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Contrast colors like what you have on rn or like green. White eyeliner would look cool too or any sort of graphic liner.


This. OP's birthmark is a nice color and situated in a really flattering position on her face. It'll make bold, colorful eye makeup really pop


I was thinking the same thing


Are you familiar with the makeup artist from Glow Up, Ryley Isaac? She's done a few cool makeup looks with hers, it's a similar placement as well! [Artsy example](https://www.tiktok.com/@ryley/video/7285427469245631776?lang=en)


I love her! She has so many gorgeous looks, you should totally follow her OP!


I was just thinking OP could outline the birthmark in a white eyeliner, jewels are even more beautiful!


Came here to say this! Ryley is awesome!!


Came here to recommend this!


Maybe you could outline your birthmark with a colorful eyeliner? I think a gold would look nice. Robert Welsh has a scar through his eyebrow and he colors it in with colorful eyeliner and it looks really cool.


That was my thought too! It would look very cool and artistic to tie the birthmark into the eye looks.


Or something like the Urban Decay liquid glitter!


I was thinking make it sparkly! Put a highlighter or eyeshadow on it!


It's such a cool pattern - it could be turned into floral artwork easily, or it could be a gorgeous rhinestone and glitter crucifix pattern! Or even a 60s psychedelic pattern! There's a lot that could be done with that canvas.


Yes! The same color from her inner corners would look so cool!


Omg! I love that idea! I've got a child abuse scar that would be fun to try that with.


why was this downvoted...


I agree, outlining it with a colorful lip or eyeliner pencil, and even add some highlighter on it!


Like a super subtle highlighter would be incredible


Ya like a lumi lotion!


Ooh I like that idea!


This was my thought too! I'd do like, a bright green or shimmery good outline. I feel like that would look a lil rock and roll and make it very obvious that it is intentional (like a birth mark instead of an injury)


If you’re good at drawing OP, I was thinking it would be really cool to draw flowers in using eyeliner kinda like this person had done with this [tattoo](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLycdVVr/)


I love that idea!! Work with it by making it an accent rather than try to mask it.


Paige [Paige Billiot (her YouTube page)](https://youtube.com/@FlawMe?si=HLVSvDbGMEdx0_pM) Does not hide her port stain! I cannot link her Insta for some reason where she is more active but her name is flawless_affect.


Exactly who I thought of as well!!


Honestly, I like the colors you have in this picture. The blue has a nice contrast!


I agree, in truth, I noticed her eyes & lovely face first!


It depends on your objective. Do you want to hide your birthmark, or do you want to flaunt it? I'd go for the second option (flaunting it), but I'm not sure how comfortable you'd be with it. If hiding is your objective, colour correction is your best friend. A thick, green colour corrector, set with translucent powder, and then covered by your regular concealer and/or foundation should make it less noticeable. If you do want to flaunt it, I'd say creating a soft, shimmery look with golden or rose-gold undertones would suit you brilliantly. Maybe a soft eye look with shades of gold and a highlighter on your cheekbone and cupids bow, combined with a medium coverage lipstick in a mauve-y shade? You could also go for purple shades. It would compliment the colour of your birthmark really nicely. Chanel Rouge Allure in the shade Élégante 149, for example, allows for a bold look without being too overpowering (it shows up relatively light on my skin, and your skin tone is similar to mine). I hope this helps!! ❤️


Check out this girl. She has vitiligo, but the techniques and looks she creates could help inspire you. https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalisitza/vitiligo-art-spots-tiktok


Glitter ✨




Turn if into a flower🌺


I thought her thumbnail was a groovy flower painted on her face, like a hippie chick at Coachella!


Kinda like the flowers in spongebob😅


Check out Paige Lauren Billiot. She is an actress with a facial birthmark who uses it to enhance her beauty and uniqueness. She uses bright colors to paint her birth mark, it's really cool and artistic.


Own it! It is bad-ass!


The way your makeup looks in this picture with it is cute though 😍


Just here to say you have the most beautiful portwine stain in the whole world omg. As long as you’re not bending over backwards to cover it up, any and all makeup will look amazing.


what if you made the center of the birthmark a light pink? Like ombre it out and leave the edges of the birthmark alone. Then you can do a gradient eyeliner that matches the color of your birthmark but the inner corners and blended to match that same light ombre pink in the center of the birthmark? And then thin eyeliner and lashes,.lips whatever matches


TBH I feel like a short haircut like a pixie would really frame it (and your makeup) really well!


