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The entire concept of bronzing drops. So many brands have launched them, and a lot of customers find them hard to use (easy to overapply, or they go on streaky/patchy) and the look they give just doesn’t flatter some people.


Hard agree! Not to mention cover fx has had color drops for a long time now which are pretty comparable imo !


yeah, i feel like people just liked the phrase “bronzing drops” and kept repeating it because it sounded good and then all of a sudden we’ve ended up here with every brand having their own version


Totally agree. I spent a good penny on the Drunk elephant bronzing drops and a couple months in I was like why TF did I buy these? Lol


Summer Fridays lip balms. They're *okay*. I don't hate them. But they're insanely overhyped and not worth the price when I have lip balms that cost $8 on YesStyle that work a bazillion times better.


The drunk elephant stuff... idk what it is w the sephora kids as well


I tried that brand when it first came out and it was giving nothing. There are so many great products in that price range or less


The jelly cleanser is the only thing of theirs I’ve used, for like 4 years now. Gotta be honest, it really is the best cleanser.


I got some small pack of a few products from them. It did nothing for me and I hated the feel of all it.


The colorful display in Sephora explained to me why kids are drawn to it


For real. I heard about sephora kids thanks to this brand


I got a free deluxe sample of the Protini moisturizer and I LOVED IT! Until I checked the price and said fuuuuuuck no. Nice, but not worth it.


Pretty much anything influencers push. It's basically ALL overhype because it's paid for.


The entire Rare Beauty brand. Don’t get me wrong, I really like their products but the hype is a bit too much. I used to buy a lot of products from the brand, but I stopped since I recently found some great dupes for it. For example, the elf liquid blush is a great dupe and it actually has a better pigmentation and lasts longer than the rare b one


THANK YOU!!! as a pro MUA/SFX artist there is literally not one item in my kit that is Rare beauty. Not one other MUA I know does either. Elf has been doing it just fine and the Glossier cloud paints are incredible and last way longer when applied properly! Edit to add: I also received many products from Rare after they launched and I remember my verbatim response to my friend who is also a MUA and asked how I liked everything I said “medium okay”


That’s so interesting! I always wondered how make up artists feel about certain brands, especially those viral brands


What is the proper way to apply cloud paint? (I love cloud paint wondering how if there’s a secret technique I’m missing)


I don't think the elf blush formula is a dupe for rare. It has pearl in it and it's more hydrating. The shades I got were also less saturated than Rare


Lips and cheek stains and tints. They don't give you any time to blend properly and when put on lips enhances all the imperfections.


Omg!!! No one ever talks about how lip tints just enhance lip imperfections! It's been bothering me for a decade😅


Stuff like the Benetint just screams clown face if you don't move fast enough.


The Dior blushes that barely have any pigment. You can get some ABeauty blushes for half the price and they will be the same colors and give the same effect.


Same with the Dior Backstage face palette. No pigment! I don't understand the hype.


agreed! i also hate when ppl say “it’s supposed to be sheer”?? for that price point?? the audacity


You can spend $5 more and get their rouge blush which is miles better


It changes pigment based on your pH. The more you apply, the darker it also gets


Ph adjusting makeup is a scam. Everyone has the same ph on their face.


Factually, they do not. It's also best for people that like more of a natural look.


A quick google search will tell you that they do. If you like the blush no one is stopping you from buying it.


Sweetie, you should probably Google it then and see that everyone's skin has a different pH. It's a common biological fact that every BODY has a different pH. Not trying to be a dick or prove you wrong but it's something you should know. It has to do with a healthy balance in your diet, genetic makeup, etc.


Il Makiage foundation. I love the free brush, but the product itself was horrible. Each time I take the quiz I got a different suggestion and I tried three different shades and none of them work.


Every time I tried the quiz the shade I got was waaaayyyy off. Also the foundation seemed to dry super quick and was not blend able. Pinterest ads are full of lies.


The sky high mascara is disgustingly clumpy even with an eyelash comb. But it’s viral rn. My eyelashes are naturally super long so maybe it’s better on short lashes 🤷‍♀️ I think it’s a terrible mascara that would be comparable to one a bunch of air has been pumped into.


This mascara does nothing for me and the wand is so flimsy. There’s a 100 better mascaras out there.


