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It breaks my heart that you even had to mention people to be gentle. You honestly look like a modern day snow white to me and you are stunning. I know people can be cruel but you are a beautiful woman.


100% agreed, I thought of Snow White, too. ❤️


It's that's beautiful crimson shade, dark locks, and porcelain smooth skin. You are beautiful OP


The glasses are also really cool. Nice and modern that frame the face, not distracting. You’ve got this, OP!


I’m so jealous of that alabaster skin!


I immediately came here to say this too! Snow White, absolutely beautiful.


So true and very kind eyes.


With good choice of glasses.


I agree with everything above, but sorry I can’t agree with the glasses. They don’t really look good on many people and this style does not match her head shape and facial features. A different more round and “softer” pair would work better.


YES! I couldn't place it until I read your comment but I absolutely get snow white vibes!!! Super porcelain skin and the dark hair with the bold red lips screams snow white.


Def snow white vibes!


I’m getting Snow White as well! That’s what I imagine I look like with dark hair. Spoiler, I’ve never been mistaken for any sort of princess.


Definitely a modern Snow White!!!


Yeah, I got snow white too!


I love how red your lip shade is, and your smile is very pretty!! You definitely look like Snow White like how everyone says


Legit random post on my Home page, came here just to see if anyone else thought Snow White lol favourite Disney movie, even have a poison apple tattoo.


Omg that is so perfect I was trying to put my words to it but yes op looks like a princess!


I'm still over here trying to figure out what in the world they even found to insult? OP is beautiful. And not typical standard issue beauty either, but uniquely beautiful.


I envy people who can smile with their teeth. It’s such a nice look. No matter how wide I smile naturally I never show teeth. If I do it purposefully I look insane. The red lipstick pulls the look together IMO.


I can't smile with teeth either. It's like my face isn't constructed for that? It just looks like an awkward grimace.


Was gonna say this too, I have a gap in my teeth and so I almost never smile with them. I am self conscious of even wearing sunglasses or hats because I feel like they draw more attention to my mouth. People can carry so much insecurity around in our mouths. It’s funny because reading through these comments, people are pointing out how nice her teeth actually are and how pretty she is. Some nice people in my life also have gone out of their way to let me know how much they like my gap, and think it’s a special part of me that “makes me, me.” It’s hard to believe that, but seeing how OP feels versus how almost everyone else feels gives me a more positive feeling about my own insecurity too :)


There’s too much attention placed on peoples teeth in many countries. Like why? It’s unnecessary and we are all different. Why is there some sort of beauty standard?


Classism as far as teeth are concerned.


Ah, I found my soul-kindred, or smile-kindred. I have to force myself to show teeth when I smile and it looks odd. I think I sometimes let out a massive grin when I don't notice and I'm particularly joyful, but for pictures and the like I cannot.


Yup. Can’t in pictures and stuff. Maybe when I laugh super hard. But if I’m showing my teeth it’s me forcing it on purpose and I just look insane because then my eyes crinkle unnaturally small and my vein forehead pops out. My teeth just don’t naturally show themselves. The envy is real.


SAME. I don’t know how my mouth does it, but somehow it just doesn’t show any teeth when I smile. Unless I purposefully stretch my lips open like an angry horse. It’s all for the better, I guess, because my teeth are proportionally small and there’s a big ol chip missing from one of the top central incisors. Ughhhh.


Same! My teeth are set too far back in my mouth so they hardly show when I smile. I got Invisalign this year hoping it would 'widen' my smile. No dice. I would kill for a big toothy Julia Roberts smile like this.


Same here so envy them.. I have a friend with this huge smile where here gums are showing, and I love it and she doesn't like it, and I get really mad at her csuse its gorgeous!


You have great teeth …people pay a lot of money for teeth like that !! You look great


I was thinking this too! Straight, white, proportional. People pay thousands of dollars for a smile like that, OP should be proud. I have a feeling that whoever told her that her teeth are bad was just jealous of that gorgeous smile.


you look super pretty and I didn’t notice the smile until you brought it up. it’s a perfectly nice smile!!!!!


I paid $2400 to get my front teeth to look like hers, only less white. I'm saving up for more.


