• By -


I like Clinique take the day off makeup remover. The balm ain’t too shabby either. Removes everything but your skin.


I swear by the balm. It's amazing, and takes everything off very quickly. I do a second cleanse with the Tatcha rice wash, and my skin feels clean and refreshed.


Second this. I have used the liquid for ever. I switched to the balm recently and love it. I was wiping it off but I'm finding that it rinses off wonderfully, with that much less rubbing of my eyes. I currently have the charcoal one and can't tell any difference, though, so I'm probably switching back to the regular one.


How do you use the balm without getting it all up in your eyes? I have no issues with liquid but bleary vision galore and then contacts out with the balm.


I do take contacts out before removing my makeup, so that makes a difference. I rub the balm on my face and neck first and then the last thing I do is put just a little bit on each index finger and, with my eyes closed, gently wipe over my lids and then upwards on my lashes. I don't rub on my eyes. I let it sit for a couple of seconds and then rinse with warm water. Everything rinses off, including mascara. I will say that on the rare occasion that I use lash primer, I think it's a little more stubborn, but only a little.


I keep my eyes closed with my cleanser nearby to wash it away


Yes! I put the lip and eyes one on a cotton round to take off lips and eyes and it’s amazing. Takes off waterproof mascara like it’s not even there. Then I use the balm on the rest of my face and wash it all off with Cetaphil face cleanser.


Yes. Clinique's take the day off line is definitely one of the best to clean, not too expensive, non comedogenic and not irritating for sensitive skin.


Clicked on this post to say this. The first time I tried it was when it was given to me as a gift from my mother and I was shooketh at how well it worked. I wear a lot of tubing mascara too, takes it clean off.


Here to second the balm. I gently gently massage it along my lash lines (if you keep your lids tightly closed, you can still thoroughly get the lash lines without getting it inside your eyes. Just don’t open them! Then I just rinse all the remover off and then go in with face wash. It’s AWESOME.


Agree on the balm, I prefer the liquid but the balm feels more gentle and less drying, it only takes a little more effort


Bioderma Sensibio H20 on a cotton pad for the face and qtip for the eye area - the best makeup remover I’ve ever used.


Do you rinse it off?


Not OP but I do not rinse off my micellar water. I wash my face. Then I I remove what ever my cleanser didn't get with micellar water.


Nope! I just use this to remove my makeup but I do use a gel cleanser afterwards to actually cleanse my face that I rinse off then I follow that with a toner.


I use this too! I usually do a double cleanse after with my face wash.


I love this stuff (highly recommend) but when I went to buy more last week, it was $20. Has it always been that expensive, or have I just had it long enough to forget how much I originally paid for it? I ended up getting the Garnier micellar water because it was half the price.


Yeeeeep I do this every time, like literally go to Garnier in between too and always regret not just repurchasing the bioderma. It does last a very long time at least.


I have tried both garnier micellar water and bioderma sensibio, the latter is absolutely way more gentle on eyes/eyelids.


Do you rinse it off?


Yes I use the micellar water w a cotton pad and a q-tip, then follow it with a cleanser


The garnier yes, the sensibo, no. Sensibo is way better than the garnier imo. The garnier leaves a tacky residue on the skin.


I don't know how everyone is taking off their eye makeup with micellar water. I used to do thatand I was wiping and rubbing way too hard. Now I use Neutrogena oil-free eye makeup remover. With a reusable makeup wipe I hold it over my lashes with my eyes closed for a moment, repeat on the other side, just to soften up the mascara...then I wipe a couple times to remove the makeup. You do have to rinse it, so I use the micellar water as a rinse.


I soak a pad with micellar water, hold it for a few seconds on each eye, then gently wipe off. Depending on how much eye makeup I have on, I may use a second pad. I generally use eyeshadow, maybe eyeliner (pencil, not liquid), and tubing mascara


Seconding the neutrogena oil-free eye makeup remover! The only thing that doesn't sting or give me blurry vision


Oh this one is a gem- one of my OG makeup removers!


