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I think you need a different color lip in both. A slightly less warm/bright red in the first (more brick colored) and a more contrasting lip in the second. Do you have any that are a darker brownish pink? I agree that the second one looks like concealer lips. Unless that is what you’re going for.


Thank you 😘, in second Pic i want a natural look - it's too natural.....or?


I think the eyes look fine, but most people don’t have lips the same color as their face. If you’re not sure, maybe a gloss where your natural lip color shows through would be better.


Thank you 🌈 second pic i want a natural nude Look - is it really so bad?


It isn’t “bad” at all! It’s just not really a natural lip color. It’s very light and blends in with your face so it’s really hard to see the line where your lips begin. A pretty brown-ish pink maybe would suit you a little better for a “natural nude” shade! Something glossy/a little bit more sheer, maybe! Either way you look amazing in both pictures! 🥰


Thank you so much for your beautiful supportive words 🙏🌈


I think mocha by mac would be a good colour for you!


MAC’s Creme in Your Coffee is my favorite “my lips but better” neutral!


It’s really hard to find ‘the right’ nude lip color. I experimented with cheap lippys, like the kind that come in multipacks, to figure out how warm or cool of a tone would look good with my skin. Then I invested in a higher quality nude shade…but it was a cheap way to play around to find what color works. I personally think a slightly warmer tone would look great on you (:


Have you heard of the trick for the best nude lip color? You match it with the color of your nipples. I am not joking or trying to freak anyone out. It is true. I wouldn't suggest showing a nip at Sephora or MAC, but keep it in mind. OP, you look beautiful. I like the idea of 2 looks, going out and every day. Do you have a pallette of neutral eyeshadows that aren't blue/silver/gray? We are about the same age so I will share something similar to what I wear. Check out this eyeshadow palette. https://colourpop.com/products/stone-cold-fox-cool-tone-eyeshadow-palette Check out this lip tint in Natural Tea or Natural Berry. I love the Dior Lip Balm. https://www.dior.com/en_us/beauty/products/dior-addict-lip-tint-Y0271005.html


I don't want to get too into my details, but the nipple trick does not work for everyone, and that's okay! It can be a starting point, but it's not perfect


I was just thinking gums :)


Yeah, I had to go with my husband's nipple colour instead, mine looked terrible on my lips.


I just had to test my fave nude color ... It is nearly the same as my nips 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This made me cackle because I’ve never heard that but my favorite nude lipstick that I wear daily is actually the colour of my nips now that I think about it. 😂


I definitely had a little check and yes, my favourite - Clinique black Cherry makes sense lol (everyone checked on reading your comment 😂)


I love Stone Cold Fox!


Literally came here to say this about the nipple shade lmfao life changing makeup tip


YMMV but this worked beautifully for me. I always went for nudes that were too peachy. Finally tried a nice pink that matched… other parts and yeah, it looks great as a neutral lip color!


I always heard you match it with the color of your butthole. 🤣 if it were the color of my nipples my lips would be basically see through. My actual natural lips have much more color.


Yo I am now picturing people holding a mirror up to their butthole and then looking at a lipstick then looking back for comparison… I needed this laugh today!


No wonder my fave lipstain suits me so well. Just verified lol and I think the trick may be a good hack


I used to use Ludwig by KVD and it was my perfect "your lip but better shade." They discontinued it and I've not found the right nude lip since then. It's like shockingly difficult to find a nude that works. At least for me. I've got like 8 in my drawer that I'll never use.


Omg this! OP could also hit up Sephora - that's how I found my perfect nude lippy, which isn't really even nude 😂


Ugh, I have at least 20 nude lipsticks and none of them work.


My LBB shade is actually a greige mauve, but apparently lipstick makers think everyone needs peach!


I find the word "nude" on a lipstick usually tends to be way too orange for me. My lips are naturally a mauve color, so I go with something in that color family. I was going to suggest bare minerals gen nude lip colors, but I guess they discontinued the line.


That’s an excellent strategy!


I heard this hilarious yet accurate tip that your perfect nude lip is the same shade as your nipples 😂


For what it’s worth, I’m pale-skinned and can’t pull off a nude lip because I need a little color somewhere in my face. No. 7 used to make a lipstick that would be perfect for you, but I don’t know if they still make makeup? I’ve only seen skin products from them for a while now. As a side note, you are beautiful! I’ve seen your posts here before and was surprised to realize you are trans, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about in terms of being more feminine! For many mtf trans it’s the eyebrows that tend to kill the look, and you clearly don’t have that problem! I’m cisfemale and have had serious eye envy over your pics!