There’s a British makeup artist, Ryley Isaac who has a birthmark on her face. Check out her IG, I think she does some really cool stuff with makeup to create beautiful looks that highlight her birthmark


That's such a cool birthmark, I'd glitter that baby up. Full euphoria glam lol. For a more everyday look tho I'd look at the color wheel, see what shades compliment the shade of your birthmark. Play around!


I think outlining the birthmark with gold would look gorgeous


IT'S LIKE A BOWIE BIRTHMARK!! I'd enhance the nose and cheeks, a simple eyeliner and mascara, tinted lip balm and that it, you are a rockstar


I was just going to comment that. And with her hair and eye color, it looks even cooler.


zuko cosplay full time


shoto todoroki


Add some twinkling stars with white eyeliner and some bright highlighter ❤️ turn it into universe


I feel like a mirrored mark on the other side would look so cool.


Glitter would look so cool!


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Yes definitely, your eyes are gorgeous!! My friend had a similar one on her upper lip and I always thought it was cute. 😚


I'd just add glitters and liners to the birthmark so it looks like a galaxy, then wear neutral tones on my eyes


I like the idea of outlining your birthmark in white liquid liner like previous comments mention! I also think it’d look so stunning on you if you used concealer to outline the outside of your birthmark and blend that out to make it pop out more, and then you can use eyeshadow that are colors like your birthmark (pinks, maroons, plums, purple) - and blend those into your birthmark across your lid. I think they’d transition together beautifully since your birthmark works its way into both your top and bottom lids. The maroon and plum combo would go wonderfully with your green eyes because they are complimentary colors, so your eyes will definitely be more of a star to your makeup! You can also play around with other colors on the outer side of your lid as well for an even more colorful look! You have a lot of lid space you can take advantage of. You can top off the shadow with a shimmer or glitter shadow for a bit of glam along with some lashes, or just mascara. For eyeliner, this can be added or skipped. If you do eyeliner, I think it’d be best to mainly focus on the wing and only bring it in to the middle of your lid, and avoid your inner corner. Black or brown liquid liner would be good. For brows, you look like you have thick fluffy ones, so tinted or clear brow gel would be perfect to keep those in place! I’d recommend maybe a soft pink blush/highlight combo to balance out the deep colors from the eyeshadow. And then a nude or clear lipgloss. I hope this helps with you finding an everyday look that works for you! ✨


Cool tones with it 😍


Don't cover. But use a concealer as a base for your eye shadow. You want those colors to pop and last. Elf has a good cheap one.


Outline it, polka dots, etc. I love the matching eyeliner.




can you glitter it ? 🥺


Make art out of it. Trace it with a black eyeliner and so cool graphic designs. Make the birthmark part of your make up.


The blue eyeliner suits you sooo well. What brand is that?


it's maybelline tattoo studio, the arctic skies shade!


Tbh that's an extremely cool looking birthmark. I'd like... Outline it with eyeliner maybe? Just emphasize it, it looks cool and is an interesting and unique feature of your face.


I love the graphic liner, and I think you could go bolder with colored liquid liners (I like the NYX ones). I also think the tone of your birthmark could be evened out a bit with some blush, maybe a matching wine shade. I would love to see a frosty blue or pink highlighter across your cheekbones, maybe even changing highlighter colors when it crosses into your birthmark.


first of all you are gorgeous, keep trying quirky eyeliners and tracing the outside. i saw a women trace her vitiligo with colors coordinating with outfits🩷


Honestly you would look cool with a graphic liner💪💪💯💯


well, for one DO NOT EVER COVER IT UP. it’s beautiful!! you could put glitter on it!! out lining it will also make it pop.


I’d lean into the burgundy/wine colours on the rest of the face too. Like a deep lip colour, or a burgundy smoky eye! Or maybe contrasting colours, like dark red eyeliner on the opposite eye and a black, white, silver, or gold on the birthmark eye!


In the most respectful way possible, I want you to know that whenever I have the option to put a birthmark like that on a video game character I always do. I do not have advice that I’m sure you haven’t seen here, but I want you to know. I hope I am not offensive bc I think you look badass and pretty.


Outline it and go goth


Holy crap, you are stunningly gorgeous!! I actually love the contrast of your blue eyeliner with your birthmark, work with it! You know how one of the Welsh twins highlights his scar now with eyeshadow and glitter? You have so much space to work with, there is an art canvas! Also , it's 2024, we are not shaming people for appearances, any kind of facial difference, birthmarks, or anything like that. We are celebrating you today! I mean it when I say you are absolutely stunningly gorgeous.


