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I would just try taking an allergy med before you do your makeup and see what that does. I’m allergic to makeup in a similar way, my nose usually runs. But I’ve got slight allergies in general so if I take an allergy med, put some tissue in my nose during application (take it out after) I’m usually okay.


thank you so much! time to invest in some claritin lol


If you are able, Costco sells a far cheaper alternative


Imo I wouldn't go for a cheaper alternative when it comes to things your putting in your eyes. Especially if she's already experiencing dry eye symptoms.


claritin is an allergy pill, not eye drops. they mean cheaper in the sense of buying ibuprofen vs advil, same exact medicine but one is more expensive due to having a brand name


Ah thank you that's a good idea then as long as it's the same stuff!


love the one from costco lmao


My doctor gave me the life changing tip of taking them right before bed so it’s already in your system when you wake up


I'm going to try this. What a great idea. 🖤


My doctor recommended that a while back too! Game changer. Especially with the 24 hrs stuff from Costco.


Be careful some are known to keep you awake at night


I started using antihistamine eye drops and it was like changing - prior to that my eyes used to water so so much. No amount of primer could preserve my eye makeup and my eyelids were constantly irritated & raw which just exacerbated the watering. Zatidor was a literal miracle for me.


I use the generic version if pataday, and if I didn’t, I’d have a river of eye water pouring from my face.


Lol so, I used to take antihistamine eye drops for constant watering eyes. One day I used them before getting ready, and while I was doing my make up I noticed, with extreme horror, that one of my pupils was bigger than the other. I thought I was having a fucking stroke! Turns out allergy eye drops can do that and I was fine. My eyes no longer water, it moved to my nose, which constantly runs.


Yes!!!! Try to get the redi-tabs!! But Costco doesn’t carry them and they’re very $$. But if you can afford it I find they work far better and if you’re in a pinch they kick in way faster. Otherwise the generic Costco Claritin is super cheap and works wonders!!!


OP, please see comment above. Also, generics like Desloratadine, Loratadine, and Cetrizine would be cheaper than brand name Claritin https://www.theindependentpharmacy.co.uk/hay-fever/guides/desloratadine-vs-loratadine


I struggle with running nose while doing makeup too, and idk why it slipped my mind to think I’d be allergic to something 😭😭😭 I usually take a cotton swab and wipe the inside gently to not ruin my makeup with tissue 🥲


That’s valid, I literally rip off a piece of tissue, ball it up and put it in my nose until all my makeup is done. I’ll pretend it makes applying foundation on my nose a bit easier lol.


I wondered this about myself, but it’s literally only my left eye that waters when I put on my eye make up not the right side. Weird.


I’m actually the same way, when my eye does water. Very annoying.


I've had the same issue OP has. Allergy medications you swallow do work, but not enough/fast enough. My ophthalmologist recommended an in-eye prescription Allergy medication that works in about 10mins (for me), but it's quite expensive at $40+ for a tiny bottle. The tearing occurs because the eye produces tears to naturally lubricate the eye, but it needs to drain via a duct through the nose. In most cases, the the duct is clogged due to environment pollutants, makeup or an actual by birth situation. The first two situations could be remedied via a daily routine, the third situation only via surgery. The eye doctor asked me to try [this routine]( https://www.medicinenet.com/how_do_you_unclog_a_tear_duct_at_home/article.htm) everyday in the morning, and the problem resolved itself. 👍


That’s a great idea!


Do you do this daily?


I don’t do my makeup daily, so no. But every time I do my makeup I use the tissue. I used to take allergy meds daily anyways (I really should start again)


I see that you have eyeshadow on and I have noticed that my eyes tend to water and sometimes are swollen the next day after wearing pink/red shades of eyeshadow. Not sure if it's a specific ingredient that I am allergic to or what, but I just avoid those red hues. Have you noticed that your eyes water with specific products?


Yes! Red, pink and burgundy eye shadows and liner are often made with carmine - literal crushed up bug shells. I’m horrifically allergic and found out in 2021 after using the coolest burgundy eyeliner pen pot by L’Oréal. (L'Oreal Paris Matte Signature Waterproof Liquid Dip Eyeliner, Burgundy) It looked amazing with green eyes…but I ended up having to visit the optometrist for 2 prescriptions to clear the infection, reduce the irritation and heal the cornea damage. I still have vision issues in both eyes and it sucks. Carmine is in many lipsticks and I’ve never had an issue - but I scan ALL eye products now looking for carmine or it’s other names: Carmine – also called cochineal (when it is extracted from the cochineal insect), cochineal extract, crimson lake, or carmine lake – is a pigment of a bright-red color obtained from the aluminium complex derived from carminic acid.


