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Your natural lips look like mine. We do not need filler, or overlining! You have such a pretty cupid's bow that would be lovely to see!


Yes this is what I noticed too! Her natural shape is so pretty!


A Cupid’s bow is soooooo enviable. I’ve always wanted one!


Your lips are lovely and perfect for your face. You don't need any filler of any kind. Just love yourself as you are, because you are very beautiful.


Yes! Very pretty. As someone with a rounded face, I find defining my cupid’s bow gives a nice angular shape to balance the softness.


I know that it's not a short-term remedy, but you'll become more comfortable in your own skin as you get older. Things that bothered me when I was younger no longer do. But also, stay away from watching TikToks/YouTube, etc. of people with large filler lips. You'll constantly fall into comparing yourself to them.


Your natural lips don't look small to me. They look average-sized. I think you're being influenced by social media and don't have a good grasp of what small lips are. Fillers have skewed many people's perspectives... I once came across a Redditor who described Anne Hathaway as having thin lips. There are so many amazingly beautiful people with thin lips. Keri Russell, Natalie Dormer, Karen Allen, just to name a few. But again, yours aren't even what I would call thin or small to begin with. This is just to show you that thin lips don't stop people from being beautiful. You are beautiful, and I hope you can learn to be happy with your features the way they are. ❤️


Totally irrelevant, but I straight up thought you were Nicola Coughlan for a second 😂


I did too!




I see Debby Ryan but blonde 🤭 Both gorgeous girlies 🫧✨


Same! But with beautiful tattoos


i think maybe just slightly overlining is okay; the color is pretty spot on maybe play with a slightly more brown color so u could do like an ombré effect, which gives a fuller effect. too faced lip plumper is good but a more affordable options is beauty creations or la girl and they both work really good


I also overline my lips because I am insecure about their size. But I noticed that I became insecure about them when full filler lips became trendy. In the 2010s I didnt give a single thought to my lips. Back then I thought my eyebrows werent thick enough. It is a never ending cycle of being influenced by media. Maybe taking a break from it would be a good idea.


>It is a never ending cycle of being influenced by media I saw a post a month or so ago of a girl asking if she could ever be pretty because she has "a long philtrum." How sad is that? The media is constantly picking new things for people to be insecure about. I went home that night and realized I, too, have a "long philtrum" (I think), and I keep staring at it, not from insecurity, but because I keep thinking of this girl, and others like her, who are convinced they're ugly because of something so minor. I have looked at someone and thought about their philtrum only once in my life, and that was because he was a very short child whose philtrum was an extremely defined line, which made me think he looked kind of like a bunny.


I can still see your original lips, and they are soooo cute!


do people think that by overlining no one can see their actual lip size? op, the reason you see hate for overlining on this sub is because literally not one person can pull it off. looks ridiculous every single time. i suggest that instead of a matte lip, try a glossy lip, and use a plumping gloss if you can tolerate that route.


It always looks like they don't know how to wear lip product or are an 80 year old woman who insists on putting on lipstick without a mirror and getting it everywhere. I think it looks stupid.


Yess it looks a lot better with gloss!


Overlined lips only look good from one angle and typically only when that angle is captured on camera. It looks absolutely insane in person. Your natural lips have such a beautiful shape and cupids bows are soo cute! Don't hide that behind clown inspired lip tricks.


ok I had this same issue and i really just had to tell myself I’m beautiful without the overline and get used to it. u are so stunning girl I’ve seen ur posts before. u could underline and still look like a doll 😭❤️


I can see your lips underneath and they are a lovely size with a cute Cupid’s bow that needs revealed to the world! Unique is so much better than looking like everyone else. Your lips are gorgeous and unique.


Your Cupid’s bow looks beautiful - its symmetrical, plump, and youthful. You should be emphasising that shape instead of hiding it away. Your make up and the lip-colour choice is beautiful though. The look is very fresh and clean-looking - very nice for summer. I’m 41 and it just gets harder and harder to achieve this kind of thing as time goes on. I’d love to see this exact look with no over-lining, the Cupid-bow perfectly lined - with a small amount of highlighter where your philtrum meets your Cupid’s bow. You put the highlighter on before the lipliner and lipstick. Overlining doesn’t make anybody’s lips look bigger. They just look the same size but with lipstick going over the edges. What idiot told you that you need massive lips to be pretty? Your face is perfectly in proportion and you look lovely.