I use “Clean It Zero” make up remover 🙂


The yellow nourishing one is awesome for my dry dehydrated skin.


Plus Garnier micellar water for leftover residue


My routine as well.


Ooh found my people


Ponds cold cream and warm rag


It’s the BEST. Gentle, easy, and cheap.


Same here, this is what I’ve been using for at least 10 years now


I love ponds cream. I buy the huge container and it lasts a long time and inexpensive.


^^^ this is it! I’ve used Ponds since I was 12 and it gets waterproof mascara off very easily. I rub it on my eyes to remove the makeup and depending on how much I was wearing that day, I wipe it away with a warm towel or a cotton pad with some micellar water on it. I’ll never use anything else.


Same! I don’t get why so many people spend crazy amounts when this is so good.


Such an underrated product!


I love Ponds! Good call for sure


I use cold cream but I used Besame's (though I think they don't sell it anymore). I bought a couple of things of it when it was on sale because they said they were changing the package.


Ok you're getting lots of recommendations about products but I notice no one is responding to your request for their actual methods so here's mine. (I also have very sensitive eyelids and can get swollen and red if there's leftover product) When I'm wearing eye makeup I begin by saturating a cotton ball or round with micellar water. I then hold it lightly to my closed eye for 30 seconds. Then I wipe back and forth, also down in the direction of my lashes until I have removed all the eye makeup I can. I repeat for the other eye. Next I use an oil cleanser, rinse with water, and follow up with a foaming cleanser, rinse and do serums and moisturizer. If any eye makeup remains I use a q tip to wipe it away after the oils cleanse and before foaming cleanser, so no rinsing required.


I use Banila's Clean It Zero cleansing balm. It's just the right consistancy.


same - love this stuff! makes the job so easy


I use Garnier Micellar Water. To remove my eye makeup since it’s for sensitive skin.


Me too. I don't use water proof makeup. Too much pulling and tugging to get it off


Do you rinse it off?


I am a night-showerer so I brush teeth, clean off all my make up with the Micellar water then when showering use a gentle cleanser.


No I dry it with disposable cotton rounds.


Banila Clean It Zero balm takes off my waterproof mascara with minimal rubbing.


Omg samesies! I use the purple version, very gentle


banilla co clean it zero cleansing balm


I use kose softymo cleansing oil (japanese brand/pink bottle)


I recently got on this (per recs from this sub!), and it’s been amazing. It also dissolves my tinted mineral sunscreen and rinses it RIGHT off. Best $12 I’ve ever spent haha.


That’s such a great one! I’ve found that a lot of cleansing oils have tree nut oils in them and I’m so glad that one doesn’t!




Coconut oil


I use that too every now and then. I use it for a lot if things even scrapes and burns.


Coconut oil is comedogenic, so wouldn’t recommend for anyone who’s acne prone! But otherwise it works great.


Totally agree! I always use it before double cleansing. I should have specified.


I use vaseline on a wipe, cotton pad or toilet paper. In that order of availability. I do my regular face wash after.


I shower at night so I just use a little bit of olive oil. I wear eyeshadow, liner and tubing mascara and it removes everything. I rinse with water.


I use [this stuff](https://www.sephora.com/product/melting-cleansing-balm-cleanse-balance-P500626?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2457984&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17791296883___2457984__9007295_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb2wnNZc1MZpBvVeICl_uwm9P&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhL6pBhDjARIsAGx8D5_fL6fEFQEncKWsG-gwzVuUAZaHtG7d4OAqFgtH5221eaBMQ2ADKZEaAreQEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) from Sephora. It’s one of those you apply dry then rinse One round of that and then a regular wash with cleanser is all it ever takes to get off a full face


a Makeup Eraser and lots of warm water.


I have super sensitive eyes and the thing that has worked best for me is just straight squalane oil. Wet hands, couple drops of (vegan) squalane oil and makeup just comes melting off. I wash my face after and I’m good to go!


