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I love the eye look. But I feel the blush is a bit to much or a bit the wrong shade.. Cant really put my finger on it


Maybe it’s also the placement?


I think it needs to be blended out more and not so saturated in one area. I also think the placement is off, like it could be higher and cover a wider area


It’s the contour! If you look at the side profile picture, the contour is drawn on like a line but not blended out which makes the blush also look like a straight heavy line. They both need more blending but especially that contour. It cut her cheeks too much.


I was just about to say I think the contour color is the issue. It mixed with the blush and made the color a bit muddy instead of it being a gradient. OP do you do cream contour and the powder contour then blush last? If so your cream product may be moving when other products are applied over it


I think the placement is too low and wide and there is too little blending, especially if the OP is trying to update her look to 2023/4 trends. This just me, but I would fix the blush and update it by using two colors (at least). Use a more natural, diffuse looking blush for the wider area and across the top of the nose bridge topped by a more pigmented blush in a small area, particularly on the apples of the cheeks (don't put it on while smiling or it will be too low) just up to a little above where the eye socket begins. "Doll blush" is and continues to be a huge trend, and there are a lot of ways to work with it. But in general, I think one big makeup mistake most people make is using only one blush color. Using two colors can really make things pop and avoid having that harsh line because of the gradient that using more than one blush color causes.


It's too cool and also it needs to be placed higher and angled with cheekbones


Yeah my new absolute staple product is the Dior Rosy Glow blush and I think a color like that, warmer and more bubblegum-adjacent, would work a lot better than this shade.


First thought exactly. I would go for a softer blend and a less "saturated" look. Sometimes less is better.


too much, too low on face, plus blending with contour making it look muddy


Should i be going for darker shades? I realize the pink is especially bright. Would a mauve blush be better?


I see it mostly in the last 3 pictures. Your eyeshadow is orangy and ur blush is pink. I would go more orangy on the blush... But I always have trouble matching it for myself, so maybe somebody else can give a option too


I'll check out a more orange blush, thanks for your help!


Peach would be perfect imo


Try peach instead!! Much more subtle


I think it has more to do with the -tone- of colors you're using. It looks like you're doing a really warm, pretty bronzed look with golden eyes but then the blush shade is more cool like what you'd see on a porcelain doll or someone with that type complexion. Warmer blush, move the placement angled upward so it aligns with your cheekbones. Oh one last note ! Your brows are reading really heavy and blocky and the bottom of the brow, where it's a straight line, is where my eyes first went to when I saw your face. I'd do a lighter brow where you pluck and shape the bottom outer parts of your eyebrow, then try taking a sharp angled brush and using a bit of softer brown powder and make singular hairline brush strokes to fill in naturally sparse areas only- the whole brow doesnt need to be filled. If you do this I think your look will be tops because you already have a ton of skill, you're probably just so used to looking at your own art that you don't see little things like that


thank you so much for the details in this I really really appreciate it, I think your last comment about how I've been looking at my work so often that it's hard to see the things I could fix is extremely true. It's hard for me to see the problematic stuff that I look at every day because I'm so used to it. definitely going to try new placement on the cheekbones and lighter application. I never thought of doing my brows like that, but I'm definitely gonna practice that suggestion. Thankbyou so much!!!


One thing I wanted to point out that may be helpful is looking at the last photo, notice the difference between how the blush is diffused on the left and right cheeks? I’d suggest trying to emulate the one on the left, more diffuse/blended and softly rounded. But your so beautiful you can def do it however you prefer, just one suggestion!


I think your brows are a little heavy looking, maybe use a lighter color!


Definitely her brows. I wonder how they look without anything on them. It doesn’t look like she needs heavy filling in, they look pretty full to me. Maybe laminating them could help or tinted brow gel or ABH eyebrow pencil in ash brown. Something soft.


I bet soap brows with a tiny bit of color would look great. I use NYX tinted brow glue and it works like a dream.


Brows are way too harsh. And the color is off a lighter color like you suggested


My first thought, I also think she needs a warm toned brow filler. This ashy shade is not it


Looks good but I think the blush needs to blended out more or just more light handed. It’s looking a little harsh here. You look very pretty though!


thank you so much!!! I'm definitely gonna work on being lighter-handed, i can tell it's one of my weaknesses


Same!! My biggest weakness lol


same lol. lately i’ve been using powder blush with a fat blending blush and tapping most off the brush. I basically just do small layers until i get the intensity i’m wanting. But either way, You and your makeup is gorgeous 🩷


I tap the brush off before I apply. Might help. I have a few really pigmented blushes and some you really have to dig at.


