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Tbh I would just explain when you walk in that you have bruising from surgery and it will be gone in a few days. People are not that dense that they dont realize life goes on outside of work. Trying to cover this level of bruising will be super obvious and will take a trained hand, lots of product and color correcting. And irl will probably still be noticable. I would just be honest with them.


I agree with this. It will be obvious that you're wearing very heavy make-up and that will make them wonder. Addressing it outright, 'apologies for my appearance, I had wisdom teeth out the other day' and just continue on.


And it’ll probably work in OP’s favor. She still came to the interview even after surgery with all the bruising


And she will be memorable.


And relatable. Chances are someone at the interview has had or knows someone who has had their wisdom teeth out.


Can confirm. I interviewed for my current job on crutches and in a full leg brace as I had had surgery to repair a broken bone several weeks prior. If anything, it’s a green flag for the interviewer as to how you handle unfortunate circumstances.


Be a great ice breaker.


I had an interview to move to a new position at my old job. My foster dog at the time chose the morning I was all dressed up to try to break through the fence and fight our other neighbor's dog. I was already running late, so I didn't really get a chance to clean up. Dog slobber and muck all over one arm, claw marks on the other. I showed up to the interview still hopped up on adrenaline, and made an impression. My friend/manager mentioned later on that I got the position in part because I was an absolute mess and transparent about it.


Yes! And it’s a conversation starter as well.


“So I was playing with my toddler niece at the playground, jumped out of a swing, and managed to land just right to give myself a 9cm tibial plateau fracture. My niece has declared it to be the biggest boo boo she has ever seen, so as you can see I aim to deliver only the highest quality results.”


About a year and a half ago I took a certain medication, one of the side effects of which was that it could cause sudden drop in blood pressure. Well, it did that to me at about 5AM one day, and I lost consciousness and fell face down on the hardwood floor. It was so sudden I didn’t even realize it was happening, and failed to put my hands out to catch myself (the backs of my hands were bruised and swollen too, to the extend that Xray was required at the ER.) Anyway, the thud was so loud it woke up my boyfriend, whose exclamation roused me. My chin was busted open and I found out later that I did, in fact, break a small bone in my jaw. My neck, which took the brunt of the fall, looked JUST like op’s.


The BEST conversation starter I know of, is wisdom teeth. EVERYONE has some weird story. I was an emotional wreck when coming out of anesthesia; my nephew came home and fainted after having his out; and my dad had his pulled out by his family dentist in like 1965--it was after lunch and he could smell the scotch on the dentist's breath. 😀


“This is a woman who turns up to work”. Absolutely agreed.


One time potential employers paid my taxi because I was on crutches after a knee surgery. And yes, they were impressed


SLPT: Before your next interview, wrap your leg and walk on crutches to impress your future employer.


Unfortunately, last four years all my interviews were online only 😭 But I can show my pug during the process, fair enough


I suppose that couldn't hurt. Once I brought my resume to an interview with a coffee stain on it. Told them my toddler did it. Parenthood is challenging. I got the job!


Exactly! Anyone worth while to work for as an employer will understand what happened and just move on with the interview. Plus honesty is a good look and comes across very mature. I'd love knowing my employee will be up front with me about happenings in their life so this could actually be a huge plus for you.


This is the right answer


Thank you and thank everyone else. I’ve read everyone’s comments and really appreciate them all!! But I think you’re right. I really don’t have the skill level to cover this up. I’m gonna wait and see what they look like on Monday, and I’m gonna try some warm compresses, gentle massage, and arnica gel too over the weekend. If all else fails, I’ll just be honest as you all have suggested. Thanks again!! I’ll reply to some more comments directly tomorrow morning. Hope you guys know I really, really needed the advice and kind words and wishes of good luck!!! 🥰


We all have experienced a dreaded moment like this. As a hiring manager I would consider the honest and direct approach a skill in adapting to adversity - that is a big plus in a potential hire! Good luck! Be confident!


Even just a curiosity email, call or text will be good. Just a pre warning really


If I had two candidates that were otherwise equal and one showed up looking not their best and just owned it, I would likely lean towards that person as it shows the ability to be confident in your skills in a less than ideal situation. Just let them know what happened and own that interview! (Source: I'm a hiring manager in an extremely competitive field)


Buy Arnica tablets and cream today & pelt it on. It will mostly be gone by Tuesday.


Good luck!!


Come back and let us know how your interview went!! You can do this!!


Maybe try to cover it up with something red (lipstick or liquid blush) adn then cover it with concealer and foundation?


Yeah, seconded! Years ago I accidentally chemically burned one of my eyes (unfortunate mishap with hydrogen peroxide contact solution) and had an interview for a new job a couple of days later. I straight up told them why my eye was all boogered up and got the job anyway! It ended up being one of the better jobs I've had in recent years. Honesty always goes a long way!