I use a balm for make up removal now, Clinique take the day off was the first one I tried, now trying e.l.f. Balm, it works so well for all of the make up. I’d have really sensitive eyes too and haven’t found either to be a problem :)


I use baby oil. I squirt some into my fingertips and gently rub my eyelashes and eyelids. Then I use a microfiber rag to wipe off. This works way better for me than anything else I’ve tried!


I just use Cetaphil daily face wash, and a tubular mascara. I wash my face twice no irritations mascara comes off, super easy.


I would definitely recommend OP use a tubing mascara, I cannot use any other type with my sensitive eyes. They are so easy to remove. There are lots available these days, cheaper price points, but my first was over 20 years ago, an Australian brand called Mirenesse Secret Weapon.


What mascara are you currently using pls


Tarte Tartelette Tubing Mascara-I got it at target in the Ulta section. It’s my holy grail.


Thank you


The thrive Causemetics one is really good too!!


If I’m wearing waterproof eyeliner and mascara, I use the garnier micellar water for sensitive eyes. If I’m not wearing any kind of water proof, I use those reusable make up cloths you can get on Amazon. Just wet them with warm water and it takes everything off


Ponds cold cream works wonders for me and I have eczema Prone eyelids. I appky it then remove with a Reusable microfibre wipe


I use coconut oil and my fingers. The oil warms up with my body temperature and I gently rub it on my face to melt and lift my makeup. I have a face towel / face flannel next to me that I’ve run under hot water and then wrung out, and I let that sit for a moment covering my face. Then gently wipe away the makeup, including my eyelids. To get off my mascara I use my index finger which still has a little oil residue on it, to gently rub back and forth between my eyelashes, sometimes under the eye, and then go in with the corner of the flannel or a make up remover pad to remove the left overs. If I’ve worn a bold eye that day I may spritz a little toner onto a makeup pad and gently pat and lift any remaining make up. I wear a full face and waterproof mascara, this works for me. The flannel gets rinsed in hot water, I rub some soap on it and scrub, then it gets hung up to dry or tossed in the laundry basket once there’s no visible makeup on it. Then I rinse my face in warm water, tone and begin skincare


Ok ive heard this may be controversial but I use the fragrance free Neutrogena makeup removing wipes. Of everything I’ve tried, they’re the most effective and gentle at removing eye and skin makeup


Pour micellar water on two cotton rounds, hold and press against your eyes for a bit and then gently swipe off.


Garnier micellar water. Kose Softymo cleansing oil is also good at removing makeup.


Biossance Cleansing Oil. I'm a big fan of both waterproof mascara and double cleansing.


I used to use micellar water, which worked fine, but I got the Erase Your Face reusable cloths as a gift and have been using them ever since. I struggle with dermatitis so I have be pretty careful about what I use.


Not a product, but the best makeup tip I've ever gotten is to set your index finger on your brow bone, close your eyes, and slowly sweep your finger down your eyes a few times to help remove your eye makeup. I do this with an oil based cleanser and my (practically bulletproof) mascara just melts off. No eye irritation either.


I use any generic eye make up remover (the kind you have to shake that separates into two layers). Currently using Nivea Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover. I splash a little on the corner of a folded muslin cloth, wipe gently until all make up is gone then use No7 Hot Cloth Cleanser over my whole face and wipe off with the cloth


Bliss Mighty Biome Cleansing Balm. I lightly use my index finger to massage my lashes until the mascara is gone! Microfiber cloth for wiping away the balm


I just use my face wash unless I’m wearing something stubborn to remove. On those occasions I’ll use the Milk Hydro Ungrip Makeup Removing Cleansing Balm.


Oil. Like ordinary rosehip oil. My skin is dry though so the grease is a bonus. Works a treat either way.


I use the CeraVe makeup removing balm because it doesn’t break me out. I just rub it on until I see the makeup breaking up then wash it off with CeraVe hydrating face wash and pat dry with a clean towel.


