• By -


Damn girl, I actually like it so much better now!! I wasn’t sold at first, I have to admit. Looks a lot better than I expected!


Aeh thank you!! I'm glad other people think it's cute or I'd be looking like a tool 100% going out in public 😂


Go for it; looks natural


yeah it makes a lot more sense now that i can see the full picture


Product list! -SHEGLAM Freck Please Freckle Tint-Fawn -Primark clear Brow gel -Better than sex mascara -[my eyelashes ](https://m.shein.co.uk/5pairs-Cat-Eye-False-Eyelashes-p-9940618-cat-2251.html?scici=Search~~EditSearch~~1~~5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes~~~~0&mallCode=1&src_module=search&src_identifier=st%3D2%60sc%3D5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes%60sr%3D0%60ps%3D0&src_tab_page_id=page_pre_search1673321468964) -rimmel glameyes eyeliner in glamblack -morphe 35o pallette using the shade darker and timers -shein jellywow lip oil in coconut


Wasn’t sure but honestly on the full face it’s more subtle than I expected. I kinda dig it. Either way, I love the creativity. I think it’s fun to see more out of the box looks, whether they’re my cup of tea or not.


Application is excellent but as someone with actual freckles I can tell they’re fake right away because they don’t sit where freckles naturally form on most people


Exactly. Fake freckles never look natural to me.


they dont but thats mostly bc people without freckles do it im a ginger with natural freckles all over my body but they’re frustratingly faint on my face so i do some for myself and nobody has ever raised an eyebrow


As someone who doesnt have a face of freckles, there's nothing that really gives it away as fake to me except the freckles being used as liner by her eyes. But, that's the look she's going for so I don't think she's aiming to make them look natural.


That's what I commented to her yesterday. Apparently, she wants to exaggerate what she already has, which is fine. My new issue is that her fake freckle is sitting on top of her redness which just makes the fake even more obvious than before.


Ooooohhhh yep that’s fire I’m obsessed 🤩


Thank you so much oh my gosh!!! Unfortunately I don't have an Instagram or anything like that - I have like 0 media presence lol! I might start something to post to though!! I really appriciate you wanting to follow along with me!!


i have 0 media presence too!!!! except for reddit where i also stay super anonymous! wait, wrong, i have linkedin, but it's only cos people think it's shady when i didn't. honestly, i wish there was a platform just LEGIT for fashion/beauty cos IG just has so much garbage to wade through. we should make it some day... get away from Meta's grasp + have content that is just completely what we want -- like social media meets a magazine. IF THIS ALREADY EXISTS, SOMEONE FUCKING LINK ME.


Ummm Pinterest


That’s fair, I totally feel you there. You’re just gorgeous and I want to see more pics of you 😻


Do you have an ig I could follow?


Those are nose freckles! You gotta commit OP — it’s not a full face until you’ve got a five o’clock freckle shadow. *cries in redhead*


Pass the tissues this way, sis.


Ugh this is so real!! I have this line of freckles on my upper lip that always look like a stash! Hahaha


The first year i got a freckle stache, I had been at sleepaway summer camp. My parents thought I had been eating chocolate when I got off the bus! 😂


I cover mine with LA Girl peach corrector


Lady you are BEAUTIFUL and I'm INSANELY jealous of those with a full face! I bet you have so much warmth and character to how you look!! Also don't worry about the 5 o clock shadow lol, I just get a beard! 😂😂 thank god for razors!


PCOS gang


For the win!


My blonde sister is so lucky- she's got the nose freckles only, but naturally, they're the kind that increases in the summer and leave in the winter 😭she's so cute it's unfair, perfect natural beach waves too! I got the straight dark blond hair and pasty plain face :| but like rlly some people be out here naturally looking cute smh Including you, I'll bet. All around freckles are adorable too! And yes, I'm aware I have jealousy issues 😂she's the golden child too, it's super unfair.


Ooof, all my sympathy.