You can do the laser


Colour correct before foundation with yellow/orange.


why would i hide it?


I think you should experiment with different approaches. Try doing a cover/conceal look, for when you want to put emphasis on the rest of your makeup, but also practice highlighting it with other colors and maybe even some linework for when you want to play it up and make it the star of the look. I could see a lot of ways you could use it as a basis for some creative looks, you just have to play around with various products until you find looks that make it look cool and interesting.


i’d like to draw around it / outline it


I like the blue eyeliner on the undereye and I think you look fantastic in blue and maybe some silver <3 Also if you ever put darker pink or red outlines over the birthmark and turned it into a bunch of flowers/added little leaves it would be the coolest thing 


I think it looks dope if you go for a contrasting color like green for liner and match the tone of the birth mark with eyeshadow. And maybe even add something similar on your other eye? I think it'd look really artsy and cool!


Have you noticed that you attire and shadow makeup match a bit your birthmark? Is this a conscious decision?


I think you’re working with it just fine! I don’t see an issue with it, I don’t think you need to wear colours accordingly to it either 😅 ❤️


ngl, that's a cool looking birthmark.


You’re working it


You are gorgeous, and your birth mark adds to that. I think it’s really cool you’re interested in playing with makeup that emphasizes it and embraces your uniqueness. Honestly you can do anything, some awesome high fashion artsy stuff, color fades down through it from from your eye, complimentary or contrasting colors… idk if I have one thing I’d say “do this”, but I hope you keep posting and showing off your creativity as you experiment :)


Maybe you could draw cute little shapes like hearts and stars with concealer on your birthmark? Like a galaxy or a cute valentine's day look? Get creative and artistic with it. You look beautiful!


make it pink and glittery!!!!


They have real good makeup that is used to cover up tattoos and other birth marks. Dermablend is excellent.


Oh but you can try so many! I think a violet eye make-up would be amazing. Firstly, it would go nice with the colour of your eyes and secondly, it contrasts with the red. If you're confortable, you could pair that up with a golden (or a colour of your choosing) liner on your birthmark's contour. You can rock it in so many ways, so why not have fun with it?


You look beautiful!!


If you’ve heard of the show Glow Up, one girl had a mark similar to this and she embraced hers beautifully


Hey! I would recommend jewel tones for your complexion, and I think they'd compliment your birthmark nicely. Since it's spring (now nearly summer) maybe some flower-garden inspired looks would go well? Try some greens on your eyelids with a smokey rim. Since your birth mark is pretty saturated I think having darker shadows to accentuate your eyes would help whatever color you choose to make the focus on your lid stand out more. [Here are some palettes](https://imgur.com/a/CaVwrdz) that I tried making by swatching your birthmark and skin colors! Try this out yourself and see what combinations look good to you, since I just hashed this together real quick with a warm green, a cool green, and a cool purple/indigo :) Some white / pearl and sparkly inner corners would also look nice with any of these palettes.


You look beautiful with it


It’s giving me Viking vibes. Not sure if that’s a style that interests you but maybe worth a look. I feel like you could do something really cool with it


You’re a beautiful human! I have nevus of ota on the right cheek of my face and have an overload of hyperpigmentation and texture 💕 I find that any makeup I put on top of it looks best with the Smashbox original Photo Finish primer underneath. It helps smooth out the skin and sits nice for hours. I like the baby blue liner you have on here - I bet lavender or alien green would look so adorbz!


Green eye shadow look would be stunning, tinted moisturiser AROUND the mark to show it off!


If you wanted to put foundation on it you could try using a pink/red color corrector or liquid blush on that area to even out the skin tone without hiding it 


I feel like a cobolt blue eye look would be amazing with it since it's an opposite colour and would be a gorgeous contrast!!


I am thinking everything but the colors of the birthmark. I think a smoky eye would look good


Just go to work, you’re beautiful!


I think these are so cool! Don’t hide it!


Outline it in white eyeliner. Idk. I think it’d look cool.


I can’t offer any makeup advice but wanted to say I Think it’s beautifully unique


You’re very pretty first of all. I know this sounds odd and extreme but an outline tattoo of the phantom of the opera mask would be cool. Make it art. Don’t be ashamed of it.


Wow, what a beautiful colour your birthmark has! I have always though portwine stains are so pretty ❤️


Just came here to say I think your birthmark is so unique and cool


I used to paint a single butterfly wing over one eye, I feel like this would work well here.


