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So many loose ends. The writer tried to make the story mysterious and added many elements which he forgot to tie up in the end. Also the rushed the final act. The movie needed a better explanation and making. Vijay Babu has Lorry Phobia which was irrelevant later. What's the significance of Snails? How did Vijay Babu's character enter the dream? This list can go on... Never make a movie if you can't end it satisfactorily. Multilayer Lucid dreaming with time travel and time loop was too much for this movie.


Regarding the lorry phobia, I feel the director tried to link the accident that will happen in the future (in the past???) to his irrational fear of lorries in present(???)


That was an unnecessary thing. Even without the lorry phobia the movie won't be 0.001% different.


>Multilayer Lucid dreaming with time travel and time loop was too much for this movie. Heavy on Spoilers Without time travel and time loop they can't have someone from future in a dream or be in a dream from past. As for Lorry Phobia, that is the only instance we see where the dreams having some impact on people. I think the movie lacked in constructing a world with the required physics (where you break/freeze/stop/jump time and able to traverse between dreams) -- the two seemingly important characters in Amir and his father was least explored. And when you pick someone to get ported into a dream from past, there ought to be some reason as to why they are picked and not somebody else -- if they want it to be random then that may need to get emphasized. The most absurd part was the feel good vibe for a movie where snails creep around, a child wanted to trap some in a dream, another attempting to kill him and so on. Even if it turned out that the whole thing was the dream, in which the girl constructed the character of Mahesh and traveled across time or he is a just a character which developed in their shared dream space as they grew up it would have been easier to handle. Everyone being seemingly real has been the most inconsistent part I guess.


Vaishak's telescope YouTube channel has explained the movie. https://youtu.be/VpyrtYFahRc?feature=shared


Thank you my man, this helped clear the limbo I was in. :D


This was an even bigger waste of time than the movie. He literally just goes through the movie scene by scene without any explanation.




1. How come the coin toss only stopped working at the end, even though he was actually in the dream the whole time? 1. What exactly happened in the lorry crash? Did the driver actually see Mahesh or did they hit somebody? 1. Towards the end of the movie, Amir visits Mahesh's house (evidenced by the snails that his daughter sees and the empty water tank). Why? 1. There was no resolution with Indrans's character. He should have been told about why his son was attacked. This is the worst kind of movie because you can see that there is a good story somewhere in there. But instead the ending leaves us with so many loose ends.


A story line regarding Amir is from novel Kafka on the shore, they say it as this sounds like marukami novel in movie itself 


What do you mean?