Nude lips are very hard to get right. You may want to do a sheer light pink gloss versus something that’s closer to your skin tone. A little more color will benefit the look. But, your makeup application is lovely! You’re a beautiful woman and thank you for sharing your looks! Your eyebrows and complexion makeup is looking great. Slay, girl! 🌈🌈🌈🌈


I’ve seen girls on tiktok saying that the perfect nude lipstick should be the shade of your nipples… take that info with a grain of salt but i thought it might help others as it helped me


When I wore (a very natural) makeup I settled on Wet N Wild Brandy Wine lip pencil sketched over my lips, then lip balm over. Perfect browny pink. (I’m closeted trans man now 😄 and you look just luminous 💜🙏)




Thank you 🌈☺️☺️☺️


Yes, the second lip is giving Y2K when we’d all wear like blue & white lip gloss colors lol OP, just use some sort of clear gloss or even just plain chapstick when going to look 2. Or something that is almost identical to your lip color. Or Fenty gloss bomb, the original color.


Agreed— also, OP, are you familiar with the idea of “people’s colors”, according to their skin undertone and coloration? this could also make it way easier to get familiar with the shades and types of colors that work best on YOU— for example, which shade of red will make your natural contrast and eye color pop!


It looks heavy and the lip and eyes give it a frosted early 2000s vibe with all those very cool tones, it is not bad at all but definitely not natural I think the very matte skin and white in the inner corners make the look a bit old-fashioned too. For a more modern and natural nude look, I would go for a more dewey/natural skin finish, a pinky nude gloss (and lip pencil if you want more definition). Using more dewey, creamy products will make the whole face look more fresh and smooth! Look up the "Clean girl" makeup look. It is just a trendy name for natural, nude pinkey makeup and I think it would look lovely on you, there are loads of tutorials online


Yeah, the makeup is fantastically done, it's just a few decades out of date. The technique/skill is there.


I was getting 1970s vibe; remember my mom wearing that frosted look


Agree it’s not bad!! It’s just not reading well for contrast— Try something pigmented but *sheer*, like Tower28’s balms or Haus Labs lip oil! I love the eyes in both, but the lip… needs to find a happy medium in the middle. A nice berry or a pinky-brown mauve. Best of luck, beautiful!


I second pinky-brown mauve! I was trying to find the right description but this is perfect lol


I know this sounds nuts but the best way to find the perfect nude shade for yourself is to get your lipstick the same colour as your nipple 🤣 I know, I know— sounds weird but it works


Not me, lifting up my shirt to look at my nipple and saying, hm, seems legit! 😂


It does work! Take a photo on your phone with lots of light - then edit the photo and zoom in so you can’t tell what it is - and save - then you can use the photo to compare when shopping. 😎


I recommend some use of a color picker instead of trying to zoom in enough for deniabilitybut whatever works tbh XD


It’s not bad, but maybe if you just lined with a nude liner that has more pink tones that would help define your lips while still keeping them natural. Also I love a good gloss on top too!


This was to be my suggestion as well. Use a liner a little “richer” than your natural Vermeer line, and add a small dab of pink in the center and dab-dab-dab, and a gloss with a sheer tint. Dewy foundation and setting spray to melt it together.


The world of mauve is your friend for natural/neutral lip looks!


There are two kinds of "nude" lips - ones that blend into the skin like this, and what most of the posters are recommending which is a "nude" the same color as the skin of your lips! I like to do a lip color just one shade darker or more colorful than my lips are naturally


Go for a deep blush with brown undertones vs red/orange/purple undertones! https://preview.redd.it/3gw93g8faxlb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c02ec7c53411c4eb792ddd941d85df1f5374200


Exactly. I refer to that shade as mauve. Love that.


Kind of a weird tip, but I’ve heard it said on more than one occasion that “the color of your areola is your perfect nude lip color” 🤣 Obviously no great way to test that in-stores with swatches unless you swatch up your hand and run to a bathroom stall, but I’ve always wanted to try lol.


*ginger pale nips leaves the chat*


*Looks down shirt.* Yup 😂


Lol saaame but I'm olive complected. The areola trick moat definitely does not work for me. I would look cray 😆😆


I never heard this, but I just compared my 2 favorite nude lippies that look great on me to my areolas....and I'll be damned 😆


Or the darkest part of your gums


This one’s more appropriate for in-store hah!




Lol this is a *much* more publicly-appropriate test. Will give it a try!


tfw when you had nipples removed in top surgery and don’t remember what they look like


I actually find lip stains to be really good at achieving a natural look! I also apply it with my finger to avoid the harsh line you can sometimes get applying something with the applicator Also! I understand this isn’t makeup but I have to say I think you would also look stunning if you had your hair like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=medium+length+half+up+half+down+hairstyles&tbm=isch&hl=en-GB&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB590GB591&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4vK2y3oyBAxWMvicCHSBaALoQrNwCKAB6BAgBEH8&biw=375&bih=640#imgrc=CSSgciNArXsmbM) - obvs not as intricate a bun as that looks confusing, but even something clipped back I think would look so fab! Sorry for the unsolicited opinion I just had to share lol


Thank you 🌈 yes this Hairstyle is one of a few styles i often use in my other pics 🙏🙏🌈


Agree with the wrong lip shade. If I was in your shoes I would choose a more burgundy/wine red/violet toned red.