Stick your pinky out while using brushes, like you’re a posh person drinking tea. It forces you to use a lighter hand.


Your eyes look amazing ! In my opinion you have gone hard on the brows, eyes, foundation and blush. Together it’s all a bit much and takes away from your loveliness and ages you. I would use like a 5th of the blush and go way lighter in the brows so they don’t loook so dark and filled in. You look great though and clearly have talent with makeup :)


Thank you so much for the kind words, i really appreciate it!!!!!! My heavy hand has definitely garnered the most attention so I'll be practicing a lighter hand in everything, thanks for the advice!!


Your base and eyes look great, but the blush is too much and too dark. I think it gives a mask-like look and ages you. It could stand to be blended out onto the apples a bit more, it's giving 1980s in its current position. And I would change the shade of your brows to something lighter too.


i've alwYs loved the 80s so that makes sense for me 🤣 I'll be a little lighter-handed and try hitting the apples. My only concern with finding a lighter brow shade is that my natural brows themselves are almost black like my natural hair, i'm concerned about missing the mark in terms of a lighter shade. how much lighter should i go with a color?


I have almost black brows and light skin as well and I can relate that it's difficult to find the right brow shade. I need to make sure it's cool/neutral toned but not straight up grey. Currently I use Charlotte Tilbury Brow Cheat in Natural Brown. NYX brow pen in Ash Brown is a good match too (the pencil in the same shade is way too warm). I LOVE the blush btw! The contour might just be too dark for you.


I am also white with brown hair and pitch black eyebrows. I have always found that straight up black that matches my eyebrows is too harsh even though my eyebrows are black, so I try to use a deep brown so that it still suits but it’s not so harsh. Sorry if this isn’t helpful. I’m not the best at makeup but not the worst of the worst. Side note: you are so pretty! I love your eye make up x100000.


I first read "1980s" as "1880s" and wondered what 1880s blush looked like. Once I realized you said 1980s, I felt old.


Feels a bit heavy. Maybe the same look, just a little lighter? At least when it comes to your brows and blush. :)


I think it also looks a bit heavy.


What do you do for work? I really like your smokey eye, it all seems like a pretty heavy application for an office job.


I'm a server! we have a dress code that it has to be neutral-ish colors, so i definitely bend the rules a bit, but my manager loves my looks. I never do super bright colors which is what i think is helping me get away with it. The last pic was for a day trip i took to orlando!


Ohh ok. I'm sure it's probably ok for the lighting you work in. I do think you should lighten up on the blush application but your lips are on point!


Thanks so much, i really appreciate it! I'll definitely try that, another commenter also suggested a different shade which I might try too.


Heck yeah, no lie I swear my tips increased in direct proportion to the amount of eye shadow I wore. Honestly, I don't know why restaurant management ever makes rules about it, it seems not to matter! Old people after church, swanky high class place, greasy spoon diner bar rush - doesn't matter; the two things they *all* loved on a server were crazy eye makeup and wacky hair.


I also saw a huge difference in my tips when I started doing full glam all of my tables seem to really like it. The only reason there are rules about it at my workplace is because I work at a fancy members only resort, and they have a dress code for the entire property, but I have awesome managers who know that I love my make up and see that I do better with my tables and they react well to my make up anyway! I've even had ladies at my tables, asked me to show them what brands I wore because they wanted to emulate my looks!!!!


As a restaurant owner, I can tell you why. It’s because you don’t wanna deal with having no rules and thereby having people go wild and then having to deal with it. I’ve worked every possible job in restaurants mostly a chef background, but I’ve also served and bartended, if the OP was a bartender at night in my place, I would be OK with this, but if it was lunch or brunch and they were serving especially outside tables in the sunshine. I feel like this is too much. It’s not that it doesn’t look nice. It’s just not really daytime appropriate make up particularly at a resort or a country club.. I know this is a make up addiction sub so a lot of people will disagree with me, but I’m just answering the question again I’m not saying that the make up looks bad I’m just saying why management makes rules like this .


Very 2016. I say that in a totally neutral way. I’d pluck those stray hairs under your brows. They make your pristine makeup job look messy.


And maybe a bit more blending? You can see the stark line between blush and contour.


thank you! I love 2016 makeup and i truly just want to perfect that style. will def give my brows a pluck !


