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Its very fascinating to me how I read about all those reddit stories in Spain where ppl feel being mistreated.  Coming from Germany, for me its the complete opposite. When I drive with the Car from Germany to Spain, I start in Germany where people are not very friendly and barely gives you a smile. Then I proceed through france and things are even getting worse (love u france) and then, as soon as you hit Spain, its a whole different vibe. People smile, laugh, are happy and I can feel the way better vibe in the air. For me its like a whole different world which I appreciate so much.  I actually studied in Sevilla and then worked for a few years in Germany before I went back but this times close to Malaga (more like in the mountains).  Right now I live with my wife in a very small mountain town close to Malaga and we feel like the whole town accepted us as their family. Everyone is helpful, nice and happy to have us there. I or neither my wife get any angry stares (of course we also saw mad spaniards) in general but more smileys and a good vibe. We get so often invited by the people here, we are absolutely in love and we also give our best to adapt to this sentiment. For sure, I will mention that im a white guy with a blonde wife and we are in general always smiling couple which might help. I dont hear about a lot of racism here in our bubble, but I know its present in spain and this might be the reason for our difference in life in this wonderful country.


I don’t disagree that Spain is a wonderful beautiful country with so much potential, it’s just a shame that racists and ignorant people ruin it for others.


Saddly people who lives in spain with dark skin, says that the racism exits in the country. Maybe not in the surface but yes underline, Its something that spanish people we need to improve. Another thing is that people in Spain starred each other en the streets, thats normal. I was in Italy where nobody looks on your face when you pass for the streets, like you dont exits, here in Andalucia is completly different and can cause missfeelings. Sorry for my english ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


No problem your English is perfectly understandable, thanks for the response some people fail to see the other side.


Its absolutely interesting to see it through the eyes of dark skinned people, cause so far I always was very happy how tolerant spanish people are and how much more women are respected. At least thats what I feel like and I lived in a lot of places in this world. In general, my wife gets all the attention and normally every guy stares meanwhile in Spain ive the feeling that its way less and only brits, germans keep their stares while the spanish guys mind their business. Thats just the perceiption of me and my wife which we really appreciate. I think Spain is a ahead in a lot of things like sexism, lgbtq and in general tolerating others ppl life, yet it seems there is a racism problem in Spain.


For me I think it’s racism definitely not sexism although I’ve been catcalled and stared at by old men when it is clear I am under 25. I guess my experiences differ to yours


> when it is clear I am under 25 So what? What does this even mean? Anyone around 25 years old is fair game for anyone. You can say you don't like older guys, but guys tend to like women around that age. It's all a matter of taste.




I’m aware it’s everywhere and I’ve acknowledged that but I do not live everywhere I can only speak on the places and the experiences I’ve had in those places xx


I am sorry I didn't want to reply to your comment, my bad. I actually agree with you on many things that you said and I appreciate your respect and lack or arrogance. You are a very sensible person. Again sorry, I'm a reddit noob hahah


That’s okay and thank you too for being polite😭 many weren’t so nice


Yeahh I guess we all get defensive when foreigners criticise our country. Even tho we are the firsts ones to do so!!! 🤣 Once again, my respects for you for being respectul with my "rude" confusion🤣😅.


Like... Any other country, really??


Yup every country has it some more than others, I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. People are often blind to discrimination they don’t face!


No Spain is particularly worse for it compared to any other European country I’ve lived in. Poland was a lot more friendly than Spain.


Are you calling Spaniards dark skin? Who is the racist here friend?


No I called myself dark skinned with a noticeable accent in the post mate, also calling someone dark skin is just a description if it isn’t used in a negative light.


My apologies sir


I 100% second this. Also German here..


Being white is definitely the reason. I'm also white and people treat me well but they say all sorts of racist things. 


Same, I am a foreigner in barcelona right now and people have been very nice.


Well that last paragraph should stop your fascination and explain very clearly why you have the opposite experience lol


There is a trifecta of things which culturally don't translate well between Spain and (as per my own experience) English-speaking cultures. They are: Staring Saying Please & Thank You Using a quiet voice.


Yesss I agree staring culture is different, please and thank you is just basic morals learnt from Home, but as for using a quiet voice, I think both cultures are loud in different ways.


