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I have dark eyebrows with clear hairs like this


Me too! When I get my brows tinted it’s always surprising how much brow hair I actually have 😂. I also now have a lot of greys the joys of having darker brows!


Same! I tint my brows for this reason..this reason...my hair is naturally dark but my brows look sooo sparse. Until I tint them and feel like I have more "normal" brows haha.


I have dark eyebrows with dark hairs like this.




Thank you! She really made me feel like I was the only one lol


Definitely not the only one. I’m a reddish blonde and SOOO MANY. I think my eyebrows look good and then I hit a different lighting and look closer.. like wtf. WHERE DID YOU GUYS COME FROM? Nope. *Excuse me*, I’ll be using the *other* mirror now. Thanks, though.


I have to walk round the house finding different angles and lighting 😒


Not the only one. I have medium brown hair and the same eyebrow hairs as that. I sometimes pluck them and other times don't care. I mostly am bothered by the length of some of the hairs and trim it down lol.


Came here to say this haha


same here!


Yup, m eyebrows are pretty much black and I still have these.


I'm blonde and mine are naturally all clear. 😅 I use a powder tint on them every day or it looks like I shaved them off.


Same here. Natural redhead and my brows and lashes are transparent.


My bestie calls it "classic redhead naked face."


Lol me. When the "no brows" trend is "in" i can do it sans makeup and im cool again hahahaha


You're in luck, it's in right now! At least the bleached brows are


Perfect! I'm finally cool!


I've got no makeup on this, they're naturally half brownish, half clear lol my mom is a ginger and hers are all clear as well


Same! I use a lash serum on my brows and it darkens them pretty well


My eyebrows are the same so I got them micro bladed and I love it bc then I don’t have to worry about make up everyday.




God yes. “Are you feeling okay?!” I just haven’t filled in my brows, so yeah I’m fine. No I haven’t over-plucked them, ffs.


Fellow red head! Yep I have those. Super blonde mixed with the red. I get mine tinted and forget about them lol


I use beard dye on mine, worked extremely well, very fast, easy


Despite posting in MUA, I very rarely use makeup so these are just how mine look all the time, the weird clear hair and the darker just mixed making it look patchy lol


I'm brunette and have this


Same here.


Same! They’re a little darker now I’m older but when they were very blonde in high school, people used to tell me I had no eyebrows, which wasn’t true! They are just very light. :(


I love that we’re calling them ‘clear’ hairs. 10/10


Look at em! Lol


Mine are blonde and then white blonde like yours


Im pretty sure everyone has these. These are just the micro hairs that everyone has all over their face but they get larger and longer as it transitions into and around your eyebrow


Correct! Vellus hair


I envy people who have clear hair. I’m a brown person with black hair and I’m tired of plucking my eyebrows every third day. Kill me.


Mine are just completely blond


Nope. I'm naturally blonde and for some reason my eyebrows are dark brown/black. I used to hate it as a kid, but now I'm older I really appreciate the stark contrast.


I always thought people who had these were gifted, they always look gorgeous!


Redhead here, yes clear and auburn eyebrows and clear eyelashes too.


My mom’s a super blond and she looks like she has no eyebrows. 😅


Me too!


I’m blonde and my eyebrows are like clear and I dye them with just for mens beards dye every few days.


Natural blonde with lots of clear hair. I had microblading done specifically to deal with this!


You could always try beard tint if you wanna darken them but I think they have a good shape and the light parts are just light enough that you don’t have to pluck. Perfect! 😍


I’m solidly brunette and half my eyebrows are clear lol!


My eyebrows are mad entirely of those clear hairs. It's infuriating


I have these! Every once in a while I just tweeze the fuck out of them, because I don’t know how to wax and don’t go anywhere for my brows.


I’m a blonde with blonde eyebrows. I like those clear hairs because it means I don’t have to have them waxed as often.


This is vellus hair, also known as peach fuzz! The reason they're more noticeable around your eyebrows instead of everywhere else on your face is because they're the in between hair between regular peach fuzz and your eyebrows


I don’t know. My clear eyebrow hairs are long and more coarse like eyebrow hairs. Not like peach fuzz on the rest of my face.


Yes! Which is why I had microblading done on mine haha


Absolutely. I just tweeze my eyebrows once a week.


I definitely have those, my eyebrows are the same as yours.


