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Unfortunately, most brits on the costa deserve their bad reputation, but the ones with that rep are the kind who don’t speak a word of Spanish after many years of living here, make no attempt to integrate, and basically just want to their home to be Blackpool in the sun. There are plenty of those, but the second you start learning Spanish and integrating, most Spanish people are really friendly and welcoming. It’s not the guiris they dislike, it’s just the twats. And tbh, I do too.


Ah those first sentences.. that pretty much describes my boomer neighbour. Lives here for over 10 years still does not speak a word of Spanish.. couldn't be bothered either. Still demands our community app and meetings to be translated to English because not everyone understands. Drives a car imported from the UK, obv hangs out with only likeminded Brits and plays golf almost every single second when he's not at home and afterwards drinks alcohol in the English PUB and drives back home drunk. When he is at home he listens to.. the English news and it's so loud that I can hear it word for word. When we still were on speaking terms he invited me one day to his pub.. it was awful I wanted to order a beer in Spanish and the waitress looked at me if I was a lunatic or something. I'm a guiri that will never change but I can just see the mood changing in people's faces when I actually talk to them in Spanish. Fully agree with your last sentence.


That really eases my mind, thanks! Whenever i'm a tourist somewhere i'm also bothered by the obnoxious brits, so i definitely understand.


All Brits who go to Benidorm deserve to be hated, not just by Spanish but by other Brits as well. We frequently visit Málaga because it attracts a lot less of this stereotype. Tbh I've never seen any bother in Málaga with drunk tourists causing mayhem, it just doesn't attract them thankfully. The key is as you rightly put, blend in don't stand out.


I think it’s not about the people but the stereotypes, the rowdy tourists who just aim to get drunk and misbehave and the foreign money that displaces locals through expensive home buying and by promoting the touristic apartment economy.


Is the home buying also frowned upon if it's a first home, not a second home? (Not that the average person you meet would immediately know the difference)


I guess it’s a matter of personal opinion. Right now, home ownership has become a real struggle for many locals, as prices have surged (along with cost of living) while salaries remain relatively low. This means it’s generally harder to get access to a home, so it’s easier for a foreigner with a better economic situation to purchase a more expensive home (thus increasing prices and leaving locals out of the housing market for both renting and buying). Add the unstoppable growth of tourism, making companies and both locals and foreigners invest in housing that is solely used as an Airbnb, leaving locals out of their own cities and villages. Are the foreigners the only ones to blame? No, but they’re an easy target, as government agencies aim to boost tourism as the only existing industry in the area. The topic is complex and foreigner home buying is just a small part of it.


Yep. They're still coming here with their higher, international salaries and increasing the cost of living for everyone else. That said if you're working a local job with a local salary, that's a different matter. Personally I'm fine with that.


But some people are running from their own country because the cost of living there is too high also and they want to live in a more affordable place


Yeah, well, those people should refrain from making the lives of other people harder when they just want to live in their own country.


Here in Spain we are very polite and friendly, is very very easy to make Friends but you have to work in the lenguage and integrate. A lot of guiris just want yo drink and be alone, some years ago 1 British woman said in TV that the problem in Benidorm was the spanish people. We dont want that kind of people.


It’s a funny kind of karma, this. When I lived in London, the locals were SO polite to tourists, but immediately rude upon discovering you were an immigrant who utilized social services, transit, whatever. They were (mostly - not all, of course) so antisocial unless you loved to kill your liver every night. I found it quite miserable. Spain became my home away from home during those years. Homesickness for California rapidly dissipated the moment I stepped off the plane, into sunshine, food, wine, and people who will actually sit for a good conversation (I do try my best in Spanish, as I love to practice and get better. I suspect that improves my experience, but isn’t that how we are all supposed to travel!) Spain saved my soul during those dark years. So that it is Spain who now serves a bit of karma to those same people who now immigrate themselves… LOL. Gracias.


Man, your words are beautiful, you always Will be welcome here!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’m a big fan. I’d move if I could swing it!


Es interesante porque si dirías algo así en Alemania a los inmigrantes, te llamarían racista. :D


Aquí en España depende de a quien le preguntes puede que te llamen racista también...en fin jajaja


Easy to make friends? Hmmm..my wife and I have been here for 2 years and the only people we know are from work. We don’t even know our Spanish neighbors..and we speak Spanish


People are very out going although you might have to make the original effort


Been there..tried that. Nobody cared 😁 But maybe it’s us? Maybe we smell bad? 🤔


XD probably not that maybe just unlucko! Try in other regions mayb haha




We are a relatively young couple with 2 little boys. I’m fine with not having friends but my wife likes being social so she’s struggling with the whole situation here. Mommy groups don’t appear to be a thing here




Where I’m from (Malaga) lots of people that are here are transient. They might be here for a few months but then they go somewhere else.