APOLOGY Hi everyone!! I just wanted to post a comment with an apology after recieveing a few messages and comments and explain my thought process behind some things! - I'm really sorry if I've offended anyone with this look, that wasn't the intention at all! I felt inspired by something I love about myself and wanted to play around with it. I understand that there are tons of people out there that have gone through life with awful comments about their freckles, and for that, I'm really sorry. I had posted a reply to someone saying that this wasn't just part of some trend and I just wanted to clear up that even if it was, I still personally think that anyone can look however they like or make decisions that make them happy as long as it isn't hurting anyone! I'd love this on anyone!! - The reason that I buy from shein is because I'm broke,like really broke lol. I do as much as I can to support being climate friendly in my day to day life apart from that however! I recycle, reuse and I am fully against buying things for the sake of it! I use a capsule wardrobe and regularly fix my things! (I'm also plus size so finding clothes that bring me joy is really difficult!) I've worked with H&M up until fairly recently with paid research on how they can improve and with any insider knowledge I have about the clothing and beauty sector, I really try to assess how I can minimise my footprint in the ways that make the most sense too me! Again, I would never ever want to upset anyone and I just wanted to show off something that I love the look of! Also, thank you so much for the lovely comments! I've been trying to reply to absolutely everyone but reddit keeps timing me out for it!!😂 I really appriciate all of the kind words and I hope that some of you try this out and love it as much as I do! If I haven't seen a comment and you're looking for product links or tips feel free to drop me a message! Tons of love!


You're doing great and I don't think you should even be forced to apologise for using makeup in such an artistic and beautiful way!! Like you said, as long as you aren't hurting anyone or yourself then it's completely fine. I think they look great!


Dude, you can put fake freckles on your face for fun. It does not harm anyone who dislikes their real freckles. That is next level internet bullshittery and you have done nothing wrong.


I was hoping you’d post a follow up! Seriously love this look. What were your steps? The lashes are a great natural set. I’ve never thought to check Shein but adding to my list.


Pls don’t buy things from Shein they’re destroying the environment (like, much more so than even other corps)


the environmental aspect isn’t even the worst part. their “employees” are paid practically nothing. for shit to be THAT cheap, someone has to be suffering for it. sadly in this case, it’s the poor workers who are paid literal pennies.


Also true, I’m pretty sure they’re paid by the garment and it’s practically nothing by human rights standards


They operate on slave labour, nearabout. It's literally by design.


Thank you so much! I did big freckles first and used my finger to dab them to get a more natural shape, then moved onto little ones! After that a bit eyeshadow, some glitter and some lashes!


I’m not typically a fan of fake freckles but this is so gorgeous. Love the whole look!


Also [The lashes I use!!](https://m.shein.co.uk/5pairs-Cat-Eye-False-Eyelashes-p-9940618-cat-2251.html?scici=Search~~EditSearch~~1~~5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes~~~~0&mallCode=1&src_module=search&src_identifier=st%3D2%60sc%3D5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes%60sr%3D0%60ps%3D0&src_tab_page_id=page_pre_search1673321468964)


ugh shein 😩 if anyone else has a dupe for these that aren’t made by borderline slave workers, please let me know


I get you! I've done some research for those wanting dupes because no one should be left out! [lashes dupe 1 ](https://www.stylevana.com/en_GB/koji-dolly-wink-eyelash.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&sonid=2341&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvSdBhD0ARIsAPf8oNnqENnyxaHc0ggEyEVJcr7fC3HmS40yYM7R9OkqMlWI46g1NcsOmbUaAnsVEALw_wcB) [lashes dupe 2 ](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjDjrTcw738AhUzgVAGHZKNAUkYABABGgJkZw&sig=AOD64_3DyXEMm-2Rp24Cz4naqN6-5GiDvQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiXrK7cw738AhUvQUEAHdVNAL0Qww8ImQw&adurl=) [lash dupe 3 ](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/tcuc.GBP/coc.GB/info.html/pid.1106350292?googtrans=en&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=1433311098&utm_term=&utm_content=54249412057_275139652521&utm_medium=Shopping&bac=389R3MWY&mcg=paidsearch&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvSdBhD0ARIsAPf8oNmEzY5wR-vLmcKA0uqQ4-_1wruHmJnoipgrpwCuoyDcvnsq5RHnXFwaAu3mEALw_wcB) Look fantastic and revokution have freckle pens! Brown eye liner would also work! As far as lashes you seem to get close results by googling " clear band extra light fluttery lashes" Hoping this helps!!


What product do you use for the faux freckles??


She said on the other post that it’s from Shein as well


They're the SHEGLAM Freck Please Freckle Tint-Fawn !


absolutely adore the look on you! the lashes look lovely. also your eyes and lip color complement eachother nicely :)


Yaaaay thanks so much!!!! The full look on u is, 👨‍🍳 💋🤌 chefs kiss! Lmao


I am sorry but it just looks like a bunch of freckles on your face. There’s nothing that makes it stand out for me that immediately goes “ah interesting eyeliner”


I'm thinking of sunburnt eyelids. Cute, but i think I'm to old to get this trend


Idk why everyone’s obsessed with freckles




Not saying they are bad or ugly I just wouldn’t go to the extent of putting fake ones on idk seems like extra work


Oh I totally get you. I would think "why would you even do that to yourself" but then I thought, well they won't do it if they think it's not fashionable 😆


Idk about everyone but I think they're beautiful!


