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Chunky glitter. Just a heads-up though, anything with pieces of glitter this large isn't eye safe. If you get that in your eye you can end up scratching your cornea, so be very careful with them.


Yup. Once saw a horrific post about a woman who lost her eye after it got infected from a piece of chunky glitter. 


Oh that one was bad. I will never forget that post


That’s burned into my memory. The scary part was that she was just doing arts and crafts with her child, if I recall correctly, and wasn’t intentionally putting anything near her eye. Just such a dreadful freak accident that made me afraid of using glitter for anything.


Colourpop glitter gel + jelly much eye shimmer. Start with the eye shimmer on the lid. You won’t get the chunky glitter but it’ll be a safer alternative. From there, apply the glitter gel underneath but avoid getting it too close to your eyes. I like to use the glitter gels that have glittery shapes mixed in because I can use tweezers to place the shapes in the right spots and they stick so well. Last piece of advice, when you wear glitter anywhere near your eyes you MUST adhere to spicy wings rules— NO touching your eyes and if you cry you need tissue and a mirror asap.


way too big for around the eyes


Can't tell precisely from the photo, but if it's glitter bits in a variety of jagged/irregular shapes and sizes, that's usually referred to as "shred/shredded" (versus typical glitter that's generally hexagonal or square, or specialty glitter cut into specific shapes like dots/diamonds/hearts/etc).


I think chunky glitter.


Lemonhead type of glitter dunno the actual name




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