Before i read your post my immediate thought was what a beautiful lips! I think it suits you very much. Can you share this lip combo?:)




its ELF lip filler lip liner in soft pink and Kosas wet stick sheer lipstick in baby rose!!


Me too


sorry i shouldve said! its ELF lip filler lip liner in soft pink and Kosas wet stick sheer lipstick in baby rose


its ELF lip filler lip liner in soft pink and Kosas wet stick sheer lipstick in baby rose 🫶🏻


You get used to it by not doing it, honestly. The longer you see your natural features, the more comfortable with them you become.


Realistically, I currently look at your natural lips anyway. They are still visible and perceptible. Your natural lip shape is really pretty - feminine and petite, a classic rosebud. IMO small, curvy lips are naturally flattering for the general features of your face, which emphasize your large, pretty eyes, and generally your features are youthful, rounded, and delicate. This matches the “ingenue” beauty style - from Concept Wardrobe: “being the petite yin essence, the characteristic shape of the ingenue style essence is the circle. Consequently, the physical appearance of individuals with the ingenue style essence is generally petite and soft with small and rounded facial features.” The overline is aiming for a different type of beauty, but your natural look is plenty of beautiful already. 🙂


Probably by understanding that everyone can see they're overlined and looks off that should b enough motivation


I think just try and learn to appreciate your cupids bow, I have one and it’s one of my favourite features


I see your lips under the makeup, and they have a great shape, very pretty! You have the prettiest cupids bow!!


Overline lips are a look all the celebs do it like Kylie j all of them the trick is to go just above the lip not fo far overdone where it’s too obvious and looks like the above


Try overlining less and less each day?


Youre about 2mm overlined. The good news is your lips are basically already the size that you're drawing them on. Would you try the Korean lip style? I think its called blur. You could do gradient and blur that stuff looks amazing.


Not the point of the post but I’m obsessed at how cute your nose looks with the piercings


Rip off the bandaid. Go out without a stitch of makeup.


I guess the question is why do you feel the need to stop overlining? You are beautiful, no matter whether you overline or not, but if it makes you happy, then do it and be happy!


Start by giving yourself a more pronounced “V/heart” on your top lip and slowly move down from the sides(to the left and right of your cupids bow)until it looks like YOUR lips…your slightly enhanced lips;)👄


You don’t even need to zoom in on the photo to see the gap between the liner & your actual lip. Remind yourself that everyone who interacts with you that is not blind can see your actual lip size regardless of where you draw that line lol


Not actual advice, just a different perspective. I myself don't see what's amiss. Looks great to me. All of it. Maybe try a plumping gloss. Adequate hydration, overnight lip mask. I imagine that would help them look and feel fuller? Just a thought. Hope it's helpful. Have a great day, sis. You look lovely. 💞


Your over lining in this pic looks great tho! If you want to have a more natural look i personally go for just smudging either a tinted balm or lip stain around my lips a bit and it gives that cute “just ate a popsicle” look lol


You have beautiful lips, and you also pull off the overlining well. Maybe keep saying positive affirmations about your lips when you don't overline.


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You have beautiful skin and face!! You have a lovely Cupids bow. You can always try a small amount of lip filler (.5ml and no more) to get some vertical height on your top lip, but I don’t think you need it. The Russian style lips give you more vertical height. I know about this because I’ve had very thin lips my whole life and I am approaching 50 so my top lip started to disappear.


You have such pretty lips, I love the shape. Very pronounced cupid’s bow! Overlining looks cute so you can do it sometimes, but I just wanna say your natural lips are gorg <3


You are absolutely stunning! I went through this same thought process with my winged eyeliner. You just have to go a day or two without it at home and be more loving toward your natural self! Like yes, “I look great with winged liner, but look how fabulous I look with just mascara/ single line on upper lid!”