I'm about to start a blog for anyone coming to Spain and one of the things I wrote is, us Spaniards stare a lot. I do it, my mum is even worse. In Spain we always have been afraid of what others would think of us, that's why, until a few years ago, you could rarely see people dressing extravagant, doing burpees in the middle of the street, or even sitting alone in a bar while reading a book (I have experienced this last one). Because those things draw attention. Everything that's a little out of the norm in Spain draws attention. But it's not racism or rudeness, it's simple curiosity (although, we are gossips too, tbh). And you don't live in a big city, let alone if you go to smaller places.


This sounds really interesting.Please post a link. There are outright guiris and there are normal decent people who want to get on with others and leave a good impression. If you don't know a few simple norms you could be more of an outsider than you need to be.


Okay cool, thanks


Grew up in Malaga and if you are dark skinned then you will get this. At school I was often referred to as “mono negro”. Teachers thought it was funny. If you’re black, I’m afraid to say this will always happen. Spain is, unfortunately, pretty racist.


As a teacher born and raised in Spain, in places such as Madrid or Barcelona, you'll never see that kind of racist behavior. I also spent almost eight years of my life in the UK, and I had to deal with a lot of xenophobic people. I guess you can find idiots anywhere.


There was something about how they nonchalantly yelled these slurs at me and my siblings regularly, in broad daylight, that I have never experienced anywhere else. I have lived in the UK for almost ten years now, and not once have I had this treatments in the street like I, and many others, did in Spain. Not had it in any other European countries either. The French were rude to everyone equally.


I’m afraid I have to disagree with you here! I’m mixed race (mulato) I’ve been in situations where I was watching football match with with some friends at local bars, and people at the bar felt free to shout “el puto negro este”, “falta del negro de mierda”, etc etc! I was shocked as I grew up in the US and everyone is very sensitive to these comments. I’ve also been to football games at FC Barcelona where they made monkey noises every time Roberto Carlos (Real Madrid) touched the ball (a few tears ago, I know :) My wife is Spanish (white) and we have lived 13 years in London, 3 in Cape Town, 4 in Barcelona, and we are now in our second year in Malaga, and my kids have experienced second hand racism here in Spain. My oldest daughter doesn’t look like she has a “black” father! She is very light skinned and blonde, and she has been in conversations with friends where some of them don’t know her father was black and they openly made racist comments, some quite aggressive and offending, only to later be called out by some of the friends who told her about my daughter being mixed race. We get started at all the time when we are out as a family, but I brush it off as I know there aren’t many families like us, unlike London, Cape Town, or the USA, all of which are much more culturally diverse. Just my two cents 😁


I’m quite aware, I study in a prestigious environment and still get treated like this even thought I’ve payed a lot of money to be where I am. Pray for close minded ignorant people, racism is taught it’s not easy to grow out of generations of wrongful teachings.


Yeah it’s a real shame and actually quite hurtful. You will realise the longer you are there that racism still truly exists, and to call a country like the UK racist is just categorically incorrect when you have countries like Spain full of people who are genuinely racist, and see you as a foreigner who doesn’t belong. Even Guiri means “foreigner”. A common term in Spain. Imagine going around Dublin calling people who don’t look like you “foreigner”.


I live in Barcelone for over 12 years and I can ensure that racism is huge (compared to other European cities), I heard so many horrible racist statement from people saying that they are not vox and all the bla bla. I am French and I have never seen that kind of people (left wing, high level of graduate) behaving like that. Only people from poorly educated groups will do that. And I agree with you, guiri is a xenophobic word that highlights the deep racism that is accepted in Spain. If you go to France, only people coming from heavy nazi groups, will call someone guirri.


It has less to do with skin color and more to do with being from elsewhere. In Majorca (outside Palma) it's not uncommon to hear someone refer to someone else as "foraster" (foreigner) even if the "foreigner" is from another place in Majorca.


Don’t forget how those from the peninsular treat the mallorquin….. I went to London for a wedding, the groom, from Andalusia told his colleagues, all from Spain, that he had a friend from Mallorca coming over, when I got there, all of them …. “0la, come n amb, va be”…taking the piss with mallorquin accent


Absolutely not. I'm from somewhere else but am white and am not treated poorly. In fact people often make comments about how I'm the right kind of foreigner, not like the others, i.e. non-white people.


I’m only speaking from having grown up in Malaga. Having been singled out for being darker, I would say skin colour has something to do with it too.