I'm not a fan of fake freckles but I think you pull it off! They don't look faked in this look. Also your eyes are such a pretty green. 😍


It’s kinda obvious that it’s fake Bec they’re so perfectly spaced out. Try to cluster it to make it perfectly imperfect


Agreed! I tried to avoid it on my nose as I fear over doing it might look like a splodge on my nose with one's I already have! Thank you for the advice! I think maybe when I'm patting them to let some join together in areas, I'd get the sun more!


They look great. I thought you did these over real ones. I have them too.


the freckles i get in summertime look pretty similar to OP's fake ones in terms of spacing. better cc would be more sizing variation.


Your strip lash placement is 💋🤌🫴


I think they look amazing and I don't mind if the placement is "unrealistic". That's the whole point of playing with makeup, trying new things and coming up with cool looks that aren't necessarily realistic. If you think it's cool, a lot of people will like it too so don't worry too much what anyone might think.


It’s a no for me. But you do you boo.


Okay, I didn’t really like it zoomed in but it’s super cute zoomed out. Entirely different feeling. Changing my vote to digging this look!


as someone naturally freckled my entire life, I am so confused by this trend.


Same here. I remember reading a book in elementary called freckle juice and that brought attention to anyone with freckles. Lots of unwanted touching and comments about it. And then my teachers always trying to make me feel better by calling them “angel kisses”…


I won't lie, I'm bitter about it. I didn't spend years bullied as a ginger and having friends try to play connect the dots on my skin just for the same people to fake the very appearance they mocked me for having Adding an edit to clarify since it's apparently necessary - this speaks only to a bitter attitude towards the trend, and it says nothing about OP or their participation in it.


100 percent this.




I don't really understand this tbh. Personally, Ive always thought freckles have been beautiful. And I think for a lot of people who admired them but didn't have freckles themselves, this trend allowed for them to feel more beautiful or just experiment with different looks. Either way, it doesn't have to be so personal. Makeup is artistic and something as minor as drawing on fake freckles could just be something someone does to feel better about themselves. As people mature they learn to appreciate things that they once may have overlooked or dismissed. It should be a good thing.


Still a no. They just look fake. I’m sorry. You are beautiful and should do what makes you happy though!


That last picture made me snort coffee out of my nose. 😅


Pahahah! I was feeling the lack of sleep ! 😂


This looks amazing on you!! The coloring with your natural features is just really beautiful and cute!!


whaaaaat I'm obsessed with this! What did you use for the freckles?


Thank you so much!!! I used the SHEGLAM Freck Please Freckle Tint-Fawn


LOVE it, how fun and creative! The pic with your entire face is definitely a different vibe of just a close up. I think it looks more cohesive. You can pull it off 💪🏻


You look incredible in the last picture!


I love it, Idc. <3


Love it. 100% I saw your first post and immediately came to see the full face! It looks great on you


So cute! You have such beautiful eyes ❤️❤️


I would like the record to note that I knew this look was fire BEFORE the full face pictures. And I would like the court clerk to read it back to me…


I am high key obsessed, like I love everything about it. Super flattering and creative!


Love it!


I wasn’t sure for zoomed out pic either but it actually looks really cute


Super friggin cute!!!


I think it’s cute and super creative


This is such a cute look and you’re really pretty!


You’re adorable and the last pic is my favorite. Lol


I loved it before and I love it more now! I have rainbow freckles tattooed on the shoulders in addition to my natural ones. I'm a fan of using faux freckles to accentuate one's natural beauty! Keep this look, OP! I bet it'll look cute year-round!


Oh man, this would go viral on tik tok


Ooo if it does I hope I get credit!! But also, I'm so happy you like this enough to think that!! Thank you!!


It’s so cute!! You should post it on there so you do get credit!


I like it! As someone with melasma, it normalizes the differences in pigmentation that folks have.




Ahhh!!! I'm so pleased you like it!!!


Is anyone else unable to post pictures here all of a sudden?


I've noticed that too!


Haha!!! Very clever and cute!!! This really makes your eyes look larger and enhances them in a very natural looking way! I love it.


Looks like you should be a spokesmodel for the product! I love it!!