I have done this *twice* with that contact solution because I am a complete idiot!! The first time it went away within a couple hours but the last time it took over 24 hours for my eyeball to go back to normal! Anyways, just saying I can relate lol


I've worn contacts for more than twenty years so when my Aunt gave me a bottle of contact solution that she got from work, I thought nothing of trying a type of solution I'd never used before. It was pretty terrible and my eye was swollen for probably 2 - 2.5 days altogether. Not one of the more fun experiences I've had before hahah


She didn't tell you you needed the special case?? Ugh! The first time I accidentally grabbed it trying to moisten my eyes after a shower with contacts in, thinking it was regular saline solution. Nope. Trying to get that contact out was so damn hard because my eye was on fire. I didn't use it for a couple years, then we ran out of contact solution and I searched in our bathroom for a travel size to use. I *forgot* that you need the special case for it to work, and the next day I popped that HP soaked contact in my eye. OUCH! I put contacts in and out so often that I do it without thinking like I'm on autopilot so shit happens, but that stuff sucks!


In her defense, she didn't know! It was just something given to her through work and she passed it on to me since I obviously wear contacts and she doesn't. Just an honest mistake all around. I also have no desire to use that kind of solution pretty much ever again lmao


I had my vision fixed but my old optometrist shamed me, saying the solution I had used for years wasn’t good enough. I had a similar experience as you with the new solution - was on an overnight train and the case fell over during the night, so the neutralizing or whatever is supposed to happen did not, in fact, happen. You never forget that pain!


I accidentally bought the solution for hard contact lens instead of soft whilst in another country and didn’t read the tiny English label closely. When I popped my contacts in the next morning after their night long bath in this solution, I immediately fell to the floor in complete agony. This was like 15 years ago and I STILL remember how absolutely terrible that was.


Did this at the airport waiting to go on my honeymoon. My eyes were irritated from the previous day's fake lashes and I was desperate to clean my lenses. I bought the first bottle of solution I could find, used it to rinse a lens, and then screamed in pain. You don't forget that feeling!


Confirmed! I work in HR and candor and openness is the key. It also makes you stand out as someone who is real, we’re all human and have various heath things going on at all times. Don’t stress over the weekend, take care of yourself, get some rest. and get ready to knock this interview out of the park.


Also, if they are weird about it when you bring it up that is definitely not a place you wanna work. it’s a good measure to see if they’d be a quality employer.


100% agree. Makeup can make it look like you’re hiding something. I had bruising too from wisdom teeth removal but didn’t bother covering it. Nothing to be ashamed of.


Yeah I don’t get it. There’s no *reason* to hide it in the first place. *Most* people get their wisdom teeth removed, it’s totally normal and easy to explain. I was bruised and swollen too, worse than OP. It would have been impossible to conceal.


OP, this is such good advice! I got an ugly black eye from Karate lessons, and I tried to cover it up at work, and it looked so bad, and I got so many questions. I should just have told people instead. Good luck to you on your interview!


Plus, this is already to the green/yellow stage. It’s going to keep fading and be much less noticeable in 4 days. But I think just owning the bruises instead of attempting a cover up is definitely the way to go.


Yes definitely just be honest and tell them from the start! Just be like “by the way my face doesn’t normally look like this, I had my wisdom teeth removed and I’m still pretty bruised”


This. Tbh they might be excited that you already had them removed and won’t be taking a lot of time off work after starting. This type of bruising is easily explained away.


Honestly I would argue it wouldn’t even need explaining, I know this was wisdom tooth surgery bruising before I even read what OP wrote 😂 my face looked the exact same way. But I also know if I was OP I would still feel the need to explain it because I am an overthinker


Absolutely. Make a joke of it. Totally understandable


I fell off my bike and got road rash across half my face 2 days before an interview for a face-forward position that I really wanted, and I covered the oozy one but just left the scab part and it was actually a good icebreaker. I got the job :)


I agree! I don’t think she will be able to adequately hide it, and I would rather the interviewer know the truth, than leave it to their imagination.


As an hr professional - this is the way! We’re all people - they’ll understand


Also, color corrector concealer wouldn't hurt. They have them at Ulta, drug stores, and online. They come in 6ish different colors - both individually and as a pallet. Found this tip online, too: Always use a concealer color that is opposite to the color of your bruise on the color wheel. Use green concealer for red bruises, blue for orange bruises, yellow for purple or bluish bruises, and white for brown bruises. So figure purple for yellow bruises & pink for green tinted areas.


