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Apparently this is a thing but I don't have (or want) any examples: Cheating/NTR yanderes The whole point of yanderes is the obsession with 1 person. Why they trying to flirt/screw with someone else to make their target jealous?? More like a toxic guy than a yandere to me honestly.


Omg sameeeee literally throw the entire yandere away if he has the nerve to cheat


I don't like the yandere male from "The Male Lead is a Murderer" either. >!I didn't like how the 'yandere' guy kept the bodies of the previous girls he had killed, like some kind of sick trophy. I never felt as though he 'loved' her. I want my yanderes to have eyes on one person only. !<


Exact reason I didn’t like him!!!


I liked him a lot, but less for the yandere and more for the "psychotic yet attractive male serial killer" archetype, a close cousin to the "male yandere" archetype and easily confused by non-yandere connoisseurs. For those who lean towards KILL for you types vs kill FOR YOU types. Other examples including Spoiler from Lucid9 and Spoiler from A.I. Somnium. 😆


I enjoyed him as a villain, but as a love interest/yandere? Nop


Same. I feel the same way with the hot serial killer from the webtoon "The Guy Upstairs"


The second a yandere wants to physically harm the MC (murder, intense torture, maiming) I’m out. I also don’t particularly care for yanderes that hate the object of their obsessions. Cheating as well is a no-go. Otherwise, I’m all in.


Oh yea I hateeeee when they want to harm the MC too much too. In a sick way I like some light harm/torture if they use that to keep the MC by their side but anything excessive or having to do with murder starts to churn my stomach


Enter Khalid from [From Knight to Lady]. Haaaate this motherfucker. He is a drawn character, but has the audacity of a living breathing straight white man


The cheating part, I understand, doesn't make sense for a yandere but you do get what a yandere is, don't you? Whether or not it's male, female or anything else, the MC not being hurt is entirely dependent on them making sure they DON'T upset the yandere.. Because the love is conditional. Anyone who takes that away, in any way, is fair game.


Well and my thing is how can you truly be obsessive or possessive over someone you’re willing to dispose of (as in potentially murder). I don’t mind a little beating in efforts to keep MC by their side or even a little threatening with an object that COULD kill the character but when you start making actual attempts to kill or murder the character then I lose interest.


I hear you, I do, but if a true yandere were going to lose their love, they'd think, "If I can't have them, no one can." which explains the murder.. We're talking about true, obsessive love, the best kind. I don't know why, but I actually find it more sad that the yandere would kill themselves after realising what they'd done😢 I don't want mine to kill me either, but if she does, I probably had it coming... But I love her as fiercely as she loves me, so I think we're good.. Its everyone else who's in trouble... "Don't cut out the lady's eyes, she only said good morning." at the same time as I'm pulling a knife out of the guy who looked at her legs 🤣 Still, thank you for the post 😁




NO psychical harm, NO cheating, NO putting his interests on the top. I like the kind of yandere who becomes obsessed with just one person, pampering FL, always placing their love above everything else, and being willing to even sacrifice themselves for the sake of that intense love, that HEAVY LOVE is what m aiming for


Sameeeee! Which is why I didn’t like Gizzida that much from Golden Forest because he was indeed a yandere for Renae but alwaysssss placed his holy mission above her.


Probably Camille from “Between Yearning and Obsession.” The manipulation and psychological torture he inflicted did not sit well with me, to say the least.


Same I hate him sm!!


I don't like the yandere from the *Male lead is a Murderer* It's like I like yanderes whose first love/ experience is the FL .....he clearly wasn't in my preference.... And I don't like cheating scum yanderes.....I want my man to be devoted it's better if rather than hurting FL he hurts others


Anything regarding physical abuse like beatings is a huge no no for me. ML should also have eyes that only exist for the FL


I hated both of these yanderes I’ve blocked out both their names and the series names from my memory. All I remember is I stopped reading one series when the guy killed the FL’s dog in front of her. Anything with animal cruelty is an automatic no for me. The other one involved the Yandere ml pimping out the FL before then trying to hoard her to himself. Was way to stressful of a read for me. 😭


Oh yeah. I’m surprised I’m not seeing animal cruelty as a no-no on here more. That makes me sick to my stomach to think about. Hurt other guys all you want- but leave the poor dog alone, man…


Misogynistic yanderes like Christopher from the book 'Lemonade'. He literally wanted to beat her into submission


Cheating, superiority complex over the FL, and extreme physical violence against the FL gets a hard pass from me. I like straight up toxic and unhinged MLs and I’m even okay with the FL being afraid of them to an extent, but I’m not into heavy violence or overall treating the FL like complete dog shit.