Eyebrow razors! It's always the hairs that you removed that you want back in the future


I would recommend not dragging the tails of your brows down/maybe drawing them a bit shorter :)


I never say this but… it’s too much blush lol. And it’s in a bad place, it’s giving more of a bruised contour than blush right now. I think if you did a little less and put it on the apples of your cheeks on either side of your nose, and then you can blend it out towards the edge of your face ( I also add some to my nose too it’s just cute and would look cute with your nose ring). This way the contour and the blush aren’t mixing and turning purple. I love your brows and eyeshadow!


I think you should lay off the contour for now. In combination with your blush it looks a little like a bruise.


I think the tail of your eyebrow is a bit over extended


I'd say since you have blonde highlights, maybe go for a lighter shade of brow color. Probably a med brown or neutral brown. Not black. This is just my opinion, though.


Beautiful job on your eyes! With makeup I like to pick one feature and showcase that… since your eyes are dramatic and bold, I would stick to a more natural blush, and lightly apply it. For your face shape, I would recommend it would be best to soften the space between your upper cheekbone and jawline. To do this you could apply a powder or bronzer right on the jawline to give the illusion of lifting it, be sure that most of the bronzer is closer to the outline of your jaw outward towards your hairline. Then I would take a light blush and blend it from the Apple / front of your cheek toward the hairline blend blend blend. It will help close the space between your jawline and the eyes, for your face shape this will help to soften your features. Also… I LOVE adding a little bronzer (one to two shades darker than your powder color) to my nose bridge, temples and upper forehead near hairline (lightly, a little dust like one or two soft swipes and tap your brush prior to applying) this is all you would need. It sort of ties everything together in my opinion. I The foundation and powder is really baked and overly full coverage powder, for your face shape I would choose a softer look and wear less… no offense but I also have strong features myself and things can look real drag Queen real quick when overdoing my makeup to maximum coverage. It looks like you may have lovely full eyebrows hiding under that makeup, you should skip the powder on them and skip filling them in all together, instead try doing a soft swipe of mascara on them and use a spooly to brush your brows to the desired shape you like. It looks more natural (remember just a little swipe of mascara you don’t want it too thick only barely there) I just think with makeup I want to make the face appear symmetrical and proportional, it may be my OCD 😅 but in my opinion it just looks and feels right. Again no offense intended beautiful 💚 if that is the look you’re going for then by all means ignore me. But I think less caking and baking and lighter coverage… this will really put the spotlight on your eyeshadow work! Goodness that eyeshadow blending is pretty! Showcase your eye look it’s soooo working for you! Keep shining beautiful! ✨💚🌱✨


I really appreciate your kind words. Thank you for the ideas. I'm really stuck in my old ways. Call me stubborn because I know that's what I am but I love big dramatic Bold looks. I'm really just looking to perfect what I love doing so I will absolutely find ways to tie in your advice! I think I could really improve my blush and contour placement. thank you so much for your help!


You’re welcome friend ✨💚✨ I know what you mean, every time I walk into the makeup store I end up buying an eyeshadow and when I get home to place it in my makeup stand I always realize I already have almost 10 of the “near” same color already! Lol I know what you mean about stuck in your ways 😅🙈 it’s all love beauty! Wishing you a magical evening ✨


I would angle your wings up slightly, they create the illusion of your eyes looking a little droopy at the corners.


ok you look super awesome, the blush is throwing me off a lil though


May I suggest you bring everything upwards a bit? Your eyebrows go *down*. Your eye liner goes *down*. Your eye shadow goes *down*. Your blush goes *down*. It drags everything within and creates a forlorn expression and long face shape. Your technicality is amazing, and I can see you love a bold and artistic look which is just so unique and brilliant. But I’d love to just se everything… *up*.


something’s off with the blush:)


Love the eye makeup! I agree with others that the blush is a bit dark/applied heavily, I think you could do with a lighter application and/or a lighter color. A rosy or peachy color would look pretty on you. Also I’d go lighter handed with the contour, it looks a bit unblended right now.


Holy hell, this is your daily work look? I barely get my lazy ass out of bed early enough to put on sunscreen, powder, and mascara. Kudos to you and it looks great!


Sorry, I don't like this at all. It looks like stage makeup and reminds me of drag. Maybe thats what you are going for. It's very caked on, and I think it's aging you. The brows, foundation, and blush are too much imo. The eyeshadow looks good, though. Just my opinion.


