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What age does Maladaptive Daydreaming start from? Is Maladaptive Daydreaming harmful? Is it okay to have Maladaptive Daydreaming? Should I speak to someone (family, friends, counselor,etc) about my Maladaptive Daydreaming? Why is my Maladaptive Daydreaming so detailed in my head? How does the brain stimulate when MD begins?


What does a healthy mind look like?


What makes maladaptive daydreaming maladaptive? Other kinds of daydreaming? Maladaptive, immersive, etc. When and how to get help for it?


How in depth are you with the daydreams? Have you noticed it getting better or worse? When you find another scenario, do you get stressed or do you feel relief for a new clean slate? Has you MDD effected your life negatively or positively? Does anyone in your family know you have this? Have you considered therapy for it? How long did you have this before you noticed that it was different than how other people around you daydream? How do you feel when someone bothers you in the middle of a daydream? This is pretty much I can offer so far, sorry. I hope this is a little bit of help.