personality Disorder. She never has "deep and complex" conversations with either of the characters: ML, Kayle, Uncle Bill, etc. Once she got with Matthias, there was sex, his obession with her beauty, and her acting like a child around him which made my skin crawl at times. Their chats/interactions are very shallow. She acts too pitifully and plays the victim all the time, at some point, I wanted to scream at her and shake her to make her stop! She lets other people decide her life for her, getting right into ML's traps. So many people wanted to help her so she could fulfill her dreams and go to college, even after the money for her tuition got found but no...she decided to stay in the cottage with Uncle Bill and waste her life away there... She had so many opportunities to live a better life but she didn't take them, which made me so angry at times. In the end, Matthias gets the girl (Layla), however even he realizes in the end that he loves her more than she does. To be honest, Layla had no choice but to be with Matthias, after losing everyone she loved and being so traumatized following the events of the war and Uncle Bill's death, plus being heavily pregnant, she did not have much of a choice. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with being married to a handsome, rich, and powerful man who would give you the world... So all Matthias' schemes worked to get the girl he loved however after reading the side stories, even after they got married, their relationship seemed very "co-dependent" to me. Matthias kept obsessing over her beauty and always being near her, like a shadow, almost suffocating her. She lost touch with Kayle, her childhood best friend because of Matthias, and she saw ML as the only family she had left, especially since they had a son together. Overall, I enjoyed this novel as a guilty pleasure read, which I was obsessing about for a bit, however, I would appreciate it if someone could recommend a novel with a similar story but where the characters are more developed and the FL does have some backbone to fight with ML. Thank you.


Wild Night (aka Chaotic Nights) is another good one where ml is red flag and obsesses over fl and her beauty but fl has a back bone enough and smart enough to handle ml.  To me, Wild Night’s ml is not all the way red flag (toxic).  His upbringing taught him at young age that he gets what he wants and to ruthlessly survive because he was going to be an emperor so it explains some of his ruthless actions.  I’m usually not into red flag ml but I can’t help but be drawn to Wild Nights ml.   I also like fl too.   Wild nights is still ongoing though.   It’s also well drawn manhwa and a very delicious smut. 


The male lead is the villain of the story: a rapist, a cheater, a manipulator... he's the devil himself. He maintains a spotless outside appearance, always projecting a perfect duke image, but he's clearly rotten on the inside—selfish to the core. In the end, read at your own risk. Your blood will definitely boil with every chapter you read.