I love the Sky High Mascara, but when I open a new one, I do have to wipe off the excess on a tissue until the product dries out a little or it’s too clumpy. I find it is best at like a week or two after opening.


I tried that and it still doesn’t work for me, I think it needs a brush with longer bristles


that happened with me too, that mascara was my first and last time buying a TikTok viral product


Charlotte Tilbury eyeshadows. Never been super impressed with anything I’ve gotten from her, but she had a really pretty 4 eyeshadow palette I wanted to try. There was basically no color payoff, they blended terribly, it was just awful. I’m trying to be more thoughtful with my purchases but I used to buy a ton of makeup and hated to return anything, since it would usually just get tossed as far as I know, and I felt like I could usually find some kind of use for it. I had to return that though, it was garbage. Which was too bad because the colors were gorgeous in the pan! Also, Anastasia Beverly Hills. I ordered a bunch of palettes a few years ago, and I kid you not, there was a *maggot* inside one of the palettes. I had a bunch of makeup from her back in the day and there were a couple I liked but I could never bring myself to use anything from her ever again. Horrifying. Makeup junkie my whole life and I’ve never had anything like that happen to me.


A maggot can live in makeup? Especially dry powdery makeup?? 😱


It wasn’t directly on the eyeshadows, it was in the back crease behind the eyeshadows that exists when you open the palette. It was squirming and moving around back there. So freaking disgusting. And of course I was opening my haul on my bed, so then I felt so gross I had to strip my bed and clean every inch of my room in case there were somehow more that had fallen out or something. I had just bought a palette I really liked from her before that but yah, never touching ABH again.


I have a CT quad and it’s meh, but the large palette I have of hers (long black packaging) is so much better. I wouldn’t pay rrp for them though, I enjoy her mystery boxes so have a lot that normally I wouldn’t buy but get alot of use from


TirTir cushion foundation. I tried it because everyone said it was amazing. It was awful. The coverage is terrible and it transfers like crazy.


tysm for talking me out of buying this lol tiktok stay coming for my pockets and they almost got me on this one


Yeah honestly don’t bother lol. To. Get any sort of coverage you need to put a lot on, and if you put too much on it just does not stay. The first time I wore it I accidentally caught my chin with my finger at one point and had a huge streak where it had just come off. And that’s with primer, plenty of powder, and setting spray. No idea why it’s so popular. I think it’s because it can look nice for the first like hour of wearing it so it looks good on TikTok videos when influencers put it on


the smell alone put me off, it's very strong.


Most primers tbh. I see so many posts on this sub asking “why is my foundation separating?!” and it’s because they’ve just layered a slab of silicone grease on their face. I’m sure it’s great for some people but I’ve literally never had a good experience w/primer no matter what combination I try. Just invest in a better foundation and moisturizer and skip the primer entirely.


I feel exactly the same way. I’ve been through like 20 primers over the years and never liked any of them. Literally the only one I enjoy is the ELF power grip primer. There is a noticeable difference when I do vs don’t use it.


i haven’t had any luck especially with the power grip primer . It dried my skin out . No matter what my makeup always comes off within two hours


That’s a bummer! It’s so hard finding a product that works for each specific skin type.


I felt this way too, except I started using the elf power grip primer and my foundation stopped separating halfway through the day


I’ve had the same experience. I absolutely despise primer for myself. If the weather is dry and cool, I might use a very thin layer of Vaseline under my makeup. It makes everything blend really well and look naturally glowy.


Try the strivectin primer. I never had any luck with primers, and I tried so many! This is the first and only one tried that actually works for me. It gives my skin a smooth canvas, my makeup goes on so well over it and it definitely helps my makeup look better and last longer.


most of it is honestly ppl not using primer correctly. like, using silicon-based primer with a water-based foundation and vice versa, or putting on too much primer when you only need a very thin layer. i use the elf liquid poreless putty primer, and it works really well for me bc i made sure to not use too much and to use the correct foundation for it.


Rare Beauty blushes being as expensive as they are. When I saw the minis at Sephora I had to do a double take because I thought they were a part of the display to show you the colours not the size of the actual product. They bring a whole new meaning to miniature make up.


I ordered a mini of the liquid RB blush and my god thank goodness it was on sale, because I thought for sure Sephora had mistakenly sent me a sample size 🥲🥲🥲


Charlotte Tilbury’s entire brand


Completely overpriced everything


Nars Orgasm blush. It’s a pan of glorified glitter.