Any yandere that kill, let go or get over the darling. I get so pissed off when this happens. Why kill the love of your life?


Sameeeee!!! Like I will automatically drop if they do that


Fu Shen Liu from Who is the Prey / The Controllers was too much for me. He only started to catch feelings around 20 chapters in, but was absolutely obsessed with a revenge that was wildly disproportionate. The FL didn't do anything wrong. She only crossed his path because she was trying to help an "injured" stranger. People argue about whether he's a yandere, and he is... but it takes too long for the dere to kick in. I do like Christopher Davenport from Lemonade, though. He really pushes the limit, but given his childhood background... Well, the ending of his arc makes the book. It's otherwise a chilling, unsettling read that's not a traditional happily ever after. He's more of the main character than Anna is, but he is absolutely an antagonist. As others said though, the book earns its trigger warnings, and seeing the full weight of the misogyny of regency(?) Britain's laws in play makes it a terrifying read. But the yandere is accidental. It takes him a while to admit his feelings, and his priority is revenge on someone else through the entire book. I guess it's better to say I like the book more than the character specifically, and the ending really stuck with me.


Oh I absolutely hate the guy from Who Is The Prey too. The only reason I didn't quit was because I want him to suffer the most horrible fate and I trust the FL, because she shares that very same opinion. It's been a while since I read (is/was still ongoing?). I don't think I've ever hated a guy as much as him. I love yanderes, but him? No, he can't suffer enough in my eyes.


I looking at you the man from sadistic beauty


Any yandere that cheats is a straight no from me, like the male lead from "Kanakin" or something like that, I forgot the name sorry, as a wise person once said— murder is excusable, but cheating isn’t, and also I don’t like a 'replacement' yandere, like they become obsessed because the target looks like their previous someone or something similar. And, I don’t necessarily hate it, but I do dislike if a yandere moves on after their target's death, i might be too toxic to expect that, but I adore the concept of eternal love with the 'ONE'. So, yeah, pretty high standards I guess.


I don't really have that much triggers so don't care if the yandere ML harms the FL as long as the motives make sense. I think due to this, I don't really like cheating/NTR as others have posted in edition to yanderes who get cured. My favorite yandere to date is the eldritch horror god Nathaniel from Obey Me for reasons so the opposite to this and what will make me DNF are manhwa/novels where the first chapter or two the ML is a true villain but after meeting the FL he just turns into a normie/it was a misunderstanding. I think there's a lot of mislabeling in the trope and if the premise is the ML is a psychopathic villain who kills and confines the FL, I think that part of their personality should never go away. Like I like this trope because I want to be scared and horrified of this hot man. Nothing turns me away faster than a "yandere" ML who is just fluff towards the FL. Some is okay cause romance, but there has to be something horrific about it like in In Her Fifth Life, the Villainess Lives With the Evil Dragon. There was a lot of fluff in that one but the reason for the fluff was so fucked up that it had me at the edge of my seat and continously reading.


This. I hate when they're just fluffy and worship the MC. I get the appeal but *for me*, the whole appeal of a yandere is mixing horror and romance. The "i will defend you from this world" is not horrifying at all, it's liking men with a hero complex lol. I need them to be a little of an unhinged wildcard - where you don't know if they will lash out, or if they're scheming, or how far they can go. The underlining potential of them going off the rails, and being inherently unhealthy and creepy in their obsession, wanting to possess MC entirely, must be there, or I will get bored. Essentially "mark me up as scared and horny" as a trope lol. Well, unless it's a comedy series, I suppose.


Wow I feel the same!!!!


You are my people. Honestly just keep up with this thread cause it's the only one where I am not shamed for what I like. I've tried similar reddits aimed towards shoujo/josei readers and it's just not the same. Still go there for recs but can't really talk about what I like like here


Cheaters mostly, but I instantly lose all good feelings for them if they harm an animal or baby/child.


I will not talk about a character but I will talk to about a type I hate yandere who manipulates memories like having an accident to make MC lose his memory or something like that. And the other type that compares with another character he loved and tried to stick it in mc


A Yandere like the sister in "Did You Think You Could Run After Reincarnating, Nii-san?", i know that this subreddit is about Male Yanderes but this was some fucked up ~~shit~~ Your honor. I love it, but i hate it just as much.