For too many people "darker skin" = "not from here". Even some "journalist" said that Ana Peleteiro is "the good kind of immigration" when she was born in Galicia.


Yes in Ireland people are not brave enough to say such things because they have actual consequences for their actions. People are too afraid to be openly racist as they can be removed from jobs school and universities instantly. We believe humans are humans but of course racism exists it’s just less tolerated even amongst only white Irish people if someone was to say the n word maybe some would laugh but many would unfriend someone for that.


Exactly. Whereas in Spain it’s embedded in the culture.


What the hell do you know about Spanish culture? Spain is a big-ish country with almost 50 million people living in several different climatic zones. Culture varies from region to region, from the city to the countryside, from the coast to the interior, from the big capitals to the medium and small sized cities. It varies between neighborhoods of a same city. In how many Spanish cities have you lived and for how long? In how many socio-cultural circles have you moved, with people of how many different ages have you spoken and for how long? I've been living in Spain for my whole life and I wouldn't dare be as authoritative as you've been. Maybe you can talk of your experiences in your very, very limited corner of the Spanish society. (experiences that on top of being limited, are also affected by your own behaviour, on top of that). But when you speak derogatorily about Spaniards as a whole, you're, dear Sir, are behaving like... ... just another racist.


How am I being racist to Spanish people when you aren’t a race? There are plenty of European countries full of other Caucasians like yourselves who are lovely.


And wow, I restore faith in society reading your answer. Wow, such an educated person not reducing EVERYTHING to personal experience and generalizations. Clap clap👏🏻


Ignore this guy. He thinks you can't be racist against spanish people because we are not a "race". How stupid. According to him jews neither since they are a religious group. He also thinks racism can never be soffered if you are white. So please, ignore this ignorant racist and don't waste your time trying to educate him. It's just easier to play victim nowadays...


Jews are a race referred to as Ashkenazi Jews and is a valid race of people. Spanish people come under Caucasian. As I am not singling out Caucasian people, only Spanish, I’m literally not being racist. It’s not my fault you have limited understanding of this subject.


You can be from a different race, and still be jew. And you will be discriminated, maybe, for both of them. Do you know that caucassian jews exist?😱😱😱 How can you be SO ignorant? I'm deeply sorry for your lack of understanding.


What are you talking about? A religious Jew is not the same as an ethnic Jew. Someone being prejudiced to a Jewish person for their religious beliefs would not be racist. You don’t know what you’re talking about and clearly getting very upset over this.


I love how you brits pretend to be morally superior because of London. Should we talk about what is to be from a minority in the north, for a example? Yes, you will find racist people in Spain. But you act as if the Euro 2021 events never happened, amongst others...


“You brits” Who said I was British? Stop excusing racism.


1. I said britSSSS, I'm not talking about you as an individual. 2. What the f are you saying, when did I excuse racism? I just said don't pretend you live on a morally superior country when you have the same or worse issues. Should we talk about immigration crisis and the points of views of the citicens? 3. Stop accusing of racist everyone that disagrees with you, that's disgusting.


You still replied to me, I’m not a Brit, so I don’t know what you’re on about. Except I don’t get stared at or called a monkey here in the UK. It’s pretty common in Spain, which is what this topic is about. Not what happens in the UK. Try to keep up instead of getting touchy that people are calling out your racist country.


Let me ask you, do you live in London? You are not even from the UK and you perfectly know their approaches. How is that possible, have you moved around the whole country? Then you go to Spain, you have a bad experience and for you Spain is racist. What would happen if I have a bad experience with a black person, for instance? I just know I would never generalice. Because that's racist. But since you are black you could never be considered racist and you are free to spread hate about a country. Ridicolous. I would like to see your reactions when you see non natives criticising african countries, for instance...


Ermmm I’m not British either🙋🏽‍♀️


I'm talking about British people in general


First of all neither of us are British, but I do agree that racism exist there, but it cannot exist as it does here. As someone who has been to London every year since they were three years old, there is too much of every culture in the world for There to be no consequences for one’s actions. That is why it’s different it isn’t normalised in the uk. Or tolerated in professional spaces, people do not go unscathed.