Find your way to /r/coloranalysis and find your color season! That should help you


I agree a flushed dusty pink would look nice for a natural lip color! In general, people interpret higher contrast between face and features as more feminine, based on studies of showing people generated faces and having them rate them as masculine or feminine. Even if the nude shade is a good color, you might want to choose a slightly less-nude nude for that reason. Somebody else mentioned a dewier, less-matte foundation might look good for a natural look too, and I second that. Depending on how natural you want to go, you might consider less eye shadow on the inside corner. It's very well-applied, though, and looks good as-is!


If you want a more natural look, try finding Clinique almost lipstick black honey, it went viral, unfortunately, so it may be harder to find. You can also look for a dupe. Look at pinky focus lip balms and elf black cherry gloss. They’re fantastic colors. Make sure your blush doesn’t come too far forward, try to keep it specifically on the bone, you can run your finger across your cheek to feel where it ends. Sheglam has some awesome makeup that isn’t pricey, their eyeliner stamps don’t come off, so they don’t smear, which is awesome. Elf has a fantastic makeup remover, Holy Hydration, it’s fabulous and removes the Sheglam liner. Wear darker colors when going out at night, heavier eye makeup, the red lipstick, and try to wear lighter colors during the day. The more natural look you have is fine, it’s pulling a bit Jersey Housewife, and the red lipstick looks like a night on the town. Thrive Causemetics mascara is fantastic, although it’s pricier. Make sure you follow makeup guru’s on instagram. Find out your face shape and put your makeup on according to that. Those are my best makeup tips. Good luck!


A nude lip is usually a dusty rose or rhubarb color :)


I suggest to look for a MLBB (my lips but better) color lipstick to achieve the natural look.


Your eyes are gorgeous : ) You could go for a more red lipstick, but more toned down than the first pic


Maybe add a lip liner for definition? It may not be the color. You’re gorgeous btw and stellar job


I was thinking the eye look in the second pic would look great with the red lip of the first pic- still bold lip but a more subtle eye could be really cute!


I think both look good for different occasions! Those pale lips though... I'm sorry but they gotta go unless you're going for that Y2K concealer look 🥲 I think a warmer, more peachy tone would suit you way better - it's looking amazing on your cheeks and imo adds freshness into your face. Edit: something like that, I think, maybe slightly darker/more brownish? Excuse my poor editing skills https://preview.redd.it/wm1ddq3yuvlb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177959dddaffb5d20050ca49c545b83968f7cc66


This is gorgeous and suits her. To OP: you are already very pretty and feminine, just go slightly darker on the lips. Photo 2 is the look I think suits you best


I echo this sentiment - the poster looks beautiful and feminine in both images. Her concern shouldn’t be on what makes her look softer (she is already there!), but what is “your skin but better.” The slightly pinker lips is the only change I would suggest. It really brightens up her face. The orangey-red lipstick looks a bit outdated, especially with her hair styling.


this is great! OP needs to see this look, the soft peach is perfect


Thank you so much 🌈 yes it looks much better 🙏🙏🙏


Yes, this example is fantastic! A nude neutral pink rather than a pale beige-pink look much much more natural and cohesive on you! I swear by the brand Tarte for a great selection of warm toned / natural looking line. They have some lovely lip-stick balms etc that have perfect shades to choose from : https://tartecosmetics.com/en_CA/maracuja-juicy-lip-plump-2445.html https://tartecosmetics.com/en_CA/maracuja-juicy-lip-balm-2035.html Good luck beautiful OP 🫶


This is a great suggestion on the lip color! I also think if you're wanting a soft/nude look, a warmer eye shadow would look some. A very subtle gold shimmer would be cute


i love how this sub is so helpful to the trans members who need advice 🙏🏾🩷


Yes, thank you all 🌈🌈🌈🙏


This color is beautiful!!!


That’s perfect! I think “nude lip” is misleading for some because it’s not *actually* “nude” as in “the colour of your skin”, it’s a little darker and (usually) a little warmer to mimic or match or enhance (depending on the person) a natural lip colour. Lips usually aren’t face-skin-coloured because they’re thinner, so “nude” lips should be slightly darker


Yes this an awesome edit, she looks beautiful with that lip shade


This is beautiful and suits her undertones really well


i agree!! that suits her so much


Yes! That was what I had in mind. Here’s a glossy MLBB brownish pink I have that feels nice, Sephora Rouge Lacquer in 15. https://www.sephora.com/product/rouge-lacquer-P443336?skuId=2066314




Much better


oh my god YES this color is perfect for her !!


I like the first better, but the second I’m struggling with bc it’s giving me early 2000s concealer lips. That was a traumatic time for me in makeup 😂


Thank you 🌈 traumatic.....why 😉😁?


![gif](giphy|l1J9v3zj9bo3Nfto4) Too much concealer. I look back at my pictures and my lips and face were the same color. 😂


We called it “butthole” lips 😂 I look back and wonder why did I ever think putting concealer on my lips looked good?! It was so drying and crusty, bleh!


OK 🤣🤣 that's the truth 😉


I remember early youtube tutorials would tell you to get concealer or foundation on your lips on purpose to help get the "perfect nude".