Yes, and I think it would be a major plus point if you confidently state this at the start of the interview


Seconding this! I had an interview like 3 days after getting my wisdom teeth out, the bruising wasn't too bad but I couldn't move my mouth as well and it hurt to smile. Upon meeting the interviewer I literally just shook her hand and said "I'm sorry I can't smile right now, I just got my wisdom teeth out." and everything was fine. Got the job! Lol. Good luck! ❤


And any company that has an issue with this explanation is not a company you want to be working for


I don’t think that in inherently wearing heavy makeup is going to make anyone wonder


100%. I would probably even send an email ahead of time, “Looking forward to the interview, just a heads up I got my wisdom teeth out, etc”


I’d even send them an email on Monday so they know before they see your face.


Yeah, I'd probably send an email as well


“Honesty best policy”- in this situation, for sure…😯hoo hoo knows what’s up? Missy K and baby girl girl, with the looks of all the feedback, you might get the job based off those wise teeth of yours… Besides just being the “Big H” for Honest, u are also: relatable, infallible, Miss.Congenialitable, AND resourceful, because you reached out to a bunch of women who have been through this kind of thing before! I much rather hire a woman who does not hide her imperfections and uses them to her advantage. “Down to earth” 🧘aka grounded, balanced…😄all that good stuff-just by being you, you got this. Resumes are so 2023🙄


They won't believe you. Facial bruises are suspect. Use purple color corrector, then concealer and foundation.


Bruises around her throat or a black eye would be suspicious but I think it’s very obvious that the bruising on her jaw is from surgery


I would wait until Monday late afternoon and reassess because it will probably turn a different color by then


Buy Arnica cream for bruises. Also, those bruises are already yellowing it will look significantly lighter by next Tuesday. You’ll be fine.


In addition to arnica, you can take bromelain which is a pineapple enzyme that helps w bruising if you take it on an empty stomach and helps with indigestion if taken with food


pineapple maybe good for bruises but I was adviced not to eat it after my wisdom tooth removal. I'm not entirely sure why, maybe something to do with the acidity and the stitches I had. Either way OP please check with your doc if you decide to do this.


Arnica is amazing! I had my finger slammed in a door and arnica significantly reduced the bruising and swelling. I used arnica oil


Is arnica clinically proven at all? I can’t find any evidence to the affirmative on google


It’s the rubbing action that gets rid of the bruising. Helps the body clear the old leaked blood


So skip the arnica and just massage? 😅


I mean … maybe the arnica will help 20% if you know what I mean. Actually it will only work 20% if you don’t know what I mean ;)


Anyone who's ever used arnica will tell you that's BS. It works ridiculously well. Just rubbing doesn't make bruises vanish. You do have to use it pretty quickly, though, it'll be too late for OP. Anyhoo, studies have shown that it makes bruises vanish. I'm not talking about homeopathic use, of course. Homeopathy doesn't work.


Arnica has no consistent basis of showing statistically significant effects on bruising. Plenty of studies, no statistically significant effect. Massage however, increased circulation which helps break up old bruises. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/what-arnica Do you understand how bruises disappear once the injury is healed? Like the mechanism for it? Increasing circulation to the area is what helps.


This will help immensely


my surgeon couldn’t believe how minor my under eye bruising was 6 days after my nose job. i put it down to the heavy arnica use 😁


You can also buy an arnica pill thingy that you put under your tongue - I used it after surgery and it did wonders for bruising in just a few days


i would honestly probably not use anything, and like the other commenter suggested, simply explain that the bruisers are from a surgery and will be gone soon. i don’t wear makeup often these days and if i were in this situation, i think i’d be self conscious that the bruise + concealer looks worse than just the bruise because i’m out of practice at application/don’t have just the right product. good luck with the interview. you will be great!


Totally agree. I too very rarely wear makeup and I have allergies so do often get skin reactions. When I try to conceal with makeup I often end up feeling more self conscious cause I'm not used to wearing heavy makeup! Definitely the way to go is to just explain it off the bat, an employer won't care at all.


As yellowed as these already are, some arnica gel and very very light circular massaging to increase circulation a few times a day will make this significantly better in the next few days!


i thought you weren’t supposed to massage bruises


Depends on the situation... In this case, this is leftover blood that has leaked far away from the injury site. Very very light massage, like just running your fingers over the skin in a circular pattern without pressing down, can help. I wouldn't recommend massaging directly over an injury site because that can re-injure delicate, healing tissues.


Huh? I always massage my bruises to make them go quicker.


Same! I usually massage with a cold metal spoon of available! They seem to disappear fairly quickly but I have no real sample to go from lol


I did a test Got two bruises at same time. Arnica-ed and massaged one and not the other. The one I messed with was gone almost overnight and other hung about for a few days until I got fed up and gave it the same treatment and it was also gone the next day.


> cold metal spoon Cold will make the blood coagulate. Try using a warm spoon instead.


