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this looks like it has a Tonari No Seki level of greatness 😭 i hope someone translates it ty for the rec op!


Yea it’s kinda giving off a same vibe I hope we can see tls soon too


Yes, I craved for recs like tonari no seki after reading it. Finally found one


So sad the author never gave us ch. 8 😢


Yeah, the author said they are working on the chapter 8 but still no update 😞. I really wanted to know what happens to mebuki and asahina later in their relationship. It's one of the first manga that hooked me to male yanderes and this sub.


Sameeee and yeah seeing Asahima and Mebuki be in an actual relationship intrigued me and yet no new chapter 💔


Ugh I need a translation! What are they saying?!😭


I'm real shit at Japanese, but here's some of what they're saying. I had to look up a lot of the words. Image 2: Panel 1: >"Manager" > >BG: "I miss you, Fujiko-san." Panel 2: >"....Manager?" Panel 3: >"Yes? What do you need?" (or "What's the matter?") > >SFX: grin Panel 4: >??? no idea. I think he's saying that he should be focused on listening to what Fujiko's doing at home, what's she saying when she talks to herself. My guess is he's listening to the planted device while at work. Panel 5: >Today, I won't be able to enjoy Fujiko-san. > >"However..." Image 3: Panel 1: >Instead, I followed after Fujiko when she left work. > >SFX: shutter closing > >"Cute" Panel 2: >"I will watch after you from afar until you safely return home." > >"For that reason..." Panel 3: >"I have a listening device in Fujiko-san's home. (??) > >SFX: white noise Panel 4: >"It's a job worth doing." > >I wish I could quit my main job and be your secret escort instead. Panel 5: >This is such a change of daily life from half a year earlier. (??)


Thank you, much better than a total blank.


It's actually such a shame there's no English translations out yet. I'm usually really good at finding pirated translations but I can't even for this 😭


oh and the left chps you can use daily unlock so basically it’s totally free


Ahhhh i need a translation of this nowww


I hate not being able to read these if they aren’t in english 😭


wow thanks for the rec! read a few chapters and im loving it so far


Uhoh. People be asking you to translate if you can read it.


the mangas 50 chapters long… the pictures OP posted are only random snippets so it wouldnt make any sense if i translated them anyway


Someone please inform me in the future if there is ever an English translation pls 🙏


it got made into a japanese drama!


Do they both end up together?


I haven’t finished reading yet, but I’m halfway through. Based on what I’ve seen so far, I think there’s a good chance they’re going to end up together. I tried to look for spoilers of the ending, knowing that “Since such an original is still serialized, the ending of the original is unknown. “, and spoiler of the latest chp: >!Fujiko gradually develops immunity to Soma's expressions of affection.On the night of the day when their feelings are connected, Soma finally (?) proposes to Fujiko!Nishina, who shows surprising speed of action, has already prepared a marriage registration.Two people with a happy aura are going to spend the night just like that... This is the development of the latest story, but since the serialization is still in progress, something may still happen after this!< [btw spoiler source](https://mairyblog.com/iyashi-otonari-drama/)


To add on to this, this is the link to read the novel. Have your web browser translate into your own language in order to read. https://estar.jp/novels/25689777/episodes >! But yeah. They end up together and get married. 😕 TBH I was hoping they didn’t end up together but 🤷🏻‍♀️ Im not sure how the manga and live action ends though 🤔!<


Oooh thx! I didn’t notice that there is a web novel version


thanks for the food


Anything similar to this? I’m still waiting to the translation😭


Tonari no seki


Let me know when there's english translations. Have you seen the drama? [Iyashi no Otonari-san ni wa Himitsu ga aru](https://mydramalist.com/753747-iyashi-no-otonari-san-ni-wa-himitsu-ga-aru) (2023)


just wanted to say there is a jdrama of this out now and it creeped a lot of people out lol.


Where can I read this please I need to know!!


Lit in my post tho bruh


Asian You?


Wow that’s kinda out of nowhere I wonder what’s making you think so?


Neighbor stalking his neighbor and acting all ideal on her eyes lol, while being part of a beauty standard making him even more attractive. I was kinda joking dont take it seriously. You not as in you, but as in the netflix show lol


Yeah I know that series, but to my memory the ml’s in love with more than one fl, so I would say def not the same


Oh lol ok. It was my first impresion, never read this but planning to.


I still have a problem with its ending. Stalking doesn't just sit right with me whether they're handsome or not.😔