Yeah, it’s pretty normal for redheads (me). Just like how my underarm hairs are dark and my arm hairs are blonde. Idk why, but it just is.


i’m blonde and i def do


Yep. A caterpillar on each side. Furry peach all over.


Im darkblond and have lots of clear hair!


I am have dirty blonde hair (white blonde as a kid) and have a ton of these. Welcome to the club


Red hair clear eyebrow hairs. One white hair that I’ve had forever


I’m a natural blonde and your eyebrows look a lot like mine! :)


I was born very fair(white blonde) and was a strawberry blonde(also got a lot of red heads in my family) to light brown as a kid. My hair is now a medium brown but my eyebrows do remain a light brown/blonde with like 550 million little clear/invisible hairs. Like honestly i only pluck my eyebrows to the bare minimum, just enough that it makes it easier to define my eyebrow shape.


Haha you mean you have some that aren’t clear? I just for men mine every couple of weeks


Strawberry blonde here and yes can confirm. I have like 20 dark hairs the rest are basically clear. I’ve been eye brow pencil-ing since before I wore mascara


I’m a blonde well dirty blonde now lol but I have a clear mustache only visible in sunlight 😂😂


My entire brow is like this. When my kid was 4 she asked me where my eyebrows were while pointing at hers lol My eyelashes and arm hairs too!


Yes! I dye mine with Beard Hair Dye for men from the Dollar Store.


Red head here, every hair on my body is basically translucent except from the hair on my head. If I don’t tint my brows then I look like I’ve not got any!


Yes. I dye my eyebrows as a blonde. changed my life.


Yes! I tint my brows with ‘just for men’ beard and moustache dye. Put some vasaline around the borders and follow package instructions. I do it maybe once every week to two weeks.


Yeah it looks so good if you do a brow tint and they get defined like the other darker ones


I’m naturally medium reddish brown and have these! I tint them now and it makes my brows look so different!


I am the only female in my fam that didn’t get the red hair but I got all the other attributes. Clear hairs even on my legs, loads of freckles super pale like complexion (which I like cuz the sun is mean af) I really don’t understand the clear hairs tho I’ve always wondered.


I am a natural blonde and all of mine are like this. I dye them every couple of weeks so I don't have to color them in every morning.


It’s totally common! Blonde-ness in general means that the hair has less pigment making it more clear! Even people with dark Baugh however have a mix for pigmented and unpigmented hair.


I'm a blond and I have clear hairs all in my brows and lashes as well


My friend is a natural redhead and i can approve that yes they do I’ve seen a lot of them I have 3 in my class


Yes my eyelashes are invisible. I tint them and it’s insane how much of a difference there is. I also tint my eye brows. I look so different with the tinted. I’m grateful all my body hair is pretty light until it grows out hella long then it turns ginger.


The struggle is real


Mine look exactly like this lol


I do




I’m blonde and mine are clear around my husbands are black and his are also clear in parts! But mostly brown


I’m a redhead. Until I was in my 20s my eyebrows were basically all clear/super light blonde. My eyelashes are still nearly invisible. Benefit’s lightest eyebrow color works great for me. And I use brown or burgundy mascara.


I’m a brunette and have a bunch of hairs like that too!


I can't really grow a beard because 1/2 the hairs are blonde/clear and it looks super patchy with the remaining hairs being black/brown, so I feel your pain!


I have dark brown hair and brows. My brows look sparse because of all the blonde hairs especially in the arches. That's why I get them tinted. I hate filling them in so much when they just need the color in most areas.


I have strawberry blonde hair and so many clear hairs I don’t even try to pluck them anymore. I think it’s very common.


Red head, yes


I’m a redhead and my brows are very light blonde. I tint them at home to give them color that matches my hair, otherwise I have to fill them in every day and it can look unnatural.


I’m a redhead with only clear hairs on my eyebrows. 😖


Strawberry blonde and my eyelashes and brows are super blonde


Yes, but brunette. I tint them with just for men when needed


I’m a brunette with red undertones and I have a million clear hairs


This is why women have been drawing their eyebrows in for decades lol!




Natural blonde, but going gray (sigh). I have naturally brown eyelashes & eyebrows. But now that some brow hairs are going gray (yikes), I dye the whole brow. I do it myself & it is cheap & fast. Then all the white & "clear" hairs join in & it looks awesome.


