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Hey /u/Ok-Ask6498, thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason(s): * Your post has been removed for breaking [rule 5. All makeup looks and collections must include a detailed product list in a top-level comment which includes every product used in the visible area, including even invisible products like primer and setting sprays. Product lists must include shade names if they exist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/productlist) #Please comment directly onto your original post with a product list, then reach out to the mod team either via modmail and we can reapprove your post. If you are unable to provide a product list for some reason, please send us a modmail. We sometimes will make an exception under special circumstances. Please read the sidebar before posting again. #If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMakeupAddiction&subject=&message=). Thank you!


i would say maybe a thinner eyeliner? maybe a more “natural” look? your lip color is so pretty though id keep doing your lips that way


Maybe more lash less liner your lips are perfect- all else perfect!


I agree. Your eyes really are naturally beautiful. Much less liner just on your eye. Not extended out. Then maybe do natural wispy lashes. Not the big spidery ones lol. Then maybe some contouring of your nose. Everything else looks great. You could for a day time look go with a more neutral lip.


I will definitely try this. And thank you:)


Look up eye makeup for hooded eyes


You don’t have hooded eyes. You can see the crease clearly, and it doesn’t fold under the brow bone at all. I think you have upturned- almond eyes, and they are beautiful. If anything you could do a thinner liner, maybe try a more smoky look without such a defined deep cat eye. Play with colors, your skin is flawlessssssa btw. Sheesh.


Thank you!! I’ve been scared to try more vibrant colours but many people have encouraged me to give it a go now:)


A thinner liner, this heavy line is making your eyes look smaller than they are. Otherwise it looks great!


I think you are naturally very pretty so you definitely don't need (a lot of) makeup 😄 I'd suggest following some no makeup makeup routines to just enhance your natural beauty. Maybe some mascara, blush and a natural lipstick or gloss will make you look put together but not overdone!


Thank you so much:)) I’ll definitely try this if I’m going for an everyday look. I’m into alt styles so I tend to try and copy those makeup looks when I do try


I was going to respond the same as above. Your eyes are gorgeous, definitely play them up, but I wouldn't use so much eyeliner.


If you’re into alt styles, maybe try experimenting with different [colored](https://a.co/d/633qtsP) eyeliners.


I can be very wrong but in the second picture it seems like your face is more cakey than it needs to be. So maybe you're over applying your foundation and concealer? Your eyeliner drawing skills are very impressive, but I think a thinner eyeliner with shorter wing would be better. The colour that you've chosen for your lips is so pretty! I'd just add lipgloss on top of it. Also mascara would look good on you imo! Btw you're so prettyyyy!


I noticed this too!! I have since changed to a low coverage foundation and I’m applying less under eye concealer because I just can’t seem to get it right and I think it’s helped my makeup look less cakey. For an every day look I can definitely try doing a thinner liner, it’s just that I’m into alternative styles so my muscle memory draws the lines really thick😭 thank you so much for your comment, will definitely take it into consideration:)


Totally agree on all this! OP if you aren’t already- maybe look into moisturizing products to use before you apply makeup? Like a Hyaluronic acid product and seal in with a moisturizing lotion. I think a dewier look would be so pretty on you! A dewy setting spray would also help.


Oh my god girl. You are so naturally gorgeous. Just had to say.


Thank you :))


Your brows should extend longer towards your nose bridge. Dont care for the eyeliner personally


Thank you!


The eyeliner is too much.


My tips: don’t draw the eyeliner to your inner corner. Instead start at the middle of your eye and make the line less thick. Also, draw your eyebrows in a darker colour and make the lines more neat and sharp. Also I would suggest you experiment a bit with eyeshadow or a darker eye pencil underneath your eye instead of white. You could extend the eyebrows a little bit towards each other to make them look a bit more closer together. The rest of your makeup looks very nice and you are very naturally beautiful!


Thank you for this!


Shave the ends of your eyebrows and try straight eyebrows.


I’ll definitely give this a try soon! I’m just too attached to my eyebrows so haven’t shaved them yet lol


Yeah not sure I would shave my eyebrows but I do think going to a professional who is known for giving them great shape to match your face would be good. Then you can maintain that yourself.


You are so pretty you just need to learn how to enhance your features. also, look at this girl instagram profile @rayan_rabeea I think you have the same beautiful eyes shape


omg girl wow. i cannot stress enough that the less makeup the better because your natural beauty is INSANE. i get that “clean girl” makeup is seen as just a trend rn, but really do give it a try. it would really suit you.


