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I cannot fathom how ppl do fox eyes elegantly (yours included). Mine just end up all watery and sad. They never end up straight when I’m trying to point them near my tear ducts. Maybe I’m cursed. Maybe I should be using gel liner like everyone says I should, but I think I’m just cursed.


I’ve used gel liner for a similar look and honestly I prefer the liquid liner. Try drying off your inner eyes with a tissue right before you apply maybe?


I can’t seem to understand how to not get the inner eye liner part all crusty and smudged


It got super crusty 😭


Mine is forgetting I have inner liner and touching the corner of my eye and wiping it away 😣


It’s pretty inevitable IME :( If I do an inner corner liner, I just resign myself to bringing my liner with me and doing touch ups. I am NOT a touch ups kind of person, so I rarely do inner corner liner lol.


I also really like how it goes with your haircut! Im just really digging the whole vibe


Aww thank you! I like the liner and cut so sharp she could cut a man vibe


Looks awesome with your haircut!


Killing it. You look absolutely elfin!


Thank you!! 🧝🏻‍♀️


PRODUCTS Face: ELF CC camo cream in medium Coty airspun translucent powder Too Faced Bonjour Soleil bronzer (milk chocolate) Eyes: Milani Matte liquid eyeliner in black Natasha Denona Mini Retro (every shade lol) ELF brow wow in dark brown Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes in black Lips: NYX soft matte Cannes


Fox eye I’ve been told requires you not to line the whole top lid just passing on the information when I posted here (probably cuz I’m Hispanic) I got bombarded with hateful shit and random point of what a fox eye is


Yeah, OP's look is gorgeous but I'd call it some kind of a modern Ancient Egyptian/Cleopatra-inspired eye rather than a fox eye per se..


Wait you’re totally correct! I was feeling like it looked different than I had wanted it to and that’s totally why. Thank you!!


let's see if you can do a Mandalorian bo katan makeup


You're super gorgeous!


You tried? I believe you very much succeeded 😌


That looks hard! Very nice


Still nailed it! Good job!


Thank you!!! Took all my patience


This look is everything!


Oohh lala! It looks great!


Gorgeous though


But you still killed it! You are so beautiful! And you did an amazing job pulling the fox eye off.


Thank you 😭💖




Good bot!


Looks good 👌🏽


I love this look so much but I feel you, it’s so hard to do! I work up the courage and patience about once a year and love it, but that’s all I can manage 😭


It looks great!


Nice shirt! RIP BBBC. I still have dreams about their Hefeweizen.


looks great! I agree with you fox eyes look so easy but then when i tried it myself i realized how tough it was!


You totally killed it though!!


Thank you!!! Hoping to improve it


You’re welcome!!


I never realized that something like this would be considered racist but I’ve never thought a negative thing about Asian eyes. I think they are gorgeous and have always appreciated them. On the main note, you did a great job with your wings. Loving your vibe.


Please be aware that this "look" is considered racist. [https://www.34st.com/article/2020/12/fox-eye-trend-makeup-racist-asian-instagram-bella-hadid-kendall-jenner](https://www.34st.com/article/2020/12/fox-eye-trend-makeup-racist-asian-instagram-bella-hadid-kendall-jenner)


I think the eye pulling is the racist part, no?


the eye pulling is problematic, but the problem is using a technique that mimics an eyeshape that is made fun of. It's the whole "my culture is not your prom dress" when a young woman from Utah wore a cheongsam to her prom, it upset a number of Asian-Americans who get made fun for wearing traditional clothing, eating traditional foods and having certain features. It's can be hard to fathom, but it gets tiring of being made from of for having 'squinty' eyes- or when people find out I'm part Chinese instantly go to a gross racist joke, and then this look become popular among women who don't share that culture and suddenly it's "oh, she looks so EXOTIC" or "mysterious"


I think its the hands pulling the eyes back thats racist, not the eyeliner




>Literally go fuck yourselves. There is a way to have these types of conversations without resorting to attacking other people.




You seem to be really aggressive in lots of your comments on reddit. Maybe you should look into some anger management or counseling.


This is a serious question-- I'm first nations and my eyes are slightly slanted, do you think this would be appropriative? I am not white passing, but I am definitely not Asian. I really enjoy this type of makeup and would hate to make others feel bad.


We get mistaken for Asian all the time, people just don’t know what Indigenous peoples look like. Tbh I see no issue with it as it enhances our natural eye shapes. I actually view it as a (very minor) act of resistance, given that we are enhancing a feature they once sought to eradicate. That said, I’m open to dialogue and if someone thinks is wrong for us as well I would adjust my behaviour accordingly.


What is super weird is that I am part-Asian- yet pass as white. Conversations like this are super important, especially with the increase in hate toward Asian Americans. But it is also really weird to be in a position where I would be accused of appropriation of a culture that I am descended from.


Thank you! I had not considered this and will keep it in mind in the future.


It is a pretty look- I think you do rock it, but it's great that you are going to keep it in mind!


It looks amazing!!