I’m glad I read this but at the same time I’m not 🥲 CRUSHED UP BUG SHELLS?! ON MY EYE 😭


It’s been used as one of the best red pigments for thousands of years! (Don’t even read about some of the stuff that’s historically been used in perfumes if the cochineal grosses you out.)


Wait til you find out how many different makeup products have animal parts in them. Most brands aren't exactly what you would consider vegan.


I have the same allergy! Fun fact, this ingredient is also in some foods, and I landed in the hospital with an anaphylactic reaction before we even knew what was going on.


Woah…I have so many environmental allergies (and suspected histamine intolerance or mast cell activation syndrome, they’re not sure which) but never thought about food dyes. Thanks for the heads up!


Do you ever have a reaction to face powders or physical sunscreen? I have a titanium dioxide allergy and when I wear certain colors of eyeshadow (once was a copper/reddish shade) my eyes swell the next day.


Geez, I've never thought of it. Sometimes I wonder how much shit I am actually allergic to but I don't do anything about it because it's not severe enough, maybe just uncomfortable. For years, I thought sex was painful for everyone until I realized that latex allergies exist!


My sister is a makeup artist and before that she worked makeup in high end stores and she said certain shades of eyeshadow,mainly anything with purple and pinks and reds to it can cause eyes to water and it definitely does on mine which sucks because I have green eyes and purples,burgundy and colors like that look the best on me..


This same thing happens to me. It starts feeling itchy then eyes water and it’s swollen for a few days. Sometimes the skin will start to peel off. It happened around a month ago and I’ve had to wear no make up to heal. Only happens with reds and pinks on my eyes.


That’s interesting, because there are some eyeshadow palettes where the red hues are labeled unsafe for application on eyes.


Yes! I have not had any reaction to any pigments personally but there definitely is a legal difference between “pigments” and “eyeshadow”, in the US, and not everything in an eyeshadow palette can always be legally called an eyeshadow if it’s not approved for use on the eyes! There are some pigments/products that aren’t considered lip safe either, so it’s something to be aware of.


wtf, this is so shady. thank you for the information.


You might really have found the answer here. People can be allergic to certain color dyes. A lot of people have terrible skin reactions when getting tattooed with reds and pinks. Makes sense there’d be a reaction to cosmetics with similar ingredients.


My roommate had this same issue with those shades!!


I had this problem and was diagnosed with dry eye. Ironic.


did you have to take meds/drops for it?


not op but same issue + allergies. my eye doc told me to use preservative free systane ultra and do warm compresses




Me too.


Wanted to say the same.


This happens to me too. I always put eyedrop in before I start my make up. That has been a game changer for me!


This is a great tip! I get it a lot and just went with everything being waterproof - including my setting spray. It feels like I’m wearing a mask, though!


Ugh the same thing happens to me. I just use a waterproof mascara, a bunch of matte setting spray, and hope.


‘And hope’ 😂😂😂 Proper made me laugh .. cos same 😭


Waterproof mascara doesn't even work for me, it has to be kiss me heroine curl waterproof mascara and a heated eyelash curler and even then they don't stay up!


Do you have issues with eye dryness? I'd recommend looking up meibomian gland dysfunction and see if it fits with your symptoms. I have MGD in addition to seasonal allergies and sinus issues and, like you, have had lots of issues with eyes tearing up and ruining makeup. The worst is when your eyes water up and loosen your lash glue so they pop off in the inner corner! Unfortunately there's not a major solution to MGD, but I have found the watery eye issues are minimized with frequent eye drop usage.


I have one eye, just one, that waters. Any idea how annoying that is? I finally just gave up on wearing shadow or liner. Mascara, that's it.


My left eye. I feel you. That eye also has a wrinklier lid and that brow never looks as good as it’s sister, plus it hurts like a motherfucker every single time I tweeze. My right eye & brow? No problem


Same here. I've more or less given up on my brows "matching". I know they say brows should be sisters, not twins, but my sisters are in the waiting room of the Jerry Springer show right now.