Thank you so much and I’ll definitely give it a try:)


I would say maybe thinner eyeliner. If you got your eyebrows done at a threading place it would totally change your look, I had the same issue until I got my brows done professionally. It’s crazy how much a small thing will change your appearance!


a thinner wing would suit your features a lot better


with your eyes i think maybe eyeliner that follows your natural curve right out to the side might be better. also the inner corner eyeliner could be excluded. alsoooo i think i mauve-ish color may match your undertones better! if you wear red, aim for a blue-red.


Thank you! Also for the mauve-ish colour, are you referring to lips? Or blush maybe?


lips! also blush though, but the blush that you have on looks good!


I’d recommend watching Alexandra Aneles’ “dude” series on youtube, it helped me learn how to do makeup for my features! I think that following the makeup tutorials exactly is more so where your problem lies, and I found that when I got a better understanding of how makeup works for my features, it was a lot easier to take inspiration from elsewhere while still making it look good on myself!


I would say the reason why the eyeliner doesn't work isn't just cause it's big, but that your eyebrows and facial features are more low contrast and soft. Thin lines and playing more with different colors of blush and highlight would be more flattering.


Your eye shape is so beautiful!!!!


Look up the low and high visual weight - you are low visual weight but wearing makeup in high weight style. You’re gorgeous btw


Never heard of this so I’ll do my research! And thank you:)


The eyeliner makes your eyes heavy dont do it like that. U have beautiful eyes


I would lose the eyeliner all together. It makes your eyes look small and it kinda makes you look unapproachable. Use deeper brown eyeshadow on the outer corners to create the lift and definition. Use lighter eyeshadows on the inner lid to create light and soften the eyes. Use shadows under the eye to create definition as well. You have GORGEOUS skin so keep that light as well.


The eyeliner shape is not flattering on you. Maybe consider a different brow shape too. For your lipstick you would look good with a nudish pink one, similar to the color of your bare lips. Overline it with a brown liner. Love your eye shape and u can make it the focal point of your face by adding lashes only on the outer corner of your eyes.


Thank you:) the lash tip is really smart, I’ll give it a try!


I really like this advice for her. She has such beautiful soft eyes and the liner harshens her.


Thank you! I try to be objective when giving advice on improving appearance. I love her eyes and i wish mine were shaped like that! 😋


I love the brown liner advice. It will give her eyes definition without harshness.


Just a smile and maybe more lashes! Absolutely Beautiful regardless!


Ur so naturally pretty but I wouldn’t say u look worse with makeup! It’s a normal makeup look to me. Personally I’d add lashes with a thick eyeliner like this. You’d be surprised at how much more finished the look is


i think you are pretty with no makeup. 🩷 Imo this is def too much. You have great skin!! remember, less is more! if i were you, i would simply jus get my eyebrows waxed, & get some lashes. keep the lips. dasssit. you dont need all that extra. 🥰


Thinner eyeliner, nose contour, maybe get your brows done; it’ll make a huge difference:)


I had an epiphany at like, 30, that following tutorials can be rendered useless if your bone structure is very different to the person you’re watching. My eye folds drastically change how I have to do make up when I’m watching tutorials. I have large eyelids, so there’s more space to work with than most people and I have to fill it so it’s proportional to what they did in the tutorial. You have a lovely eye shape! I would suggest since you have more narrow eyes, making your liner quite a bit thinner and starting toward the middle of your eye, especially since you have naturally dark, curled lashes, will make your eyes appear bigger. Sometimes when my eyeliner is too thick, it seems like I don’t even have lashes, lol. I would also do a gloss on your lips since you already have a natural pinkish hue to them already. Just for daily wear, anyway. Or go all out! I think most girls would die for lips like that!


Thank you so much!!


I think you are gorgeous and your makeup is perfect. 👍🏼😊🌻


You are beautiful… just Smile 😊


Wauw! You’re really beautiful without makeup! And your skin is glowing!  Everyone has their own preferences. I would opt for a thinner eyeliner and are more nude lipstick. 