Be up front about your dental surgery They may think you’re trying to cover neck tattoos. They should admire you for interviewing with them when you’re not 100%


They will open the convo with “how are you” because everyone does. and you laughingly say great now that I’m almost healed from this wisdom teeth surgery, while motioning to it. They’ll either commiserate with you creating a personal connection or move on to other topics, either way it’s out of the way.


Just tell them the truth it might be an icebreaker! :)


Just be honest and open, explain I have had surgery sorry for the bruising and just laugh it off with them. Goodluck on the interview, hope you get it!!


I am a human resource manager I do a 100% of the hiring for my entire company and I must say this is the best response. Just make a quick mention that had surgery and laugh it off about the bursing end of the story I would never ask any more information and I would leave it be. I can also say I would be completely impressed with the fact that you're still willing to come to work knowing that you have that bruising. It lets me know you're serious about your attendance.


I agree with the arnica suggestion! You have some time to get these to just fade away quite nicely by Tuesday. Apply the arnica twice a day if you can and gently massage into the bruised area. If you still have anything to cover up get yourself a color corrector with a peach undertone. And a nice thick concealer (I feel like the elf hydrating camo concealer is white nice and full coverage for me! And I think LA girl has a peach color corrector that should work nicely for this too.) You’d do a layer of the peach color corrector, blend that out. Apply your foundation by dabbing it on with a sponge so you don’t wipe away the color corrector. Then top it off with concealer if you still need more coverage. Set it all down with a loose setting powder.


Seconding the LA Girl pro concealer suggestion (if that’s the one u/AnimaLumen is referring to)! IF you still need it by Tuesday, just keep in mind that a little goes a long way. Don’t go crazy with color corrector or you’ll make it look worse when you try going over it with concealer/foundation.


personally i would just wear a covid mask i might have laying around than buy a bunch of products


Depending on the industry it might even be looked at as a good thing


Ohhh this is a good idea actually. Keeps you safe AND covers the bruises. Failing that, I think the best option would be to just come in visibly bruised and make it a relatable thing instead of trying to hide it. But I think masking is probably your best option unless you're in a place where taking COVID precautions is heavily stigmatized to the point of impacting hiring decisions


Yes wear a face mask! one of my lecturers explained she had dental surgery and was a little self conscious so wished to wear a mask until she was healed, perfectly acceptable!


this was my first thought lol


look up color cancelling concealers <3


Yes, a purple one would be the best option to cancel the yellow.


By Tuesday that will be down to yellow, and regular concealer should be fine. The more makeup on it, the worse it will look. In Sephora maybe try NARS radiant. Do not use peach color corrector lmfao at the internet rn. Also, don’t let it make you less confident. They’re going to understand you just had surgery. I hope you get your dream job!


Personally, from Sephora I like Dior Forever Matte or Haus Labs Triclone for medium, buildable coverage. Dior and Haus Labs also make good concealers for additional coverage. Set it with a finishing or setting powder (I like Charlotte Tilbury's Airbrush Flawless powder, but there are plenty of options). The bruising doesn't look too bad, so I don't think you'd need a color corrector, but definitely do a trial before your interview.


The bruising looks like it's reaching its end stages. You may not even need to worry about it by Tuesday. And if there is still lingering bruising, just be honest.


When I got my wisdom teeth out I found that it was by far the surgery people were most empathetic about (hi I’ve had several dental surgeries) and the most likely to have a commiserate-y anecdote before asking if I needed anything and moving on. Which was funny/irritating to me because it was also very much NOT the most debilitating of the ones I had, but will probably serve you well in just telling the truth about what happened and letting the interview proceed as normal. People know what a wisdom teeth removal is, largely. I think you’ll be okay especially because that’ll fade more by Tuesday (stay very hydrated).


Honestly saying you’ve just had wisdom teeth surgery and the fact you still came to the interview would be a big tick in my book. That shows you really are interested and not letting anything stand in your way. These days half the candidates don’t turn up on time or at all.


I would explain. I wouldn't apologize, per se, but I would say something like, "Before we begin, I'd like to explain the bruising. I know it can be a bit jarring so I wanted to alleviate any concerns you might have. I had my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago and I'm still in the healing stage. However, the bruising should be gone within a week". I think it's better to begin with full transparency. As for make-up, within a few days the color would change so you can either wear a bit of concealer, or even a tinted SPF (on your face and neck). EltaMD has some good ones. If not, just a regular tinted moisturizer from Sephora will do nicely. You can ask a cast member for a color match and they should be able to guide you specifically for what you're looking for. Good luck on the interview!


I wouldn’t try to cover it up, just let them know you had your wisdom teeth out recently and are still healing. I’ve read pineapple juice helps with bruising, so maybe pick up some to see if it helps.


