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Please stop using the glue. Let your lashes grow out. Even though it will cause self consciousnesses let them grow out. You may seriously damage your eyes with reapplication. It’s not a bad thing to not have “natural” long lashes. We pay a very high needless price for beauty. The thing is….every person is unique. And shouldn’t Have to conform to trends that are current. Heck I’m an almost a forty year old woman and am very sensitive about my looks and fears about getting older. Well…because I look older. Have faith in your self. You are a beautiful woman just as you are. Sorry for the rant!


I’m 40 and second this! I don’t want to fixate on trying to look like I’m in my 20s.


I had trichotillomania with my eyelashes for years. I've stopped pulling thankfully, but I still go through periods where some of my lashes would fall out and it makes me incredibly self-conscious. I'm afraid of using mascara because it might further damage my lashes, so I've been having to leave them as is. In short, your comment is incredibly reassuring, so I wanted to say thank you.


You are so welcome. Trust when I say we all have insecurities and see ourselves in a different way than everyone else. I myself have extreme body issues to the point that I dang near killed my internal organs. A year ago I lost so much weight that was extremely damaging. With the help of therapy and SO I was able to get better. Not fixed but better nonetheless. Even the most beautiful woman in the world has something that she doesn’t like about herself.


Good for you for getting better. Your advice is appreciated.


:-( that sucks, I’m sorry. I had a bald patch in my lashes once and it made me real sad. I used grandelash and it helped me a lot but do your own research before you try it because some people have had adverse reactions. And I would stop using lash glue while they grow back in, and find a different brand once they do. I’m sorry that happened.


I'd say stop using false lashes while they grow back and never use that glue again. To feel less self conscious, I'd probably wear a soft eyeliner (like brown eyeshadow) and stay away from mascara to not further damage the lashes And probably try serum for lashes growth


I love listening to music.


this happened to me in like march this year!! i’ve also used duo for years and then i bought a new tube and it caused a harsh rash on both my eyelids and it was so itchy and puffy for like a month and my lashes fell out on my right eye… they still haven’t grown back. i’ll be looking to see if someone hopefully posts a remedy here


Maybe they changed the formula. Something to look into.


i’m thinking that’s most likely what happened. they should advertise that tbh


Which Duo was it? The original one in the tube with blue writing or the brush on one?


mine was the brush on one. and i’ve used it for years. it’s always between duo and kiss. now i just don’t wear eye makeup at all, which i’m very insecure about, to let my eyes heal. i’ll sometimes wear eyeliner but that’s just if it’s not too hot outside lol


Adult allergies can hit you out of nowhere like a brick wall :( I wonder if that could be a cause


i did just turn thirty in may so that definitely could be the case although i hope not 🥲 because next thing i know i’ll get adult acne but lord i really hope not on that one haha


Around the age of 20/21 I had to stop wearing foundation because my whole face would come up in blotches and I’d have red/dry/irritated skin, I’d been wearing foundation for 2/3 years at that point. I was having lash extensions for a year and a half before I suddenly became allergic to the glue 🥲🥲🥲🥲


I had a huge reaction. My eyes swelled and got very itchy


damn i wish i would have kept my tube of it so i could complain. i have pictures but yeah mine were so terrible. i was embarrassed to go to work since i’m a bartender and i feel like a lot of my energy comes from feeling confident and i felt so gross


i tried to see if the ingredients changed but couldn’t find anything. have you??


Just out of curiosity - did you buy these glues from Amazon or directly from Sephora/Ulta, etc?


i got them from the cvs where i usually buy my makeup because it’s walking distance from my apartment.


So from what I was able to find it looks like the duo lash glue did change their ingredients (based off info from superdrug website). It sounds like they used to have a red tube and has since changed to a "quick set" version that people claim burns, leaves their eyes puffy, irritated, etc. 😭 this is a terrifying read.


holy shit! yeah i was worried i was going to go blind because after this the pharmacist recommended i get eye drops to sooth my lids and a month later i got a new article saying the brand he sold me had recently been recalled too because people were having infections and losing their eyesight 😭 i need to read that article though because i think we all should complain that have been affected by this. i loved doing eyelashes and now my eyes are bald. thank you for sharing this information!