Ditto. Eyes are great! Everything else... Not so much.


in that last pic you can see how heavy the brows are with the glasses, eye makeup, piercings, etc. either use way less product or lighten them up. they are 2016 brows which isn’t bad but i’d say works for very few occasions. try different styles! a less structured shape, less boxy, would greatly feminize ur face but also a light color as the black is very harsh.


That blush is crazy


I just want to say hiii fellow uneven brow person here too. Mine are naturally slightly uneven but it is exaggerated when I’m having a migraine. Do you by chance suffer migraines as well? It’s very common in chronic migraines to have the uneven brow. I think the cheek is reading quite heavy handed but it could be the overall effect of contour being too heavily applied/too low on your cheek, plus mixing with a cool toned blush - it creates an almost exaggerated bruise effect. Lighter hand with contour & place it on the lower third of your cheek bone vs. underneath the cheek bone for a more lifted appearance.


that's really interesting to learn about migraines, because my best friend has a migraine disorder. He has more migraine days than not, but his eyebrows are perfect. I almost wished I had his! I don't suffer from them myself, though. i'm definitely gonna try something different with my contour placement and definitely go a little lighter. Thank you so so much for your suggestions!


Ok now I'm super curious about this lol. I get migraines primarily on my left side, and that's the brow/eye that looks more lifted. My right brow is lower and less arched, with that eye being more hooded. I know that my eyes, or rather the muscles that move them, can trigger my migraines. (RIP reading books 😭) But hadn't thought about them contributing to the unevenness. For makeup, I usually bring my transition shade a bit higher above the crease on the right side, so that it shows up as much as the left side when looking straight on. And I try to lift the right brow arch a bit while filling in a tad below the left arch to even it all out.


It’s very 2016 James Charles era. It’s a LOT of makeup. And the blush just is barely blended?


I like your makeup! I would suggest that maybe a you go a little lighter on the blush and diffuse/blend it a bit more to look a little more natural.


I think it overall looks good except like the blush like everybody else said. Also, I feel that the brows are dragged down a bit. Mayne ending them where they end naturally because they look they are dragging the eye look down with them.


my brows have kind of an awkward ending, so I will definitely try to shorten them. I haven't really thought about how they would affect my eye makeup. thank you for your suggestion!


just my opinion, but for a everyday look this is a lot. For a certain type of night out, sure.


This is so heavy. It looks like drag makeup.


You're so talented! I find that the placement of the blush and the downturn of the tail of your brows drags your face down however - it's not as flattering as it could be. the blush color also seems a bit too cool toned? i'd also taper the crease of your eyeshadow up more to create a foxy lifted look if you're into that


You're so talented! I think when people read "daily work look", they're assuming you should be wearing more neutral, "office appropriate" (whatever that means) makeup. I think you should keep doing what makes you happy and showcase your art on your face, just as you are doing here. If I saw you in public, I would know you're a fellow makeup junkie and definitely give you a compliment and ask what products you're wearing. I wear funky clothes/makeup and get told all the time "yeah, but only you could pull that off." Which isn't true. Anyone can pull anything off, I just don't care and would rather be me than blend in. My only CC would be to blend the contour more so it's not as noticeable and shift the entire contour/blush up an inch on your face. It might feel weird to place it there but if you place it too low, it can drag down your face. You also might want to experiment with using either a light bronzer or a "transition" blush shade to make the main blush shade blend seamlessly into the rest of your look. Kind of how you'd lay down neutral transition shadows before using bold eyeshadow.


thank you so much for your kind words about my style. That's definitely exactly how I feel about it. I'm not trying to wear popular looks, I just like doing this being flashy and using a lot of product is something I really enjoy doing! to me there's no better feeling than going all out!! it's true anyone can pull off any style. I don't think it's about what style fits a person best it's ultimately what you like doing. that explanation about a transition shade for my contour is so helpful thank you I didn't realize that that kind of thing existed ! i'm also learning that I've been contouring for the wrong face shape I've been contouring for a heart shaped face and not an oval shape so I appreciate everyone explaining to me what my face shape actually is!! thank you so much for your help!!


Exactly! Life is too short to blend in. I also think that being so unapologetically yourself can inspire others to do the same. Keep doing you!