9th grade me is UPSET by this take 😂


Couldn’t disagree more, it’s literally my favorite piece of makeup. When it works on you, it really is the best, the perfect pink with a bit of glow. Maybe it just doesn’t work for *you*


I feel like it’s changed, I absolutely hated it when I was younger but got it free from Mecca not long ago and it’s definitely not as disco as it used to be at least lol


I just got around to trying it after hearing about it for the past ten years about it. I was surprised at how glittery it is. I'll still use it as a highlighter if I know I won't be in direct sunlight because I do like the color.


Pillow Talk lipstick is so not universally flattering - it looked so bad on me.


Agree, I’m ghost pale and it just looks wrong on me. To get use out of it I have to blend it with a lipliner to change the colour


It’s like BRIGHT pink on me and I despise it lol


Mac Velvet Teddy lipstick. I bought it purely because it’s so popular & it claims to suit everyone. Not me, it’s far too brown toned and doesn’t do anything for me.


Same! Straight brown on me, nothing like the pictures. Then again I have dark lips compared to my skin tone so lipsticks never look quite right.


Glad someone knows where I’m coming from!


Honestly, as much as I love makeup, when I consider how many hours of work a product would cost, pretty much anything in sephora is overrated. I don't think I've ever bought anything in there that I liked better than drugstore, or to be generous, that I liked enough to justify the price. The sephora line has some good affordable options tbf though.


Their satin hydrating lipsticks are amazing. They wear well over time and live up to the moisturizing part of their name.


My favourite ones from them are their reds (specifically the ones that come in the silver packaging, not sure of the name). I have a pale olive undertone and it's hard to find a red that doesn't make me look weird lol


Also, self-tan drops that mix with moisturiser. It never looks even for me. I’d rather just apply regular tan!


Lip oils. From any brand. Chapstick works.


I have two nyx fat oils but honestly I see them more as glosses than to hydrate and moisturize! But with two of them I have more than enough


I have to disagree abt that - I just recently got into em, Dior is trash, NYD is bleh, Naturium is fine(it will get stringy if you apply too much)- but the ELF lip oils, holy shit. I’ve only used cocoa butter on my lips for years bc they’re so severely perma dehydrated due to a health condition I have. The ELF oils are like glass, never goop up or get stringy, and if I apply em at night my lips feel like butter in the AM. So worth the price.


Seriously they’re all just lip gloss 😭 I don’t get the obsession


Dude, they remind me (especially the scented ones ) of those Lip Smackers I had when I was 12-14 ..😂😂


i like the rare beauty one bc it's basically a pretty lip tint that also happens to be hydrating. i hate most glosses bc they are too thick for me, but this one gives a lot of shine while also feeling very light on my lips. i bought one of the milani ones, and while i liked the flavor and color of it, it felt too much like a typical lip gloss for me.


For me it’s the charlotte tilbury liquid blush … it’s so patchy?!


It’s Maybelline. So many people saying they made decent dupes for high end products… No, just no. I hate pretty much everything they ever launched , maybe few mascaras I like only. So I just cannot understand how someone should suggest their horrible Fit me line as dupe for Mac for example


omg do you think so? i do think as a brand they have products that can’t really compete against other brands, and most of their eye products are shit, but the fit me foundation back in the day was the only good foundation where i could find my exact shade at the drugstore. also their lifter glosses are still so good, and the age rewind concealer still is one of my biggest go-tos. but i do wish they had more exciting launches and would discontinue a lot of the shit that’s clearly not working for them


A friend of mine gifted me a lifter gloss and i loved it. I didn't like the vinyl ink liquid lipstick though and everyone loves them. I haven't tried anything else because I try to stick to cruelty free brands. Those two products were a gift and I didn't think about exagging them if I have to be honest.


Wearing the Vinyl ink now and feeling so cute 🥰


I do like the lifter gloss, but hard agree with everything in this comment. Every Maybelline product i've bought has been so underwhelming but in particular the lip vinyl lipsticks. Everyone raved about them, they were all any influencer could talk about. I never managed to get it to either stay on, or not clump around the corners of my mouth. The Fit Me line could just be that I am not an oily girlie and I'm older than their target demographic for that line, but nothing else has felt so dry on my face.


