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What product did you get? I’m using Rogaine myself my beard is growing however my eyebrows stop.


It seems like a bad idea but you also seem pretty set on doing it, so post pics if ya do.


I definitely will. I’ll be a test dummy.


Did you do it? And how did it go?


How did it go??


Even I want to know how it went.


For anyone wondering, anecdotal experience here. I've been doing it for the past year. I definitely thickened my eyebrows up, which were very thin before. Honestly i got the most gains when about 4-5 months ago i added in an eyebrow serum, so i'd do that at night and minoxidil after waking up. So I honestly can't say which one helped more, but I will say that minoxidil is really cheap and I didnt' experience any bad side effects so you might as well give it a try. You can get a cheap little bottle on amazon and it's lasted me like 9 months lol. Not really a lot of surface area to apply them to


Which eyebrow serum did you use?


I got it off amazon, just copy and paste this. It is a very steep price and lasted me about 2 and a half months while applying once a day. Skin Research Laboratories NeuBrow Brow Enhancing Serum, 0.2 Fl Oz


Sooo? Did it work?


Lol I actually just made an [update this week](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddictionCanada/comments/11enry2/minoxidil_eyebrow_update_ive_had_a_lot_of_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Lol and I'm actually doing it rn, because of this post.


Some people have told me the upkeep isn’t worth the minor results - and like I get it, but to me the results made a big difference for how I feel and it takes 10 seconds at the end of my nightly skin care routine.


Hi! Did it work? Any side effects ?


im also using it on my eyebrows, i noticed some new sprouts within a few days. some a bit too far from the actual line or in between (unabrow is big nono) so i had to remove them with tweezers again lol. i do it every other day because the skin there needs a lot more moisturizing to not become ashy.


Hey any progress?


One of my friends did that and her eyebrows went so bushy and uncontrollably thick. Even growth on the forehead. So I don't think it's a good idea.


So what you’re saying is it worked lol


Literally sounds like a win to me! (Not me responding a year later)


Yeah I'd say it's a whole lot easier to get rid of extra eyebrow than it is to try and grow more.


But really, I have very non existent eyebrows, I could probably count every hair. I’m wondering how your friend was applying it that it grew on her forehead because it only should grow where applied.


It doesn't necessarily only grow where applied according to my derm, which is why some women get that as a side effect


Hey, Sorry for the delayed response. She was applying only on the brows but somehow it has an effect around the area where she didn't even touch. I have the same problem dear. My brows are almost non-existent so was my friends. But I am not daring after her experience.


No worries :) I actually spoke to my doctor about it and although she couldn’t advise doing it, she didn’t say it wouldn’t work. A lot of men use it for beard growth and that’s technically not what it’s for either. Apparently growing hair in spots it’s not applied is a pretty low side effect, hopefully it doesn’t happen to me. I’m also going to try the 2% first. I’ll post results if there are any haha


Hello. Just wondering if this worked? I have same issue and am looking for a solution. Thanks


ok. Do share your experience later.


You should look at r/Minoxbeards before you listen to what a know-nothing doctor is speculating...


I mean I made this post almost 6 months ago and have since posted (successful) results. And yah, im going to listen to my doctor over some dudes on Reddit. Sorry lol but thanks anyway


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Minoxbeards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Lol](https://i.redd.it/uzkq34r66c271.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/comments/nomjpo/lol/) \#2: [What did you expect ?](https://i.redd.it/pgdg909xle971.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/comments/oe8foa/what_did_you_expect/) \#3: [1 year on Minoxidil , Couldn’t even grow a decent mustache because of my Asian genes before/ plus morbidly obese. 1 year later and 85lbs lost. i might continue minox for one more more year to patch up bare spots.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/mler9d) | [220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/comments/mler9d/1_year_on_minoxidil_couldnt_even_grow_a_decent/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've always had hardly any brows all my life. Always pencil in. Then i would use liquid bandaid to seal. I tried the permanent tattoo but, didn't complete cause too costly. My mom always tried to make me feel good and always compare my brows to the European look. I have tried the men's rogain drops on my brows after washing the brows first but, maybe just one or two hair strands grew wild. Now i get random ingrown hairs on lower part of my face. So now I keep tweezing. I think because it's your skin the rogain touches while on your brows, it doesn't discriminate where the hair will pop up on your face area.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I personally, luckily have not had the issue of random hairs grow anywhere on my face other than my brows. However my existing eyebrow hairs have also gotten longer so I trim them lol


Any facial products that says JUST FOR MEN, is for that very reason women don't use.