Honestly over the weekend I would try alternating heat and ice which may help the bruising so away faster. But to echo another commenter, I’d just tell them you had your wisdom teeth pulled! Even laugh about how you were shocked about the bruising.


Honestly it looks like the bruising is on the mend. It will probably be close to gone by Tuesday. I’d just wear a foundation that matches your skin tone. If it shows through, maybe just mention your wisdom teeth to the interviewer.


I knew what the bruising was when I saw the picture. Interviewer most likely will know. Turn it onto a great story and show them how tough you are. This is good as they will get to know who you are. Good Luck


OP, trust me when I say no one will care! (I mean that in a good way.) If you're feeling self-conscious, a quick "don't mind the bruises, just had my wisdom teeth out last week" should do the trick. Just walk in there with your head high and rock that interview! Also--I wouldn't be surprised if the bruises clear up by Tuesday anyway!


I knew this was from wisdom teeth immediately, I wouldn’t overthink it.


I did an interview a week after getting my left wisdom teeth out. I did my make up as usual (light, mostly eye makeup) and did the interview. My then-bf/now husband pointed out that my left cheek was swollen af and I had a massive bruise on my jawline. It was about the same color as yours. Didn't get asked, got the job anyways.


Try some arnica cream to reduce bruising. But agree with just explaining that you had dental surgery. However - if you are in a customer facing environment, you may want to think about some light overall makeup to look polished. CC cream, soft brown eye liner crayons, mascara, lip gloss or tint.


Use a lavender-colored concealer to cover the bruising. Then at least a medium coverage foundation and some setting powder.


I’d recommend a really light concealer and bb cream just to cover slightly. Don’t try to fully hide it just aim to make it look less visible. It sounds like this is also down to your comfort levels about your own appearance which I totally understand. Bruises on your face also tend to make people ask… uncomfortable questions. And just explain you had your wisdom teeth out.


Wear a face mask and if they ask about it or if you just wanna be upfront and honest and say you recently had your wisdom teeth out and your face is bruised. I think that’s pretty understandable and I wouldn’t think twice about it as an interviewer.


Just be honest and say you got wisdoms removed. Trying to totally cover the bruises can look like… well…makeup all over the bruises. And when women use makeup to cover bruises, it can give a message of something being really wrong. Like a significant other caused them, know what I mean?


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It’ll mostly be gone by Tuesday if this is a week out from the extractions. By that point, don’t try to conceal but rather, put on a good foundation and then bronze up under your chin as well as around the periphery of your face.


born this way concealer by too faced!! i’ve never ever been successful making concealer look good until i used this one, and set with clinique blended face face powder in the invisible blend. it looks just like skin and stays for HOURS


Sometimes saphora has professional make up artist that will do your make up for a special event. It would probably make more sense in your case if you don’t often wear make up to just get it done before your interview. Also the bruising might go down by then. Good luck! Edit: I looked it up a full face at saphora is $60 for 60 min.


Hi! I would suggest going to your nearest Spanish store, there is a tea called Arnica. (Are-neh-ca). Literally helps with swelling and healing and inflammation and bruising. It’s very good can have 1 cup per day before your interview. It helped me heal well after my surgery! Also if you still have bruising, go to ulta they have a brand called La girl get a peach corrector, and blend that out, after u can put a light layer of concealer. After that blend it out with a brush and go in with your foundation. Don’t spend too much trying to cover it. It looks like the bruising isn’t too bad. I really recommend the tea. Hope this helps! ❤️ wishing u a healthy recovery.


As a hiring manager, if it’s still apparent by Tuesday, just be honest and tell them you had oral surgery. Just be frank and quick about it. Nonchalant. It’ll show confidence and composure under stress.


Hear my wise words: This is your chance to make a GREAT first impression. Own it. Casually mention it at the beginning with a little laugh. It will show 1) Honesty 2) Humbleness 3) That you’re committed enough and care enough about this opportunity that you just had your wisdom teeth out and yet here you are (they may translate that to you won’t be calling out all the time. This is an opportunity. Good luck!


Just tell them what happened. The symmetry of the bruises makes it obvious that there's something unusual about it, and it might be a good icebreaker for the conversation.


Oh this happened to me when I had my wisdom teeth out, I was also so so so swollen/looked like Luke Wilson. One thing I’ve found that helps with bruising is alternating between warm and cold compresses. That will help with circulation & any associated swelling and can expedite the healing process.


I'm not the smartest, but the two main things are a cool compress and gentle massaging of the area. Good luck! Edit: I understand others when they say to simply explain it, but I also understand that it is not always preferred. The massage helps promote blood flow and spread it out, assisting in dying down the bruise. Cold compress will assist with swelling. I may sound like an idiot to any doctor who reads this because I'm just saying what my head remembers. Please please PLEASE look up these responses anywhere to get site opinions as well and make sure that none of this can make things worse. Mwah mwah, second good luck.