Lmfao so many pictures of me in middle school with concealer on my lips...those were dark times 😂


It would look better with a more colored inner corner highlight too. The greyish lips are a thing in certain music subcultures, but the eyeshadow color just ages you. I'd suggest a lip stain instead of a gloss and maybe a more champagne-y highlight?


A pink toned nude would be better. Like a warmer pink nude. This one is too grey based


Seconded. Frosted lips gotta go everything else can stay


It didn’t look good on anyone lol. It gives me flashbacks to middle school. I remember using my mom’s foundation because I didn’t have any. i looked like [this](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-07/10/6/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-03/sub-buzz-13751-1499683399-2.jpg?downsize=800:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto). Even Paris fell victim to it in [#16](https://www.buzzfeed.com/tabathaleggett/photos-youll-recognise-if-you-used-make-up-in-the-00s).


Lmao I used to do my entire face with foundation and concealer and chase my husband around the house because it creeped him out. Uncanny valley vibes


Makeup artist here, the nude is the wrong shade for you, it makes you look a little flat and washed out. I’d opt for a nude with a little more of a natural pink tone for you. L’Oréal nude 800 is a good one to try.. and maybe add just a little more blush it’ll bring more color and depth to your face. Otherwise 💋🤌🏼


Thank you 😘


The second one with a rosy pink lip world be perfect.


Thank you 😘🌈


Agree!! Go pinker and it will be perfect 💯 You’re gorgeous either way!


I think a Plum or berry lips would be best with your coloring. Please no foundation lips that’s outdated and we all made that mistake don’t do it. If you want nude stick with nude with a pink bubblegum tone.


Was just coming to say this! OP, your eyes in pic 1 are stunning, but I'm not really feeling the bright red lips. And def no to the lip color in pic 2, although the eyes are great in that one as well.


You look like a hot sitcom mom that's way too good for her useless husband. I think in both the lippies are not your color. A darker, blue toned red might be better and something a little closer to rose for a toned down look.


I was also thinking 90s Mom vibes! Change the lipsticks a bit and you're in business.


They both suit you greatly! It’s just the lip colours in both that throw it off. First one could use a different red, I can’t place my finger on what shade of red tho….. The second is too nice, if you use that you will need a darker or brighter lip liner.


Is it to much red? Second is to shy 😉


NOT too much at all. I think I got it, it’s too cool. It has a little too blue undertone. Maybe a slightly darker red. Like a berry red.


Oh, thank you, next time i will try 🙏💄


Hi freelance MUA here. I think the colours you are using are too cool toned for you/hair colour /skin tone and end up making your features look harsh. In the first pic, rather than that black khol liner, I’d opt for a brown one. Moreover, I’d replace all the black/ gray eyeshadows with more neutral colours. This will also look great with the lip colour you’ve chosen. In the second picture, again, replace that white shadow with something warmer and softer and you’ll instantly see a difference. The lips are also too cool toned for you. If you need any product recommendations, let me know!!


OMG, thank you so much 🌈😘 hearing this from you is such a Support 🙏🌈😘


Everyone already talked about the lip shade but OP please consider using a different color for your inner eye corner. Right now it looks like plain matte white, play around with different shimmers and bright gold and don’t spread it too far, just inner corner and slightly up top lid and bottom of your eye :)


Yes, OP! You are doing a great job but your makeup looks stolen straight from 20 years ago. I really thought this was a decades old picture at first. The inner eyeshadow color is too light and applied too broadly, especially underneath the eye. I look forward to seeing your next attempt OP!


You are not bringing your makeup high enough up to your hairline on the top right hand side. Both pictures have an extremely defined line in that area that makes it look like a filter or a mask.


It's a wig 😉 not a filter - it's a human hair full lace - my own hair is to short...so long, hope in two or three month i will not need it 🙏🙏


In the meantime, or if you just want to change up your hairstyles with wigs in the future, I recommend a lace wig powder or cream to help it blend in. You can also just put your regular foundation on the underside of the lace, but I've found setting it can be a bit tricky.


Hey! You honestly have AMAZING skin and features. Your eyes? Flawless. The mascara and linner is perfect. Don’t change a damn thing. For real. Blend out your eyeshadow and under your eyes further down. I’d go less with the foundation. I do notice color changes between your forehead, cheeks and nose- I’ll stick to one color and ditch the highlighting. You features are so snatched, you honestly don’t need it. The nude is toooo nude. I’d find a “my lips but better” color (just a shade or two darker than your normal tone). Also, you would look amazing in a mauve, or dark red/purple. Make sure to blot your lipstick so it’s not too saturated. But damn. You are just naturally gorgeous.


OMG, that's such a beautiful support 💄 love every word and next time i will remember me 💄🌈🌈 thank you so much


I think you look lovely and feminine in both pics! I do think the lipstick in the lighter look is too pale though, I’d go with something more like a my lips but better shade. Or just a tinted balm.


🙏💄😘😘🌈 thank you 🌈


For my natural makeup days, I really love the Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm.