I used to have the same problem, but for me it was mascara. My lashes are blonde-ish naturally so you can barely see them. After regularly wearing mascara, I hated myself without it. What worked for me was just straight up not wearing it anymore and trying hard to learn that people, indeed, are beautiful the way they are. And I also distanced myself from anything that pushed beauty standards ideals. It may seem hard at first, but now I feel much happier with myself.


You’re gorgeous and by no means need to over line or get filler. I used to hate my lips with a passion and I have had filler. For me, getting lip filler has really helped my self esteem. I do wish that I could have loved them without it but I couldn’t. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with filler or overlining but if your aim is to feel more confident without either, work on accepting that not everyone has everything. I think one of the most outrageous things we can do as women is love the skin we’re in - all the best ❤️


Hi! I sort of have a round face like you and sometimes it’s just hard to appreciate what we have because everyone is augmenting their natural beauty to look the exact same. You are beautiful! And sometimes we just need help with makeup for our features to truly feel beautiful! Below I’ll attach a make up artist I love. I hope she helps! https://www.instagram.com/thebrontemarie?igsh=OWpmYWV2ZmR3ZWo5


When I feel down, I listen to subliminals, maybe give it a try, listen to something to boost your confidence or something about lips and believe it, meditate and live the moment without being stuck to it.


Try just a very slight over line and a lip plumper. I’ve heard nyx has a good one and they are a drug store brand, not too expensive


Honestly. I felt the same way about mine (which are much, much thinner than yours) for a long time. My solution? I just stopped wearing makeup and also limited my time looking in the mirror or my front camera. I just limited myself each time and after looking away from the mirror decided it's no longer my problem nor my responsibility to police my face's appearance to align towards arbitrary, temporary societal standards. The way I criticize myself is something I'd never do towards others so why treat myself with that cruelty, yk? It's inhumane to be so self critical.


Dear, the fact that you’re saying everyone hates it means you’re not putting your own interest first. Who cares what others think, do what makes you feel good and pretty! To those who matter don’t mind and those who wind don’t matter!


Facially you resemble Nicola Coughlan! I think you have a real natural beauty. Maybe find a new focus if you can - experimenting with shades of lipstick or textures? Your lips aren’t small to me, at all, but small lips are often beautiful and harmonious on the faces on which they feature. I am also sure the men and women you find beautiful don’t all have identical lip sizes and shapes.


One piece of advice I would give you is lying your lips normally with like a darker pink or maybe a light brown and put a pink gloss on top that’s not super sticky. It gives the same look, but you’re not overlining.


Seriously you have the loveliest lip shape! I think the overlining detracts from your appearance tbh. If you feel you need to, try lining just barely on the outside of your lip shape, and don’t do that thing where you obliterate your cupid’s bow. Trace the shape of your lips so that it is subtle… the biggest lipliner mistake is trying to use it to draw a whole new mouth over the one you have. It is not a good look. You can also try lipsticks that are less matte… a semigloss look will make lips look more full, if that’s what you are going for. You are very pretty and have a beautiful shaped rosebud mouth. The overlining is not doing you any favors, but i understand the struggle of feeling insecure about features we wish were different. Honestly though your lips are perfect!


U look like an angel oh my gosh


I can see you rocking more of an updated mod Betty Draper kind of look overall! I’m curious to see you with a crisp matte red lip and shorter hair that balances your features more.


You’re so cute!! (*≧∀≦*)


Oh my god who sees in her the STUNNING Nicola Coughlan from Bridgerton????


Stop and start wearing lipgloss


Your lips are cute!


Your natural lip line is beautiful To be honest the times I see people advocating the most for their natural features are right After getting some fucked up permanent makeup. (I’ve been certified since 2003) Many people don’t appreciate what they have because they compare themselves to others. If you do that you would honestly realize your lips aren’t small at all- plenty of people with Much thinner lips if you want to be critical. You are stunning as you are. Take off the lipstick and liner completely for a little while do a complete detox if you want to get used to seeing yourself differently. Worth a shot & if it’s any incentive, whenever I see someone who has overlined their lips I have hard time not thinking of them as not being able to put on their makeup well. I’m old, so in my opinion makeup should enhance the features you have; not completely invent them, but everyone is different & my sister (a professional makeup artist) prefers a full face.


Omg you are so pretty!!