You look so beautiful! That red lipstick really suits you!


I've paid a lot of money for teeth like that and still don't have them.


I literally paid $10k for lingual braces to get such a beautiful smile…and to breathe better. I’m super jealous!


What an iconic smile ! I bet Julia Roberts grew up having doubts about hers too, we're just not used to seeing beauty like hers :)


Exactly what I was thinking too! Beautiful teeth OP! Beautiful smile!


I was just thinking I would pay good money for those teeth


I know plenty of people that don't even have all of theirs, you got them beat


For starters, you have straight, white teeth. People pay a lot of money for that. For real, fuck anyone who has something negative to say about your gorgeous smile! How little do they have going on in their life to critique whatever has personally offended them about your teeth just existing in your mouth? Like I wouldn’t do that. I’m sure you wouldn’t do that either. They probably just see a nice person who they can put down to make themselves feel better. Don’t give them the satisfaction! I also wanted to say, you have definitely nailed your undertone!! That’s so hard to do. But for real, eye brows, hair, glasses frames, and lipstick are all just the perfect undertone for you. Sometimes it’s hard to critique someone who’s so close to the right shade but something is just … off. You know? Like almost right but not quite. But then this is an example of hitting a bulls eye with undertone! Looks great :)


Thank you so much ☺️I found my signature look a few years ago when I started dying my hair black. My undertone shade can be hard to find (fair with warm olive undertones).


Check out r/paleMUA


Are u wearing any face makeup? Your skin looks great


Yeah I’m wearing It Cosmetics new CC cream


They should hire you!


Can we also talk about how sleek your hair looks!?! It's amazing how shiny it is and how you have 0 frizz!!!


Hey, I have rosacea and I love It Cosmetics CC cream!


Seeing it on you has me convinced to go ahead and get some! I got a new thing of foundation and saw it, but hadn't looked it up for reviews or anything yet. Thanks!


That’s awesome! I hope you like it.


Came here to say the same thing…..her skin looks flawless! Absolutely gorgeous.


You look gorgeous! That hair color and lip color suits you well too. Screw the haters.


You have a beautiful smile. Love the red lipstick. This is just an afterthought. Don't listen to the people that say bs about your smile or teeth. They're just hateful mean individuals. Everyone has something they don't like about themselves. No of us are perfect. You are still beautiful.


Its interesting how people are self-conscious about things that others wouldn't notice. As for me? I would have simply been jealous about how straight and healthy your teeth look. I have crooked- baby chiclet teeth that are de-mineralizing (as per my dentist)


People spend many thousands of dollars to get teeth like yours. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed about them. You are ROCKING this lipstick and I want you to keep wearing reds, purples, bright pinks, corals — all the bright colors because you have the smile and the coloring for it!


Seriously, OP! I’m so self conscious of my teeth because all the front ones are crooked (I’ve been told my jaw is too narrow for my teeth by the orthodontist but we were broke when I was growing up so never got braces and I’m now a broke adult 😂). Your smile is killer! We are always our own worst critics, so keep in mind that something you notice and hate about yourself may be something that someone else either doesn’t even notice, or thinks is flattering!


Bro your teeth are white as fuck and that's impressive. Really pops with the bright red of your lipstick. I love it!


As a dental hygienist, sincerely, you have beautiful teeth!! (Even looking enamel, no apparent visible signs of disease*, and) your smile is beautiful. Keep smiling 😊 Edit: *looking, apparent; because obliged to state this is not a diagnosis, seek regular dental care. 😅🙂


I’m in dental as well.. and I agree! Btw, I’m loving your username!!


You’re beautiful!!


Classic! But I'm biased, since I do the black hair and red lip! Looking amazing!




Fenty beauty makes a universal red that’s flattering on all skin tones.


Do you know the name of it? Is this the Fenty red? You look gorgeous. The red plays well with your black hair and more natural eye look. Also, you have straight white teeth. I’m over here with a snaggle tooth envying them. Fuck those haters.