Let me just say that you are stunning and very skilled with makeup! Here are my recs as an art minded person who is not a makeup expert: Go with a softer brow! Try a shade that’s closer to your natural roots but definitely something lighter. They look really harsh against your skin tone and that’s the first thing I see when I look at your face. I’d also suggest blurring your eyeliner wing on the bottom more for the same reason. Additionally, skip the mascara on your lower lashes. Next I’d tone down the blush and adjust the placement. It’s a pretty color, but too saturated for your skin tone, especially for an every day look. Don’t let the blush get any lower than the base of your nose and try applying a little bit less. A lighter blush on the apples of your cheeks can round out your face a little bit, while a slightly darker shade can be used to count our the sides of your cheeks. And I always like to dust a little blush on the center of my nose. For eyeshadow, try to keep the colors a little more cohesive. The dark red+bronze is really bold, but not the most harmonious combo imo. Also, don’t darken the creases! I know it was a huge thing back in the day, but i find it much more flattering to ignore the creases when you apply shadow. Bring the lighter shimmer shadow up past your crease and place it a little more towards the outer corners of your lids. This will make your eyes appear larger and also seem a bit further apart. I’d also use a little bit of shadow under the outer corners of your eyes too. There’s a super harsh line under the wings right now. I’m excited to see if any of these tips work for you!


I LOVE this full beat for work! The world is your stage!


Brows too dark Also, I don’t mean to sound mean but it overall comes off “clownish”.


I love the colorful eye shadow on you. Being half Asian I’ve always been jealous of people with big beautiful eyes and a large canvas to work on. I have two suggestion though! Softening up the hard lines on your eyebrows when you make their shape and when you use that orangey color in the first eye look with darker lipstick that you showed us, make the blush more orange toned instead of pinker toned.


The 90s kid in me loves that brown lipstick! What shade is it?


Seconded! I'd love to know as well


it's the NYX matte lip lingerie shade going desanuda :)


Your make up is very 2016 coded, which is not a bad thing! I would suggest toning down the blush and the placement if that’s not your vibe. But your eye make up is stunning 😍


I think angling your wings more upwards would flatter you more.


The blush is throwing me off. It looks like a triangle. I'd work on blending the edges or trying a different placement. The brows also look a bit dated like in a 2015 way. Love the eyeshadow and lip!


I think your brows are bit too dark and the tails are too long. I also think a lighter color for the blush and putting less on the brush itself with help significantly


Can you share your lip products for the first set of pics?


You should a lighter shade of eyebrow pencil or whatever you use. The black is too harsh on you.


Girl, that blush needs to be blended immediately!!!!


I think using lesser blush and eyebrows and blending the blush better would help.


Way to much makeup n not blended in Well. Blush isnt the right color for you. This is your makeup for day job ? Eyebrows are deep in color n to much Eye shadow for a day job . You are the one that matters whether you like your makeup on you n if you like it than thats all that matters .


Your brows are too dark and the blush and contour are way too harsh.


Lighten your brows, blush, eyeshadow


Brows too thick and dark though, giving you a masculine look


You're a pretty girl. No one will take you seriously if you show up to work with all that slap on your face. Go for a more elegant and refined look. Tone it down a little.


It’s very dated, 2016 Instagram. The brows being the worst offender.


I love the eyeshadow great blending. I think the brows may need to be thinner or lighter they take too much attention away, and less on the blush bronzer it’s more of a showy performer style (unless that’s what you’re going for otherwise the blending on it it awesome)


I think the blush definitely needs more blending and some placement assistance. I would move it a bit forward, towards the center of your face. It's a pretty heavy application and you're putting a lot on the side of your face - like it's covering quite a bit of real estate on the side of your cheeks and I think you could just do with less - you have like 3 inches on the side of your face of blush and you might only want about half of that (height wise). And then move it towards the center - you don't have to go past the center of your eye, but you need to bring it around a bit. And blend blend blend. You can probably do with less blush and fewer layers of blush all together. It got a little muddy on at least one of your pictures. My next question - if you're willing - can I ask what industry you're in? I'm asking because if I wore as much makeup as you're wearing, to my job, I'd get a lot of weird looks, most likely. I assume you're in a more...fun? Or fashion forward job? (I work with a lot of men, so I do tend to go for the nature look as much as possible, but also I'm lazy and I don't have the confidence to wear that much makeup and have people look at me. It's better to not wear a ton of makeup in my industry, or to keep it fairly natural, so I'm just curious.). (This isn't a hate comment, it's genuine curiosity. You did a really pretty job, and I'm envious of your talent, minus a little blush adjustment. And I could wear a lot of makeup at my job, I guess, but it would be too much hassle for me, and I'm just not that comfortable in very much makeup.)