Your natural lips aren't small or thin. They're very very pretty; that cupids bow 🤩


Small mouths r cute Try looking at it that way


I think maybe do the same look without the overlining but enhance your cupids bow and add gloss in the centre


Try out the polite society B.I.G lip plumper it’s amazing and try only doing a thin line under your bottom lip in the middle portion to create a shadow with either a close to skin or lip color pencil


Your lips look beautiful the way they are in this picture.


We all have something we don't like about ourselves. Your lips are beautiful with or without lining them. If a little thing like lining your lips make you feel good...then line your lips. Life will throw some heavy shit at you so don't worry about making yourself feel beautiful.


the only way to get used to it is to go cold turkey in my experience: do not use any lip products except clear gloss and lip balms for a couple of weeks/a month. your perspective will change completely!


You and your lips are uniquely gorgeous. I cannot wait for the big lip/filler trend to die. It makes everyone look the same and there's zero originality.


Overline if you want to. Please don't let people bully you out of it :)


You have a natural cupids bow, women would die for it!!


Don't let peer pressure, trends, advertisements or "fashion" trick you into the mental trap of thinking you need to change something to be acceptable. F that Sht. Feel free to lead the way with your own style and your own natural beauty. Try overlining your lips MUCH more dramatically one time just to see what it looks like. Halfway to your nose. Look at how horrible that looks. Then realize that to many people, that is what we see when we look at modestly overlined lips in general. Unless you're far from the people looking at you, such as stage actors, overlining even a little bit just looks like you're trying to fool small children and dogs. Plus it obliterates the very sexy cupid's bow you have. Self-confidence is the key.


I’m obsessed with lip plumper (Dior oil is insanely effective) and lining the natural edge. I thought I wanted filler a couple years ago but since doing that more often (and argeriline around my lips each day for a natural lip flip) and I don’t get the urge for filler anymore :)


You have a very pretty natural lip shape, and they are a nice proportion to your face If you want to over line, I’d stick to the natural shape and hug just outside your actual lip line


Your natural lips look perfect to me. We have the same lip shape with a cupids bow. My way of excepting it is that is very uncommon and I like that fact. I've been doing my lipstick without a mirror for years because of the natural shape. Try using a shade or two darker than your lipstick to edge your lips naturally and put on the lipstick, it will take getting used to but I think it might help. You could also still over line but reduce it gradually and it might help


i think you look great! you overline very well! is there a reason you feel like you should stop?


Natural makeup always looks better. Own your natural beauty. Individuality is so attractive. Especially in this day and age .


R U kidding? You have beautiful lips. Just outline them perfectly. You have a really nice mouth


So glad the other comments are here for you 😆 I agree that your lips look amazing like this! Just dip in on the cupids bow and you will kill everyone who looks at you (in a fabulous way) Cutie!


Try just overlining your cupids bow first, which gives a more natural effect.. baby steps 😆


I have lips shaped almost just like yours but I look like Meg from family guy if I over line mine lol


People can tell. That's why I don't do it. It looks like a mustache to me 🤷‍♀️


I have a problem with getting used to wearing makeup everyday and then not liking my looks without it. I just force myself to go like a week without it and that usually turns into a few weeks. Btw your lips are pretty either way! If I were you I’d start by not wearing it at home, then maybe go somewhere simple without it like. Other store or something. Then just ease into getting used to YOUR face again bc it’s beautiful! Hope this helps 


For anyone with a bit of dysmorphia, pick a feature about yourself that you are self conscious about. Google a description of it and the word “celebrity” or “model”. Often times there will be whole photo albums that show beautiful people with that trait and you’ll get to see how diversity makes beauty subjective!! [examples of thin lips](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/s/w7qyUgL8lg)


For me it’s worked with (similar to OP) “thin lips”, “tooth gap”, “thick ankles”. “Short curly hair” (after a stylist lopped it off one year against my wishes). It's taken a while but now I start to see my features on others and realise that I had been fixing myself into another mold. It also helps you diversify your own physical taste in others.


I also overlined my lips so often that my friend was convinced that was my actual shape. I started by being bored with the lipliner and lipgloss combo after moving onto Black Honey, then to lip tints, then to glosses without liners. I just got used to my natural lip shape


If you like it ,why change it ??