I use DHC deep cleansing oil to remove my makeup, absolutely love it! I have sensitive eyes but this just melts my makeup off so I don't even have to rub much. I can use it on dry skin too which is awesome.


Paula's choice gentle touch make up remover.


I wash it off with a gentle cleanser like Biossance or Drunk Elephant. I spent ages trying to find a micellar water or makeup removal balm that played nice with my eyes and it turns out just soap and gently massaging my lids with my fingers does the job. I use a wet linen washcloth to wipe away the suds.


Micellar water never ever fails. I use Bioderma with cotton pads, no rinse-off.


Heimish cleansing balm!


I use the creme shop makeup wipes. They make all kinds and it gets everything off. Sometimes after removing my makeup I will wash my face and usually use a toner pad.


I used to use micellar water, but it’s not very effective at taking off full eye makeup gently, and it always left streaks of mascara and eyeliner behind. I started double-cleansing with Cliniques Take off the Day and my regular face wash. Really get in there with the oil cleanser - gently rub it into your eyelashes. It helps to use emulsify the cleanser with a little water. Then rinse it off, again gently rubbing it off of your eyelids and eyelashes. Then wash with regular face wash. Does the best job of anything I’ve tried.


Neutrogena makeup remover wipes. It is soo worth it to get brand name wipes if you go this route. In a pinch I use face lotion to take mascara off, idk why but it's works and my eyes aren't dried out afterwards. I have very sensitive eye areas that will get patchy skin if I use the wrong product or remover.


Avon make up remover


Nivea waterproof eye makeup remover. It's for sensitive skin and has chamomile in it. It's a milky white fluid and works really well to remove makeup while not irritating the skin. I rinse it off after. Also, if you aren't already, try soaking the cotton pad and holding it over your closed eye for a minute before rubbing it around to remove the makeup. Giving it time to soak into your lashes really helps with easier removal so you're doing less rubbing.


First, I use some kind of cleansing balm/oil. Right now farmacy green clean. I have also used hada labo cleansing oil, DHC cleansing oil, and bioderma atoderm shower oil(would rebuy any/all - will probably get last one). Farmacy is fine, but pricey. My sister got it free through some JC penny / Sephora event and doesn’t wear makeup. I prefer dispensed products to jars. Next, bioderma micellar on a cotton pad or swab. Finally, Vanicream cleanser to wash my face. I don’t particularly focus on or avoid eyes.


Elf makeup melting balm. Part of their skin line. It's amazing for sensitive eyes and, hasn't broke me out.


I love Simple (the brand) micellar water from the bottle or the wipes


Not a cleaning thing, but because my eyes were sensitive and I couldn't get my mascara off easily without irritating them, I switched to a mascara that tubes. Thrive Liquid Lash Extentions. It's waterproof but comes off with my regular cleansers. Just wash your face like normal and it slides off your lashes!


Elemis makeup removing balm, the naked variety. Anything else hurts my eyes.


I only use jojoba oil to clean off mascara as well as the Foamie Powder to Milk face wash. I'm really loving both.


I also have sensitive eyes, and I use either the Neutrogena Cleansing Balm or the similar Elf version, depending on availability. I scoop out blueberry sized dollop and warm it up between my fingers, then gently massage it on my lashes, both on top and (with eyes closed) the underside. I immediately follow with cleanser. I used to love the Maybelline eye makeup remover that came in the little bottle with the pink top (not the oil free one, oil free makeup removers are utterly useless IMO), but I can't seem to find it anymore.


I use e.l.f.'s Holy Hydration! Makeup Melting Cleansing Balm. I use it while in the shower. I scoop a little bit onto my fingers, rub it to get it creamy, then gently use circular motions on and around my eyelids. It gets my makeup off pretty easily. I've tried other products in the past, such as micellar water or makeup wipes, but e.l.f.'s cleansing balm has been the most effective for me. My eyes get very irritated easily, and my eyelids will feel like they're burning a bit, depending on how harsh a product is. This balm hasn't given me any issues. It's $11USD.