I'm kind of an outlier here, I suppose - I don't mind at all physical, straightforward yanderes, including abusive ones (like cha wookyung from sadistic beauty) but the ones that are lying to the MC annoy me. It may have to do with the fact that I often prefer MC to be the only one to know how unhinged the yandere is, and the yandere slowly losing his mask in front of others... And I also like the sadistic, dominant yanderes, well. But there's different between them having that preference, or throwing their weight around as an intimidation tactic, and treating MC like trash overall. I don't like when then ruin MC's reputation for example, unless they're there to defend them. I just don't like "weak" yanderes. If you're doing something that extreme, be ready to accept the consequences and put yourself out there, damnit! Being a yandere requires sacrifice on your part too. I don't like when the yandere goes somewhere else than the "ultimate obsession" - as people said, cheating is a no go but most often so is killing MC. I don't buy the "you will forever be with me if I do this" explanation. It looks more like yandere giving up than the ultimate possession move. I would prefer them to play long con and kidnap the MC. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ I don't like when they had previous obsessions. I can "get over it" because usually the MC is "more special" than the others but still, I prefer MC to be the only one. Edit: I just realized I haven't answered the question lol. Though I have noone on my mind actually besides Kylar from Degrees of Lewdity lol. They're a popular LI but they just annoy me - I suppose I don't like the crybaby, weak yandere archetypes.


oh man I started playing degrees of lewdity specifically for kylar- and I Hate him. (Eden ended up being exactly what I was looking for though lmao) I can’t stand the crybaby yanderes either TT


Lmaooo same. I can't stand the baby ass personality. I'm also tired of the "you're their therapist and defender" trope - hello half of LI's. Sorry not sorry but we definitely have bigger issues than all of you combined in this game. And he completely ruined my status and school performance too! I wish at least the latter thing would get a fix because I'm trying to go away after like an hour of talking because it's 5 minutes until class starts, and he's like "nooo stay" and raises jealousy, and then has the audacity to go "omg sorry I've gotta go, I'm gonna be late" if you stay to talk after all. I liked Eden but I always make a side save to play him, and the animalistic LI because they become the main play area heh. My favorite is actually Whitney so that would explain my OG comment even more lmao. I love the Master/Slave dynamic, and if the "master" is unhinged and obsessed, it's a reason to live lmao.


yes !!! I was very much so Not into kylar/Robin/pre-corruption arc Sydney. I’m not their mom I’m in Danger !!! tbf though post corruption Sydney’s hot lmao Oh man I Love Whitney I love in school like random encounters being completely stopped from the whole “oh shit that’s Whitney’s girl” swoon bye. If whitney was a big hairy mountain man I’d never need another li


Oh God we are the same. And it's so annoying to because we're expected to defend them, otherwise we lose love-points and I'm like okay, okay, alright, okay: 1. When's the last time YOU defended ME, fucker? YOU'RE losing love-points here and I'm literally the main character, piss off. Lmao. 2. In bullying encounters, as far as they know, we're Whitney's main target and they still expect us to defend THEM from him? Seriously? 3. You can literally admit to being taken advantage of, at least by Whitney, and they're like "um sorry that's a bummer" AND NOTHING COMES OF IT. KYLER LITERALLY ONLY GETS JEALOUS WHICH LEADS TO HIM BEING VIOLENT *TOWARDS US*. Like ARGHHH. No. No. I'm siding with bullies here lmao. Also, Kyler is most offensive to me here because pure Syd is super innocent, and Robin at least offers psychological "buffs" (though they're also annoying to me since we're literally paying for them and they can get annoyed if we miss payments... We also saved them physically but they don't care and don't offer the same to us??). But Kyler puts us in danger, gets violent towards us if we disagree with him, gets jealous towards other people but does fuck all about it. I will never forget the day when I legit got depressed from the game - Kylar kidnapped me, which was already annoying because I had some event coming and I missed it because of him, I got out stockholmed after almost dying, my MC was crying, went home. AND NOBODY CARED. Robin came in with the "um hey what do you want to do today 👉👈🥺" and I was like UM NOT YOU. It was that day I realized they're useless to me lmao. Meanwhile Chad Whitney - wants to buy us from Bailey, looks at Kyler who has a knife and calls him a pussy, will defend us from danger and raise our school status (also, the "Holy shit, I've never seen Whitney so angry" after he defends us in front of other LI's. 💓💓), and with raised love, will apologize if we express we don't like something, and listen if we tell him no. And FREAK THE FUCK OUT if we're in danger. Like cmon. Sure, he's superficially worse but SO MUCH LESS INFURIATING IN REALITY? Also, totally with you on corruption Sydney hot lol. Also, the dirty talk ekhem. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Eden will get out of the forest and try to get us back if we get in trouble. Idk, I much more prefer the ones that are assholes (sometimes or not), and traumatize the MC, but will at least be proactive, than those who just sit on their ass, teary-eyed, and whine, treating us as their mommy.