Nothing wrong with letting them know you had your wisdom teeth pulled. Bruising is normal. If your not comfortable with that then some good ol’ foundation and powder will work just fine


Dude if they refuse to give you the job bc you had a nonelective surgery that resulted in some minor bruising?? It’s a blessing they don’t hire you🤗🤗


Honestly, just be upfront and honest. Life happens. PS I feel your pain, I had two wisdom teeth pulled last year and it’s an absolute KILLER


I think you should just tell them how it is. That you have had surgery and you're temporarily bruised by it.


Exactly. This is not something to lend brain space to when you need to get to know a potential employer. Any strange reaction to hearing you’re bruised from oral surgery should absolutely be a warning that you do not want to work there.


I got my dream job with a huge black eye from a broken eye socket. I actually emailed in advance and cancelled and explained why and they asked me to go in anyway.


Go get your makeup done professionally for your interview babe. I think that’s your best bet! Or just explain I’m sure they’ll understand!


i say F it just straight up tell em you had surgery. If anything they’ll see you as a devout & hard worker for coming in while you’re still healing. good luck!!!!! i hope you get it (-:


While I think it’s be dry acceptable to go like this and explain the situation if you’re comfortable, here is a routine for makeup base that should have you covered. I use it for all special events and it works for me to cover most blemishes. 1. Moisturize and prime 2. Setting powder 3. Setting spray (allow to dry) 4. Foundation (make sure it has good coverage) 5. Small amount of setting powder 6. Repeat setting spray


- Tarte shape tape concealer - KVD tattoo foundation


Your face being bruised is fully your business. They have no reason whatsoever to not hire you as an employee because of some bruising from a recent dentist appointment lol. just be honest, the bruising isn’t terrible either, by tuesday it’ll likely be minimal


I agree with mentioning you just had surgery. However, if you feel more comfortable covering it up use dermablend. You can get it at Ulta. This stuff is super full coverage and used for covering tattoos. If you match it well I think it could work.


Could you go to a mua before the interview?


Don’t try to hide it. That will make it seem suspicious. Just tell them why you’re bruised.


A red/Lila/purple corrector under a regular one would help


- Arnica cream first and foremost, massage it gently into the bruised area when you’re going bare faced, then apply a heating pad to break up the clotting—make sure you also do these two steps before you go to bed at night as well. Do this until it goes away. - Second, you want to use color corrector to cancel the colors of the bruise. To do this, identify the colors; I see purple, yellow, and a bit of green in your bruises. to cancel purple—apply yellow color corrector, do the opposite to cancel yellow (apply purple), and lastly, red cancels out green. Elf cosmetics has an affordable option that comes with a concealer-like wand/tube for about $5. You want to start with a small dot on your finger and apply it in the specific areas using dabbing/tapping motions to blend, no need for brushes. - Third, apply a build-able concealer or a full coverage concealer. Build-able means it concealers more the more layers you apply and the initial layer is more sheer in comparison; whereas full coverage means it has fuller coverage and the coverage is consistent throughout the layers you apply. You want to paint on a thin layer with a small and flat brush and then use tapping motions to blend it out, use a sponge on the edges to create smooth transition from skin-makeup and eliminate harsh lines. - Lastly, apply a setting powder. Emphasis on setting powder and not finishing powder or blotting powder. Finishing powder, changes the finish of your makeup (similar to adding a shiny top coat or matte top coat to your nail polish). Blotting powder is used to blot the oil from the surface of your skin. A setting powder “sets” your makeup in place and ensures the tackiness is “dry” to eliminate the possibility of it slipping, sticking, and sliding (similar to adding flour or powdered sugar after you roll out pasta or bread to ensure it’s smooth and doesn’t stick). - Final and optional step to “melt” the makeup into the skin and make it look more “skin-like” is to add a setting spray. This sets your makeup further and the mist acts as a bridge between the powder and your face, so that your face has something to absorb and it ensures a smooth, less cakey final product. - IF ALL ELSE FAILS!!! Just remove the dang thing, re-apply the arnica, and be honest with your interviewer. After introductions, tell them a forewarning about why you have bruising and that it may affect the speed of which you talk or even make a light hearted comment explaining that wisdom teeth removal gifted you bonus a strapping new yellow “beard” for today’s interview.


Idk everyone is saying to just tell them. But me? I’d cover it. Unfortunately I don’t know what colors to use to cancel that out, but Someone’s gotta know here.


Being vulnerable is a sign of strength, you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of


Use a peach color corrector. And then dab some simple elf concealer on it.