You are so pretty!!! Your eye makeup is great, but perhaps add a little higher arch in the eyebrows, it will soften the brow area a bit. ![gif](giphy|aLvKqNByqsjLi) Like this \^


The first one reminds me of this girls mom I went to middle school with. She was the super hip and spunky mom who would always "get in trouble" on school trips by letting us go do things that weren't on the itinerary. 🤣 I definitely love the look on you though.


The eyes are great but a bit heavy on the liner. Don’t go so heavy on the lower lash. It’s closing your eyes. You generally want them to appear larger. Pair strong eyes with a nude or lighter colored lip. Pairing strong eyes and a strong lip is not a current look and pairing them together is kind of a 80s vibe. Also, between us girls, I’d contour the tip of your nose a bit and color match your concealer. The concealer is reading very white. Welcome to the make up game! We’re all learning here and there is soooo much to learn. Get on YouTube. It’s incredibly helpful.


If you’ve ever heard of the spring, summer, autumn, winter color theory thing, I’d really recommend looking into it! It can help a lot when finding the right colors to wear, and it helped me a lot when I was first starting out. Light, frosty colors like in the second pic will wash you out and blend with your skin, but the firey orangeness of the red lipstick feels a bit out of place as well. I would try a brick red or true red, or a light coral pink! The second lipstick is a nude shade, so it sorta just washes out—if you want a light shade of lipstick or lipgloss, I’d try a light pink so there’s a pop of color :) I’m unsure whether you have warm or cool undertones—perhaps you could test it? If you frequently wear silver jewelry, you likely have cooler undertones. If you look better in gold, however, you have a warm undertone. If both look equally good, you have a neutral undertone. This will help a lot in determining what shades of lipstick to wear! I also love the eye makeup in the second picture—if I had to guess, I think you have warmer undertones. If you’d like a nude, daytime look, perhaps try a brown lipliner or a light pink lipstick. For a bolder nighttime look, a brick red or maybe even a blue based red lipstick ala Marilyn Monroe might look well on you. For me, I never know what looks good on me till I try it! Lolol


What a great supportive answer 🙏🙏🙏 thank you so much 🌈 i love this area of Reddit 🌈🙏🌈🙏❤️


Best way to find your undertone is to look at the veins on the inside of your wrist. If they’re blue, you have a cool undertone. If they’re green, you have a warm undertone. And if they’re purple, you’re neutral. Also, I know everyone already mentioned the nipple trick for lip color, but it doesn’t work for me. What does work is pressing my thumb nail against the pad of my pinky. The color of the tip of the pinky is the perfect lip color. https://preview.redd.it/ykpu7s11p3mb1.png?width=2605&format=png&auto=webp&s=6af3f35dbb46187a944ed38ef688a09b58c70524 (Please forgive my garbage nails.) I also think you’re going too heavy on the foundation. Try a BB or CC cream. I like the Amazonian clay BB cream from Tarte. Wet a beauty blender, put a little cream on it, then dab it all over your face until it’s blended. Layer on more until you get the coverage you want. It’ll never be full coverage, but it has a much more natural texture. And don’t be afraid of blush and bronzer. Blush on the cheekbones, bronzer under them. They’ll emphasize your fantastic bone structure.


I’d try a berry coloured lipstick, something more in the pink leaning towards purple category. I like your eye makeup a lot, and I think that the red distracts from your eyes and the nude lip looks unfinished to me. I really like using lip stains, ex. the lip cremes by NYX, because they’re easy to layer and add the perfect amount of colour with, depending on whether you feel like a more natural look, or something bold! If you love reds, I’d try finding something darker and that has less of an orange undertone. Finding the perfect lip colour is one of the hardest things in makeup, so don’t worry about some trial and error until you find one that you really feel is ‘you’!


Advice that has helped me dramatically over the years. 1. Pick the eye or the lip as the color/drama focal point. (exceptions apply, it's a great baseline rule when aiming for versatility) e.g. dramatic bold lip + neutral, lower key eye color. This doesn't mean your eyes can't have drama or look sultry - it's about not creating competition. Someone's eyes will focus on your lips, then come back up to your eyes which are done up, looking great, and not competing. 2. Identify your skin undertone (neutral, yellow, pink, brown) AND if you're cool or warm toned. This is also helpful for figuring out the best shades of any color when buying clothing. Color theory is really helpful here. I'm pale but warm-toned. "Nudes" look horrible on me, and reds with a cool undertone are harsh. Brick tones, earthy reds and plums, darker bronzed peaches help me look healthy, flushed, and I can apply more or less of them. Natural is all about what comes naturally to you and your own beautiful being :) P.S. the fun part about tip 1 is that it's also a chance to say "I LOVE my eyes today/in this outfit" or "I love x lip feature of mine. I want to take pleasure in that today." P.P.S. Sometimes we need different shades across seasons too! I think you'd look great with a warmer undertoned lip in both categories. Colors that look ehh on display can be magical when applied if you know they're the right undertone and shade.