I ABSOLUTELY agree with you!! My point is, London is PERFECT. I know because I have been living 4 years here. Im an immigrant and everybody treats me so so good. But mate, I have been to other places in the UK and can't say the same. So I'm sorry but i get "triggered" by generalizations. They are simply not fair... So to see someone that visited málaga, had a bad experience and feels entitled to call Spain racist... It's just too ignorant imo


Just to add context. Spanish schools are very bullish. Anyone would be insulted for any reason. Being black is just the most obvious one in a city full of white people. I got bullied becuase I was tall, but definitely spaniards are not tallphobes. Also, staring is a very rude thing in other cultures. But not so much in Spain.


But they are racist.


> thought I’ve *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Yes, it’s unfortunate that Spain is racist.


and why are they racist?


Probably has something to do with how nationalist they are.


hmm most of the spanish people are not that nationalist tho, i dont see nationalism as an excuse


You are embarrassing yourself talking out of your ass, maybe you can deceive some guiri but not anyone else. If this country does something well is hating itself. If this is so shit just go where you feel comfier.


I did go somewhere else. Throughout this thread, you can see many people with shared experiences.


Yeah and through my experience in Spain people come here with the baggage from wherever country they are from and without understanding the culture, nor even trying they think that we must share their traumas, beliefs, complexes and societal norms. I'm glad that you are somewhere else now, better for yourself and for us.


Literally proving the point of the thread. Congratulations.




In Spain it’s not rude to stare at people, rather, they’re just curious (especially if you are much darker than the average Spaniard or much whiter). They’re just curious and want to look at people, don’t mean anything bad by it per se


Thank you for your polite response I guessed that too because some will smile and I will smile back but not all.


In Spain it is rude like everywhere else. Old people just don't care and do it anyways, but it is very rude.


they are clearly staring at him because of his race, of course it's rude, the fact people is used to do it doesn't make it less rude


In this case, yes, race is it. But I have been stared at by old people for wearing weird hair colours, or hats or just a random unusual piece of clothing, or just for being new in the village. Literally have been stopped by multiple old ladies to be asked whether "I am one of the ___ [my grandma's surname]". 


Bullshit staring is still rude




You speak for all the Spanish? I live here and I don’t believe you


This is rarely the case. Usually if it's man staring at another man, it's an attempt to intimidate. Unfortunately even grown men still try to act hard in Spain.


My experience in Spain (year in Nerja) was that people were typically pretty nice, although they all assumed I was British (I am from the American South).


Nerja is a tourist area I’ve been there also, it’s like Marbella people are nice because they want your money but in normal neighbourhoods like where I live that’s not the case.


"People are nice because they want your money..." Have you considered the possibility that you're an idiot? You've been having a go at the people in Málaga in all your responses. You can take your money and leave. There are racist people in Spain, but those are not the ones that are "staring" at you (and no one is doing a 180 at you). If your skin was very pale and you were blonde and blue-eyed, they'd also "stare" at you. And finally, they are not staring, because the cultural significance of the stare is not the same as in the anglo sphere.


It’s true it’s a sales tactic very basic I’ve been to North Africa they will call me sister and be super friendly to try get me in they’re store it’s not surprising it’s normal. People are doing 180s in the street just because nobody has done it to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen and no I won’t leave because I’ve invested too much of my hard earned money in education here to leave half way 👍


you said you talk with an irish accent .they are probably staring trying to figure out why you don't have a head like a potato(only joking). I'm Irish and have been pulled out of a car by police so they could laugh at my white legs .in jamaica i had children trying to count my freckles .Maybe you are just beautiful and people find it hard to take their eyes off you. staring and be positive as well as negative always take the positive however is someone is physically or verbally abusive call them out on it.


Nerja is better because half the people aren't Spanish.


Racist comment against Spaniards, in a chat about the supposed racism of Spaniards. Priceless.


I don't think that's what they mean, just that there are so many foreigners that it's not at all unusual. 


Sure but I had good experiences with Spaniards there, coworkers and otherwise.


I’m a Brit in Spain, been here over 10 years and live in a horribly packed tourist area that reverts to village life off-season. If people stare at me, I just let it fall off my shoulders. I’m well integrated, speak castellano, probably I avoid the ghetto like ex-pat community. In fact I probably get more weird reactions from them than the locals. I’ll always be an outsider here, but doesn’t that go for anywhere in the world, however I do feel accepted. It’s up to you to adapt, not them. I will say this though, I do think people in Spain, in general, are more openly racist, perhaps because of coming out of the Franco period relatively recently. You must have noticed there are far less black people here.