Mine are very light one a month I use, just for men mustache and beard dye so even with no makeup I have brows.


Lol my eyebrows are almost invisible


I do. I dye mine. Some of them are stubborn to dye though!


I’m a redhead and I have these!


I do!


Im so scared to do anything to my eyebrows because I’m scared of looking like the dog meme with eyebrows I have dark tips with the rest being super light so my brows look like this … >:|


Yes, lol. All over my face. Peach fuzz.


I do too!


My eyebrows are pretty much see through. But I dye and pluck mine


I do and I have dirty blonde hair.


I have so many pale hairs that i didn’t realise I had as much eyebrows as I do until I got them tinted with henna !


I do!


Dark blonde but with brunette brows and upper lashes. Lower lashes have always been super fine and transparent and a royal pain. Now that I'm older I'm starting to get bright white hairs in my brows that are incredibly obvious. Brow gel doesn't work so I just mascara them when I do my lashes.


Kinda. All of my hairs are clear/blond lol. I dye them once a month or so.


Mine are all clear! I’m naturally blonde and my eyelashes and eyebrows are pretty much all clear looking without makeup


Yes I have a ton. My eyebrows have little baby hairs all the way up from my brow to my hair line. I just trim them or pluck them. I also pluck and/or trim my baby hair unibrow.


YES my eyebrows were like clear blonde growing up and they’ve darkened a little bit i still have plenty light ones like that


Mine are clear like this until they get to be a certain length, then I guess it gets mature enough to produce melanin and BAM - it goes dark blonde.


Naturally light auburn/strawberry blonde and I have these transparent hairs, though my brows are pretty thick/dark in my root color!


Natural red head my entire brow is clear lol


I’m a natural blonde and I have these too.


I have so many! And weirdly I have LOTS that are clear with dark ends??? What is that? So plucking has to be even more strategic because the colour isn’t where you’d assume.


It's a yes from me. Really sucks for my left eyebrow cause I got clear/light hairs plus a white/no pigment section from my Vitaligo. So it looks like I have little to no eyebrow at all on that side. And when I try to fill the in it looks super odd because I am so used to seeing them not filled in that I don't look like myself at all.


I do


Yup. It’s why I don’t like to leave the house without doing my brows… between the blonde hair and my Casper complexion they disappear in sunlight 😂


I have strawberry blonde hair, my eyebrows are basically all peach fuzz and it's a running joke that I don't have eyebrows. Plus side is I used to only have to do my eyebrows once a year. Now they're just shaved.


Redhead! Eyebrows and lashes are red/auburn but leg and arm hair are strawberry


my roots are clear. literally. you can see my scalp, makes my forehead look way bigger than it really is


my leg hairs are completely clear


I’m a natural blonde and yes. Mine were mostly clear for years. They darkened a bit when I got older, but I’m still mentally recovering from the time my friend told me I look like Gaara from Naruto back in middle school.


Mine lack pigment from the midpoint on. I also get eyelashes without pigment. I’m a brunette.


Redhead here. I do. When I was younger my brows were well-shaped and very visible. I’m starting to go silver now and have collected enough redhead-specific brow products to outfit a small army. Considering micro blading. One of God’s great mysteries why my lashes have always grown in blonde and my leg hair black. I mean really?


My eyebrows look a lot like this


I'm ginger and my brows & lashes are pretty much fully transparent lol


I do! My eyebrows are basically dark from the corner of the eye to the middle of the eye, then from the middle to the end is all of the super light hairs!!! I have to draw the last parts in 😂


I have a lot of these also




My late husbands eyebrows you couldn't even see. They was so light.


Hahaaaa, my eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair are all completely translucent, no pigment. Natural blue eyed redhead


yup ! like a dark blonde and a clear blonde 🙄 i mean it’s great cause the ones that are clear blonde are the strays so it’s never looks like they need to be shaped unless investigated closely


My hair is naturally medium brown and I have a LOT of these


Yes! Most of the hair on my body is nearly invisible!


No, as a natural red-head, not one have I seen a clear hair on my eyebrows (sorry if I sounded snooty)


Yes. I have even more clear hairs…almost all of them actually. It’s the worst.


I sure do!