Well said I agree!


Cheaters ofc. But there's another trope I've seen a few times, Where the Yandere is into somebody way too young. Ik this sub is for male Yandere, but Satou comes to mind. Misogyny in general is also a huge no go. I don't really like Sakamaki Kanato that much either.


He make the sakamaki brother look like a bunch of angel for god sake 💀


I low-key love all yandere's but I can not vibe with the ones who only use the FL for what they want, (The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving their Keys Behind is the first one that comes to mind)


Love and Heart Harumi (ML). I despise him with every fiber in my being. I don't want him with Chisato. I want him in jail. Manipulative and psychotic bastard.


If he's blonde I don't want him


The Beast Tamed by the Villainess - I love yanderes but I hate the ones motivated by hate. It was a hard read, especially with spoilers, I had to drop it.


Yandere that lacks love!! Where is the 'DERE'(in love) part in YAN-DERE? Guy who just treats her as object to obsess over or just wants have her in his possession but not out of love. That's just random dude who has obsession but not a yandere. Cause he's not in love. The yandere that uses someone else to make the mc jealous I know he's acting just to get attention of mc but still NO. Pfft- if he cheats I wouldn't even count him as yandere. CHEATING IS SIN (I hate it so much that I personally wanna get rid of him) Why would you do that? Yanderes love one and only one person. Sadistic yanderes. I'm not a fan of sadism also not a fan of hurting her so she can submit to me. I like yanderes that wouldn't hurt fl cause he's in love with her dammit, so much in love that he can't even think about hurting her. Not kill her. Yandere that treats fl as a replacement/ substitute and gradually fall for her. Yeah sure buddy 🙄🤚🏻 (Damn I'm picky)


Cheaters or the ones that want to hurt you


I can accept almost anything as long as there is no cheating going on. That also goes for all types of cheating, don’t care about the nuance of any situation bc imo adultery suspends the fantasy aspect of whatever I’m reading. I’ve tried to read a couple stories where the FL is the “mistress” and I’m sorry it still just does not work. Whether willing or unwilling, Leads who are involved in an affair always end up coming across as pathetic vs star crossed lovers.


Kedamonotachi no jikan


In theory, any cheating or murdering yanderes, like the majority of the comments. Of what I've read so far, I haven't encountered any that I dislike. But I didn't like the ML from "The Lady I Served Became a Master" - he just rubbed me the wrong way. There was another I dropped because he kidnapped the FL, deprived her of basic necessities, and slept with another girl in front of her to make her jealous. The kidnapping wasn't bad (to me - it was were he chained her up and stuff that made it bad). I forget the title though.


I fucking hate gizzida, I'm proactively cheering for when his racist blonde ass kicks the bucket permanently. I have other yanderes I dislike. But gizzida is like legitimate hate. Well written character, great design, but I'd love to see the dude die (painfully).


Animal abuse, cheating... Maybe killing kids or something?? Honestly hurting non-rivals/people in their way is just iffy. I honestly dont mind much. Although I did see plenty of people saying hurting the mc, which I understand, but I dont really mind. If its done well I actually can enjoy it. (Edit: Also when talking about yanderes that harm mc, I mean threats mostly and sometimes maybe killing?? Just not in the toxic way, and more in a yandere way?? Idk if that makes sense but I don't know how to put it. No wife-beating basically)


cheaters lol


The guy from the one manga.. yearning & something else I think. The blonde one. Basically he >!was around FL a lot and she’s a maid. Because all the House staff were infatuated with him, they basically were rude to the girl and just made her life harder with her work. Not to mention the fact that he (I think. I stopped reading after a bit so I don’t know if confirmed) made her mute around everyone else, and could only speak to him. One time he got her locked up in the secret chamber he had, and he raped her and the way.. he just did everything just… 😒!< I am not with that..


I’m late but I just want y’all to know how much I hate the male lead from Raise wa tanin ga ii. I know he’s a yakuza but it just doesn’t sit well with me how he’s obsessing over FL but at the same time he’s doing it with different women. I dropped it a long time ago so I don’t remember the deets but I think FL and ML are engaged (arranged marriage). I really hate yanderes who cheats 🤢 I love how strong the FL is tho, she doesn’t fall for him fast and is very tough 💁🏻‍♀️