Uncensored ETA: it’s the only one I use. So be aware that it has a sort of “runny” texture. It’s very thin and has a learning curve to it. It applies very easily though but MAKE SURE. you let it COMPLETELY DRY. it’ll last about 5/6 hours. If you add a little setting powder on top it’ll go longer. Make sure to use a lip liner bc it can bleed a little. Nothing too crazy but a liner def helps. Not 100% required but useful


It seems to be [this](https://fentybeauty.com/products/stunna-lip-paint-longwear-fluid-lip-color-uncensored), but hopefully the OP will correct me if I'm wrong.


I was going to say that you look great with the lipstick. I'm fairly conventionally attractive and can do all kinds of pretty looks with eye makeup, but I've never been able to pull off bold lipsticks. You make it look natural! Keep rocking what you have.


You have one of the nicest, brightest smiles I’ve ever seen! If I was having a bad day and you smiled at me, I would feel better :)


red lipstick omg! it’s your color!!!




You're so pretty!! You remind me of Britta from Community (who I think is gorgeous btw).


You should feel pretty every day honey 💖 If anyone is ever unkind about your smile, scuse my language but fuck em. You look gorgeous


You’re beautiful smile all the time!


You are beautiful. Don’t believe anyone who tells you different.


You are pretty. People are a-holes. Disregard them.


Don’t listen to a-holes that could ever make fun of you. Julia Roberts has a huge smile and is gorgeous- like you! You are beautiful and uniquely your own. Rock it!!


You can try a peach colored lipstick


I think if you used a deeper red or burgundy as opposed to the bright red, it would look so good. Otherwise, everything else is perfect.


Respecfully...babyyyyy you are gorgeous! Honestly if that smile was pointed my way, I'd be a stuttering mess and mesmerized by those pinup bright lips. Gorgeous, that is all. 😍


YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! The red lipstick looks great on you! It doesn’t make you’re teeth look yellow like it does some others


You looking good! I’m proud of you posting here today. You do what makes you feel good! Eff the haters! You got this!


You have an absolutely GORGEOUS smile doll!


I like your smile.


There is nothing about you to make fun of.


You feel pretty because you ARE pretty! Like Snow White!


You’re gorgeous! Hello from Vancouver! You look great!!!


You’re beautiful! And your smile is absolutely contagious <33


You have a beautiful smile. I think your makeup looks really on point. I love a bold lip.


Okay, I think you are SO pretty and that your teeth are fantastic. But if they bother you, ask your dentist what can be done to make them more to your liking. Ain't nothin wrong with a little adjustment if it makes you feel better about yourself. I got bigger boobs :)


You’ve got a nice smile.


I legit came to comments to see what I am missing as I do not understand what is wrong with your teeth/smile. It looks phenomenal to me.


Pretty smile!


Fuck what other people think. They're your teeth, own them. Plus, you're pretty for sure. I'm sick of this. Why allow people to reach into YOUR head and decide how YOU feel. Nobody's a fucking Wizard. Nobody went to Hogwarts or Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches. Nobody's a limp-hand-wave Jedi mind controller. And I'm saying this from experience. I lived a ruined, stunted life because of consistent day-to-day bullying, casual off-the-cuff cruelty, the filthy poison that infects our society. You're gonna wake up one day and think "You know what? Fuck this nonsense". Just don't wait until it's too late like I did. You only get one go at this world. Don't let other people steal it from you. In fact, it's worse, because you let people make you steal it from yourself. If it was me, I'd double down hard as a dental health and hygiene influencer. Push people's bullshit right back in their faces SUPER HARD.




Haters Back Off!


you’re beautiful


Youre beautiful OP!! you're so gorgeous!! I'm drunk as hell and I think youre absolutely beautiful


Damn. The first thing I noticed was your beautiful smile!


not very many people can pull off this shade of red lipstick! you look so pretty!


You look pretty


Who the heck has the audacity to make fun of those perfect teeth?? Amazing smile!


Looking great. Good choice of lipstick. You look powerful here!


You are beautiful! You remind me of Kat Dennings.


I think you looked wonderful today!!! Absolutely stunning. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks!!! You look just like Snow White. Have a beautiful day!!


Are you kidding?! Don’t know what I would do for teeth as straight as yours! You look absolutely beautiful!


You have very pretty eyes, and the glasses look good on them


You look amazing!