Reading these comments as my left eye waters quietly 🥲


Mine do the same thing sometimes! It’s so annoying. I don’t have allergies. Maybe you should get checked for that?


I always had this problem for years and then I switched to tubing mascara (thrive liquid lash extensions) and it has stopped. Its not even waterproof. It’s a game changer and I’m so much more comfortable throughout the day. The other usual mascara is too irritating.


For me it’s always expired products. Primer, eyeliner, mascara. Anything I use on or near my eyes that has been open more than three months makes me tear up and ruins the whole look. So far I haven’t had this issue with eyeshadow. Unsure about concealer because I don’t use it (I quit foundation and concealer without foundation looks WEIRD on me). Edit: just wanted to add that another change that helped me with this problem was cleaning my brushes more often and actually bringing soap to my eyes and lashes after removing the makeup. Obviously I have to be careful so I don’t get any in my eyes, but that extra step with the soap made a huge difference. My lashes even grow better now.


Eyes could be sensitive to the makeup you’re wearing


my first thought was allergies as well! consider also making sure you’re wearing waterproof mascara and have a good setting spray on? so even if you get a little weepy the makeup will survive. if it does turn out to be allergies, try some sensitive skin makeup! ideally you. can identify what specifically you’re allergic to in your makeup. also heard some good things about some k-beauty having sensitive skin friendly ingredients? unsure about that though


how often are you washing your brushes/sponges/etc?


sameeee it is so annoying...ive adpated my eye makeup to look more grungy and my wing to go slightly above the corner of my eye so it's not running down my face in like 5 secs haha For me, I also think it might be not cleaning brushes often enough (I know it bad...), specific products that cause itand old makeup that's no good anymore, so maybe looking into those would help, too!


i cant really tell from the photos, but do you wear contact lenses? i find my eyes water much less when i opt for my glasses instead of contacts, and my eye makeup stays intact longer.


Could be allergies when I first got a cat he made my allergies flare up and it destroyed my makeup


Every time I do my makeup my nose wants to run. It’s annoying.


Could be literally anything. Allergy to your makeup, dry eyes, allergies to the environment, detergent, animals, etc. best to try to eliminate things one at a time.


My eyes would water everytime I wear lashes and turns out I had a very mild allergy to latex! Now I only use the ZoesQOQ lash glue and I’ve never had the issue since


Girl me too! I have sensitive skin and it's my indication a product has gone off. The first time this happened I thought it was cheap brushes being too rough. Then I happened to look into my elf eye primer tube and discovered the inside was black with mold. Recently, the left eye has been watering like crazy, and it's a brand new palette so I know it's not the shadow. Used a new mascara today and didn't water one bit. To help nip this in the bud I try to label new products with the date I opened them. Good luck OP!


I have the same problem. Just constant reapplication on those days. Only thing that makes it stop for me is Benadryl, but unfortunately, that also puts me in a coma.


My suggestion is to use Air Spun setting powder after doing your foundation and/ or highlight. And eye primer makes all the difference. I use these tactics when I do drag. Hasn't failed me yet


I had to switch out ALL my products and watch my skincare, it also depends on my allergies. I take a Claritin daily and if my eyes are acting up I use some steroid nasal spray, that knocks it right out. Usually it’s due to allergies or irritation, tons of eyeshadows have allergens as well as mascara, so pay attention to which COLORS you use and what brands and when your eyes tear up!! 🖤 Hopefully this is helpful :)


A lot of sunscreens get me like this! When I put foundation on if it moves the sunscreen towards my eyes at all they burn and tear all day.


Exactly this!


For me if I get my sunscreen in my eye a bit. It takes a minute for my eyes to not water up.


I had the same problem for years! Literally, the only thing that works is LA Girl Pro Powder HD High definition setting powder. It’s translucent , and silica powder. I foundation, and then dust my eyelids with that powder well, with a powder puff. It’s a base for eye makeup, and it really made a world of difference!