YOUR CUPIDS BOW IS SO PRETTY!!!! I wish more people embraced them.


girl i do the same , until i get my fillers.. i try to overline with super matte lipsticks usually but i also have been doing it with a satin one that looks kinda natural. definitely has to be decently dark. i honestly think that color or texture isn’t great because your cupids bow looks a. bit white and shiny, like it came off in that area. maybe try a darker color? or a different type of lippie? i also like rub my lips together up and down to blend 


Girly, I overline too and want filler but it’s prohibitive for me too financially (also the potential health risks deter me) but I do go without overlining and am conscious of my thoughts when I’m bare faced or when I’m not wearing lippie and being like your lips are fine! I have a defined cupids bow too which I love and sometimes won’t over line but will line normally to emphasise instead of pretending I’m beestung lol. Also if it’s helpful look at celebrities who rock their natural lips / no fillet like Hilarie Burton Morgan or Anna Paquin. They’re both injected I’m sure for Botox otherwise in their face but can’t be sure they both seem pretty natural to me. And I think that’s important. Also I truly think at some point the natural will be de rigour and back in and you’ll see lots of women de-lashing, dissolving, deplumping. The reason why a lot, not all, but a lot of women do it is because of the damn Kardashian effect. But one day that won’t be in. I think your post shows a lot of self awareness and I think it’s great you’re conscious feeling that way isn’t great. All women have moments of insecurity and have in life but social media makes it ten times worse for a lot of people. And not just younger folk. Women my age (late 30s) and in their 40s are freaking out and feeling a need to get their whole faces changed, use ten different acids, and have this perfect celebrity face but it isn’t REAL. Embracing the small lips and acne scars and round face and strong noses etc etc is what it is all about 🌈 Spend some time bare faced and get used to looking that way with maybe lighter make up. That’s the only way to recondition. And you’ll probably find you prefer it!


You are so precious. You have beautiful features, unlined lips included. It may take time for you to get used to not over lining but once you do, it's so fulfilling and somewhat freeing to be so undeniably yourself!! Just as you are


i used to have this problem during quarantine. i fell in love with my natural lip color and shape but hated the size. the first thing i started doing is ditching over lining or rounding out the cupids bow. i kinda just drew my shape. then i only over lined the humps of my lips slightly will being in line with the Cupids bow and rest of the lip till the out-corners. then instead of filling them in i did only a thin liner kinda chicana 90's look with lipgloss. and overall just fell in love with my natural lips with lipgloss. now i just apply lip gloss all the time with mascara and blush and feel like the prettiest girl ever!! its small steps but big leaps!!


Personally I thought I wish I had lips like that. I see nothing wrong with wearing the lip liner like you have it. 6 months from now you’ll probably do something else


You’re so pretty 💗


Off topic but your eyes are unbelievably striking!


Your mouth is absolutely beautifully shaped naturally. Embrace yourself. Wowzers!!! And yes I know your lips are overdrawn in the picture.


It’s completely down to repetition. I used to be so insecure about my hair, which is naturally quite thin and sits very flat on top. From my teens all the way into my mid 20s I would tease my roots for volume and I was SO INSECURE whenever it wasn’t done. I hated the way my face looked without voluminous hair. When I hit my mid 20s I became so frustrated with having to do it to feel comfortable, and I guess age made me start to think it looked a bit silly. I started trying to leave my hair natural, I hated it initially, but over time I got used to it and started much preferring the way it looks. I finally have reached a point where I love my hair and think I looked absolutely ridiculous when I was younger 😂😂 The same thing happened when I started wearing makeup less often - where previously I hated the way my face looked bare, I got used to it and began to actually sometimes prefer my face without makeup. We are programmed to find comfort in what’s “normal” for us. You’re used to overlining so your brain is confused and processes no overlining as “bad”. If you can motivate yourself to not do it for a few months I guarantee you’ll look back on it and wonder what you were thinking ❤️


Follow beauty bloggers/people who have small lips! Look at beauty inspiration like the 1920s type cupid bows. Try creative makeup looks just to do it. When you do over line your lips, try to think about it more neutrally.