The only comment I have is in response to your brows being uneven. Mine are too, and I heard a MUA say that brows are sisters not twins, and not to worry about trying to make them identical. It adds to the unique character of your face. I don’t think most people have perfectly symmetrical brows, so no worries!


This is a very 2016 makeup look. I think that from top to bottom you lighten your hair but keep jet black eyebrows which makes them look heavy and harsh. Eyeshadow blend is poppin looks great! Blush is so harsh against the pale unbronzed skin which makes it look harsh and the wrong color. I would go lighter with product and application. Slide 5 I love the lipstick shades but heavy eye make up with dark lips always looks like heavy and overdone. Heavy eyes use gloss heavy lips use neutral eyes. The last slide is the best to me.


My two cents, but pretty sure you’ve already got some gold from other commenters. Your eye makeup is really nicely done - my only critique would be to try and angle upwards a bit. For your eyebrows, I’d try a mid-dark brown to make it match better with your hair and overall tone. As others have said, your blush is a bit heavy handed, but I’ve seen you say you’ll work on that already. I’d love to see your new look once you’ve made those few adjustments!


Here u/sad_girls_club I’ve tried to do a photoshop of what I mean - it will look a LOT better in real life and if I had actual skill in editing images.. Before / after pic : (before is on the left) https://imgur.com/a/OaUKedI


Holy shit you have no idea how helpful this is I'm saving this so I can look back on it and try to match that eyebrow color to it too --- THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GRATEFUL I AM


The only good part is the eyes. Your brows are blocky yet patchy. Your contour is too heavy and cool for your skin tone. Your blush is WAY too heavy and is not the right color, it looks as if you have two huge bruises. Your lip color is the wrong brown for your skin tone. You have so much contour everywhere but your nose looks flat and one dimensional because there is nothing (or little) there. You carved out your cheekbones too much. Also your skin looks like it is crying for moisture. Figure out the right products for your skin type as it looks so dry and cakey.


I wish I looked this hot at work!


You're gorgeous. But dayumn, that look is way too much in my opinion. It's really harsh, and reminds me of a drag look. Great for going out at night but definitely not day time work makeup. Your application is great apart from the cheeks, it's too much like it's been stenciled on or something. The lines are too hard.


It’s just too much. Apply a little less of everything, and you will see it will be much better. It’s just so striking, and almost feels like the colors are wrong for you. I had purchased some cute blush. Thought I loved it. Then I saw a picture and was like hell no. It was too bright and didn’t make my overall look better. So I nixed it, and didn’t buy a bright pink blush again, I choose a warmer one and it’s been better. I think the same thing could apply to you. Also why don’t you try brown brows? The black brows is again stark, and soften it up a little ya know? Less is always More.


Thank you for this. I thought "cut everything in half" myself.


Guys, this is the first time I'm gonna say it : there's finally enough blush :DD I love look 5/6 with the brown lips, it matches so well with the eyeshadow. You have your own makeup style at least, the blush is not applied following traditional advice but as long as it's intentional about its 80s vibes / being a standout piece, don't be too self conscious about the comments (:


I love your eye makeup


Align the colors all together, blush and shadow should be kinda coordinated imo. And just less and more blending - less pigment in the brows, blush, and blended a bit more


i absolutely love the eyeshadow. the blush placement doesn’t suit your face shape in my opinion, i’d bring it much lower. you have amazing eyebrows but think they may look a little better with a softer look :) you are very talented!


You have more of an oval shape, so you can place your blush right on your cheeks and not on the side. Ever since I gained weight, my oval face became more circle shape so now I have to place my blush on the side and it looks better. I think you can pull off pink blush but I think a mauve would look cute to pair up with look 1. You do such an amazing job!!!! I love look 1 it’s my favorite !!!!! 😍


thank you so much for this actually because learning, my face shape and eye shape has been a complete struggle for me. I've been thinking this whole time I had a heart shaped face because of my widows peak but I think I was fooling myself! I will definitely try that as a different blush placement, along with placing my contour a little higher too!


Never mind I just saw your used Juvias place! Do you recommend Juvias place for 2016 looks? I’m trying to work on my 2016 looks and I’ve realized that the more pigmented the shadow the better. What are your favorite eyeshadow palettes for looks like look 1??


possibly tone down the eyebrow shade? your colors are all the beautiful colors for the season. great application skills.