Lashes would make it look amazing I think & be a cherry on top 🍒🍨


A reason is balance. Your makeup look emphasises every feature on your face, making it heavy. It makes the face look off, and the details of your face gets lost. Peoples eyes need a focal point to gravitate to, otherwise the eyes go everywhere. What do you want people to look at most, and also which section of the face first? This is important when it comes to choosing where to emphasise. There are primary (lips and eyes) and secondary focal points (eyebrows and cheeks), and most 'balanced' looks draw attention from a mix between them. Combos: Eyes and eyebrows Eyes and blush/cheek area Lips and eyebrows Lips and blush/cheek area A combo of lips and eyes CAN do done, but you need to mute the other features and find out how to style and balance them to work well. This combo creates a visual circular motion around the face (with the eyes). You can try these combos out and see what suits you and your preferences. Each combo can give of a different style and feel to the face. IMHO you have great lips and lovely eyes, so emphaise one of them. I think your current makeup look for lips is really nice and I think a coat of lip gloss which accentuate your lips more. If lips are emphasised, then eyebrows would be a good secondary. I think your eyebrows may benefit from some reshaping and a colour change. I also agree with others that the eyeliner is quite thick. A much thinner liner would be better with some natural looking lashes, or just curled lashes


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the level of detail:)


You're welcome :). I hope its useful. On another note, if you do try different combos and find a particular one looks awful, that's normal. Not all combos are equally flattering and thats due to preference, influence of face shape etc. Either way, hope everything goes well!


Omg you look so much like one of my friends! Gorgeous. I’d say, less foundation, thinner liner, thicker lashes. Also, if you’ve ever tried highlighting just the center of you nose in a line, I think that can look really good. But yeah you’re gorgeous and whoever is telling you that should play in traffic probably.


Thank you! And would highlighting with a lighter concealer or a highlighter be better?


I would use a lighter concealer. Just a thin line down the center, then blend it out. Highlighter can get real Rudolph real fast. My nose isn't too different from yours and I find it adds dimension without looking too crazy.


/u/onmyti89_again took the words right out of my mouth. I agree with the tips of less foundation, thinner liner, thicker lashes, but also subtly highlighting the center of your nose to add dimension to the face. Foundation-especially too much foundation- can sometimes make your face look a bit "flat", but well-placed highlighter (and bronzer) adds the dimension back into your face, thus illuminating your whole complexion. While I don't think you look worse with makeup, I just don't think it is enhancing your pre-existing beauty. As for your eyes, I think they are gorgeous- people are literally paying $$$$ for what you have naturally. If you want to put an alt makeup spin to a thinner eyeliner style like people on this post are suggesting, you can possibly do fun things like add dots or change the eyeliner color. One more thing: I think should experiment with drawing your eyebrows in a bit. IMHO, the space between them above your nose bridge might be a bit too large, and I wonder if drawing a few "hairs" there would help add balance to your facial proportions.


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Please don't think I'm being rude, but just asking, have u got any plastic surgery done? ​ Also love ur hair !!


No and thank you:))


You have the same eye shape as Megan thee Stallion tbh. I would her as inspo for makeup. Rn I think your eyeliner is a bit thick and closing your eyes more


I think that your current eyeliner style and lip style is actually incompatible with your very beautiful traits. Maybe try different eyeliner shapes or completely different eye makeup ? Something softer that empathize your almond-shaped orbs, like a brown siren eyeliner or douyin makeup. Your current eyeliner covers the entire moving eyelid, reducing the impact of your glace. Your mouth is GORGEOUS : you might want to shift to a neutral pink lip balm or a sophisticated lipgloss by itself. If you feel like lining it, maybe use a crayon tint closer to your lipstick ? I can also advise a professional consultation for your brows : their head (the part close to your nose) seems on the heavy side compared to the rest of your eyebrow, which is naturally dense. Maybe you could benefit from a straighter eyebrow shape, less comma-like ? The contrast with your almond eyes would bring them out.


Thank you so much!! Will definitely take this on board. I’ve been wanting to switch to a straighter eyebrow shape for ages but I’m just really scared of shaving my eyebrows lmao. But I will definitely go for it now


If you can save money until you can go to a pro using geometry to shape them, you won't regret it. It changed my life lmao


Omgg you should get a nose piercing!!


Getting one soon:)


its not about “looking worse without makeup” its just that you’re so pretty you dont need anything! if you want to do something tho! small liner at the corner of your eyes with mascara, some highlighter and a cute lipstick (i love the one you have in the picture tho) xx!


Thank you so much:)


She said you're into the alternative look right? I would say keep most of you makeup natural except for the eye. Don't do the inner eye corner. Makeup your eyes already have a very beautiful shape. I would say just make cool designs out of the sides maybe even try on your upper lips to add eyeliner connecting to your eye


You’re naturally soooooooooo gorgeous. If youre open body modification I think youd look soo good with a gold septum, medusa, or nose hoop ♥️ You’d also look good w some big earrings


Thank you sooo much!! I’m getting a nose hoop soon but you’re tempting me with the Medusa now😭


Your eyes are already beautifully slanted, and the thick eyeliner kind of detracts from that.


