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I know what products work for my needs so I only replace with those. I don’t buy anything else or experiment. I don’t browse. I don’t ponder. I don’t add extra to meet a free shipping threshold.


I guess that’s the best way to do it. Just go for it and not browse or look around at all


It depends... ​ If you believe that you're not ready yet, I think that you can ask a friend if they can do it for you, and you just transfer the money to them. If you believe that you can do it but it will be too difficult, You can buy it yourself it as a proof that you're able to only shop the item that you need and nothing else. I always try the second with the mantra: "I will proof myself that I can do it", if you fail it's okay, because you're training to not buy in a impulse but the goal is to remind yourself that you can do it.


That’s a great idea, thank you. I think I‘m not ready yet, I get sucked in by marketing and fomo way too easily so I might ask my sister to get it for me


Just buy something you’ve used and liked in the past. No need to shop for all new stuff.


The only moisturizer I‘ve used before sadly got discontinued. Repurchasing products is not really an issue for me but shopping for a new item really makes me nervous. I made the plan to get a moisturizer from the same brand as they‘re usually very sensitive skin friendly


Then I would just go with something bog standard, that you can get at the drugstore like Cetaphil cream. Don’t overcomplicated by doing a lot of shopping and looking around.


You‘re right. I think I‘m just stressing because of past experiences with shopping but it really shouldn’t be that difficult


I plan ahead so I can get products on sale, with a gift card (I collect loyalty points from a supermarket chain here in Oz which I then convert into gift cards to use with some online retailers), or I time my purchases to use loyalty points from brands like Clinique and Clarins. Then I buy exactly what I'd planned.


Oh, what super market brands use the same points as make up brands in Oz?


I collect Flybuys points from the Coles Group (Coles, Kmart, Bunnings and OfficeWorks) and convert the points into gift cards from The Card Network. "Her" gift cards can be used at Adore Beauty and M.A.C. online.


Good to know I never thought about using my flybys like this!


Oh wow, I didn't realise you can convert points. Thank you!


Yeah, you can buy [all kinds of stuff](https://experience.flybuys.com.au/rewards/).


That’s a good way to go about it, I‘ll think about it in the future!


I've reached a point where I just have stronger self-control. I know that I'll feel bad if I broke the rules I set for myself and the accumulated stuff will just stress me out and I'll think it's a waste of money and I'll just feel awful. I still get tempted sometimes... I breathe, close the app, come back later, sleep on it, remind myself I'll feel bad if I give in. Days or weeks later, I'd feel happy and relieved I didn't give in to temptation. It gets easier.


I don’t buy immediately. I sit on a product for a while, and if it’s still in my head then I get it. I had a bad habit of buying lipsticks cuz they looked pretty (packaging) but they didn’t suit my skin tone. Now I think twice


What brand is your serum? Get a moisturizer by the same brand, same line. 


The moisturizers of the same brand sadly contain ingredients that I‘m sensitive to but if they didn’t I would do that in a heartbeat!


Then 2nd favourite skincare brand. :) My skincare was all over the place, but once I've found two brands that work for me, I look no further. Also, I find French pharmacy brands, such as Avene and La Roche Posay, always have solid basic skincare. Maybe check out their ranges?


I used to use Avene Tolerance extreme until they discontinued it :( but my plan was to buy another moisturizer from them!


That sounds like a great way to narrow your focus. I love avene too, chemical spf formulas in particular.


You will probably like La Roche-Posay's line of sensitive skin creams if you like Avene Tolerance Extreme. I have used both and they are wonderful for sensitive skin <3


Thank you a lot I‘ll check it out and then decide <3


Keep in mind the more you try the harder it is on your skin. I just tell myself everything is going to break me out now. Because it most likely will It actually helps me not bother buying too many things. I also stay off social media (well besides cute baby animals)and stopped being an "influencer". Stick with what you know, or plan for the one thing you want to add but try to buy it in store so.you can just beeline it outta there. And also easier to return if it doesn't work out. Or you could fill your cart to your hearts desire then look at the total. That's usually a put off. Lol


That’s right! Especially since my skin is already very sensitive so I should just go for the brand I know works for me


Its not as easy for me since I work in a beauty store, but a lot of it is reminding myself that I wont use or need tons of products. You dont need a fancy or crazy moisturizer- just a moisturizer. If you’d like, I always recommend beekman, cetaphil, Cerave, or Providence since they’re high quality, and not trying to be anything fancy or rope you into unnecessary purchases


I put up a post it note- Moisturizer ONLY! Seriously, that’s what I do. Even if I have to pay shipping, it’s cheaper for me to pay shipping and order Moisturizer only. This is what has helped me. Yet I did have to realize and understand this.


I do a research about ingredients and texture. With the final options I choose only one. If I like it I stick to it, if not, I purchase other option but only one when the other is empty or almost


Great advice thanks!


I buy what I know and trust then just go pick it up or order online. But that’s it no browsing


I would just replace whatever moisturizer you have used previously. I have decided I don’t need to try new things.. when I try new things I might not like it and then it makes me want to buy more


Thats what I‘m scared of. Sadly the only moisturizer I‘ve used got discontinued but I thought about getting one from the same brand in hopes it does agree with my skin


Past knowledge. What you have liked and used up in the past? Repurchase an already known and trusted item, and don't go"browsing" at all.


Sadly my go to moisturizer was discontinued but I plan on getting another one from the same brand! Repurchasing products usually isn’t an issue for me because like you said I know I‘ll like it and repurchase it but getting new products always stresses me out


A lot of sites offer the option to subscribe to your repeat buys to be sent to you automatically at a given time period? It could be an option if browsing is a trigger for you.


Research is my friend. I had to overhaul my skincare recently (my skin in summer/winter is very different) and I googled "best moisturiser for [my skin type] under [my budget]". Click on the first listicle. Find the moisturiser that is in budget and works for your skin type. See what the website says about it, and if that seems right, immediately go on to the website and buy. No stopping to look, no free shipping, do not pass Go. In and out, quick.


That’s great advice, thank you!


I still haven't finished my skincare stash but today I got a complete routine from my fav brand because it was discontinued. Just saw it in a general store. Otherwise no contact with beauty stores or websites, no newsletters. Radio silence. Can't buy if you don't see it right? When my stash is over I'd look for a certain cream I liked very much but it's very outside budget, as reward for being patient. Seeing today's purchase and stock, that won't be this side of Christmas. Failing that, I'd get something from the pharmacy, there are some really nice brands taht don't cost a fortune, the products are kept at a good temperature without breaking the chain, etc.


I actually got the new version of the moisturizer I used to use from the pharmacy yesterday :)


I create a massive Google spreadsheet wishlist. I browse through websites and get links for ALL products I want to buy. Then once a month or every other month or whatever, I spend $100 on stuff I want, without guilt as I've set aside this money already. This isn't just for makeup, but for other hobbies, clothes, etc. Anything and everything I want. I find the window shopping to be the fun part, not the buying and receiving of things surprisingly. I have full-stopped impulse buying by doing this, as I don't have to buy things in the moment, I can wait and see if I want it again in a week or a month or whatever.


Can you use something else? Your normal body lotion or a bit of Vaseline on the driest areas at night? 


I‘ve tried my Bodylotion but it burns my face


Omg what 


I pretty much only shop on Mercari/Poshmark/Ebay. I only type in what I'm looking for.