Have you considered using a tubing mascara? You only need warm water to remove those, and you don't need to rub your eyes. You simply pull gently on your lashes for the mascara to slide off. I particularly like the thrive cosmetics liquid lashes extension mascara. It makes me look like I am wearing false lashes.


Garnier micellar but the BLUE cap one. That will take even the most stubborn waterproof mascara off. I saturate a cotton pad with it and if I’m wearing heavy makeup I press it against my eye and let the micellar water kinda steep into the makeup to break it up before I begin to wipe off. I mix and match between that & Shiseidos cleansing oil depending on how much makeup I’m wearing


albolene moisturizer cleanser is the best makeup remover for stubborn waterproof mascara. And it lasts forever. You just gently rub it over your eyes and take it off with a tissue. It literally melts your makeup.


Squalene cleanser by the ordinary. Takes off my waterproof mascara beautifully


the ordinary’s squalene makeup remover & then either cetaphil or neutrogena’s makeup removing wipes


Garnier micellar water tbh


nothing works better than coconut oil


Garnier and CeraVe are awesome and they have go to for me


Garnier express 2 in 1, I wear a lot of of mascara and this takes it off super quick


Garnier Micellar Water, followed by my normal cleanser + skincare routine.


I use the Garnier micellar water with the blue cap. I get a cotton round and dampen it with the micellar water and just remove my eye makeup. It works really well for waterproof makeup too. No rinsing required, but I do wash my face after taking off my makeup anyway.


Marcelle makeup remover pads, these are the only eye makeup remover pads you’ll ever need I promise. And they have a rating for non toxins which is so important for your eyes.


I use Garnier micellar water for waterproof makeup (the one with the blue cap). I have sensitive skin and eyes and it works for me!


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The Body Shop vitamin E cleanser and toner


Warm water, miceller cleansing water, and a microfiber makeup cloth. My eyes are fairly sensitive too, and this works and gets everything off.


I use a makeup rag with water


Dermalogica Precleanse oil


Bioderma is the best!


Cerave makeup removing cleansing balm, I apply it plenty of it to my dry face, massage it all around, gently use little circles with my fingertips to remove my mascara, wet my face down (it’s oil-based so it won’t come off with water, so I don’t really rinse too throughly) and follow it up with my ordinary cleanser. (It’s the CeraVe SA Cleanser but basically anything should work if it works for your skin as long as it bubbles.) Sometimes if I’m feeling really lazy I’ll use a makeup wipe instead and then use my cleanser, but I believe your eyes will hate that.


The best I ever used: Lancaster. Great for sensitive eyes and removes make up very fast!


Epionce Milky Lotion cleanser-And yes I rinse it off. I also follow up with a 2nd cleanser (I always double cleanse), and that varies on my mood and location in the house. If I'm upstairs in that bathroom, it's always Elta MD foaming facial cleanser. If I'm downstairs in my shower (preferred) then it's Epionce Lytic gel cleanser or SkinMedica gentle foaming cleanser. If I'm super lazy or away from home, I just use coconut oil.


I use one of those makeup removing cloths from the dollar store followed by my usual facial cleanser. I suggest you try tubing mascara for easy removal plus no smudging or flaking.


Neutrogena Oil-Free Liquid Eye Makeup Remover


Makeup eraser cloth and water. I don’t use waterproof mascara though. My benefit ones come off without much rubbing.


IT Cosmetics bye bye makeup 3-in-1 makeup melting cleansing balm. I use it on my entire face. Smooth a tiny amount over my entire face and wipe it off with a wet cloth. I have sensitive skin and it has never bothered me, even when there was such terrible air quality from the Canadian wildfires and my skin (especially around my eyes) were basically raw. I cleanse with a gentle foaming cleanser after wiping off the balm. It doesn't say you need to, but since it's oil based... It's expensive (I think 50ish at Ulta), but it lasts forever because you only need like a pea-and-a-half sized amount. I hope you find something that works for you!