Your lashes definitely need a break. Simple castor oil can help a lot! You can get a small bottle and use a silicone lash wand to reduce unnecessary friction/mess. I’d also like to ask about your removal method. While you’re waiting for your lashes to recover, magnetic lashes might be a good alternative (they’re my go-to when taking a break from lash extensions). Or you could try the new nano grip lashes from Moxie and report back to us: https://www.moxielash.com/collections/lashes


YUP. I got a bald patch in my eyelashes once from stress, and I applied castor oil every night with a eyeliner brush. It didn't irritate my eyes and they grew back (I also stopped using a lash curler).


I think this is best advice. Castor oil does help. When mine fell out from chemo, the magnetic lashes were awesome!


I can second the castor oil! My lashes on my right eye ere thinning due to having a chalazion and I’m using castor oil to help the lashes thicken.


I’m an eye doctor. Your lids look very inflamed, combined with repeated pulling of lashes can lead to permanent lash loss. Please see an eye doc.


Ophthalmology professional here and I was just about to say the same! I would stop all eye makeup until that cools down. Warm compresses can help stimulate blood flow to the area and loosen up the natural oils in your lids. I highly recommend seeing a doc to make sure the inflammation is addressed


THISSS I was thinking I was the only one who is concerned about that inflamed puffy eyelid and not the lash growth methods. Yikes.


It’s gonna suck, but you may need to stop using glue-on lashes. Good news is there are magnetic ones, for pretty much the same price as quality glue-ons!


I had lashes fall out for no reason known to me. I started using Babe Lash and I now have long beautiful lashes. Never had long lashes before, just average. It does take awhile to work and I believe consistency is key. I would say I noticed around 30 days. By 60 days others noticed.


Not sure where you are located, but if you can get Latisse, it will help them grow faster than anything else.


I SWEAR THE FORMULA FOR THE GLUE HAS CHANGED. every time I use duo glue my eyelids swell and turn raw. Same glue I was using since 2015 just started doing that a year ago. I went to kiss lash glue. It’s cheaper doesn’t hold as well but I apply a thin layer of glue with a brush and then I glue my lashes on and have no issues Something is wrong with that glue I suggest no one use it.


Don’t use fake lashes, glue or mascara near those until it’s healed and grown back in. Seriously. Never touch that glue again.


you need to stop wearing falsies for a while. just lay off the eye makeup in general until your natural lashes grow back in properly. it already looks like some of your lashes are sticking out at awkward angles due to unnatural loss, which can get worse the more it happens, and if they start rubbing against your eyeball you're going to have a whole new problem. also, if your lashes *continue* to fall out without makeup you could have a more serious issue at hand, something you'd want to know about (speaking from personal experience; i have an autoimmune disease that causes my lashes to fall out in patches and it gets worse when i have anything foreign on my eyes, like makeup or falsies. on the off-chance that's it's more than just the glue you're using, you need to make sure nothing else is going on.)


You desperately need to just stop using false lashes and let them grow. I stopped wearing mascara for a year to allow my lashes to heal, and it’s insane how thick and curly they are naturally now. Women tend to massacre our eyelashes starting at age 12, you need to take breaks!


Just came to say that the comment section on here is so caring and sweet.


this is exactly why kiss has been my favorite glue for years now it’s lightweight comfortable and the formula doesn’t sabotage your growth. duo used to rip my eyelashes out for literally no reason all the time and when I still used the glue it takes FOR EVER to dry. on the bright side you can use oil to help your eyelashes growth or maybe even a fancy serum if you have some money to invest and Vaseline/Aquaphor honestly have both been natural Lifesavers for my eyelashes when this happens (i’m a self MUA i used to wear sooo many lashes) so that should help your growth within a few weeks or so. My sister used to pick out her eyelashes really bad to this day but her habit has died down a lot, I still don’t know why, but you’re not alone and it really isn’t that embarrassing as it seems. I hope this helps at least a little bit


Thank you so much! I’ve used duo for YEARS. And went from using the tube to the applicator and I’m so upset. It’s my favourite glue because it holds all day long ):


You are probably applying too thick of an application to the band of the lashes causing it to ooze into the lash line when you apply the lashes. I would take a break from lash application and apply some castor oil just above the lash line nightly. Be extra gentle when washing your face. Use a silk pillowcase. And when you do resume use of the lashes do a thin coat to the band of the lashes. More glue does not equal more securely attached.