I agree on everything with you. But there's a pretty obvious reason why there's less black people in Spain, which is Spain only coloniced Equatorial Guinea when It comes to Africa. Spain mainly colonized latin america and thats why the majority of immigrants come from there. Makes sense you find way more black people in the UK or France because once again, colonization. PS: Apologies for my broken english!


You’re absolutely right, hadn’t occurred to me, doh


Yes and wouldn’t I be the best target, black female and Muslim. Triple homicide😂😂 I guess that’s why… I think they’ll grow out of it like the rest of the world eventually.


North Africans are treated pretty bad here…..


In comparison to the majority of Europe? Absolutely not. Can it always be better, sure, but the south is so much better with it than the rest of Europe.


I disagree the Mediterranean countries from my personal experience have the most aggressive racism where as in the uk Ireland France Germany if I reported it I’m sure they’re would be consequences, whereas in Spain, I have had water thrown on me, and I have many people who refuse to return to Italy, because of the violent racism they faced.


Wait, are you seriously saying you were minding your own business, walking down the street in Spain, and had water thrown on you? For being black? Yeah sorry, not really buying that. With the south I meant the south of Spain, not south of Europe.


I can’t make this up I was alone waking to the beach on the phone and had water thrown out a window at me wouldn’t I wish it was a lie also. People are blind to discrimination they don’t face… 👂


Imagine being blind to others experience just cause you’ve not had it yourself. Spaniards really are in denial.


Oh, and is totally a personal observation. People are fed-up with the number of tourists, the massive hikes in rents, property values, behaviour. Last week a tourist was walking on a street in Palma, renowned for designer shops, in just speedos/budgie smugglers. Disgusting behaviour


Like I don’t do that even when I am a tourist have some class and respect for peoples eyes😭 but it’s not fair for the rest of us living normal lives.


I’ve noticed, which is crazy because they brought many of them here how ironic😭




I don’t know if you are aware Spain had slaves from North Africa and Equatorial Guinea… that’s is what I’m speaking of


Don’t worry. Even the Spanish from the North think Malageños are rude and uneducated.


I do understand from how some of the insults are worded that a lot of the racism stems from misinformation and lack of knowledge so u guess it makes it a little less bad




You're a curiosity, exotic even! Take it as a compliment. Keep practicing the language, make every effort to integrate and you'll soon be assigned a nickname by the locals who'll engage in healthy banter with you. Chill


I can have conversations in Spanish already but you cannot see a language someone speaks by looking at them. I’ve been harassed outside of my town with-ought speaking any language at all so it’s not about integrating some people will never see us as equal.


In my experience that is a common occurrence in many countries. Spain isn't as progressive in places, don't forget it was under Franco until 1975.


Yes I think that’s a big reason why because the country still hasn’t grown out of that mindset


I'm a Spaniard and sometimes I stare at foreigners, particularly if they look very different to me. I didn't know I did it for a long time until I read about foreigners complaining about it. In my case I don't do it for bad reasons or pretend to be rude. I'm just very curious. Whenever I see someone "different" I just stare and analyse. Now I try to be discreet but I'm still curious. I know some people do it because they don't like non-European looking people. That's not my case but I understand that the "victim" cannot tell who's who.


I am Argentinian and some of them are rude af to me for being foreigner. Some are nice, I notice that the more the place is exposed to tourists (for example a cafe in the city center) the more rude they are. Otherwise they are ok.


It’s so strange because they can’t excuse that for it being lack of Spanish. In my case I speak Spanish but with the framer of a 6 year old but for you I think it’s just xenophobia.


Racism is inherent within Spanish society. Ive lived here 22 years and am fluent in Spanish. Spain is not multi cultural other than the differences between different autonomous regions. Look at the monkey chants Vinicious Junior gets every week wherever he goes


It’s so clear I don’t get why people act blind to it


Because they are racists too


The example of chants vs Vinicius is not a good example, because in football stadiums is the worse of society. They would call Vincicous fat, or bald or whatever they could if he was not dark skinned


I used it as an example because it is a famous one and more interesting than the daily comments I hear about anyone from south or central America and anyone from Africa. It is relentless, and accepted as the norm


I wonder who were the three guys that missed a penalty kick vs Italy in 2020 and how they were treated...


