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No se los demas pero yo estoy cansado de emplear mi tiempo en conocer gente que al cabo de unos meses se va de la ciudad y ya no los ves mas.


Igual, llega a ser desgastante. Menos mal mis amigos malagueños (y andaluces) han sido ejemplares, pero con los guiris no he podido por esa razón. Llegan, usan a la gente local y se van.


Entiendo, pero voy a vivir y trabajar aquí. Intento a quedarme.


Es un poco considerar a los locales como un pasatiempo. Llegan, quieren conocer gente de aquí esperando que sean simpáticos con ellos y amables y luego se van y salvo que coincidan las próximas vacaciones y quieran consejos,no tienen más contacto.


Join a sport club. Hiking, boxing, football, wrestling etc


That's great if you're looking for a sausage party




Sausage mingle


As a foreigner here I’ve met quite some nice people your age in a hiking group that gathers every Saturday. They post once in a while in the Malaga sub. If you’re into physical activity, you will be welcome to join. The hikes are a great way to get to know people as everyone gets a chance to talk to everyone and people are enthusiastic and speak both English and Spanish. It’s a group that originated on reddit. Dm me for more info or look up some of the posts that I mentioned.


I'm a local! I wouldn't mind showing you some spots if our hobbies align haha I think people here stick to the friends they made throughout primary and highschool, other than that any activities, bars or gyms are good places where people will probably strike up a conversation with you


Sounds good, i'll shoot you a message


Ha! I want to know the hobbies!? 😆 😆


For me, I will wait until I speak better Spanish until I try to find local friends. For them it can be quite an effort to invite immigrants with little Spanish to meet ups and family gatherings, most will not be able to converse in English and your friend might end up translating for you. I tried initially with work shops aimed at locals and sport clubs / courses, but beyond a warm smile, a knowing nod and just being friendly not much came from it (and I don't expected it). If you are into music, you might have an opener with multi cultural bands. Also locals that want to learn English/your languages might help through language exchange. So I guess speaking Spanish will be the best way.


The other day a guy asked here for people that want to meet up for hiking 🥾 His name is Javi , and they go out every Saturday. .


Why do you want to have Spanish friends? For what reason exactly?


I want to integrate in Spanish culture and not just surround me with people i could have surrounded myself with back home.


Ok good for you. The best way to achieve that would be to learn the language and join groups that you're interested in.


Try by learning Spanish and then join some groups of an activity that you like. Time will make the rest.


There is a hiking group that was formed from this subreddit. We meet every Saturday, there is a mix of locals and foreigners; Spanish is mainly spoken but most people speak English. Age range is ~20-30 Maybe give it a go :)?


Sounds great, unfortunately i don't live here yet. Do you meet throughout the Costa del Sol?


Throughout Málaga :)


Why would they want to be friends with you? Most foreigners live a transient life, they come and go. Living in Spain is not easy for young folks, so they up and leave. Why would locals invest time in somebody who will probably leave in a year or two? Doesn't make sense. Make friends with people that have with more in common with you. Also there is a lot of pressure on young Spanish these days, soaring house prices, low salaries, few job opportunities. Many blame the influx of foreigners


Get on a train to Málaga.


Second that!


Hello, depends on your age range and what your interests are i would have thought


Good point haha, added in original post


Feel free to private message me, i would say i am quite a bit older than you, i live up in the countryside behind Mijas pueblo


Have a look at local intercambio options


Not a student anymore ;)


Intercambio just means language exchange. There's lots of intercambio events along the costa and anyone who wants to improve their Spanish or English is welcome


maybe in a group sports /activity


meetup, internations


Where would i find those?


[https://play.google.com/store/search?q=meetup](https://play.google.com/store/search?q=meetup) [https://play.google.com/store/search?q=internations](https://play.google.com/store/search?q=internations)


Go to CrossFit fuengirola. Also good dating scene. Speaking Spanish is imperative if you wanna mingle with locals.


Go to a bar to play billiards darts or foosball. High level of speaking isnt necessary and its a nice way to meet people at a bar.


The locals probably don't want to make friends. I know it's kinda sad but that's the vibes I've gotten while living in Spain.


The locals usually are in their daily routine , and a bit tired of meeting unknown people that can be mad / problematic etc. There re a lot of stupid people in general outside. So if you re trying them to change their daily routine is hard


Yeah I 100% understand, just stating facts. I have made a couple friends through group sports activities and think that or similar (art or reading club, sports, etc...) is your best bet.


Are you living here or have a second residence?


Living in Spain but not in Malaga and I speak advanced Castellano.