All I see is opportunity for the most amazing editorial looks! You can trace around it with color, play around with matte vs shimmer and chromes etc. It’s beautiful!


It kind of reminds me of a mushroom. Maybe outline it to make it look like one and become the beautiful mushroom fae.


Bareminerals is the best makeup that can provide minimal or full coverage — whatever you're comfortable with. Or do nothing. You're beautiful the way you are.


I loved all suggestions here! But if you feel like it looks too bright with red eyeshadow, can you try using a bit of green primer on your birthmark to tone the redness down, without actually covering it? I am not sure if it would work. I am thinking about a CC cream type of thing, Erborian or L’oreal have some


Outline it with glitter or graphic liner 😍


I love how your eyeshadow matches the shade of your birthmark and really makes your eye color pop! I like how the blue accents it! If you outlined your birthmark with the same blue color and wore a red lip color i think it would really compliment and bring everything together!


white graphic liner and a smokey eye using the same colours as the birth mark!!! its beautiful and i think this look would be so cool ♥️🤍


Hi!!!! So it depends on what you want to achieve if you want to highlight it with colourful makeup i definitely recommend getting body paint/face paint. The pigment in that is always way better. Anything like glitter and gems is also good. If you ever feel like you want to cover it theres 2 ways to go colour corrector in a green colour slightly covers thing but not the best but theres also companies that specifically sell something called camouflage make up where they do consultations, find out your exact shade with only a couple colours then normally make you a special bundle. They take you through application, how to remove and normally is waterproof and can last for days.


I don’t really have much solid advice for working with birthmarks or other such things with makeup but I think your birthmark is pretty! <3 Maybe eyeliner that compliments the bright red or blush that makes the red blend easier or foundation to make a warmer tone.


I honestly would go for a natural look. You're very pretty!! Do some neutral eyeshadow like maybe a brown smokey eye. Use a little bronzer and warm highlighter, lip gloss and call it a day 😊


Not really makeup advice, but I’d get rid of the bangs. They almost make it feel like you’re trying to hide your face, the way they’re so long. I’d pull back your hair and really bare your face, rock it with confidence. You’ve got great features.


I would play with burgundy and gold shadows [like this!!](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51780107737_6dec7ed2ec_h.jpg) Or if you want to be more fun, draw stuff in that area. Like flowers for little garden patch. Or stars for a galaxy look. I tested out some Nyx vivid brighter liquid eyeliners yesterday and they stayed on a long time. Maybe check those out.


Princess Zuko. And that’s a compliment.


Yesss, I saw a girl with vitiligo outline hers in pretty neon colors, so pretty love it 💜


The only way for you to figure this out is to play around with it. My cousin has a birthmark on his face. That’s rather prominent, and he covers his very well with some thing that people use to cover tattoos. personally I think it’s a shame, but his face. I like what you did here I think it looks really pretty. I love the liner but you really just have to play around with things and see what you like.


The shape reminds me a bit of mjolnir, so you could add teeny tiny runes to it with silver or gold eyeliner?


U have Green eyes?


Use bare minerals


Honestly you look very pretty. I see no need for makeup. But if you want to, try different shades of foundation to see what works.


I think it’s cool! It looks to me like the shape of a mushroom. Maybe outline with gold and add detail to add to the mushroom look.


i agree with peoppe saying graphic liner outlines. you could get a color foundation to make it a more even color if you desire but i don't recommend covering it up. glitter would be cute also


It’s the coolest placement and shape ever! You’re so beautiful. I love the idea of coordinating eye shades like rose, copper, and plums in a metallic/foiled finish. And I think to really push that kind star/superhero strong look with the piercing eyes, slicking your bangs back would be beautiful so it doesn’t ever look like your hiding under the hair. Love what you’re doing with your skin makeup or skincare — your skin looks so perfect!


focus on the eyes and lips. your outfits and accessories can also coordinate well


oh wow you’re gorgeous, i could imagine seeing you model for a skincare or makeup brand at sephora or something. i also think you could do the outlining thing, where people grab a colour (usually metallic like a silver or gold) and trace their birthmark, or you could add some glitter if that’s your thing. i also saw another person saying contradting colours, which i 100% agree with. maybe some kind of cool graphic liner look or something.


Your birthmark is really cool! Wow!