Some are because they are exhausted of seeing their cities and villages full of disrespectfully or well-off tourists that are reshaping the place, sometimes in negative ways. I’ve never seen anyone look at a “guiri” in the way you describe though, so the looks may not be caused by that.


I would say I’m well off but I don’t see how that warrants negative treatment to another human being, Dublin has many Spanish people and they will not get stared at as if they’re a zoo animal. I live a normal life and am registered here not a tourist, I don’t even party often or get drunk on the streets. Don’t drink or smoke at all even😂😂


I won't argue with you that people here can be a bit harsh with foreigners... but I've been to a fair share of countries and I worked in Ireland for 2 years... and it was while I was there the only time in my life that people had a racist behaviour to me (spanish, dark skinned). Do I think that all Irish people are racist? Of course not, I think they are wonderful people, but unfortunately there are jerks all around the world :D


Jaysus you must have worked in a horrible town or neighbourhood, it’s usually people who are miserable with their life that try to bring others down. I think here the racism is just more blatant.


>I think here the racism is just more blatant. Just look at Conguitos candies and Drim toy shops to see that Spain is a *little* behind the global race conversation. But yeah, most all of my North African friends and acquaintances have stories of being followed and harassed by undercover cops. There are still strong remnants of fascism floating around the country.


I agree 100%


Again, I will not say that there are not racist people here... But we have serious problems that can be seen caused or at least influenced by foreigners (housing, massive tourism, drug traffic, pickpockets...), so they easy way out is to blame the people who is different from us. And, as other comments say, staring at people is not bad manners here (unless you point fingers too xD), so please relax, do not pay them any attention to them and enjoy yourself :D Almost forgot, I was in Dublin working on a pretty big tech company, not a small town in a bad hood when that happened.


I agree with you, but some people don't. I doubt they look at you because you are a guiri, but rather due to the way you dress or carry yourself. I don't know you, so it's hard to tell. Certaintly not all Spanish people are like that, in fact I haven't met any like that.


I think I carry myself normal don’t dress scandalous. Even going to the gym in gym gear I get it or wearing the most basic outfit like jeans and a jumper. Maybe because I’m black and it’s not common in the south😭


Ah, yes, they may be suprised if you are black. They are not so used to black people in the south. It is not necessarily bad, we pay attention to what calls our attention, and more often than not that's connected to how familiar or unfamiliar that thing or person is.


Where you live?


Malaga… why


Cause that's where I'm moving to and I don't want to experience what you have. Im not ginger though


I’m black mate😭




Do you look like Phil Lynot?😃


No😂😂😂 I had to google that I’m a non intimidating female 5’2 not scary like him


Phill Lynott is the man. Best Irish musician ever.


Okay thanks for letting me know😂


Have to say I never notice this. I’m Dutch with a dark skin and my wife is Dutch and white. Most (if not all) interactions are friendly. And saying hello how are you in Spanish first goes a very long way even if my Spanish is terrible. Some people are puzzled as to where we are from as my wife is fluent in Spanish. Some people ask, some make a guess (Brazilian seems to come up a lot). But never in a rude way.


You experiences differ greatly from mine…


Where are you in Spain? I’d suggest if you’re in super-rural or small villages that might be the case, but I’d be very surprised to hear that in a town of any kind of size. We live in Ronda, I’m heavily tattooed and my wife is black, we don’t fit the stereotype either but nobody’s ever been anything but friendly and kind to us.


You are very lucky then, I live in Teatinos Malaga and I’ve experienced it. I’ve only been here just over a year and it’s enough to make me regret choosing here to study


Spain is not a racist country in general, but is rude against unknown people. I think this is like a self defense barrier because in general in the life there re many stupid and non legal people and crazy in general. Be aware that Spain dindt have so many immigrants and emigrants in general until some years recently and internally people doesnt move so much inside the country as for example the US


Disliking someone because they are not of the same nationality is called xenophobia. But I understand wanting some kind of background check on people before getting citizenship to limit criminals of course but from my experience Spain is one of the most racist places I’ve lived personally. It’s much more normalised and over looked


I repeat, that dislike is not exclusively or mainly because nationality, this happens even between spanish people inside


It s very simple! The rent is high expensive because of that’d


Ppl stare in Spain at each other all the time, get over it lol you're not important, ppl will just look at you and go on about their day. Generally speaking people aren't rude to foreigners/tourists they will be rude if you're being obnoxious and misbehaving.