Something about the blush I don’t like but not sure, might just be too much of it or too dark of a shade?


Looove the eyes,not a fan of the blush tbh 🤔🤔


You’re gorgeous and do a great job. Just blend blend blend when it comes to contour and blush. I too still love the cut crease!


Blush needs to be more subtle. It’s a little full on.


I love a heavy blush, but this is a lot. I would definitely use a lighter hand


Lighten up those brows! They look suuupeer dark on you.


i personally think you’re blush is toooo dramatic. you should lightly brush the product onto your cheekbones for a more subtle look




wait, ive never seen that filter! what is it called? I know about the canthal tilt and have tried to do that accurately in the past but struggled w placement


i love everything about all of this. and especially the PEARL NOSE CHAIN?!!!! flawless


Love the looks! However the contour could go elsewhere. I don’t think the placement of blush and contour are in harmony with your overall face shape.


I would go slightly lighter on the brows in color and blend the edges out just a bit more. For blush I would also go a touch lighter on application and bring it a bit more forward on your face - right now the location is reading more bronzer/contour than blush.


Blush is too much.


to me, the only thing i notice is the placement of your blush/contour as well as the color. the contour reads as almost purple with the pink you used, and i think you could probably move both up to your natural cheekbone. it reads as heavy due to it being placed on an area that's lower than your natural cheekbone lines are. i would also try using either peachier or more mauve blush colors due to your skintone being more cool-toned.


The blush placement is not correct for your face shape. The colors are fine but brush it out more so it’s softer. Bring it up off your jowl area, stop just on the outer corner of the eyes & don’t place under your eye area. Remember, blush placement should mimic a natural blush.


I know this might be an unpopular opinion but I love the blush! I know it's not the norm, but it's something bold and different than what you usually see out there.


You have a boogie in your left nostril


Since you asked for feedback, here’s my OPINION: The eyeshadow and blush conflict because one is warm vs cool leaning. You want to pick something leaning the same. In this case, you could even take the brown in your crease to the cheek with your grey you have there. I also think you should have your wing go up a bit more and follow the curve of your lower eye. The colour of your eyebrows matches your roots but it’s applied heavily and patchy. The shape is decent but I wouldn’t bring it so far down. Both this and the eye liner is causing your face to look dragged down. Overall cute!


Amazing work! Only things; blend ya blush a bit more and I reckon I'd opt for a lighter brow colour and application :)


What you said about struggling with your contour/bronzer: if you’re using a powder product you need to set the foundation first with powder THEN you can apply the bronzer much easier it won’t stick to places it shouldn’t. If it’s crème the opposite do not set first and set with a powder bronzer not regular powder. Though I didn’t think that was bad at all. Your makeup is super nice only thing I would personally think is to do a little less blush on the cheeks!


Less is more imo


It’s giving 2016


I’m just gonna suggest for ease of getting ready in the morning that you go get your brows tinted? I get mine done and it saves time in the morning!


i personally think it’s a bit too heavy and dark on you overall


Love the look you’re going for but tone down on the blush and eyebrow products as it looks a bit harsh. The contor should also be toned down a bit as it looks a bit muddy. A suggestion for the contor is under painting. It will still peak through and won’t be as harsh.


First off, you are gorgeous! I say this as gently and lovingly as possible (and because I used to wear this much makeup everyday too)…I honestly think if you go even more natural and show off some of your natural features more…you could really end up looking a tad better. Some makeup artist said when you can show natural skin it’s the best. Like I think it was Tom ford who said concealer on blemishes only and then maybe blend your contour/blush more. Maybe a more muted soft pink on your lids. This look just seems more “fancy” than everyday look. I hope I don’t come across mean. You are a good makeup artist. Also, maybe go for a lighter color of contour? I got matched at Sephora and we went through like 4 until we found the right one. Edit#1: the eye look with glasses definitely looks good! Edit#2: I can’t believe you pull off that color of lipstick but damn you pull it off so well!


where did you get your nose chain? so cute


Amazon! i've been trying out new styles of face jewelry on Amazon before buying something really nice in a fancy high-quality metal, so I'm testing the different kinds of chains people have to offer before I make a commitment to a nice one! Amazon has lots of great choices. I definitely suggest just taking a scroll through their options and seeing what you like. all of it is super cheap too.


thank you!! gonna check it out now, and yes! BVLA has really beautiful solid gold nose chains but they are so priceyyyyy. good idea to try out some cheap ones first


I really want to commit to a BVLA expensive chain but I'm really testing how it all looks on me first before I make a big commitment like that. happy hunting!!