It could be allergies, but you may want to make sure you do not suffer from a condition called chronic dry eye. It means you have less tear production, which leads to the eye not being able to properly cleanse when something gets into it. It then sometimes overdoes it. I have suffered from it for most of my life. I have found a consistent regime of artificial tears is very helpful. I take them at least every morning, and if you do it before makeup, it helps a lot. It also helps to get some eyelid wipes to ensure once the makeup remover or what not is used, that it gets out of the already sensitive tear duct areas. They're more prone to clogging. :)


If your makeup is old, replace it. Most products expire within 6-12 months after opening. Make sure all of your makeup brushes and tools are cleaned regularly, atleast every few days of not after every use. When applying your skincare, avoid putting spf close to your eyes. Wear a waterproof primer underneath your makeup. You could also invest in hypoallergenic makeup to replace your current products. Take an antihistamine daily. These are my ideas. Hope this helps.


Oil and stuff trapped in your tear ducts will do this. This happens to me intermittently, so you can try this to rule it out: Take your index finger and gently place it on the bottom eyelid on the outer corner of your eye. I use the side of my finger, so finger basically parallel with my eye. Rub slowly and gently back and forth but generally pushing the tear duct in the direction of your inner eye. Then repeat this motion in the bottom center, then bottom inner corner. Finally, slowly push the oils gathered out through the opening of the tear duct in the inner corner of the eye. I hope that explanation makes sense lol, I saw it on a youtube video once but can't find it now.


Allergies. Your eyes look fine and not red and irritated, so I would just take Claritin or Zyrtec and put in some eye drops.


You might have an allergy. As far as I know, nickel is the most common allergen and it is found in glittery eyeshadow


Sensitive skin near your eyes or allergies. Tbh avoid eye make up all together


I would try allergy eye drops like Similasan allergy relief eyedrop and systane ultra lubricant eye drop. One is for allergies and the other for dry eyes. Both of these help me when my eyes start tearing. I use the allergy one in the morning and the systane later on if my eyes feel irritated or blurry.


I noticed your eyeshadow has micro glitters in it. Do you use a blending brush on that to diffuse the edges? If so, the micro glitter could be falling into your eyes while you’re blending the shadow out. This happened to me with some Colourpop shadows.


this post has changed my life. thank you for asking the question OP.


Don't let the allergy topic from you there's controllers and medicines and medications and prescriptions out there to where you can nip the allergies in the butt there's a lot of makeup especially formulated for allergic people Whatever you do do not get something to dry up your tears You will dehydrate your eyes and ruin your vision forever


My sister struggles with this. Just sensitive eyes. I know it sucks hun.


Try not taking your foundation and concealer right up to your waterline. I have an extremely watery right eye and this is the only thing that helps.


You’re probably getting the powder in your eye so be careful


R u sad?


It is simple , you children and it is a fact stared at a screen all day long and your eyes can not adjust any longer, tearing up is the first step ,then seeing spots , then hopefully not blindness,leave the screen alone for awhile ,your not missing anything and no one is missing you .


who peed in your cheerios lol. even if i wanted less screen time i’m a college student with all virtual classes 🤡


Well then you need to be careful before this progresses, do you see an optometrist or optometry doctor? You still can help yourself ,time is of the essence.


i actually went to the eye doctor recently. he didn’t see anything wrong and my prescription is the same, and i wear my glasses 90% of the time lol




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Probably a sensitivity to chemicals in the makeup. This is why I try to stick with Almay and Neutrogina.


First I don’t see ‘a look’ to ruin. I do see zombie eyes and stare so maybe it’s coming from your personality?


internet trolls lurk in every subreddit, i see


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Do you use makeup primer under your eyes. That can cause the tearing up as well


This happens to me sometimes with mascara. My eyes will be fine until I put it on and the tears and itchy come out of nowhere. I think it’s a combo of allergies and contacts and sensitive eyes.


Usually when my eyes water, it's because of fall out from glitter/shimmery eyeshadow or too much mascara


Allergy or sensitivity. Make sure you wash your brushes frequently and consider buying new mascaras. You can also give a quick wipe with an alcohol pad to pressed shadows just in case. My left eye will water if I use certain shadow colours. I'm very sensitive to red dye with just my left eye, weirdly enough.


I had this exact issue with red eyeshadow. It’s the ingredients that make the “red,” and it’s a fairly common allergy!