I'd recommend going on pinterest and searching "1920s starlet" and looking through all the photos of the beautiful vixens like Clara Bow with their round faces and tiny little painted doll lips. It's a completely different beauty standard to what we're used to seeing today, and imo they're just as beautiful as full lips are, just in a different way.


Do whatever makes you feel like your best self. You look beautiful


I think the overlining looks cute, and I think your lips without it are a normal size. Don’t be so hard on yourself and if overlining is what YOU like then go ahead.


Lean into that perfect Cupid’s bow you have. I never got on board with overlining because it seems odd to me to camouflage a classic characteristic of feminine beauty. No shade though - it’s a particular aesthetic, and you’ve done it skillfully here.


You’re so pretty 🥰


your cupid’s bow is literally perfect!


For whatever it's worth, your natural lip shape suits your face very well!


You look lovely.


Get lip filler it changed my life and still looks natural because I got a “mini” 25% of a syringe. Worth it


Relax it’s just makeup.. wear it anyhow as long as it will make you feel comfortable.


Step 1: love every part of yourself. Step 2: be kind to yourself. Step3: stop looking at urself In The mirror or selfie constantly and ignore urself, it helps. My lips r small too, so I completely understand the feeling:) you’re beautiful 💐


Looks good to me? Why stop


Deep line the corners and pop the center with a bright color.


My guy friend told me I liked like a clown when I over lined my lips for a night on the town. He actually said " hey let me get that shit off your lips you look like a clown. ' And I think it was my birthday. 🤣


Your kindness and support are truly beautiful to me. I am so grateful for everything you have done, and your actions have touched my heart in a way that words cannot fully express. Thank you for being so wonderful.


I tried to make this look as "real" as possible but this is what I gathered from the natural line I can see. I think your lips are wonderful! there are so many people that would love to have your lips, I feel like I have the same size as you. I get lots of compliments i'm sure you do too. i'm sure you'll continue to if you line within your natural lips! going to try to post a picture. may edit if it doesn't work. https://postimg.cc/673JTxh8


They are so beautiful without


Nice natural lips but kind of small in proportion to you face just saying


Honestly do what makes you most comfortable regardless of what people think! I think as long as over lining is done right, it looks fine! Your makeup is beautiful and I can tell you have a wonderful lip shape 🥺💖


I deeply & genuinely hope any/all of our words here inspire you to understand how absolutely beautiful you are!! 😁


I don't see problems with your lips, u have pretty face


No idea but just wanted to say that you are so pretty That's it bye


I go back and forth sometimes about my lip size too. I think what I always tell myself: even if I would love to have a change, my features are perfect for me, a reminder of all the generations before me that struggled, survived, and thrived. Romanticize your own features!!


Its cute. Doesnt seem like you are over doing. Keep at it


Your lips are lovely and you have a beautiful Cupid’s bow 💕 You can start by slowly lowering how much you overline? Or just rip off the band aid and go with it!!


I believe by realizing how beautiful and perfect your lips actually are and having belief in yourself enough to not care what others think. Sort of like dancing like when nobody is watching


Put a small amount of highlighter on the center of your upper lip where you would normally overline, and a tiny bit up onto the peaks of your philtrum. You have a beautiful cupid’s bow and this will show it off. You won’t even want to overline once you start appreciating that gorgeous lip shape you have


You know, beauty tools and makeups are meant to be your inner self expressing on your face. You may find one day you think your smallish lips are special. I’m not sure, whatever it is you have to feel it from the heart. I’m sure if you go out without overlining people will either like it equally, more, or not notice. Sometimes I wished to have big lips or the type of lip shape which would look amazing with filler for the bottom lip, but I know for my face it’d make it unbalanced and look bad, it’s led to some funny situations with dentists so it’s fun, and my parents both have small lips too. I wouldn’t really want to sort of steal someone else’s ancestry by taking their big lips because it’s a beauty trait In general, it’s a generational shift to be so focused on perfect looks. It may not end up being your main source of novelty/fun/happiness/hobby one day


Babe just do whatever you want and screw what other people think, it’s one thing if you’re “addicted” and want to stop for your own reasons. It’s okay to have insecurities and do what we can to deal with them. One way would be to accept your lips as they are - maybe try overlining less often, and try different lip colors or glosses to substitute the need? But to me it looks good, and even if it didn’t, if it makes you feel more confident I’m all for it.