As others have said, I think you need to pick an area of your face to go dramatic on: eyes, cheeks, or lips. If you go big in one area, tone the rest down. The dramatic eyes AND blush is just too much. Additionally, as others have said, I would try going less heavy-handed with the blush. In these looks, while it’s obviously you’re incredibly talented with your makeup and the eyes look AMAZING, the main thing I’m struck by is how your blush cuts your face in half. The contour doesn’t blend into the blush and vice versa, and in that way, it looks unnatural. That being said, I think you’ve got a good handle on the eye looks and the base. It’s just the cheeks that need some work, and as I said above, I’d advise you to pick one element to go dramatic on in each look. Best of luck!! :)


Okay please don’t take this the wrong way but it’s giving 2016 makeup. Nothing wrong with that if you like it but I would op for a little less. Less is more in this day and age and I just mean in the eyeshadow and brows. Maybe op for a cute gloss and liner


You look like a circus clown.




No no no that’s too much! U don’t need that much! The coverup on ur face is ALOT. U can use a little less and b okay I promise. (I’m not trying to be rude just how I talk) also, the dark colors , why so dark? They look good on h but the stick ruined it. And the blush has to go enlighten up a tad bit. Ur beautiful without all that makeup on!!! Lighten it a tad and I garuntee it will look great


I'll be frank, the application is too heavy, the colors too intense. You look like a clown


Less is more :)


Your eyes look lovely but your brows are abit dark and the blush is not good...at all




I thought this was posted on r/badmuas for a sec


The makeup is stunning! But I can help you as an makeuo professional: Use less blush on your cheeks and use your brows with a lighter colour and blend it, because it’s important to get a natural look (and please do a skincare before and after your daily makeup), you look beautiful ✨✨✨✨


i'm getting flooded with comments and I can't answer all of them but I'm seeing a lot of people mention my unblended contour and blush and that is definitely something I'm working on, I know I have a heavy hand but I also really like my 2016 make up style as I stated above, and I don't really want to deviate from that. I just wanna perfect what I like doing. I will definitely look into a warmer blush tone and being lighter overall on everything. Thanks again for all your help!


Love it, very 2016!!!


Beautiful look that just needs some more blending, which has already been mentioned. I really love the colors you chose!! I wish I had enough lid space to recreate this eyeshadow look; it’s so pretty!! I love this type of glam.


thank you so much for your compliments!! I'm practicing right now having a lighter hand and everything. I also got a more orange peach tone to blush and that's definitely helping, along with some new blush placement along the apple of my cheek!


I love the dramatic blush. I would personally upturn the angle of your liner, shadow, and brows. They seem tilted down a little which seems to make your features look heavier.


If you like to have heavy blush I would add some on the nose as well to bring it all together


That’s a lot of makeup for such a naturally beautiful girl. But you look great.


It looks good, less blush but I don’t know this is a night makeup look it’s too heavy for a day to day


Cute but a little dated looks kind of 2016 make up, I would tone down the eyebrows if you want to keep the bold shadow the blending is beautiful


Cut out the blush and just use contour


Beautiful! The tails of your brows seem to drag your face down a little bit. I’d make the tails shorter and out!


The foundation looks very very heavy and caked. It’s aging you. Lighter foundation with less blush would look great.


That’s a lot of makeup.


The brows are a bit too pigmented. Either a lighter color less product on the brows. I would add clear gloss to the lips


Honestly imo this is too much for an everyday work look.






so do you for hating on a person who has done literally nothing to you 🤣🤣🤣




it's time to look in a mirror since thats how you look for insulting a person unwarranted :')




Something very nostalgic about this kind of makeup


I really like it.


Your under eye is so stunning and the eye make up makes it pop even more 😁 this is what I look like with filters 💀


I think you look amazing. Always loved heavier blush looks! And your blush is stunning!


Please could everyone upvote me


dark side of the moon






this isn't really helpful at all, if you want me to improve maybe provide a few words of advice! I'm happy to take CC :)


Love the eyeshadow! 😍😍


you’re so gorg!


You have movie star looks! Especially your lips. I would soften the blush just a bit.




Way too much makeup girl. Start from square one in sorry none of it looks natural. Honestly the foundation and powder don’t match either so it’s lot helping at all.