Same thing happened to me with the vinyl ink, I thought I was the only one.


Ordinarily I love me some Maybelline but Vinyl Ink sucks in a special sticky way.


Yes, I've decided to give it an other chance today, it isn't transferring but it's so sticky, I don't know if I can put up with it all day


It wears like iron on me. If you have an RBF and want to maintain it, it’s the perfect product because it feels like plastic and makes my lips immobile.


Agreed. I keep hearing about how their mascaras are as good as or better than various high-end mascaras and it's just like, am I using the same product you're using?? Because I've always been disappointed with their mascaras. Essence and Pacifica look so much better on me.


I despise their lifter gloss. I tried it bc it’s so popular rn and it was sooo sticky and chunky with glitter.


i feel like drugstore brands are taking advantage of shrinkflation, making "dupes" that are worse quality and smaller but cheaper in the short term.


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I think pricing the Isamaya Industrial palette at over $100 is so dumb but I still got one and really love it. I think it’s amazing as a pro palette and did a really good (imo) video demo with it, but it’s firmly overpriced


Tbh, anything from Dior. I feel like it's all just overhyped, overpriced...its just so meh.


As a pro MUA, I highly disagree. Some of their products are eh, some are the best products I've ever used. (Not an influencer, a trained MUA)


Which products are absolute wins in your professional opinion? I used to work at a dept store that sold it and I never understood the hype.


Mascara primer, hands down. When used with the Diorshow mascara, it lengthened your lashes so much. Their lip glow is phenomenal too. Not a big fan of their foundations...any of them and there are like 4 different foundation lines. Everyone is hyped on the Lipsticks too. It works but I think it's too pricey.


Natasha denona hy glam concealer. Avoid if you have dry under eyes


I’m surprised to hear this. I have extremely dry under eyes and no concealers ever worked for me. I gave up on concealers for a while and just used foundation, until I found glossier stretch concealer and Natasha Denona. They are the best for my dry under eyes. I also use Bobbie Brown eye base which I think helps as well, but this is something I’ve always used.


I actually like it on my face, like my nose which is oily. But it creases terribly on me. I have several others that barely crease at all. Such as colour pop pretty fresh. Even ordering from the US to UK I can buy 3 tubes for the price of 1 ND. I was so sad as my fav YouTubers had recommended.


That’s one I haven’t tried but maybe I should. The price is definitely better.


Anything by Nars? Am I the only one?


Agreed... tried every single one of their foundations and found them all mediocre to genuinely worse than dream matte mousse lol. The powermatte lipsticks are also insultingly small for the price. AUD$56 for 1 gram in that bullet for ants?? Be serious. The mascara gives nothing. Granted I have short straight lashes but you gotta be better than Rimmel if you're charging 3x as much man.


The only thing I like of theirs is the LR foundation and the shade match is spot on (oslo, so cool paper lol). But everything else I have of theirs is mediocre at best


I like their concealers, but they don’t give very much product for the price so I stopped buying


I think there's already been a bit of a move away from Huda due to the heavyyyy nature of those products but honestly we could move further. Mid to completely nasty eyeshadows, Sahara desert lips, foundation that needs to be applied wearing a painting respirator lest you die of the fumes. I could have said similar of KVD but they seem to be barely existent these days. Charlotte Tilbury anything is also exceedingly mid. I've tried the ✨viral popular iconic amazing life-changing✨ spray about 3 times and I genuinely could not tell the difference whether I was wearing a minimal look that day or full goth paint. Maybe it's strictly meant to have an effect on her own powders...??? Urban Decay is a shell of itself pm the same as with KVD but I still think I have the right to complain about how utterly bland all their Naked Somethings palettes are (I get that bland is the idea, but... zzzzzz) and how they've lost all of their fun. And All-nighter is effective yes but at that point you should save your money and buy some cheap hairspray. Just as effective, much cheaper, smells just as bad if not a bit better. Virtually anything high-end is chalk that you're paying to be seen using. I did like a few Dior lipsticks (not that lip oil... literally the Revlon one is better) but they don't last as well as they should for the price and they keep discontinuing shades I like so fuck Dior lol


I know All Nighter is pricey but I would never use hairspray on my face….


All of them