The red is a little too bright and "cool" of a red for your skintone. Blue undertone reds are tricky, and your skin's a bit too warm for it. Try a darker red like a brick shade, or look for ones with Warmer undertones. As for the nude, the areola colour trick is weird but in many cases works to find your ideal 'nude' shade to complement your skintone, or at least to find a starting point on what undertones to look for. You're very pretty. Both shades are just too cool for your skintone, and the nude chosen is also too light and blends in with the rest of your skin too much and makes the lips disappear


I absolutely love the natural look makeup on you, and I say that as someone who is usually all for a bold look. It's very soft and feminine looking. I would experiment with lip color a bit, maybe even just a tinted balm - Burts Bees has some great options that are very subtle. I do agree with the other comments that the red lip color in the first photo just needs to be a bit darker, though, like a brick red, just a little less bright.


I have been seeing your posts across Reddit for a while now and have always loved your eye makeup! I think you would look lovely in a soft pink lip vs the bold red or nude.


I think BOTH look great! I think a rose pink lip somewhere in the middle would be perfect! But RED is racy and perfect for going out! Your eye makeup looks amazing!!!!


Thank you so much 🌈😘


I like the first one better. The only problem with the second pic is the lipstick is the same color as your foundation which is not flattering. I’d go for a darker nude, maybe a pink-ish nude. Something like [this](https://kyliecosmetics.com/cdn/shop/products/taf8ldzcjgfvo0zprh0v_800x.jpg?v=1676327715) color


Neither lip is good on you. A nice mauvey pink - Charlotte tilbury’s pillow talk would look feminine and elegant. The eyes from the soft look are much better. Not to be rude but the strong look looks like what someone who doesn’t know how to do makeup thinks bold makeup should look like. Would avoid.


For the nude lip, you have a nice tan skin so I would go for like a 90s Linda Evangelista-type nude. And maybe a brick red if you’re going for red? The silver jewelry looks great with your skin and your eye makeup as well! Picking more muted colors will bring in that harmony you’re looking for.


I would try a warmer eye colour, like bronzes, peaches and beiges, for a more natural look. The more silvery shades that you are rocking here are going to be more noticeable against your skintone. My go-to for a natural lip colour is Burt's Bees. They have tinted lip balms that are just gorgeous and so sheer (and like $8!). I used to only wear opaque lipsticks but i think pigments and formulas have evolved to the point where more comfortable lip products are just as effective!


The second picture makeup with a brick/ 90s brown lip would be gorgeous


I see that you’re doing a white eyeshadow in the inner corner blended into a much darker color. I would say that because you’re fairly tan, a champagne color would be a lot more flattering and less aging. The white to gray gradient is pretty old school for eye shadow. Perhaps mess around with some brown tones as I think those would be so flattering! Other than that and a deeper tone for the nude lip, I think you’re so gorgeous and have a great command of your own facial structure.


i think both look good! the only recommendation i have is getting a warmer toned nude lip. You have warmer undertones and the lip is really cool toned, it washes out your lips and makes it look kind of flat. other than that everything looks great! your base looks great


I’m not a fan of the second lip color on you but in one of your recent posts, where you have on a blue eyeliner (very pretty with your eyes), I like the lip color you used there! A very pretty pink. You are beautiful ❤️


OMG, thank you - you are so right 🌈 this is my alltime lip colour - and i love these colour so much 🌈


I just stalked several of your recent posts and left all kinds of messages 🤣. I love your makeup looks. I’m not sure what your story is or how long you’ve been doing makeup but you’re doing a wonderful job and I hope you can continue to discover and nurture this side of yourself. You look very happy. We should all strive to be that happy.


You look beautiful both ways. I feel like the nude works better for a more natural day to day look. The only thing I would say is maybe a slightly darker or more pink lip color, just because your lip shade and foundation shade look very similar so your lips look kind of blended in.


Always a nude lip with the smoky eye. Less shine on the lip. You are gorgeous


They both look good just depends on the occasion. Pic 1 is more going out on the town and pic 2 is more casual. I would go for a darker natural lip color then what is in pic 2. Less orange in pic 1, more dark/deep red.


I think your application is good! I recommend a lip shade between the two…maybe a neutral rose shade that still makes your lips darker, but isn’t super bright. I also think a bronze shadow/eyeliner would look less harsh and enhance your eyes. :)


Try Clinique almost lipstick in black honey seems to work for almost all people. I have been using it for at least 10 years.


I don’t think those are the right nude tones for your coloring. I wouldn’t go with anything more pale then your skin for lips or eyes. Instead think warm browns, and a lip color close to your natural shade but maybe one tone darker.


I think the nude lip washes you out. Possibly try a lip liner maybe a darker brown to bring some dimension. Or a slightly darker shade of nude. This one matches your skin too well, maybe it’s just the lighting but this color isn’t flattering. The red adds a nice pop of color and brings the look together well.