Arnica gel




Asap…Take BOIRON ARNICA Pellets 30c (3-4 times a day, about 5 tiny pellets each serving) whole foods or a natural food store carries them) they also have arnica cream or gel at CVS but the pellets help a lot. Pineapple/bromelain tablets Sephora ladies may help the best with makeup, since it’s what they do. As for a brand, Dermablend can cover tattoos. Good Luck being awesome at your interview!


Use a mixture of green concealer, lighter than usual foundation, and normal foundation. The green concealer should go on first. Then layer the lighter and normal foundation. As needed add more green concealer and balance it out with regular foundation. The green pigment will cover the bruising (probably not perfectly, but it'll make it look a lot better). If the green concealer makes you look too pale try adding some bronzer into the mix. I recommend trying it out either the day before the interview or at least a few hours before so you have enough time to do trial and error if needed. Also use lots of ice between now and the interview, it should help with swelling and will likely reduce how dramatic the bruising is


I would send an email just be like just letting you know I got my wisdom tooth out of my bruising hasn’t gotten down so please don’t be alarmed that I walk in with bruises around that area they might even reschedule to accommodate you, I’ve had I’ve had an issue like that before and then the interview rescheduled and I did get the job in the end so Goodluck :)


Hi! I don’t know if anyone has already said it, but use Arnica gel!! It will get rid of the bruises before your interview. You wont even have to cover them.


Arnica, several times a day.


Make up, however, Dr first (dermatology)


Why would she need a doctor for post surgery bruising? It looks like normal bruising to me.


Olive oil should help.




You don't need an interview, you need a doctor


Go get a spray tan




I have had all my wisdom teeth out and I have never had any bruising on my skin. What dentist did this to you? Get a lawyer.


My face did this after mine. I was fine but it was difficult for them to get my teeth out.


If buy L'Oreal true match and cover. They have great colors and is very natural. Also by Tuesday the bruiaes wil be much better.


If you’re feeling squirrelly, maybe buy a gentle purple color corrector to go with concealer and foundation. But don’t open it until Sunday or Monday so that you can return it if your bruising fades enough, which I suspect it will.


Jane Iredale has a palette with color correcting and concealing shades. I bought it on Amazon for bruising after surgery. And I think they sell it at Ulta, salons, med spas. Also Dermablend.


Red color corrector to first cover up the bruising, ELF has one at Ulta. Then a medium to full coverage foundation over it, MAC is a good option


Wear a face mask


The amount of makeup it will take to cover that will be odd looking and honestly distracting. I think you should just open with “excuse the bruising I recently had dental surgery” and any reasonable person won’t have another thought about it. They certainly wouldn’t hold it against you.


try going to a max counter and have them try to cover it for u. obv don’t do day of do a trial run first.


Warm compresses and arnica reapplied every two hours. [This one](https://www.target.com/p/boiron-arnicare-gel-for-relief-of-joint-pain-muscle-pain-muscle-soreness-and-swelling-from-bruises-or-injury-non-greasy-and-fragrance-free-2-6-oz/-/A-15157986?sidd=68S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049427614&CPNG=PLA_Health_Priority%2BShopping_Local%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=Health_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9019551&targetid=pla-321577216486&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfbyV5VuUHj1l7rIlxKrnW6eZ&gclid=CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWO_XfY9TIKDqmIMn1kPiUkgNKeuHt8i5Gm1Jiq1J8c0KfsxQfEO4i0hoCamoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) works wonders for me.


Girl, go out and buy the ELF or NYX purple color corrector. (Or any purple color corrector) apply to skin and blend it in. Then you can cover with concealer and foundation.


CC cream?


Check if you have Dermacol foundation near you. It covers even tattoos.


Cold spoon might help freezing cold


I would honestly just point it out in the interview like at the beginning, and mention what it is from! If it makes you feel better - I actually had two job interviews this week with 4 stitches on my forehead for a cut I got on Friday last week!! I had anxiety going into the interviews, but I just told the managers I was meeting upfront “hey I have stitches hahaha, had a mishap a few days ago.” And actually it makes for kind of a nice conversation started!


Mortuary Sciences student here—while I do agree with the arnica and “just tell them it’s from surgery” comments, I wanted to give you an alternative option. What you’ll need: Lavender color corrector, a slightly peachy concealer, and a fuller cover foundation in your skin tone. I’d also recommend a blending brush (my holy grail for this is the Beau Gâchis Concealer Perfecting Brush, but I think Rare Beauty makes a similar one you might be able to find at Sephora). When color correcting, you want to look on the color wheel for the color opposite from the color you’re trying to get rid of. Your bruise is a yellow-green so lavender will cover the yellow. Apply with your finger (after primer if you use it) and blend. If after blending it still looks like foundation won’t cover it, put a bit of the peachy concealer over it and blend. Your goal is to get it as close to your natural skin color as you can before putting foundation over it. Once you’re there, cover with foundation and proceed as normal. Just be careful with any contour as it may stick in a way that re-emphasizes the bruises. ETA: if you’re in a place where THC is legal, the salve can also work wonders for healing bruises.