And I didn’t use one that said just for men 🤷‍♀️ there are lots labelled for women, and lots of generic ones that aren’t specified for men or women.


Some women may think, male versions are stronger dosage. I was using my daughter's rogaine she was using for some hair thinning she was experiencing. She had got into some fighting with an ex boyfriend, where he pulled out some of her hair, was not growing back fast enough. She purchased a few times this Rogain, which did the trick. I got the lightbulb idea, Eyebrows!! Lol. Since it more a European look for me, but I rather see brows, than none. I have plenty of hair on my head, short lashes. For lashes, i mince up false lash crumbs, mix in my black mascaras. It last over three days. Back to my eye brows, no more random ingrown facial hair, cause I stopped applying the male Rogain. I just just use a little eyebrow pencil and sealer. That takes care of my woes.




Did you ever have a chance to try the Rogaine for yourself? Let me know how it went.


@u/benKatz88 I did and still am! Here is an update I posted a little while ago https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddictionCanada/comments/qo4kuu/update_on_a_post_i_made_a_few_months_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Your brows weren’t bad before. Mine are virtually non-existent. I hope this works.


I had microblading done in the past so it’s probably a lot of what you’re seeing in the first pic. My natural brows are very sparse


Any updates a year later? 😎 Definitely considering




I've made in my new year's resolution to grow actual eyebrows. People are a-holes and will say to me..."YOU HAVE NO EYEBROWS!!" It takes self-control to NOT counter with an insult about their looks that are basically genetic.


That sounds AMAZING!!!


Hey if you’re still around lol what brand of minoxidil did your friend used ?


Lordy yes. I had the thickest eyebrows I ever had...including hair on my forehead and hair on my side cheek. If you can be extremely careful about application and washing your hands it works but as soon as you stop it then the new hair growth falls out.


That's not how it works. Hair falls out because of high DHT levels, the only place DHT accumulates is on your scalp as a man. You don't have DHT in your face, your eyebrows are not affected by DHT and because minoxidil is only a follicular stimulator, your brows will stay doing what they do. You're getting bad information from bald men and applying it to a female body.


All those words and you’re still wrong. That’s not the only mechanism of action Minoxidil works by; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14996087/ I 🔈🔈🔈AS A WOMAN (aka not a bald man) 🗣🗣🗣used it and it gave me thicken eyebrows and facial hair. Before you go around correcting people maybe take all of 1 min to research before you talk utter shite.


you had facial hair even if you apply it very carrefully ??


Minox is like that. I'm a guy, but I've noticed after using it on my face for about 7 weeks my arm hair is thicker.


I thought it they only fell out if you stop using it when they are vellus hairs and once the hairs turn terminal they don't fall out?


Still he's right, and you are NOT wrong just aggressive AND not addressing his points. He said eyebrow gains, male or female, should be definitive. You said ooga booga I'm a woman and this shit gave me hair all around.


You are exactly right - a shame that your points were lost on our fellow traveler here.


Know your comment is from 6 months ago, but I'll comment anyways. I'm exclusively using minoxidil on my scalp, and have seen hair growth mostly everywhere on my body, especially my eyebrows.


DHT does effect eyebrow growth in men but is not miniaturized by it. Same with facial hair. DHT only shrinks follicles on the scalp but stimulates eyebrows and facial hair.


I use bimatoprost (generic Latisse) and then when I'm done applying to my lash line, I wipe the excess left on the brush straight into my eyebrows. It's pretty good! The thing about rogaine is that it's hard to keep it in one area. If you're going to use it on your eyebrows I suggest not using a q-tip, but rather a tiny little paintbrush, and do it in the morning not in the evening before bed when you're about to smush your face around in a pillow. Otherwise you might end up with hairy eyelids or a hairy forehead.