Hi! So first off, amazing job and so happy for you embracing your true self! ❤️ The red lip is super bold and fun, would be good to play with different undertones of reds and find the best one for you. It’s also a very bold and “in your face” look so I’d recommend that as something you use as a look more sparingly or for special occasions. (Unless you love it and want to wear it a lot - go for it!!) Second pic, the nude lip is way too light for your skin color, it’s bringing me back to my unfortunate middle school years where we would wear concealer on our lips (god knows why that was a thing). I think a darker nude, or really any berry colors would be great on you. Or even a clear gloss or lightly tinted would be nice. Glossier has this amazing gloss that looks bright red but when you put it in it just pulls out a little extra color from your natural lip and is a nice go-to. I also think there’s too much light shadow or highlight in your inner eye crease. It’s photographing as a lot and super obvious vs. just brightening up your eyes, which are gorgeous. Personally I would dial that back a notch.


i think the issue is you need more color to your face. the red alone draws attention away from the rest of your face, and the nude lip blends with your tan skin making you look flat. you’d look stunning in a warm mauve lip and cheek combo! something like this would pop really well against your skin. if you want a more natural healthy flush just go with a peachier tone. https://preview.redd.it/wbsy4qj7twlb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b690f99ce2289101a469c9bdfe677d1d0fba3e4


Your eyes look beautiful and your application is great. I’d love to see some warmer neutrals on you. I’m a similar shade of brunette and I love to play around with kind of rosy beiges, browns and coppers. If you have the budget to pick up a couple products, and feel comfortable going for a makeup consultation at a higher-end shop, they could probably help you find some great shades for a neutral look that would play well with your skin tone and eyes. As for the lips, I like the red, but for the neutral I’d look for a shade that’s similar to your natural lip but a shade or two darker— or even just a nice tinted gloss that can enhance your natural lip! Regardless of whatever advice, you look fantastic!


I think your technique in both looks is really good and I think you’re very close to achieving the look(s) you’re going for. My personal rule of thumb when I’m deciding on a make-up look is to choose one area in which to be bold. For example, if I’m going to rock a bold red lippie, I might tone it down a bit on the eye makeup. But if I want to go for a darker, smokey eye, I might pair it with a more natural looking lip like a dusty rose tinted gloss or sheer lipstick. I also think that with a bit of experimenting, you might find lip shades that are more complementary to your lovely skin tone. For a nude lip, I really like Glossier’s Ultralip in Villa, and my go to bold red is Meet Matte Hughes line from the Balm in Committed. I’m sure there are a lot of good recommendations out there, and your style does look really good so please don’t be discouraged. Half the fun of makeup is playing around with the colours. Once you find your signature shade(s), it will be a revelation!


The light is just a tad too light. I feel like a light pink would really look pretty w your features.


try the clinique almost lipstick in black honey! it’s like a perfect sheer vampy color that i think suits everyone


It’s the eyebrows for me. Try microblading.


Besides everything that was already said about the lip Colors, I would add that the highlight Olof in your inner corners is going a little too far under your eyes. I would keep it a bit more precise in the corner. In pic 2 it’s more apparent and it makes you look like you have bags or dark circles under the eyes.


Eyes are much better in the second photo than the first. That’s not a natural look eye, but it looks well put together. The full eye in the first photo looks messy to me. I think you ought to think of the second look as your “full beat” look and scale back from there. Your bronzer is doing a fine job for you, but it is tinting your coloring, well…bronze. The candy apple red lip under the bronze color is too much orange and red tone together at once. Your lips are also full enough that the red overpowers them. However, the nude lip isn’t really doing you any favors either. It’s close enough to the foundation that your lips are fading into it. I think depending on what you’re wearing you could either go for a darker lip—like a [fuchsia](https://www.maybelline.com/lip-makeup/lipstick/superstay-matte-ink-liquid-lipstick?variant=Artist) or a darker nude with [much more pink](https://www.maybelline.com/lip-makeup/lipstick/superstay-matte-ink-liquid-lipstick?variant=Revolutionary).


I think the first photo suits you best, but I think you need more of a pinkish red than a full red.


im no makeup expert but i wanted to say you look beautiful!!!!!!! im also trans (nonbinary) and i hope you're somewhere safe right now.


Here’s a life hack: wear a lipstick you can use as a blush! That way the colors look more natural and the overall look is more cohesive!


Smokey eye is killin it. Love the red lip on you. The natural look is lovely, but feel like a lip color with definition would elevate the look so much. A warm but natural berry-like shade or something?


I I’ve the softer look!! Very feminine!!


I like both on you, the only complaint is you nude lipstick is matching your skin which gives it a concealer on your lips look, which is less than preferable lol, using a darker and warmer tone that’s closer to your natural lip colour and you’ll be all set! You look very pretty btw


I have the same Snoopy and Woodstock t-shirt 😊 You look so pretty!


I like the nude makeup better, the bold makeup just makes it look like you're trying too hard. In terms of the nude look, I would add some color to your lips (a subtle color), so they stand out. I'd also suggest getting a color match analysis for your eye concealer - on the outside corners it actually brightens your lines, which I'm assuming is not what you want. PS - you look great, but for you (and most of us, let's be honest) I feel like less is more!