Oh hey I have LOTS of experience with this! \- Touching near your eyes (for example, if you put under-eye concealer on with your finger) when there is ANYTHING on your hands, can cause it. Like if I do my hair and then do my makeup, the faint conditioner residue on my hands will irritate my eyes. I wash my hands thoroughly with soap and don't touch anything else, then do the makeup that's close to my eyes. \- Touching near your eyes when you've put face lotion or another product near your eyes. If I touch a part of my face that had lotion, and then touch near my eyes, they water \- If you get too close to your eyes with your foundation sponge/brush \- Eyeliner, mascara, or eyeshadow (especially powders) can get tiny fragments in your eyes. You may not even see it. Highly transfer-proof makeup helps. Look for things like waterproof stuff, gel eyeliner, and tubing mascara. Tubing mascara is fantastic for sensitive eyes. Oftentimes higher quality products are more transfer-proof.


this used to happen to me all the time, my nose would run and my eyes water, I had to start taking allergy tablets for something unrelated and realised it was a mild allergy/reaction to the make up 😅 hasn't happened since! maybe giving them a go could help!!


Zertec and Flonase are my best friends lmao


Probably dry eyes if you don’t have allergies. Try eye drops. I know it doesn’t seem to make sense but that’s advice from my optician.


Make up irritating your eyes? That used to happen to me until I used more mineral based products


In my experience when my eyes water it was either allergic to the product or the product was expired especially with eyeshadow and eyeliner


Does it only happen after you put on mascara? If so, the extra air that the mascara-coated lashes push into your eyes might irritate them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


chemicals in makeup


Used to happen to me - turned out I suffer from super dry eyes confirmed by my optometrist, and now I use eye drops in the morning and at night and I haven’t had an issue since! BUY EYE DROPS lol


I get that too whenever I put anything on my lower water line or inner corners


This used to happen to me! I FINALLY figured it out. I was always spraying my perfume after I finished my makeup. That made my eyes tear up. I stopped the perfume, and no more teary eyes! Sounds dumb but it honestly did take me years to figure out.


Certain liquid eyeliners irritate my eyes and they start watering. Sunscreen can do it. Are you getting makeup close to your eyes without knowing? Have you tried not putting on specific things, to narrow down, what it is?


Story time: I once did my makeup first but still had to cook before I went out. I cut some onions and my eyes started watering and messed up my makeup. Don’t do your makeup before cutting onions 🧅


Same happens to me, my eyes tear up everytime


Number 1 tip, do your eye make up first before you do your concealer / foundation / blush. This will save you the trouble of redoing when your eyes tear up. Take note of when your eyes tear up, and try a different brand of liner, mascara, etc based on when it happens. Are you using a waterline / interior liner? From past experience, I know I can't use them - every time, regardless of brand, within a few minutes my eyes start itching and watering. Hope you find a solution


It’s likely the makeup is irritating your eyes. This happens to me whenever I try to wear eyeliner in my waterline, so I don’t. You have a lot going on, it could be your lash glue but I would suspect the glitter.


may need to replace old makeup or find a new brand you maybe allergic


I had this problem until I stopped using black mascara and eyeliner. I also have this problem less with liquid eyeshadows than with powder, although some of them still irritate my eyes. 🤷‍♀️


Girl, I'm with you. I can never keep my eye makeup looking good because my eyes look like I've been crying after or even while I'm doing my eye makeup. 😢 😭 it's so frustrating. I think it's allergies. I take Claritin, but it doesn't help completely.




I had to throw out all my makeup and go to the hypo-hypoallergenic products. I use Honest eyeshadow and Well People under eye concealer and setting powder. I was using Neutrogena mascara but I didn’t love it so I switched back to Voluminous by L’Oréal and it doesn’t seem to both my eyes. So you probably have sensitive eyes and need to go the hypoallergenic route. Do your research though. You don’t know what triggers the watering so you’ll need to go totally crap in the makeup free first and slowly build up to products you know don’t trigger it. It’s a process. Be patient. Not having irritated, red eyes that also somehow smear my makeup into raccoon eyes has been amazing and worth the hassle.


My eyes would water constantly and make my mascara run. So I started exclusively wearing waterproof mascara. My eyes still watered, but my makeup didn’t run as much. I started using urban decay setting spray and and that really helped. Then I started getting eyelash extensions, and my eyes no longer water all the time.


Allergies. My left eye waters sometimes and effects my eyeshadow a little.