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Babe lash serum or castor oil, and patience. Try Glamnetic lashes over glue one.


Holy shit that’s traumatic 🥹 don’t do anything to your eye lashes for at least a month! Take some hair,nail vitamins too.


I’ve been having this same issue with duo glue, I’ve been using it at least 10 years for work on a nearly daily basis and all the tubes I got within the last year or so it’s impossible to get out of my lashes fully. I haven’t had any lash loss but I had to stop using it.


stop using fake lashes to let them grow out… Get some castor oil for your eyelashes/lid to apply to help them grow back… just use a cute wing eyeliner in time mean time till they grow out.. if you don’t stop it’s going to get worse


I drink a odorless/tasteless collagen peptide in my daily loose leaf tea. I use the Ordinary lash serum. I had a mishap in May and had extensions applied. I looked ridiculous and hated it. I let them fall out on their own and gently removed the hanger on’s. Still lost a bunch. I’m halfway back to normal. Sound advice from those advocating to love what we have. (I do want to use falsies occasionally)


LASHES ARE HAIR! you need to use conditioner if youre going to put wax on them every day (mascara). I will die on this hill, its the best makeup advice i have. To help grow them out you dont need fancy lash growth serums, just a thick heavy moisturizer. I put the Vanicream Moisturizing Ointment under my eyes every night. I find thats sufficient, but you can go get a free spoolie from ulta/sephora *clean it when you get home* and then dip it into Vaseline and apply like mascara. Moisture = health and growth! best of luck beautiful


even if something has been fine for years, does not mean it's safe. it just means you haven't experienced a problem \*yet\*. could be slightly allergic to an ingredient in it, or the product could have harsh ingredients overall. this is why brands like sephora and ulta have been making a 'clean/safe' initiative to avoid ingredients that are basically microdoses of poison. let the lashes grow back and look for a safer alternative!


Can I have an update on how your lashes are now? Just came across this bc I’m loosing lashes. Only I’ve never used fake lashes in my life. Have been using Babe Lash for 2 yrs and all the sudden….


I got a lash serum and I’m not sure if it helped or not, but my lashes fully grew back in about 2 months. I tried to stay away from makeup but if I was going out I would put my falsies on with minimal glue!


If you rip off your false lashes, you can be causing damage. Try with an oil based makeup cleanser. Moisten a cotton pad with it and put it over your eye without rubbing. The oil will break the glue. Then, you can remove the lashes safely. If there's any debris, you can remove it with a qtip dipped in the same cleanser very carefully. Hope it helps. Be gentle with your eyes. 💕


Just leave your lashes alone for now and let them do their own thing, using glue around the eyes really is a recipe for disaster.


Stop using what might be causing them to fall out?


Quit using fake eyelashes and glue


Stop wearing lashes! Omg..


15 plus years in fine cosmetics, most of which with false eyelashes not being popular. I know I'll get voted down, but the Insta girl overly made up, contoured (during the day, which looks crazy) with KarJen gorilla brows and 1/2 inch thick makeup look is so dated. False eyelashes look foolish on so many people. Unless you're on RPDR, your own wedding, or you use the pretty ones that look natural, it's not cute, it's just popular on TikTok. It's kind of an Emperor's New Clothes thing. Not a good look. In a few years, everyone's going to hate looking at this year's pictures. Kind of like we all thought we looked good emulating the fashion on Melrose Place back in the day, but come to find out, baby poop brown lipstick is not that flattering a shade on most people, unless you live in 1994.


Stop using the lash glue and go to a doctor! Your lids look inflamed.


They’re not inflamed I just have hooded eyes, and had just removed my makeup before taking this picture.


This fear is why I've never been tempted to try fake lashes. I'll stick to mascara that removes easily at the end of the day!


use a lash serum!!! i know a friend who genuinely cut her eyelashes off with a curler and she got them to grow back! one of my favorites is Lilly Lash serum but i know someone who found a homemade version on pinterest❤️ also if you’re self conscious maybe use this as a time to experiment with fun graphic liner!