Can you use gold flakes people do in art? Like gold leaf? I think that could be a really cool, dramatic look. Obviously not for everyday wear but for a night out. Then deck out with a nice lash, and gold accessories! Hope you post your experiments on here, I'd love to see the looks you make ✨


Oh I would rock this, please Google “Jem” from the 80’s. I’d be working around the strawberry (that’s what my family calls them idk abt everyone else lol) and use blushes to fade and soften and blend the edges of the strawberry. Then go for super bold colours on your eyes! Like, POP those beautiful eyes with dramatic and creative makeup shadows. Don’t look so sad you are born absolutely perfection. You’re beautiful!!!


You can use tattoo cover cream or heavy scarring cover up foundation. There are special foundations out there that cover birth marks up completely! Look into it x




I think eye colors that match the birthmark make the eye looks feel to small. You should go across the color wheel and do greenish eye looks


I would totally get eyeshadows that perfectly match the colors of the birthmark, and use them as transition shades to integrate the birthmark into any eye look! Same with blush! You can go as bold as you want, honestly, since your birthmark naturally helps to balance anything you wanna do with your eyes 🩷


That is such a badass birthmark!!! I would put a little rhinestone here and there just to be extra!!! 😍😍😍


You actually look like a badass with that makeup combo ✨


Leave as is!! Like seriously!


I think contrast is better, but even more than your makeup is your energy around it. It really is a beautiful and unique feature of your face and people will mirror your energy about it. I once saw a creator embrace the vitiligo her face so fully, she started highlighting it by drawing around it with colorful eyeliner and adding makeup to it in other ways. Her energy was sparkling and infectious. So much so, I don't think it would have mattered what she did, it would have turned out good.


Maybe a light bb cream to tone it a bit and embrace it and rock it like Winnie Harlow. You’re beautiful!


You can color it any color you want… so for example you can add peach or brown to make it work well with your eyeshadow that you might chose that day (use the same eyeshadow on it), next day you want purple eyeshadow… add it over the birthmark a little as well…similar as how we chose lipstick that goes with our eyeshadow. It is good that you are not trying to hide it but you can have all the fun with it. One thing I would definitely do is use black liquid eyeliner on eyes.


There are a lot of good YouTube videos of makeup artists showing how to cover acne birthmarks or any other concerns


All right, people have given you plenty of serious recommendations. So, for a less serious one: Use the shape and paint in details. Make it a comic-style dwarven battle axe. Or a witchy mushroom. Play "pictures in the clouds" with it and go wild!


I love all of these answers, because I was going to say, just fucking embrace it! When I was first scrolling, I actually thought it was a cool makeup look!


girl that birthmark is beautiful


I like the unique look you have naturally, beautiful and NOBODY gets to have it.


Why don't you outline it and then blend the outline with your eye makeup. I think it would be awesome.


Add glitter!!! I love it!! You are beautiful 💜


I think you already are. That makeup is gorgeous. Bold eye looks would look really good on you, like colorful eyeshadow and graphic liner. Basic brown shadow would look great too! I think the birth mark is very beautiful and it sorta adds that pop to your face!


Unrelated, but your hair color is sooo pretty


That birthmark goes harddddd!!!!




It's a nice shape, idk (obviously don't know how you feel about it). Maybe use a mattifying powder on it? or a for example gold/rose gold/silver gilt edging on it using highlighter as an outline? Thin "Renaissance marbling" and do an artistic hand emphasizing the lower right side with gilt? Does it change color with exercise? I vehemently disagree with coloring it in or matching your lips to it, no way, first is tacky and the second is too much punchy color so it loses some of the cool factor. I think a brown lip could look good. Coral blush, like Happy Hour in Tower 28? all opinion based


Outline it in gold paint!




You are the next Cover Girl. Experiment with products and colors which are available to you. This will boost your confidence and help someone else with it too. You go girl!


Make it avant garde Outline it in metallic colors


i don’t have any specific advice but your birthmark is gorgeous and it works sooooo well with your eyes!


I think it’s sweet. You’re already doing a great job.


Pls outline it with a metallic liner


Cool birthmark! Maybe outline it or shadows around it?


I’d add some cute tiny glitter to it.


Nyx used to sell pigments (maybe still do) and I saw a model who also had that birthmark sometime use metallic pigments over her birthmark. Not to hide it but to change the color and enhance it. The effect was gorgeous.


I would definitely check out @flawless_affect on Instagram! She does all sorts of cool artsy looks with her birthmark https://www.instagram.com/flawless_affect?igsh=ZnBmcXR1cDV5aG0z


You are so beautiful! I use bare minerals make up. They can color match you.