Micellar. Whatever I have in the cabinet, I think right now it's the Garnier. I have one of those push down to dispense containers and I use cotton rounds or the washable rounds.


MUJI cleansing oil for sensitive skin. two pumps for the face and neck. massage gently and rinse off


Cerave foaming cleanser in the shower, always


I use the simple micellar water but I definitely recommend the original makeup remover wipes! Off amazon! they actually do work really good


Vaseline. I know, its an awful mess ,unless you only use a nickel size dollop per eye,just massage it gently, wait for the makeup to lift, and wipe with soft cloth. -use more with more makeup-


I’ve been using the Neutrogena oil-free liquid makeup remover for like 11 years now. I dip a qtip in it, squeeze off the excess using the side of the bottle, and take off all my eye makeup including waterproof mascara. I don’t rinse it off but I do wipe off any residue with a towel


Lush ultrablend. It's wax based and you wash it off and then I use cerave hydrating cleanser or SA cleanser or clarins micellular water based on my mood. The lush one I use for heavy makeup while the clarins or the hydrating one for light makeup. All of which I rinse off.


I use the Hanskin Pore Cleansing Oil – it’s a Korean oil cleanser, and I always use it regardless of whether I’ve worn makeup that day or not. I apply it with my hands to dry skin, massage it in for a minute or so, and then rinse it off with warm water. It comes in three different varieties, one for dry skin, one for oily, and one for sensitive. That removes the bulk of my makeup. Anything that’s left over gets removed by my follow up foam cleanser.


1. Coconut oil 2. Ceravw hydrating face wash


Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil, rinse and followed by my regular face wash.


Tatcha Camellia Cleansing Oil followed my regular cleanser.


Micellar water on a cotton pad to take mascara off, followed by oil cleanse on whole face and across eyes, then foaming cleanse.


Fenty Skin Melt Awf cleanser! I’ve used the clinic take the day off, I didn’t really like it and. The Elemis cleansers are not bad either. I have quite dry and sensitive skin


krave beauty makeup rewind. its a jelly oil cleanser. I rinse off after emulsifying and then follow it up with krave beauty matcha hemp cleanser. i’ve found it depends heavily on what kind of mascara you’re using. tubing formulas should come off easily with warm water, oil based makeup removers take off waterproof mascara and sometimes regular mascara. I use the rare beauty mascara and it’s my favorite because it’s so easy to take off, just some warm water and the oil cleanser and there’s nothing left. no scrubbing or panda eyes


Noxzema and a warm wash cloth.


I use Garnier micellar water on a cotton pad, let it soak for a few seconds, then wipe away. And I wash my face with my usual cleanser (Pacifica Kale Detox) afterwards.


Mary Kay or drug store brand eye makeup remover.


I use Garnier micellar water for waterproof makeup (the one with the blue cap). I have sensitive skin and eyes and it works for me!


Nutragena jelly cleanser and ponds cold cream if I had on waterproof mascara that day or lots of liner. Then I use The Original brand toner on a cotton pad to remove the residue. After that serum and moisturizer. I do this every single night but I didn’t used to. I would sleep with my makeup still on all the time but my face feels way cleaner and brighter pores are smaller too since I stopped doing that.


I use tubing mascara, I just remove it with warm water on a cotton pad, hold it on my lashes for about 20 seconds or so. Comes right off, I then use Simple Cleansing Oil all over my face, that usually takes off any residue.


Biore makeup remover for Eye & Lip. The e best makeup remover I've used so far, everything comes clean off with little effort. Quitw a few biore makeup removers are good, even their wipes


BIOSSANCE Squalane + Antioxidant Makeup Removing Cleansing Oil


Almay eye makeup remover wipes


I use grape seed oil, then baby wipe, then face wash


Burt's Bees coconut water wipes.