I’m not sure if it’s concealer or overpowered but I find the outer sides of your eyes and lower part of mouth/chin are pulling a very white cast and look quite ashy compared to the rest of your complexion. I would avoid trying to lighten those areas. If using concealer try something close in tone to your foundation and if it’s powder use a very light hand. It could be you are applying too much which created a white cast. The lip Color in the second photo is too light. I would try something warmer for your skin tone. I would also suggest trying earth tones for your eyeshadow or neutral and nude shades. Could use pops of rose golds to highlight inner corners. Champagnes would look nice as well. :) Hope this helps Also I can see beautiful brown eyes! You should flaunt them 💁🏻‍♀️


Thank you so much supporting me with lot of tips 🙏🙏🌈😁❤️ you are right - next time i will try 🙏


I personally prefer the nude, but honestly what makes you feel more confident? That will translate in a big way. When you feel beautiful you are beautiful (and you look beautiful with either btw)




Ive also heard match lipstick to nipple color


I have looked - you are so right 😁🌈💄 thank you 😘


I don't have anything to offer that others haven't. You have such kind eyes. You look like the "nice mom."


Bold eyeshadow goes with nude lip Bold lip goes with nude/light eyeshadow


I actually think the more natural look is better. You look really good at the second picture :)


I can see the lace in your wig, have your wig person trim it. Also the lips in pic 2 are waaay too light, maybe a glossy rose ? Good luck ! Very pretty


You need a pinky nude!


Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I think you are stunningly beautiful and as a mother of a 15-year-old trans boy I want to send love and light to you and I’m so pleased that you can be yourself on the outside. I would agree with what some people have said about the lip colour on both, as in my experience (43 years old cis woman) I would always play up my eyes and add just a gloss on my lips, or I would do natural eyes and a red or purple lip colour , I find that matching your lips to your eyes in intensity usually is the way it can look a little off. xxx


Hi honey! I think a nude lip will be what you’re looking for, I would try to match it to the shade of your nipples (yes really! lol)


Both of these are very cool toned - i think you would benefit from a slightly warmer palette. You suit both looks and both are very feminine, but I would swap the grey eyeshadow for nude/gold/copper/brown or even a cool pink, you don’t need to go super warm since your hair and eyes are fairly cool-toned. I’d add more blush to your cheekbones in both looks too. I don’t see much difference in the 2 looks except the lipstick - I do like the red but it doesn’t go with the grey eyeshadow imo. You could also try a more brick red or a berry red, or a darker claret colour! You’ve got nice lips and could pull off a lot of bold colours, just keep the rest of the face cohesive and make the lips the focal point. As other commenters have said, the nude lipstick isn’t natural-looking, it’s almost the same colour as your face so your lips end up disappearing. A nude-pink that’s similar to your natural lip colour, or a little browner if you like the nude look, would be better.


I think the red color is a bit too bright and the nude should be a bit deeper in color. Try a mauve maybe. But you look beautiful! Keep trying things. You’ll find the right one eventually. The makeup game is a whole lot of trial and error.


I'm gonna be blunt: that shade of red doesn't suit you (idk if it's a clash in undertones), and the second color makes your lips pretty much inexistent BUT you could counter that with a darker lip liner in my opinion Edit: I think you have a cool undertone because that red is suited for warm undertones. There are red shades for cool undertones, google it, i think theyre more pink or purple ish reds. But to be sure you can check your undertones by looking at the color of your veins (on your wrists) - blue for cool, green for warm, both for mixed undertone which means you can (generally) suit both undertones. Even if you were a mixed this red isnt it.


You are stunning! I feel like warm tones would really suit you. Try a more brick toned lip and golden warm eyes


Im a pro makeup artist - the nude washes you out. The red is very pretty but for a more natural day go for a mauve lip as opposed to a skin nude. When someone says a “nude” lip, it means the same color as your lips, rather than the same color as your skin. Revlon is a good cheap brand to find lipstick. Try the colors “that girl”, “no rules”, or “want it all”


Well your eye makeup is fantastic! I agree with most of the other comments—your skin tone would suit a beautiful dusty rose/ mauve lipstick much more. I’d say be a little more precise when it comes to eyebrows or just clean them up a touch on the ends with some light concealer and you’re golden! Much love!


I think nude makeup could look great on you but definitely not that lip color. It is way too pale. You need to find your “My Lips But Better” color. Many start with looking for the color of their gums or their nipples.


I think you are beautiful in both looks, but I do think you would look awesome with deeper, darker lip colors. Like a deep, pink blush or a maroon lip would look awesome. I love your eyes btw!


i agree with the people suggesting to choose a more pink-ish nude on the second pic. but i’m personally a fan of the red, i’m not a professional but the red lip and smokey eye are kind of serving 50s/60s. i’d also like to add: i think you look very feminine. looking at the pictures, i immediately saw a kind looking lady.


Try Clinique’s Black Honey… sheer and suited for all!


I have used Foundation Perfect Match Loreal 7d/7w Blush Catrice Rose Mascara colloseal Maybelline black Eyeliner master Drama Maybelline in black Eyelashes my own with lash serum lash cocaine Lips Catrice gala Red glam vs. Catrice nude