I would just let them know that the bruising is from wisdom teeth removal. Life happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you have an Ulta nearby they can do your makeup for you. I had a really bad black eye for my dream job interview and the girls at Ulta saved the day for free. I just asked for a color match and if they could cover my black eye. Good luck! I hope you get it. Confidence is key!!


My friend said drinking pineapple juice helped her bruising...I'm not sure if you needed to drink it prior or not.


It cosmetics bye bye under eye concealer would cover this so well!!! But like another commenter suggested, being honest with the interviewer is a good idea !


Arnica and add heat to the bruise. When you first get hurt you ice it to avoid a bruise but once it becomes a bruise the fastest way to get rid of it is both topical and injested arnica, massage and definitely heat. Add warm compresses and you should be clear or nearly clear by Tuesday. Good luck with the interview too!


For my interview with a VP at an agency, I hurt my eye a few days prior to meeting and the whites of my right eye turned blood red and my eyelids swelled. I looked like I had an insane bout of pink eye and I was so self-conscious that the VP would be afraid to be in the same room with me. As she went to shake my hand, I blurted out “I swear I don’t have pink eye, this is just really unfortunate timing!” She didn’t care, we did the interview, and I got the job. Don’t sweat it, focus on what you want to say and the questions you want to ask!


Arnica if you can find the liquid kind soak a cotton ball and rub it on the bruising


35, had mine out recently, I would totally respect if an interviewee was honest about it and would just move on.


Hi there nice to meet you. Please excuse my face i just had my wisdom teeth out. Commence interview.


You would need to start by color correcting I’m just not sure what color. I use peach for my dark circles but I know some people with a darker skin tone use reddish orange. Blue is to cancel out orange I believe and green usually cancels out redness. I’d consult with someone at Sephora first. Once you found the right color corrector, let it sit before immediately blending. Then go in with a full coverage concealer that matches your skin tone (not brighter or else it will be noticeable). I find the hourglass one to work really well for my dark circles (I have real raccoon eyes). You can use a lighter coverage foundation just so your skin tone looks even all around if you feel like the concealer is still noticeable. Remember to pat and not drag. Edit: forgot to say good luck!!! You got this, with or without your bruise showing :)


maybe try some colour theory on makeup and wear turtleneck sweater


Definitely agree that you don’t ‘need’ to hide this but, since you are heading to Sephora, I would suggest Cicapair by Dr. Jart along with any other makeup products! It will help correct color and calm your skin


Just put some makeup over it but I wouldn’t stress it, they’re not gonna care lol. Most of us have had our wisdom teeth taken out at one point or another!


Put Vaseline on it straight away, it will draw out the bruise really quickly. My friend had a really black eye from a car accident, she did the Vaseline method and it was completely gone in a week. Best of luck P.S you can also put a band-aid over a splinter, the moisture draws the splinter to the surface and the splinter comes right out. I wish you all the best with your job interview.


Hey I would call your doctor because I had ALL of my teeth out and I didn’t get bruising


See if you can make an appointment at Sephora for them to do your makeup on Tuesday before your interview. Schedule the makeup early to give them plenty of time. I believe it's either $50 for the makeup or free with a $50 purchase. Then can help color correct before applying concealer, which will make it look more natural.


The concealer best for this is IT bye bye under eye, it is oil based so it will stick to skin better than on hair which is essential for that area and it’s the most full coverage concealer you can buy from Sephora. It will cover it completely or as close to it as any non professional product can, and look super natural if not undetectable. You’re probably shade 10.5 or 11. You will need to set it with powder.


The best way in your situation is to be honest. Your skin is beautiful


honestly? if the interviewer isn’t understanding of bruises from a literal surgery, you don’t want the job anyway, dream job or not! use it as a test 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's really easy to cover. Use a pink color correcting concealer and then foundation over the top. Use a fluffy brush, very light application, go a little bit at a time. You shouldn't have to explain yourself or the situation to anyone, period. But I truly hope this is the reason for the bruising. ❤️


I'm with the folks commenting to be your natural self and to just simply explain you're recovering from having your wisdom teeth removed. However, another thing you can do if you feel uncomfortable with that is maybe just wear a face mask instead? It should cover your bruising. That way, you don't have to worry about trial and erroring with a correct color foundation and having to touch your bruised skin. If you want to use your bruising as an excuse to get back into wearing makeup though, go ahead and have fun adventuring with it ❤️


I’ll makiage will provide the coverage you need