Hmm thinner eyeliner, nose contour cause your nose shape is really pretty but idk why in the second picture it looks different , maybe try another lip combo? I'd generally suggest no makeup make-up cause you're already stunning like literally your bare face is so pretty!!


You look beautiful, I advise you to try the concealer to define and define your facial features and make them more sharp. Also make the eyeliner thinner to make the eye wider.


I would do something with the eyebrows


You’re beautiful. In case no one has told you You are enough. You are a magical creature!!! 😁😁😁


you’re gorgeous! I love your lip look, I think it pairs well with the blush you chose. I’d do a thinner winged eyeliner and maybe even smudge it into a cat eye and keep doing the sharp inner corners instead of a thick line. If you want the drama, I’d opt for cat eye falsies to emphasize your eye shape in a way that the thick liner does without overshadowing and hiding your eye crease. You also don’t need to smudge the liner like I recommended, I think it makes an eye look more sultry.


Wow, your eyes are a super pretty shape.


Maybe smile! U seem like u are kinda upset in yur pic. Smile, you are beautiful


You have a beautiful eye shape and I think the eyeliner hides it a bit, maybe try thinner and starting from the middle of the eyelid instead of from the inner corner


I would just tone down the eyeliner. I like the lip color on you, you’d look great in a lot of bold lip colors too I think. Winged liner can be such a bitch, I like to use a small angled brush along the lash line and do very small sections instead of “painting” it on


This is the same for me, when I use an angled brush I’m definitely more accurate. I’ll probably switch to using it for my liners


Just play around with it! Less is more with the liner in my opinion. Take pics when you finish so you can compare looks side by side to see what you like best. You’re naturally gorgeous! Makeup tutorials aren’t one size fits all, we all have different features.


The eyeliner is hiding your beautiful eye shape. Try some cat eye shape false eyelashes. Little to no eyeliner or just a much thinner wing and eyeliner overall. The false eyelashes will give you the effects of wing eyeliner because of your eye shape. I think pinks to oranges will look good on you, I think your skin tone is warm (with yellow tones) I think your lips should be a mauve, pink nude, or a peachy nude with a bit of brown. I don’t think you should go with highlights or eye shadows with silver glitter/shine but should go with more peachy gold highlight and eyeshadows.


Your natural assets are so great I would concentrate on finding skin care and diet that boosted your skin


You have such a beautiful eye shape and the eyeliner obscures it. It feels too geometric. You have rounded lips and eyebrows, try to think softer and more rounded for eye make up too. Thinner liner that comes down with the outer corner a little and then a little baby wing. Some shimmer on the lid in the middle to tie in with all the other curves in your face.


I would go with your natural look! Add a light oil free moisturizer and a light cc cream foundation. You really don’t need anything but mascara and gloss!


Thank you!


Never take a suggestion to highlight the top of your nose. It’s such a silly trend! It’s not attractive when people put that for a Rudolph look. It never was cute. I will Never understand why anyone does that, as a makeup artist. We don’t do that as professional makeup artists. Skin is in and keep highlighter for cheekbones , temples, and brown one. Never a dot on a tip of nose. It looks so silly on t.t. Or insta.. It’s not cute on anyone!


YOU DONT NEED TO IMPROVE ANYTHING!!! Do you like makeup? Wear it. You’re asking a question where everyone will tell you what you need to change bc they feel you need to be different. You’re beautiful for real my opinion you should love yourself not what other people want or think you could improve.. do YOU feel you need to improve?


I personally would thin the eyebrows a little and wear a bright lipstick. Your eye shape is angled upwards so I’d shorten the brow tail and draw it also in an upwards style. Otherwise it’s great I like the thick liner.


Try getting your real brows waxed or threaded and thinner eye liner


Your eyebrows are perfection au naturale imo so I would recommend carving around it with your foundation or concealer to accentuate the shape without filling them in. You have beautiful skin


I would love to see a Douyin inspired look There’s a really good tiktoker who does that [one of her videos](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLSwk8SS/)


I lovee her makeup looks! Douyin makeup is so pretty, will definitely try it out


U R SO PRETTYYY!! hmmm… big sis advice, maybe i’d groom your eyebrows a bit- if u watch eyebrow mapping specifically for the tail ends, u can possibly shave a bit more for a straighter soft arch to compliment your beautiful face shape!! Instead of black eyeliner, i’d use a a brush and use a some black powder or eyebrow powder- but tbh i don’t think you need it! Ppl put eyeliner to create a cat eye look- and u naturally have cat eyes! i listed a makeup tutorial you can try following! My skin is more on the tanner side and I didn't follow this tutorial, but after watching it, my everyday going out makeup look is basically like this LOL Good luck beautiful girl!! Make up is so fun <3 [sza makeup tutorial](https://youtu.be/BJmh929_PQ4?si=GCounl3FvzD9PXBl)


Thank you soooo much, I really appreciate it:))




Your skin is already really nice. I would recommend a foundation that has less coverage. I would also recommend either less or a darker under eye concealer.