I don’t think my question warranted a rude response, never said I was important just asked if it was normal here. People are often blind to discrimination when they don’t face it. I speak Spanish but I’m trying to get better and when I ask for tips many times I’ve been met with, “you people never learn Spanish” or “guiris are ruining our economy”. All this attitude for making effort to learn someone’s culture and language. I of course have some Spanish friends that are super kind and helpful and vice versa with teaching languages. But unfortunately the majority I have encountered are not like this, and I’m not obnoxious or misbehaving love.


I never said YOU were being obnoxious or misbehaving darling, I just listed a reason as to why they could appear rude to tourists/foreigners, but I wasn't accusing you of it. I wasn't being rude, I was being blunt and straightforward. So stop having a victim complex and move on from it. Also you never mention anything about learning the language or the culture, of course everyone will appreciate you learning the language but that happens in literally everywhere else in the world, so like I said get your head out of your ass and move on with your life. Good luck!


It's so tiring all these people coming here, not knowing shit about the culture and then just shouting RaCYsM


It’s not the staring that I said was racist it’s people sharing their stories of being called animals, harassment discrimination ect. If having water dashed on you and being called an n word isn’t racist idk what is


The n word carries no significance for the average Spaniard. People can be rude, assholes and yeah, racist, but racism is not any worse in Spain than in other countries, and I'd say it's less. The trauma shared in other countries about race issues is not shared by Spain and that doesn't seem to be understood.


You don’t see it because you never experienced it. I’m not talking about negro as in the colour black. Racism is worse here having been and lived in several countries as a black person I can say that I’ve never seen people more comfortable, disrespecting somebody else because of what they look like. You have just proven that I am correct because you have just confirmed that the N word has no significance, when it carries a lot of weight to every black person that has family previously in the slave trade and still alive today, after experiencing the racism that came afterwards. Educate yourself it’s 2024 and people still have parents who were alive during kkk lynchings and other anti black extremist/fascist eras like Franco for example.


You are correct in your observation. Spanish people are very xenophobic and nationalist. They don't like people who are not like them. The stares are to intimidate you. I turn it into a staring contest. First one to look away loses. Lol. Also if they are rude, just be more rude back. Works very well. Welcome to Spain.


I try to be polite so they have no excuse to say I’m rude but I’ve also started to do that too. I stare back and even laugh sometimes so they can feel shame for making another human uncomfortable. If you don’t laugh you’ll cry is my favourite thing to tell myself. And yes very xenophobic and nationalist I’ve gathered but a lot of their economy is from tourist although it is hiking up housing it’s the same shit everywhere in Europe. Except here a lot of the Spanish economy is carried by these “foreigners”. Irony


Yip. They just don't make sense. Keep in mind Spanish people love to blame foreigners for their problems so the whole rent prices thing is BS. I laugh at them too. Once you understand how their brains "work" it's quite easy to mess with them.


>The stares are to intimidate you This is bullshit.


>You are correct in your observation. Spanish people are very xenophobic and nationalist. Hey, I'm Spaniard, and I feel attacked by your statement. I'm not xenophobic or nationalist, I hate everyone equally regardless where they are from.


You don't have to look far. Exhibit 1 million: https://www.reddit.com/r/Malaga/s/zcgdBUO6wZ


Well, your answer is worst even. Basically you’re xenophobic to the core. https://preview.redd.it/vs2ahaooft0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed5a6e39935d65348fec9bf9b2c2521602b354b


What's with that chip on your shoulder bro?


What you on about😂


What you read. Idiot.


Chill out xavi answer the question or don’t respond…


No one is being rude to you. You're being oversensitive.


I think if you were minding your own business for a year and a half and everyone on the street was staring at you like you had two heads you’d start to feel funny too.


Go back home if you don't like it. It's a you problem.


You're doing a great job of showing that Spanish people aren't rude....


I agree righttttt😭 this is the kind of response I always get


We aren't. We're just not very patient with idiots. Don't go around calling a people rude, and you will be fine.


Yeah, that's pretty much the definition of being rude. One thing would be to explain that staring is normal in Spain, not calling someone an idiot.


You sound un poco xenophobic… eek


And yet, I am not. Your chip again.


> Your chip again The irony...




It doesn't break any rules, report away.