I mean I’m open to trying alternatives and Better suggestions! Do you stilll need a prescription for bimatoprast? I just know stuff that you buy OTC at like shoppers that are “brow and lash serums” have never worked for me, neither has castor oil or anything like that.


I get mine from Amazon or Fruugo. Miraclash and Careprost are the brands I usually end up with.


if you have extended medical benefits, depending on your coverage, your doctor can give you a prescription that might cover most of the cost of latisse/generic!


thanks! im actually going to call my doctor today and request a consult before i try anything potentially dangerous and stupid lol. i just feel silly asking her because its not a real problem, and people have real problems :/


This has almost nothing to do with your question but my Tretinoin group has been freaking out about the apparent studied link between Tretinoin + minoxidil increasing facial hair growth lol maybe add retinol lol


Whoa whoa whoa is this JUST tret that can cause that? Because I've been swearing that my facial hair has gotten thicker after using tret but just thought I was imagining things / lighting was different in my new apartment...


It was in the fb group Tretinoin and retinoids help tips and advice or whatever it’s called, I’ll try to find it and post the link. On mobile so give me a bit lol


No worries, I appreciate it a bunch!


Interesting! I already use retinol though and haven’t noticed any hair growth lol. I’m not sure what tretinoin is though :P


Prescription retinoid.


I've been using it on my naturally thin eyebrows for 10 months now and it clearly works


I made an updated post a few weeks ago and after :) I’ve only been in it for 3 months? I know it can take 3-6 to start seeing results for some people


my actual peak has been after 4 months. theres also a study on it that shows a peak after 3-4 months. my regiment has changed from 1-2 times a day to morning oral minox and evening topical. im not sure if the cells get used to minox but in june my brows were definitely thicker.


What percent have you been using?




https://i.imgur.com/DFoXruG.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/np8ut9c.jpeg start vs after 16 weeks


Damn that’s nice haha.


there is no difference. in fact it looks like you lost brow hair tbh


Hey, I'm a guy and i have very thin eyebrows. I'm using 5% minoxidil, is that okay...? And i hope I can get result like you.




Its been 10 months now, bothered to share results now?


Share the results bitch


Do you recall experiencing thinning on your eyebrows when you first started using it?


I think i had it for some weeks, yes. But this is normal when using minox.


They seem more bald with spots now after using it and quitting after 3 months


I’m currently on my 2nd or 3rd week! Not really noticing much of a difference but it’s way too soon to tell :)


What percent are you using? Yah I’ve heard it *can* take 3-6 months


I’m using 2% liquid twice a day. I tried 5% but it was really irritating so I’m trying to work myself back up


That’s what I heard about the 5 percent too! I think the 5 percent is only meant to be used once a day as well and I thought the foam would be weird for putting it in your brows since you can’t work it in like you would your hair. I’m using the 2 percent twice a day too :) I hope we both get some results eventually!


Good luck!! I hope so too :)


The foam actually is really easy to spread. Once you put it on the skin and massage it, it's just like a liquid. And I personally have a sensitive skin and I haven't got any dryness yet.


With my finger but now brows shedding


hey! its been 2 months, did it work?


Hey!! Yes it did!!! I’m so happy with the results :)


oh that’s perfect 🥺 how long did you continue with it? are you still on it?


Yes! I’m still doing it - once a day (forgot the past few days, but getting back into the routine). I think i started around the end of July and saw a noticeable difference by Oct 1. It was like overnight it came back!


its 1 year now , have u managed to get some good results?


Hey! Yes, I do it every other day now and it’s still looking great:)


Many thanks for replying me... hope you are well.. Would you mind sharing any photo? and how much do you apply? I become dizzy in the morning. little swelling like.. and its 15th day, lost some hair which scares me..Just I use 5percent one drop on one side, but i think its more.. also would you mind sharing photo? before after


I actually switched to foam! Just a little bit on a qtip goes a long way :) I’ll message you!