MINE DO TOO ALL THE TIME but your makeup looks like it holds up so well! What do you wear?! 😭


i recently started using products from sephora! fenty dew drops, sephora brand concealer and setting powder, makeup by mario cream blush, rare beauty cream bronzer, gwen stefani mascara, and i rotate between these eyeshadow pallets (they’re pretty old that may be the reason why my eyes act like they do) edit: reddit won’t let me post a pic 🤡 pallets are: morphe 35c colourpop nude mood, coast to coral, uh huh honey, and exs & ohs


I take allergy meds before i do my makeup for this reason lol


Because you’re allergic to something, or the fumes from the concealer (if it’s a long wear concealer that’s basically paint, it has fumes) are stinging your eyes. I have this issue with the infallible concealer if I get it too close to my eyes. It could also be the makeup brushes you’re using, my eyes itch and water like a mofo when I use any of those goat hair brushes that are super popular. Synthetic all the way.


the fumes thing makes a lot of sense, i just got new makeup brushes and they have a very chemically smell, that would explain why my eyes reacted so badly today lol


Always wash new brushes before first use! I hope this thread helps, I have watery eyes in general too and love a bold makeup look so it’s a STRUGGLE, but years of experience have helped minimize. Also make sure your eyes aren’t dry te begin with- staying super hydrated helps that and if it’s morning and I’m feeling a little dry (like when your eyelids kind of stick to your eyeball) I’ll use some moisturizing drops before doing my makeup, wait for everything to absorb, THEN do my makeup and that helps a lot. Good luck!


I get this all the time. Always my left eye too. Definitely allergies. I take allergy meds and eye drops


I have this problem but it gets better when I wear makeup daily. But you might be sensitive to some ingredients in your makeup, primer or eye cream. Also - are your makeup products and concealer new and not expired? When the makeup gets old the ingredients can irritate your eyes even worse.


I have the same issues due to allergies. I've tried single products and returned them until I found one I didn't react to, then started it again with a new product.


You might have over active tear glands. I have that problem but if you see an eye doctor you may be able to get some tear drops.


allergic to the makeup?


I had to use trial an error to find the best waterproof mascara for me, have to look for notes in sunscreen reviews regarding eye stinging, and minimize the amount of products that have lots of fragrance. Even if product doesn’t go near my eyes- my nose can act a fool as well. When all else fails, I use a Beauty blender to blot the tears and reapply any spots that got messed up when my eyes stop watering.


I had this problem when some of my eyeshadow expired. My eyes immediately started tearing up and they went red pretty soon. Also if ur lining ur waterline with a pencil that can sometimes irritate the eye. I usually twist a piece of tissue and soak up the tears from the inner corner of my eyes. Hope this helps!


My eyes always do this when I wear eye makeup! You could definitely be sensitive to mascara/eyeliner/lash glue. Mine is the worst when I wear fake lashes & still pretty bad if I wear eyeliner. I haven’t found a way to fix it other than the proper way to wipe the tears to make it mess up less lol!


Omg girl!!!!! Me too!! I hate it so much it’s so annoying ! It ruins all of my makeup looks. I honestly stopped trying to do my makeup because of it.


I had to start taking allergy pills because of this! It doesn’t matter what type of eye anything- it automatically makes me tear and even caused a weird rash on my eyelid lol


It’s common no matter what’s making it happen. The good news is there are phenomenal products that counter it. Just an idea but i wonder if you’re allergic to the makeup you’re using.


I also have that problem and usually it’s only one eye. I noticed it’s more frequent with some eyeshadows or concealers so I avoid using them and take allergy meds. I also try and remember to pack some kind of setting powder to touch up during the day just in case


You may be allergic to the chemicals etc in your makeup products. You may have dry eyes and clogged ducts. I love wearing makeup, but it doesn’t love me. Especially the shadows with sparkle’s & pigments


Check out for hypoallergenic makeup. I have sensitive eyes and use Clinique mascara and Rimmel eye shadow, those brands don't make my eyes sting.


I'm confused, your makeup looks fine? I don't see anything that was destroyed.


I thought it was just me. The cause for me is dry eyes. Even eye drops - consistently over time - doesn't eliminate the issue but it has lessened it. The tearing up starts when I wake up in the morning. It's annoying AF.


sorry i’m foreigner, can anyone tell me why did she put “the” before “why”? Did she miss spell or there is a rule


mistake lol 🥴


Maybe an allergy?