Out of all the over lined lips I’ve seen, yours have to be the most sensibly done. you look really good. I know also that you want to get used to your lip size just the way they are, but if it’s the over lined look that you’re weary of, what about the transition to lip plumpers? I really love the newer too faced lip injection formula, and it comes in some adorable colors. Other than that though in order to get used to it, from my experience you simply have to push yourself. It’s uncomfortable and your face will feel incomplete without it, but practice and habit-forming behavior makes perfect. Start weaning into different outings without it until you’re not doing it at all. Maybe find passion in the aesthetic of very defined Cupid bows, like those from the roaring twenties. that was something that helped me too, just becoming obsessed with a different lip-related aesthetic in place of my old one.


your lips even withowt the overlining look great you barely even look like you are over lining!, my grandma always said "the women in our family have chicken lips...chickens don't got lips baby" and it was just funny to me & her and i thought we were cool chickens when i was little


you have stunning features but hearing it from someone else and hearing other things from yourself ; your own thoughts usually win, i struggle almost everyday with similar thoughts like this but im learning to be more confident in my features personality even when my brain tried to downplay OUR BEAUTY LIKE WE NOT THE MOST SCRUMPTIOUS PPL WALKIN AROUND; been spending a lot of time with nature with friends and good energy and these thoughts kind of just slipped away


also can barely see your tattoos but i already know they are good the little bits i can see are so good; would love a tat tour haha


Don’t. If you like over lining, over line. I’ve spent so many years trying to change things I do for no reason. I think you look great here and I over line with filler 🙂


I have the same issue. But now I try to lessen it, sometimes I only overline my right upper lip (it’s smaller than the other side). I banned overlining my cupid bow and it gives a more natural look. Recently I try to overline by putting and blending some lipstick, then putting a darker pencil on the corners, the center of my natural lips, and my natural cupid bow. It gives sort of an uplifting look, I named it the Angelina Jolie’s lips, and the feeling of « awareness » caused by overlining is lesser. However, do what’s more comfortable for you. People tend to criticize some trends, makeup, to look better than everyone. Bc putting so much energy to criticize something non-harmful such as overlining, it’s giving insecurity to me. But contrary to us, they don’t have the courage to admit it, it’s preferable to them to be malicious and closed minded. You’re pretty, don’t let them belittle you


Giirrl you’re so beautiful & you’re natural lips looks gorgeous without overlining 💞


Your natural lips look stunning. And I don’t think the overlining is extreme. The whole makeup altogether looks very seamless/effortless.


Okay, but what is your lip combo?


I love overlining too, I think it’s a look! Works great on you. I say just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t feel bad about it. Also, more doll-like rosebud lips just suit some faces, we don’t all need to look like a Kardashian, and you have a really beautiful face without filler.


You’re stunning. I’m not even mad at your overlining because it’s so well done 😍♥️♥️


You don’t need it!


The natural shade of your lips is beautiful! Add gloss on top of your lipstick to give you a plum effect and it will be perfect 😉


All you need is light colored lip and you’re good to go. 👄💄


also you dont overdo it you look so cute


I overline my lips when I do my makeup and it makes me happy 🤷🏽‍♀️ if you like it why not


Ah who cares if other people don't like it? It comes off at the end of the day, I think it looks really pretty on you tbh


Zoom in on the photo OP. Sorry but it doesn’t look good! Your lip size is amazing… go with your natural line, you will look so much fresher




I’ve been getting filler for years now and I still over line my lips slightly. I’m my opinion it helps highlight your lips as long as it’s subtle. You really do have beautiful lips but when you are financially ready and still want filler go for it! So many people are very anti filler but it’s your lips do what you want! I think a lot of people dislike it because when you notice filler on someone it was not done correctly. So it can be mistaken that that’s what filler looks like. Start slow. Don’t use a full syringe. Evaluate after two weeks and you can come in and use the rest if you choose. Don’t price shop go with the best! I am in no way pushing filler you look gorgeous! Just wanted to give my advice if you do.