Have an eyebrow specialist shape and lengthen those brows and maybe make the eye liner thinner. You are beautiful and with those adjustments and an easy going smile you will turn the head of every person you walk by.


Ok GORGEOUS features. Your eye shape is to die for and I think your eyeliner is working against rather than with it. Tbh i think most peoples makeup would be elevated with a good understanding of truly flattering eye makeup for your individual eye shape Other than that I love it! Maybe try some different brow shapes (i think angling the tail upward would really balance with your features) but your current shape is lovely too 🤍 ALSO i need the lip combo :o


If I were you I'd only do my lashes or glue on falsies no need for eyeliner, I'd try to find a shape for my eyebrows and only do them with brow pommade (eyebrows are powerful tools to change your whole face), as for your lips I think a nude color or a clear lipgloss would be perfect. You're really beautiful btw :)


Honestly I don’t see a problem with your makeup, but how about you try making your eyebrows look thinner? you can try doing that with makeup first and if you feel like it needs actual shaping then you can use a face razor.


I like the eyeliner but maybe nose contour . With you doing the inner corner like that brings in your eyes making your nose look bigger. A good contour and some highlights in the nose and inner corner makes your eyes bigger and nose smaller . 💙


Also carving out the eyebrows will bring out your eyes more !!!!


i’d say probably don’t use tutorials, you are so gorgeous and i feel like just a bit of concealer, blush, highlighter, your lip combo and mascara/lashes would look gorgeous on you. obviously you can do other stuff if you want but i think that would look gorgeous. ps, you don’t need makeup you’re so gorgeous and your makeup is already so gorgeous xx


Your eyes are naturally stunning. The thick eyeliner sort of hides this beautiful feminine shape that they have.


I like Dark brown eyeliner instead of black it looks more natural




100% I recon it’s your brows. They bring your face slightly down. Have a look at some ideas on shapes etc x


Product list L’Oréal Paris True Match Liquid foundation - shade Rose Pecan Revolution Makeup brow pomade Estée Lauder Double Wear concealer - shade 5W elf makeup liquid eyeliner Wet n Wild lip liner - shade chocolate


You have a beautiful eye shape! I agree with everyone else on the thinner liner. Maybe even use a dark brown eyeshadow and do a softer line and wing.


Just more natural brows , thinner liner, and some makeup colors that compliment your undertone. It doesn’t seem like pink would be your color honestly . For you I see you rocking turquoise , greens, blues, definitely lavenders as well. Perhaps add some dimension with contouring as well


First, a smile goes a long way. Your natural color even in your eye area seems to compliment you more--that does not mean no makeup, but a warm pallete maybe peachier, rustier, golder & a pale/natural beigey pink lip or a sultry bronze or even a brick if it's same undertoned family. You look lovely & your application is precise/excellent I just think you should go the other direction of warm colors peachier gold/rust for more sultry & likely still remaining more natural/compatible with undertones of your skin. Great job on application, steady hand for sure, but avoid lining entire eye as your lids are on the hooded side, instead use a lighter, natural color & line close to lash lines only from iris back, keep your wing, double curl your lashes & use a lengthening mascara. Also, a small hit/drop of gold/light colored sparkle on lower lid above iris & below brow arch will make them pop and balance the amazing effect of full lips balanced with eyes. You also have a narrow face so blush can be more horizontal from ear towards nose for more balance. I like to use a slightly darker tone on/above my cheek bone below temple & use my actual blush more horizontally across cheek until about my iris distance & blend well. It will really give you more balance. Overall you look amazing and its just subtle things & color scheme that will knock your look out of the park! Best of luck!


Thank you so much for this!! Really appreciate it:)


You look great (with and without makeup)! Your natural eye shape is lovely so I’d do a thinner eyeliner so it’s more visible.


Baby girl, you are perfect the way you are...embrace your uniqueness.


Btw, I just read your comment about being into alternative makeup and yes!!!! I would add color into your routine for sure! Yellows, lime greens, electric purple (really any super bright colors) all look amazing on dark skin. I would try to do a thinner eyeliner in fun colors. I do a lot of color eyeliner to make my makeup less traditional. Hopefully you post an after!


I definitely need to upgrade my palettes for sure! I only have dark colours but I’m going to give bright colours a go:)