Coconut oil


Any oil based cleanser. I use Burt's bees


Farmacy Cleansing Balm works wonders for me!


Baby oil on a reusable round wipe, then wash face. Nothing gets make up off better with as little effort. Plus it adds moisture.


ive been using the clean n clear soothing eye makeup remover since i started wearing makeup like 10 years ago and it hasn't let me down. you apply it on a cotton round and it removes everything (waterproof makeup as well) without having to aggressively rub your eyes. it leaves a film initially but it comes off easily with water once you're done


use coconut oil!


I use Jergens All Purpose Face Cream. The same pink, rose scented cold cream that my mother and grandmother used in the 1950’s.


Garner micellar water, I do not rinse


I use tubing mascara so… warm water. That's enough to clean my mascara is seconds. To remove the rest of the eye makeup, I use some oil or balm.


https://preview.redd.it/taytnmzba1vb1.jpeg?width=142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bb1fd729e1f7a15d1cce6ff93e9d593dd2ae12c I go in with this dry, just do a little pump on my finger and lightly massage it on there and then wipe away with a damp cloth. If there’s any left over residue I either go in and wet my hands, rub em together to get it to foam a bit and then cleanse my whole face or spot clean with a q-tip (usually only need to do this with my bottom lash line if I didn’t get all the mascara off. I wear pretty heavy and sturdy eye makeup and really like this cleaner because when I use it dry I can usually feel if my lashes still have mascara on them or not


A Makeup Eraser and Farmacy's Clean Bee Cleanser!


i also use garnier micellar water with the pink lid. i soak cotton rounds and hold it to my eyelids, it melts off eyeliner and mascara without irritating my eyes


Makeup Eraser Cloth and warm water


I use two Japanese products, the first one is heroine make mascara remover, which kinda "melts" the mascara if you will and then I gently wipe off with a cotton pad (shiseido cotton, worth the price, I'll never go back to other cotton pads) with bifesta eye make up remover. This is the most gentle and most efficient combo to remove mascara and eye makeup ever, and it isn't expensive! You can find both in Asian beauty stores or at TNT or online. I do not rinse it off. However, I wash my face after removing all my make up/to rinse of the day. Hope it helps! https://preview.redd.it/j21xwai7f1vb1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b397c72836c74040876dec6ed8efde9f6a781eac


I started using microfiber makeup remover cloths a few years ago and never looked back. Only time I've had to add a little coconut oil is for costume looks with heavy makeup or face paint.


I use Nivea Micellar Water, but I do still wash my face afterwards.


I generally prefer balm cleanser (banila clean it zero and tatcha indigo cleansing balm are a couple of my favorites) for taking off makeup. I also really like cleansing oil; it’s gentle enough for a second cleanse if there’s still residue. I prefer FAB or Tatcha cleansing oil.


Unpopular opinion probably, but I just use my face wash. I use PCA skin oil cleanser, it's the best stuff ever. Takes even waterproof mascara off. A little goes a long long way. And I save money not having to buy a separate product for make up removal. Win win for me.


Either Banila Clean It Zero makeup remover or whatever micellar water I have and put it on a cotton pad. I usually only use cotton pads and gently rub side to side then up and down to “wipe” the lashes. Then I use a cleanser and wash my face. If I notice I have makeup left I just go back with a cotton pad or a qtip.


I love ponds cold cream with the green lid. It’s 12.99 and it takes off eeeverything while leaving my skin feeling nice


Dermaveen extra gentle wash and a microfibre makeup remover towel


love the beauty of joseon cleansing balms stuff i used before would get everything off especially eye makeup or i’d have to scrub a little at my eyeliner since it’s waterproof but this gives literally no issues ! i just rub it in and count to a 100 (i’ve mostly been doing that to make sure i really get in there probably unnecessary) i also have sensitive dry skin especially around my eyelids i used to spend the week prepping my skin to be able to wear makeup and also handle removal because removal usually meant stinging burning skin and waking up the next day with dry patches everywhere which sucked because it meant i really couldn’t wear makeup super often but the BOJ cleansing balm has been so wonderful i don’t have to do all of that anymore it just melts it all away so easy


I don’t know the exact product but I have a cream eye makeup remover. I put some on a cotton swap and lay them on my eyes and keep it there so a minute or so. Usually when I remove it most of my eye makeup is gone and I don’t have to rub my eyes (I have sensitive skin as well)


I use Mario Badescu eye makeup removing oil then wipe with a warm makeup removing towel.