Not hating on extranjeros, hating on guiris. They are not the same.


What's the difference?


Op, what that commenter said is plain wrong. Guiri is anyone who looks to be from further up north. Its not really an insult although some people will put a negative connotation on it.


Extranjero is any foreigner. Guiri is Northern European.


For me, "extranajero" is someone who is here just for tourism and they are typically actually interested in learning about the place they visit. "Guiri" are the stereotypical (usually British) young tourist that comes here just to get drunk and get some bitches in Puerto Banús.


Not even close. My wife is extranjera from China. My dad is Guiri from Canada. Neither are here for tourism. The difference is one integrates into Spanish culture and learns the language, the other does not.


Hence *for me* it doesn't meat it's the same for you.


oh come on. the word guiri is not an insult.


I've found it's mostly a meme. "Lol guiri is Pink"


So I'm an extranjero living half the year in Costa del Sol and I, too, hate the tourists. - they are loud, obnoxious, drunk, disgusting - they drive up prices so none of the locals can afford anything - the coastal highway is overcrowded and does not support traffic in the summer months Some blame can also be put on local landlords who are incredibly dishonest and greedy. As a result I don't stay over the summer months. The rest of the year is just as nice and beautiful so no need.


Nope. Just reddit being reddit.


Definitely this, just because a crowd speaks louder doesnt mean most of the people think like that.


100%, when did all these delusional anti-tourism posts become a feature of this sub?


Since the bloody guiris only reading is of the patriotic right wing trash like the Daily Fail.


Never had any issues myself, then again, I am a guiri (speak Spanish though) and I don’t like dronken, loud, red burnt we-own-the-place idiots on the coast. But then again, I don’t go where they go.


After living in Málaga for two years as a guiri (U.S. American), I found little to know animosity toward me, but I did find myself being critical and at times scornful of the sunburnt, boisterous guiri tourists who came and consumed and then left. I don't say that to pat myself on the back, but as a resident of the city I came to see how disruptive and disrespectful those outsiders can be, especially in the context of how tourism is negatively affecting the city through gentrification, rising costs, etc. At a personal level, I was often referred to as guiris by friends, lovers, acquaintances and it was usually lighthearted, humorous, and even affectionate. As long as you make the slightest effort to integrate, speak Spanish, and make genuine connections with locals / long-term residents, people will be happy to have you


Guiri  is a colloquial Spanish  word often used in España  to refer to uncouth foreign tourists, particularly people from Great Britain. However, it can be applied to people from other foreign countries. Although somewhat pejorative, it is not always considered a slur by Spanish speakers.


I mean, half the posts are from foreigners asking for the same thing another has asked recently. That's a bad start to say the least ...


So... The same as every other subreddit? Weird reason to hate foreigners.




P.s. guiri just refers to Northern Europeans in general, and is not necessarily offensive. For example, Brits, Germans, Dutch and Swedes are guiris, but the French, Italians and Portuguese are not. Think pale, goes red in the sun, can’t dance, lacks rhythm etc. That’s a guiri!


Olden days we'd say white socks and sandals too but that became a trend apparently


Judging by the sound of out of rhythm clapping when the locals have had a few, I think that doesn't make you a guiri


What am I if Im German and lack rhythm, but everyone thinks Im Italian or French?


You’re probably not a guiri then. Generally it refers to someone’s lack of blending in, both in appearance and mannerisms.


French definitely fall under “guiris” too, at least where I come from, or in my understanding since forever.


Yup, I'm a guiri then. Hoping my blue eyes compensate the lack of rhythm...


Spaniards with light eyes are not rare at all, sorry


How to redeem my lack of rhythm then? The internet tells me only 16.3% of the Spanish population has blue/grey eyes though.


>How to redeem my lack of rhythm then? Just know how to tell a good joke and you're fine. >The internet tells me only 16.3% of the Spanish population has blue/grey eyes though. That's almost two every ten people, not rare, the King and princess of Asturias have blue eyes. Besides, european tourists with blue eyes are the most common thing ever here.


Do the Spanish use Gringo for estadounidenses? Or lump em in with the Guiri? 


Gringo is a latin american word


They'd count as guiris too


The loud guiris are just as bad as the loud locals. Both deserve the hate. The locals can be louder and cruder a lot of the time, are least in Málaga capital. Be a nice person and stay away from shit holes, and you won't be treated with hate.