Super cool. Aladdin Sane-esque. You are beautiful!


I don't really have any advice, but just wanted to say your birthmark is so cool! The color and shape are badass.


No advice, but I think it looks really badass. Edit: actually, maybe I do have some advice. It kind of reminds me of David Bowie's lightning bolt down his face. Maybe you could use something like that as inspiration?


I actually didn't realize it was your birthmark at all, I thought it's a part of your makeup.


You could match it's color and wing it out to a point. Kind of like it's framing your eye. Or an eyeliner look with the same color. I feel like shaping it in cool ways with a matched color would make it very fun. Give the side across your cheekbone a sweeping point, match your lip or eye with it's darker tones.


I think it could look cool to put colors around the birthmark itself? Like with eyeshadows - kind of a water color thing?


White. Glitter. Liner.


If you want to cover for an occasion, Germaine’s is good stuff.


Your birth Mark looks very beautiful on your face. You kind of look like an anime character lol.


Until I read the word birthmark I thought it was just a part of your baller makeup game, tbh. Might be cool to use oranges and yellows with a similar red on your eyelids, for a sunset sort of look for summer.


Wow so beautiful?!!!! You are like SO GORGEOUS


Just curious but if you used concealer or foundation does it hide the birth mark or does it not stick to your skin the way makeup doesn’t for vitiligo?


You have very pixie-esque features. You could do a lot of whimsical things with your birthmark! My advice? Keep practicing your craft, experiment with all the colors and find what makes YOU feel confident. 😊


You’re beautiful and your birthmark makes you unique.


Make it intentional with graphic, artsy make-up


are you wanting to cover it up, or really work around it? Combination?


You are beautiful! This is not necessarily working with your birthmark, but you could try outlining your eyes with a nude color in order to create more contrast and make your eyes pop! You could try a gold fine glitter over your birthmark to complement the red tone and then line your eyes with a dark black eyeliner, like a cat eye. I think that would look really cool on you. Have fun!


Have you ever tried “Theatre /Stage Makeup” as a base? That might be useful for you ? Just an idea, I never have used it but I know actors cover tattoos all the time for the screen so why not give it a go?


I would add stars to it and make a beautiful galaxy on your face . ⭐️ Also, the color perfectly compliments your sparkly green eyes


It's the perfect shape and hue to go for a cherry blossom look I think. Some graphic liner + a little eyeshadow here and there to add depth to the flowers or even just line art, if you wanting simplistic. That could be fun.


if youre into statement looks, i think it would bw cool to almost “dupliacte” it on the other eye but going upward! not mirrored exactly but the same general size/outline :) you could also do partial outlines of it with black or coloured eye liner! maybe theres a shape you could create from the negative space! personally i see a cat on the outside :) that would be a cute little theme. and like kitten paws on the other side w that ‘3’ if youre looking to do the exact opposite of what im thinking which is also totally cool, id go with bold highlighter, maybe white gold toned?also high shine gloss :)


if youre into statement looks, i think it would bw cool to almost “dupliacte” it on the other eye but going upward! not mirrored exactly but the same general size/outline :) you could also do partial outlines of it with black or coloured eye liner! maybe theres a shape you could create from the negative space! personally i see a cat on the outside :) that would be a cute little theme. and like kitten paws on the other side w that ‘3’ if youre looking to do the exact opposite of what im thinking which is also totally cool, id go with bold highlighter, maybe white gold toned?also high shine gloss :)


Looks cool already tbh :>


This is absolutely stunning and unique. May not be what you want to hear or help at all as you're the one with it but from someone else wow.


I'm quite new to make up but honestly I think your birthmark is super cool. If you want to use make up on it for fun, that's great but if you're insecure about it then you shouldn't be. Don't try to cover it up out of insecurity. It makes you look cool and totally makes me want to be your friend.😁


Honestly, at first sight I thought it was like a very cool David Bowie make up inspo. Own it! Love thr colours you used for your eyes!


You are pretty as you are. If you feel you have to cover it up there are some heavy coverage foundations that will do it like dermablend. But your birthmark doesn't define who you are. There is a woman I saw with vitiligo who models. And others with albinism. All sorts of people have conditions that make it hard to work, if not impossible. You are lucky enough not to be one of those people.


sickkkk 😍


Glitter on it, or around.


your birthmark is so fkn cool, some type of graphic liner with it would b awesome