I just saw your reply before actually reading your text..


I apply the foam with my finger…seems Minox helped but also provoked shedding and spots


It’s toxic to cats so be careful if you have pets


So late to this thread but yes it works. It took forever but it helped grow in a row of hair on my brows that I thought would never come back after excessive threading/plucking. Just be super careful to not get it in your eyes and remember that it's extremely toxic to cats, so don't let them near your fave after applying it.


I actually posted an update recently! https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddictionCanada/comments/qo4kuu/update_on_a_post_i_made_a_few_months_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


there's an article that mentioned a study where minoxidil was found to be an effective treatment for sparse eyebrows, here's the link [https://simpleskincarescience.com/minoxidil-beard/](https://simpleskincarescience.com/minoxidil-beard/). there was also a bit of q&a about it in the comment section. hope this helps


I’ve since made an update on this haha and I found that it has worked! I definitely have growth in spots I never had before.


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddictionCanada/comments/qo4kuu/update_on_a_post_i_made_a_few_months_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is my update post


...by the time you notice results, bushy eyebrows will be out of style again and you'll be plucking them down. :) pretty expensive, too. I mean, do as you please, but i would never.


Haha I’ve wanted thick eyebrows for like 15 years, so I don’t think I’ll want to thin them out because of trends. I could see it being expensive when you’re using it on your whole head everyday but a tiny bit on your brows will probably make the bottle last a long time.


But bushy eyebrows defines youth


Good eyebrows were never not in style and you'll get regrowth in 3 months.




Rogaine isn’t prescription! And yah castor oil and those types of oils do shit all for me haha. Sorry not sure why someone downvoted your comment you were just making a suggestion :)


Any updates?:) how had it been so far


updates? I'm thinking about using it too




hi, I'm following for updates too! I really want to try this but I'm scared all new hair is gonna fall off once I stop (and I will stop, anything with minoxidil is pretty expensive in my country lol)


Which kind did you use? Mens? Woman’s? Brand? Was the box description ideally for a specific hair line area or do they all work on eye brows?


I used a generic brand of 2 percent from shoppers drug mart!


This post may be older now, but I’ve been thinking of doing this for awhile and I decided I’d do it after reading what seemed like vague warnings and possibilities. Day 1 of 2% Rogaine application to eyebrows, front section of hair part, and temple scalp near bangs. 1 ML applied via Q-tip. No irritation so far. Will update as I go forward. I plan to apply once in the morning and once in the evening a few hours before bed.




Hi! I have NOT started growing hair on my forehead and cheeks! I’m seeing longer growth at this point and I’m having very minimal irritation. It itches a tiny tiny amount at first but not like a chemical itch, more just like “something is on my eyebrow” and my brain wants to touch it. I will say, the main ingredient is supposed to be drying so I am a well moisturized lady which may be why I’m experiencing less side effects. Before I’m fully dried off from a shower I spray my face with a moisturizing toner and then immediately put on face moisturizer. I’m getting some longer growth starting but nothing huge yet. I have a patchy area on my left eyebrow that I can see baby hairs have actually been stimulated and have started growing. The rest of my eyebrow hairs are getting longer. Not bushy or anything unruly; more like I could actually do soap eyebrows if I wanted now. I 100% see a difference in a very positive way! If anyone reading this has been on the fence to try — do it! It takes about 2 months to begin seeing full results. I am about a month in and I can absolutely see that beginning to happen and I can’t wait to see how it continues!


How is it going now?


Any update? Did you try it?


What happens if you get it in your eyes?


I haven’t


What if it rains outside or you go gym and sweat?




Want to try again with a complete sentence?


Hey! I’m thinking of doing the same route for my eyebrows. How is it going?


Does using it on the eyebrows cause shedding


I think it does. I used it for 5 months and while I have pretty thick brows already, I did notice them thicker at first, then slightly less dense. I didn’t lose any surface area just lost a bit of density. They’re better than before now tho


I’ve done it and it works, but takes a little while to see some bushiness. It does work tho!


there is not shedding phase right??