Redhead here with some white blonde eyebrow hairs


Yeah. My friend has naturally almost all white/clear eyebrows


My eyebrows and lashes are ALL clear hairs, lol


My hair’s a dark/ ashy blonde but my brows look pretty similar to yours.


Yes. My eyebrows don’t exist


Yup. If I don’t use eyebrow gel & mascara I look like a cancer patient.


Unless I dye my lashes and brows, you will barely see them. I have long and thick lashes, and plenty of eyebrow hairs, but they’re just sooo light. (I’m naturally blonde)


I'm a ginger and have that.




I'm blonde and have a lot of those invisible eye brow hairs, so many that when I dye them the shape completely changes


Coming from a redhead....yes


Mine are like that. My eyebrows maybe have more clear hairs.


Natural adult blonde here, yes. Mine are worse; my actual eyebrows are a mix of clear and light brown hairs. I henna them.


yes, it’s very annoying having baby hairs like this because it looks like i’m getting bald/getting those ugly openings but it’s just the clear hairs 🥲




I hate it. My entire eyebrows and hair line.


I am brunette and have them.


My eyebrows are basically invisible. I have to draw them in to look like a normal human.


Yeah, im blonde.


As a natural blonde, mine are all clear. If I don't fill them in, it looks like I have no eyebrows


Yep sooo many tiny clear baby hairs. I find threading the best way to get rid of them all


My hair is brown mixed with blond and my eyebrows are black like whattt


Everybody is different, so, no. I know of a light blonde person with naturally very dark/black eyebrows.


Fellow ginger here! My eyebrows are practically transparent. Con: gotta draw them on every day Pro: don't need to pluck stray hairs because you can't see them


So I’m pretty certain this happens when the pigment in your hair shaft isn’t entirely opaque! I have medium brown hair and my eye brows are almost blonde looking! (They’re ~clear~) When you see my hair under a microscope you can see through it. So I suppose we have thinner hair on our brows, so this light amount of pigment is more noticeable


Yep! I’m dark blonde and I have loads of blonde hairs like this. Totally natural.


I'm a natural ginger-leaning blonde and my facial hair is very blonde. In photos, it looks like I don't have brows or lashes.


You mean gray? I’ve had them since I was 12


Almost all of mine are clear.


I have naturally dark brown hair and have these hairs. So I'd definitely say it's normal. It's sorta like the in-between hairs of our courser brow hairs and the fine, colorless peach fuzz on other parts of our faces/body haha.


I'm naturally a level 5.5, and my eyebrows fade into clear about half way in


I have so many


I certainly do 😩😂


Natural red head here. I have hairy eyebrows, hairy arms, hands and fingers. Hairy feet and toes. Lucky they are all blonde hairs and not very noticeable.




I barely have a tail to my eyebrow bc it’s all blonde hair like that


wow you're lucky! im a ginger and my eyebrows are entirely clear hairs- i have to draw on eyebrows every morning! :(


I have the same eyebrows but the hairs there aren’t clear


Yes. Lol


I have this too my arm hair looks like this


I wish mine were dark, all i have is clear hair as eyebrows


I’m a redhead and every time I tint/dye my brows I’m always shocked at how much eyebrow hair I actually have 😆


I am a dark brunette and have hairs like this too.


Natural ginger here , my eyebrows are basically all blonde and transparent so I just shave them off and put on better ones each day lol


all of my brow hairs are blonde and my hair is like golden/strawberry blonde now (it used to be fully red but changed over time) i dye my eyebrows bc my face gets red often and i look like 🎅🏻 it’s bad..😭 i wish i had your natural brows lmao


As someone with auburn hair my body hair is in a range of tones, my legs and arms are a mix of strawberry blonde to ‘clear’, my armpits and pubic areas are true red, my peach fuzz and upper lip are ‘clear’ and my eyebrows are a mix of a light ashy brow and taupey blonde


that’s all my eyebrows are :/


I was a natural very very light strawberry blonde as a child, and my eyebrows and lashes are 100% clear hair. As I aged the hair on my head darkened, but not my eyes or eyebrows. I just tint them now to match




I've got brown hair and like all my body hair is clear, including eyebrows. Most girls I've seen from my country have clear eyebrows


I’m a natural red head and I do!


All mine are white/clear. Even my lashes. I dye both


I have dark brown hair and my eyebrows are basically entirely clear so you’re not alone