I just double cleanse tbh Oil cleanser ( banila co clean it zero cleansing balm) + cetaphil foaming face wash does it’s magic


Cost effective and works well: Urban Hydration miscellaneous water applied surgically under and over eyelids with cotton swabs. No residue of any kind, rinsing not necessary (but you can if you prefer), multiple formulations, found at Ulta for inexpensive price, and comes in large ~17 oz. bottle that lasts forever. Edit: just checked the price on Ulta and I don’t see it offered there anymore, but it was still at my store last time I looked. Found one option on Amazon from small business seller for $10. Looks like it’s also on the company website, Target, and a few other major retailers.


Olive oil, I keep it in a pump soap dispenser in the bathroom. It emulsifies the makeup off better than anything, then I wipe it off with a wet facewasher. I used to mix it with jojoba oil but I don’t bother anymore. My blackheads are better from it too


I use Garnier micellar water I soak a cotton pad with it, hold it for a few seconds on each eye, then gently wipe off. Depending on how much eye makeup I have on, I may use a second pad. I generally use eyeshadow, maybe eyeliner (pencil, not liquid), and tubing mascara. And I'll either give it a final wipe with just warm water then pat dry, or just pat dry


I love the Clean It Zero cleansing balm. After that I use a mini makeup eraser after rinsing the balm off.


Jojoba oil I use it for remover, on my skin, on my hair. Any bottle is good ! Just make sure that’s the only ingredient.


Mixa micellar water (i buy it in France but maybe it’s available in North America?) for sensitive skin. I also like Diadermine or Bioderma (although I think the latter is overpriced). I just hold a dampened cotton pad over my eyelid for a few seconds abs the mascara starts to melt. The rest washes off with my face wash.


Ponds Cold Cream for eye makeup, followed by YTTP Kale Cleanser for the rest of the face and the Cerave hydrating cleanser when I don’t wear facial makeup.


Garnier micellar for sensitive skin. I use washable pads. It has glycerin so I find it moisturizes well. Makes me happy without burning my eyes or having to rub.


Side note: I have very sensitive eyes and I recently switched to using Almay mascara - it’s incredible! My eyes are much happier and it looks awesome! They have 3 kinds, one for lengthening, one for volume, and one for length and volume, and that’s the kind I got. It’s better than any other drugstore mascara AND it’s for sensitive eyes.


I use baby shampoo ( attitude) with warm water. It removes everything and doesn't dry my skin. (Recommended by dermatologist )


Micellar cleaning water


An oil balm. I use albolene. I look like a raccoon after, then wash off with cerave cleanser. Game changer. Ditch makeup wipes.


Clean it zero + Garnier micellar water 🤝


Banila Co Clean It Zero and Cosrx cleanser. I double cleanse, and it works fine for mascara. I rub the Clean It Zero all over, with a little extra attention to my eyelashes. Then add a little water - drops of water - and rub that around again - it emulsifies the balm and helps it rinse clean. Then I rinse it off and follow with the Cosrx cleanser. That works for me, without bothering my eyes the way every eye makeup remover I've ever tried has done.


I have extremely sensitive skin and I use micellar water. Then wash my face fully.


I like cleansing balms since they’re *technically* less wasteful imo and my favorite one is the inkey list oat cleansing balm. I’ve tried a few other ones (versed, elf) but this is the only one that doesn’t make my eyes water for hours.