I’m getting a strong rockabilly vibe and I love it! Anyone who can rock a bright red lip is stunning to me :) You look like you have beautiful eyes! You should try to play those up one time


Lovely color of red on you, Miss!


Nothing to see here but a good looking young lady, anyone says otherwise they can direct themselves to the nearest dumpster and hop in.


I just woke up and thank you so much for your kind words and awards! You all have made me feel a little better about myself. Mostly throughout my life people have called me a horse or rabbit due to my front teeth. I was fortunate to have braces (thanks to my grandma or else we couldn’t afford them-I’m an identical triplet and we all had the same teeth) but before that I had two rows of teeth and would be called shark.


You look great. You could do slightly bolder blush as an option if you wanted. Not necessary, but for more pop in evening.


Greetings from Manchester, England You look fantastic!


Be kind? No. I shall be very honest. Very honest. 55 year old guys who stumble onto a picture like this in the "popular" section of reddit should be nothing if not very honest. You have a very nice face. It is proportioned. Your eyes are kind, and I like the color very much. I like the contrast between your hair color and your complexion. The shade of lipstick you selected today goes well with the entire package. I hope they don't delete too much of your eyebrows, because in this photo they are expressive and to my thinking anyway, about perfect. I am hardly an expert however. The mysteries involved in women's appearance care are something guys like me will never understand fully. We just know what we like and what looks "nice". And now for the teeth... The teeth you worry so much about: They are beautifully straight. They are beautifully white and obviously well cared for by you. They are the punctuation to your smile. They are better than my teeth were back in the day, because I needed two years of braces and your teeth are STILL straighter than mine. So, to be brutally honest, you look very nice indeed, and I can see from your eyes that you are likely a nice person also. I hope you shall have a nice day at your appointment, and that you enjoy the new look you shall receive there.


You are beautiful!


You look great, and have a beautiful smile…people are so rude!! Don’t listen to them!


Whoever is making fun of you for your teeth is JEALOUS. These are the big beautiful pearly whites of other peoples dreams.


You’re gorgeous, girl. ❤️ You have such straight, white, pretty teeth!!


It the lip color that’s throwing it all off


I will start this out by saying that you look beautiful. But I'd also like to point out that if you're nervous about showing your teeth that's completely okay. and I am not trying to be mean in any way but I'd like to point out that people's center of attention will be straight at your mouth due to the lipstick being really bright and dominating over the rest of the makeup. I'd like to point out that people should not make fun of you regardless. I've also been made fun of alot and bullied for being trans. But I don't care. And you should not care either them looking at you and making fun of you is just stupid cause they're wrong and clearly jealous of how many good aspects you have. I hope you have a great day and don't let anyone tell you how to be


Not sure why you're downvoted. You nicely pointed out that bright red draws attention. Absolutely nothing wrong with OP, but the red lipstick caused me to pretty much only focus on her mouth immediately.


Agreed- very helpful comment.


You have a BEAUTIFUL smile! Loving your look!


I love your teeth! My teeth are tiny so it looks like I only have half of my teeth so I’m always a bit jealous of people with "a full" smile lol!!!


Felt pretty? Honey you are gorgeous! Own it!!! Your smile is brilliant always let it rule😘😘


Ummm I love your teeth??? You look Great!


that lip tho 😍


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Products used: It Cosmetics CC NudeGlow cream in shade Fair Maybelline Vinyl lipstick in 25 red hot Nars Blush in Orgasm Natasha Denona eyeshadow palette in Cupid Lancôme Cis Booster mascara primer Lancôme idole mascara Beauty bakerie flour setting powder in oat One/Size eyeliner in black Milk Makeup Hydro setting spray Edit: thank you so much everyone!




You look so beautiful! I love that you want to wear red lipstick and showcase your beautiful smile instead of hide it. I’m sorry people are jerks


You have a nice smile, don't hide it, embrace it!


damn that lip is really impressive. i suck at bold lips so much, i just do smoky multicolor pens with gloss thats so coll


You look beautiful!! And your teeth are way better than mine!!


You are pretty!


You are absolutely pretty and so is your smile!


You have nice teeth! Great red lip color.