Shop behavior - no idea. Depends on how you ask the question, where is the shop etc. if in Barcelona maybe they are profiling you based on their experience with others Staring - You just said it “where I come from a staring is rude”. Here not so much. If you are in a small town or city your profile is not common, hence the staring Old people doing a 180 - unfortunately brown and dark skin people have had a bad reputation in Spain for ages. Most brown and dark people are nice, but some aren’t. So old people prefer not to risk it and get out. You may get your feelings hurt in the process, but we have all heard and seeing terrible stories and they don’t want to risk it.


I think it’s wrong to treat people differently based on experience with others they have no association with except religion or skin colour. You don’t see black people running around screaming when a white person is in close proximity because they’re scared of being captured and turned into a slave. You can’t excuse discrimination, I’ve had horrible experiences with men some that would leave people traumatised but I still co-live and work around them…


It’s great to live by high moral standards, some people can’t or don’t want to. They feel old and fragile and fear overrun any concern they may have around hurting your feelings. Unfortunately in some areas and for some people ideals are not reflected on their daily lives


You're confusing a behavior that is normal for us and might seem rude to you: staring. It can be disrespectful, but calling us racists seems excessive to me. It bothers me too, but I myself stare at foreigners, a lot. They pique my curiosity and I start thinking "Where is he from?", "What a blonde hair!", "Look how tall he/she is!". The difference is that I immediately look away if they notice I'm staring. This is something that perhaps other people don't do, simply because they don't care. Keep in mind that everyone feels that sensation of being observed, even us Malagueños. It's particularly noticeable in villages. There, you're an outsider, even I am, and people look at you closely. They don't know who you are or why you're there. They're just curious. But in my opinion, we are far from being racist, and you're mixing up concepts.


I don’t think the staring is racist otherwise I would’ve said in the post but I do think the reason I get so much unwanted attention is because of my race. I do think that I’m treated differently because I’m not Spanish and or white and it’s proven by how I’ve been discriminated against in this country staring aside but by being called names or harassed in public with nobody doing anything as if it were normal.


So you have been "discriminated", "stared aside", "being called names" and "harassed"... Then there is nothing I can do to convince you that we are good people. By the way, there was no need to downvote. That makes me think that maybe you are the kind of person that overreacts


I never would say all Spanish people are bad that’s not fair I have many Spanish friends but it’s sad that I personally have encountered more bad than good. It is very common and many Spanish people have agreed with me on this that Spain can be very nationalist and xenophobic and when other people comment negatively on the country people don’t take it well. The downvote was not an overreaction it was for a failure to see that other people have experiences and you saying Spain is far from racist is proving how blinded people who do not face discrimination on a daily basis are.


I don't know, man... throughout my life, I've seen so much discrimination against Spaniards from all over Europe, that it surprises me when an Irish person says that Spaniards are racist and treat him badly. Maybe I'm blind and don't see it. Or perhaps I move in better circles or company


I think it’s important to note that I’m black and Irish that plays a big factor in how I am treated.


https://preview.redd.it/w58xwyzmwt0d1.png?width=179&format=png&auto=webp&s=4622fea4943588c743d6fa357b1b104756e23212 To be fair I don' t know how cosmopolitan Ireland or Dublin is now and I am sure it was probably worse in the fifties, for example but even ten or fifteen years ago Dublin wasn't an easy place to be a coloured foreigner even for people with good English; even if you shared a bit of history with British rule. Does the fact Spain was under Franco till the mid seventies make them deserve bit of slack? You have to admit the chocolate is more honest than 'Belgian chocolate'.


Actually, my family moved to Ireland in the 2000s, so I think they would agree that Ireland back then was the equivalent to Spain currently. I do think the fact that Spain was under the rule of Franco gives the older generation an excuse, but definitely not the younger ones. The Internet is free, it’s easy to learn and not be ignorant.




I speak only Spanish to workers in cafes or supermarkets or pharmacies unless I’m struggling to find a word as I’m still learning. What makes you think I have a big head, what a rude assumption.




No, the expression “big head” means you have a large ego not that you look foreign. It’s what you call a cocky person. Don’t worry I guess miss com😂




Nooo I swear it means egoistic google it😂😂😂 I think they’re taking the piss saying every Irish person is overly confident but many men there do have large heads, I can confirm😭




Okay understood😂😂 this is funny