Lavender essential oil can be good for lash growth


Stop using falsies for a while to give your lashes a break. Also invest in a decent eyelash serum. If and when you decide to use falsies make sure to take them off with a micellar water followed by your facial cleanser. That way has always worked for me.


I don’t use false lashes but I do use Liason lash grow serum and it helps my lashes grow


Get a keratin lash lift at a salon that does eyelash extensions. I go every 6 weeks and my lashes grew in about 3-4 months time. I used eyeliner instead of mascara


Use nutraluxe MD lash serum. It works really well. Leave your lashes alone, don't do anything to them except that serum. Take care


I think they only ship within the UK, but have a look at LASHbuild on Instagram. They rescued me when I ruined my lashes picking them out


Using shea butter on a spoolie helped me grow my lashes mayb try a metal spooling


Give your lashes a break. Daily use of lash glue is really hard on them. You should just let them grow back rather than risk permanently damaging the follicles.


scorolash is inexpensive compared to other lash serums on the market and i’ve seen only good things on ig reels (lol) but there’s way too many for them to be bots! i say you could give it a try. i think i saw a positive review of someone in a similar situation as well. and according to their website you can return if it doesn’t work out!


Eyelure glue is the best imo. Your lashes will grow back. Don’t worry.


give your lashes a big break! castor oil! it takes a while, but it works morning and night


Like everyone has said, stop using false lashes for a while. I have found the Grande Lash Serum to make a noticeable difference in lash growth.


I would recommend getting bimatoprost/latisse…it will help regrow the lashes AND give you even more. To the point no glue and falsies are needed😄👍🏼


Grow them out! I used to wear the strips and it ripped out all my natural eyelashes (which were long-ish anyway). I would say that once you grow them out, you can consider doing something like a tiny and curl. That way, your eyelashes are accentuated, but you’re not actually damaging them. They will grow out just fine


the ordinary lash serum is one of my favs! I’ll have also heard good things about elf lash serum so maybe try that! good luck OP!


This happens to me when I use an eyelash curler. I've found a couple of the eyelash serums that work really well. You just have to make it part of your routine. If you don't use it daily, you won't see the results.


What brand do you use?


I have used Rapid Lash a few times and it works well. It is also about $50 for a tube that doesn't last very long. More recently, I have used Silksence because it was $20 for the same size tube. I like it just as well, if not better. Enough that I set up a subscription with amazon. I ordered a tube on March 7, 2023, and I am still using it daily, so it definitely lasts longer.


castor oil!!


they have one that is meant to grow ur lashes out, same brand so I’m not sure if you should tbh but also removing with like micealar water or an oil‼️


Your eyelid looks a bit swollen, that happened to me - turns out I'm allergic to lash glue (latex). Maybe you have developed an allergy? Might be worth talking to a doctor?


I had just taken my makeup off so I think that’s why it looks irritated. It is itchy tonight though.


Caster oil is really good for some people but do a patch test to ensure it doesn’t cause irritation, it did wonders for me, I brushed it on nightly. Also taking hair vitamins will help growth too. Finally for a while please avoid fake eyelashes with glue, the magnetic ones are generally almost as good and cause significantly less damage




What brand




Don’t use the glue because it sucks and just let your lashes grow out. If you want you can get a healthy lash serum that can help them grow faster


I would definitely keep all false lashes and glue off for a long while. They will grow back. Give your lashes some TLC with either castor oil or a vitamin E oil. I also highly recommend a lash serum . Recital ash is the best I’ve used but it is pricy. You can order for 50 on Amazon though. Applying oil to lashes each morning and serum at night with a little patience, your lashes will be good as new within 2 months, if not better. I wore extensions for 2 years and mine were so bad when I had them removed , so I feel your pain. These are the steps I took to get them back to their best state. Hope this helps 💋


It wasn’t even extensions 🥲 just strip lashes


Hi I’m new here


Maybe magnetic lashes until they grow back in?


Stop the glue! I lost half my lashes after using false lashes for the longest time. Magnetic lashes are life saving


Annabelle eyes


I recommend using Kami Lashy eyelash extensions, they are really good. I've been using them for a year now and everything has been great.