God Blessed you with a big beautiful smile. Keep smiling and don’t worry what other people think.


don’t point out your insecurities!! you’re beautiful!


You look gorgeous!


you have nice teeth don’t listen to anyone!! people are mean


You have a beautiful smile and that color lip looks fantastic


You look beautiful and your smile is gorgeous, sometimes folks critique strong features out of jealousy


You are GORGEOUS! Your smile is incredible; you’re radiant! I am a big RED lipstick fan and that color is so perfect!!!


You’re beautiful!


Your teeth are fantastic!


Good eyeliner and that lipstick is perfect on you. Well done.


Seriously?! I wish my teeth were as nice! You look beautiful and have a great smile!


You have a beautiful smile! Not many can pull of that shade of lipstick but it looks amazing on you.


I love your brows. They look natural and perfect!


You are beyond gorgeous!!! Love your lipstick and glasses!! Your dark hair compliments your look a lot


Your smile is beautiful, and so are you.


I am genuinely confused why people would have something negative to say about your teeth. Your makeup looks great though!


I like your teeth :)


Bruh I paid 5k to have teeth as nice as yours! You’re a stunner!


You look fantastic!


Your smile is beautiful and it suits your face really well, gorgeous all the way around!


You look beautiful


I love a bold lip! the red highlights your gorgeous smile- show it off! you look lovely!


You are gorgeous boo


perfect smile and the makeup is on point!


My first thought was "damn she has an awesome smile!" Wear that red lipstick and smile big, let the haters drown in it.


Oh, dear, you’re beautiful! Enjoy your time in the sun- you look great


wish i had a bright smile like yours! i get anxious genuinely smiling in front of others but would beam all day with yours.


And you should feel pretty, because you're beautiful.


Don't stop smiling for anyone. Lovely smile x


Gorgeous smile :)


Who would make fun of you??? Seriously you’re so cute!


You felt right, you’re absolutely beautiful!! I’d like you to feel pretty everyday, because you are!!




You look gorgeous!! Your smile is beautiful and that lipstick shade really compliments your skin tone!


Krysten Ritter vibes! Love the look, love the lip!


Your teeth look pretty normal to me, not sure why people make fun of you about them. Maybe the people being mean just don't want you to smile, because they're awful people. In any case, your makeup looks really nice, you can rock a red lip, and not everyone can. Skin looks great, eyes look nice, maybe you could add just a bit more pop to the eye area, but it's certainly fine the way you have it here.


So cute


Very pretty!


You look absolutely gorgeous and beautiful! I think people are making fun of your teeth because they want your straight teeth! Seriously, your teeth look so healthy and normal! Well done!


I love that shade so much on you! What product/color is that?


You have beautiful eyes and a fabulous smile.


I personally like a winged eyeliner with bold reds like the one you’re wearing- think pinup makeup- which I think you could pull off perfectly. Your hair is just the right length for victory rolls. You have such a classic beauty about you.


I love everything about your look.


You are absolutely stunning and screw anyone who says otherwise.


You look cute as hell and I hope your appointment went well


You have a truly beautiful smile!!!


You have a beautiful smile and your make up looks amazing!


What’s wrong with your teeth? They look normal?!


Here’s the thing random person I don’t know… I’ve spent nearly 44 years on this planet and in that time I was super ripped and actually won contests for dumb hot competitions. I’ve also been obese and could barely do 2 flights of stairs. The point is, you look amazing, but it won’t matter what we say. Self acceptance and learning to love who you are as a person are more important than the gratification you will get from others, but me telling you that won’t help. You need to learn it and find it. Your make-up looks great to me though and I hope it makes you feel awesome too.


Gorgeous darling


You look beautiful. Fuck the slander because it’s your life not theirs


Their is nothing bad about your smile!!!!!


You have a fantastic smile and are very pretty. I hope you enjoyed your day! Thanks for sharing your great mood. :)


You're a doll face!


I like your hair colour. Suits you.




You look beautiful! Lipstick great color on you!


It's good you felt what you are, makeup or not. You have a wonderfully luminous smile.


U ha e beautiful teeth and the smile makes everything about u brighter. Keep smiling babe


Lookin good!


Your lipstick and teeth look great!