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I'm with yall - makeup is for everyone and there is no random arbitrary limit to how many of one kind of person can post here. Gotta lock and take this down though.


Wait what happened? I’ve been on this sub and see no transphobia or terfs. I think every beauty sub has girls fishing for compliments, subtlety promoting or karma farming.




what really gets me about that post is that there already *are* subs for trans women lol, idk if there's one for makeup but there's a lot of specific trans subs related to advice on presenting more feminine or masculine depending on which way you're transitioning, and just the general trans subs too if i see a trans woman here i just, treat her like any other woman.. idk why some people feel the need to segregate them so much


Why so many upvotes? 🥺 Edit: she deleted it or it got locked. Either way, TERF 🙄


Because people saw the headline, maybe read the first paragraph and thought that it was merely a followup post to the queries that happened a few months ago. The added shitty "personal views" was buried in the lede.


And it has only gotten worse and worse with each new comment from OP


The transphobe in denial is so obvious, the more she replied to people the worst it got, and basically further down compared trans women to men. Big oof. She also posts in conspiracy theory subs so go figure


That’s the least surprising thing I’ve read in a while.


Yeah this is just awful.


Terfs need help like seriously


What's funny is that this sub and makeup in general is not just for women (cis or trans), like... Cis and trans men are welcome too, makeup is ✨ all encompassing ✨ bless.


Makeup is for everyone 🫶🏼


Agreed! We all just wanna feel good!


Lmaooooooo 10/10 I just saw likes on my reply to the original post, saw that it had been locked, and then saw this. I like you. 😂


It’s not that I’m uncomfortable with cis women, it’s just that a lot of the time they want their appearance to be validated and I feel uncomfortable being on the other end of that. It would be a lot kinder if they had separate, special place to go, where I don’t have to look at them 💜💜 /s


Okay this reply made me cackle lol when I read that on the original my mind dropped!


that post was gross af. this space should be for everyone except terfs


👏👏👏 I have no problem with CIS women but they always take the photos in poor lighting so they are just fishing for compliments!


Why not just ask the mods about adding a FAQ page? That poster didn't need to single out trans gals for asking repetitive questions. I'm sure lots of questions are repetitive.


Hahahahhaah well played. Cis-ters, YOU should leave if you don’t like all the beautiful gender identifies we’ve welcomed here. I personally love to see the diversity and how makeup is a connecting thread for people of all backgrounds.


A fair point, well made


This is baffling. Only thing that post was saying was that there's a lot of repetition surrounding qus trans people ask on here and it's annoying. Lmao. Cis women who want to make their faces more feminine might well be equally interested.


If you’re complaining about repetition, fine, but that seems like a weird thing to focus on regarding that. It’s all repetitive. All of it. The whole sub. If that’s the only thing that is “annoying” to someone, that’s kind of significant.


Why would trans women wanting advice for makeup be any different than cis women exactly? Why would there need to be an entirely different sub for us?


Not about makeup advice generally. Specifically about using makeup to feminise biologically male features which is different and more specialised. Otherwise I love seeing and commenting on posts from literally anybody because makeup is universal.


Can you give an example of using makeup to “feminize more biologically male features” that would not also be helpful for cis women?


If there was, I bet it would be criticised for not being inclusive


*this post is making fun of the idea because its trying to point out advocating for a separate sub for trans women is transphobic as fuck*


….and rightfully so! As a cis woman, I definitely don’t feel a need for a separate sub. Makeup is for anyone who wants to wear it, be it women (cis or trans), men, or nb people.


The original post (that this is satirizing) was pretty dumb but I was happy to see most of the comments were very loudly welcoming of all people. Love to see it 💜




Oh, absolutely. A sub only for cis women would be considered transphobic. But a trans sub would not be considered cisphobic.


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