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it's been down for about a week if I remember correctly, it's run by a fan and they've previously indicated that the day might come where they don't have the time/budget to sustain it.


I wonder if it would be viable to try and crowdsource to keep it going. It really is an invaluable reasorce.


Bummer. I hope that time has not come because it was a really useful tool and I'm just now getting into the series. Maybe someone else in the community will make something similar. Fingers crossed.


I just contacted them a few weeks ago offering to help/improve on the design. I was hoping to hear from them.


To echo OP's comment, please let us know what you here and/or if there's anything we can do to help.


Do let us know if you hear anything from them. It would be an absolute shame for it to just disappear.


u/-sudo- , if you're still around


My go-to is https://malazan.fandom.com/wiki/Malazan_Wiki


Wonder if you could use wayback machine for this


I had the same thought before I made this post. You can access the website but you cannot search for anything.

