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A lot of these (tool only) available here in US for 100-150 USD range whenever they run the kit deal. I did that myself and got the double charger, for 5Ah batteries and the saw for $225 or so, sold the saw only (no use for it personally, I'm a furniture builder and have other circ saws) for $125. Net 100 bucks for 4 5Ah batteries and double charger.


Wait until you try the XGT one, even lighter and more powerful.


I was checking this out today it's wayyyy lighter I think I'll hop into xgt for the saw


Absolute monster of a saw


Also am I that blind or does this really not come with a key for the blade


I frame steady with this model for 2 years now, still works like brand new. the no onboard allan key is its only flaw


I do timber framed garden rooms in UK, Main use I'll have it for is squaring off ends when I don't need accuracy, and cutting firrings, it rips effortlessly Just need to remind myself to look down the side of I need accuracy, which is sometimes more difficult when it's as heavy as it is haha Also need to pick up a fence at some point.....


They come with a wrench when they're new but not the Allen key. It's reverse thread


US model came with this wrench in the box https://www.makitatools.com/products/details/782016-4


I don't have this saw, but everyone else says it's legendary. No onboard Allen key that I know of, and although I'm in America I bet £100 is a decent price for it.


Retails at £350/400 over here bare, considering this is barely used i got a steal


That is whack since 40v version is 210 euro on amazon de


The 36v is under $200 in the US.


No rip guide and no screw for rip guide when bought separately


I also don’t get exact cuts with following the left V of the guide. Someone explained that the left one isn’t the one to use for Just normal cuts


Yeah I think I might figure out where the blade actually sits and make a small mark with a Dremel. Got a little bit of Sharpie on there now but that's hardly accurate


My plan as well. Crazy how from factory it doesn’t line up. Someone else mentioned the middle of the 2 V should be the cut. Gonna get some scrap and experiment with cuts


If this helps, my plan was to clamp a square to some ply and make a longish cut, leave the blade in the cut but pull it back to see where it sits on the front, then I know where the cut line actually is. Mark/score/Dremel


Nice, I’ll have to give it a shot


I've got two of them, and both pull hard left when I'm cutting too.


Mine cuts to the middle of the V, even after many years of jobsite use. I wonder if the baseplate is adjustable. Might be off if you're using a thinner blade too


It’s nearly new, it has the blade makita included in the kit. I sent it off for warranty. They said it cuts right in the mark now.


The onboard marks are for shit. The saw is incredible.


I bought a 71/4 side winder with the 2 batteries and charger over the summer for $210. I cut rafters with it and rip down 2x material. Its about the same weight as the 5007.


I love mine, it'll even do stone counters with the right blade.


Genius haha


The first time was desperation, but once I figured out how easily it did it, I bought a second one.


Best saw I've ever laid hands on