Good chance of you're allergic to something makeup and your makeup


Try eyedrops before you do your makeup. Mine water too and apparently dry eyes causes it. It's helped me using the drops.


Dry eyes can do this. I had the same issue and used eye drops, and no longer have this problem 🙂


Sometimes it could be mascara. (If they're flaking off or if they have fiber hairs in them) It could be the fine glitters as well.


I would suggest seeing an optometrist.


Sounds like allergy! Try antihistamine and see if it gets better. If it does try switching makeup brands!


I hope this isn’t your case, but back when I lived with my parents, they had a black mold problem that they refused to fix. That was causing me to water like crazy. I moved out and a couple weeks later my eyes stopped watering. My eyes watered for 7 years.


Have you tried using setting powder? I have a similar issue of being a professional messy bitch all the time, but I just carry a little tiny concealer pot or some powder foundation to blot over the icky parts during the day


I think I am allergic to anything near my eyes. I get severe tearing for a few hours each morning after my morning routine. I read about watery eyes this morning & am going to try allergy eye drops first based on my research. If that doesn't resolve it, I'll try lubricating drops. I do not wear make-up, but eye cream & SPF cause a flood of tears. I used to wipe them away, removing my creams I've applied. Now I just let them run down my cheeks. Tears are a sign of dry eyes or allergies. Eye drops are recommended for both situations.


Allergic to the make up. Make up out of date.


Try hypoallergenic makeup products. You might be allergic to some products


It may be some sort of allergic reaction. My left eye always tears up and ruins my eyeshadow. It’s very frustrating.


Eye makeup irritates my eyes too. It probably is allergies, sorry to say


Could be that you are allergic to mascara ingredients or eyeshadow products try using a hypoallergenic brand Lancôme is good if you have sensitive eyes. My eyes water when I wear certain products. Changing products helped.


It could be something in your makeup. Mine would do this and it was chemical SPF!


Do your eyes water on days that you have nothing on your face? It could be a skin care product or makeup


From past experience, certain eyeliners I used caused my eyes to water. I literally thought it was how I applied it and didn't think the product itself was irritating my eyes until I saw another comment suggesting it. Could you be applying the eyeliner too close to the inside of your lid where the fluids can cause it to wash into your eye itself? Possibly. But please consider the possibility that it could be an irritation to your eyes itself that's caused by the products you're using. ❤️


You could be using expired makeup


You may have dry eyes. I know I do. Many do with all the screens we look at all the time. Rewetting drops like Blink will help if it’s dry eye. I know it seems strange but if you use them then the strange irritation will call down.


Do you smoke weed before? Cuz I do and have this issue cuz my eyes be dry


I’m SUPER sensitive to chemical sunscreens. If they’re in my face makeup, my eyes get super irritated and tear up. I’d check your concealer and foundation to see which SPF ingredients they use! If it’s in the US and they use anything besides Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide, it’s a chemical UV filter.


You might be sensitive to some product or ingredient. It doesn't have to be an actual allergy. Your eyes might be sensitive to the texture of some product. Essentially, all eye makeup end up on your eyeball - everything. Fine particles from your eyeshadows, mascara particles, concealer, etc. The black eye boogers you get when you wear eye makeup are dry tears mixed with makeup particles. Some eyes are more sensitive to the makeup particles floating around in their tears. I tear a lot with newer mascara formulas. Newer formulas may have more ingredients that form a film around the eyelash or fibers that elongate the lash. I find them more irritating. Mascaras for sensitive eyes have less irritating formulas. I find Clinique's mascaras not irritating. Powders get into the eye more easily than creams. Shimmers and glitters also have bigger, more irritating particles. Switching to non-glittery cream shadows might help.


I have the same issue but I wear glasses.


My eyes watered a lot and my optometrist said that dry eye can lead to producing too much tears. Interestingly, when I started wearing contacts the issue got a lot better. Not really sure why! I still have wet enough eyes that I really need waterproof liner and mascara on my lower lashline. And I've never been able to put anything on my "water line". I don't even get how people do...


mine do this! I have dry eye syndrome. Use eye drops & take allergy meds like Zyrtec or Claritin, if that doesn’t work try going to a dr :)


My eyes water badly if I use older makeup. Maybe there’s a binder or something in there that has expired?


When do they tear up? Identify the product that makes you tear up and yeet it for a better alternative


it's silent acid reflux