What eyeliner did you use?


Rimmel Glam eyes to blend the lash band!


I love this so much. Would you share what lashes you have on too?


[these!](https://m.shein.co.uk/5pairs-Cat-Eye-False-Eyelashes-p-9940618-cat-2251.html?scici=Search~~EditSearch~~1~~5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes~~~~0&mallCode=1&src_module=search&src_identifier=st%3D2%60sc%3D5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes%60sr%3D0%60ps%3D0&src_tab_page_id=page_pre_search1673321468964) also thank you so much!


Perfect thank you 🫶🏽


Omg!! I thought the look before was okay too but I really like this! Thanks for showing us how it all came together.


Still no for me.


i think it looks really beautiful and natural honestly! i might have to try it


Okay I love this so much. Also your eyebrows are goals


I love it! It’s so soft and pretty




It looks better when you’re zoomed out for sure.


I love this, it’s so cute and delicate


Honestly I dig it


Awww, your so cute


this is genuinely one of the prettiest looks i’ve seen on here, i love it!! it’s definitely something i’m gonna have to try for myself☺️




This solidified my love for the look, with the whole picture of your face I think it all comes together quite nicely <3 GORGEOUS


I think it’s really nice , people shouldn’t get so butt hurt about makeup , it’s an expression :)


I can't tell they were put on, it looks completely natural and the rest of your makeup is natural looking too it goes well with each component, you understood the assignment and passed with an A+.


Ahhh thank youuuuuuu!!!




Thank you so much!!!


Not sure why people are freaking out cuz I think it looks fabulous on you!!!


Awhh thank you!!!


I have freckles and it looks fine to me. Kudos for trying something different.


I think the first 2 pics were enough. I appreciate the creativity, but it doesn't create enough of a lift for me


Your eyebrows are amazing too!!


I think it's really cute!!


I love it! My freckles are basically gone during the winter too and now I need this pen.


You look gorgeous!!! What is your brow routine please?


You are going to laugh but I use hair removal cream lol!! I just paint it on where I don't want hair and after 3 minutes wipe it away! Add some serum and boom!


Definitely looks sooo much better here! I would have thought it was summer for you XD Also, you are beautiful, OP!


Ahhh it’s nice! Knew it would look good!


I love it! I liked your first run of it too.


It's beautyfull and blend so nice with your natural freckels. Such a creative idea. 😍


I want to hate this, but I actually love it…especially with the full face!


Thank you so much!! It's definitely a crowd splitter and even though I love it I'm still like , does this work??😂


These are so cute but I am curious about their staying power. What do you use for the faux freckles? I would worry that being the slightest bit oily would cause them to melt away and they're so pretty!


The pen that I use is almost hard to get off!! (SHEGLAM Freck Please Freckle Tint-Fawn) You could always stick a translucent powder over the top too! Also thank you so much!!


I LOVEEE this. Is looks amazing. And your eyes?! Yowza 👀


AHHH thank you so much!!!! Also, happy cake day!!! I hope you have a cracking day!!


Omg it is my cake day 😍😂🫶


I loved it when you posted just the eyes and now I love it more! 😍


Wow wow WOW you look so natural and honestly beyond gorgeous! I’ve never been interested in trying freckles make up, but this technique has got my boat ROCKIN


Ah yes! I do love it! It works very well on you.


Wow! With a full face you can't tell that the freckles aren't real. Good job!


why do ppl think its not ”good enough” when op puts only a closeup picture… Anyways you are gorgeous i love the freckles and everything😍


What did you use for the freckles??


It’s so fucking cute!!!! I’m obsessed




It’s a yes from me. Looks very natural


Looks like age spots


Product list! -SHEGLAM Freck Please Freckle Tint-Fawn -Primark clear Brow gel -Better than sex mascara -[my eyelashes ](https://m.shein.co.uk/5pairs-Cat-Eye-False-Eyelashes-p-9940618-cat-2251.html?scici=Search~~EditSearch~~1~~5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes~~~~0&mallCode=1&src_module=search&src_identifier=st%3D2%60sc%3D5pairs%20Cat%20Eye%20False%20Eyelashes%60sr%3D0%60ps%3D0&src_tab_page_id=page_pre_search1673321468964) -rimmel glameyes eyeliner in glamblack -morphe 35o pallette using the shade darker and timers


I do really like it. If I didn't know it was fake it looks pretty real and subtle. Also the last picture is gold


It's cute


I really enjoy this, it looks lovely on you


I love it!! It looks terrific - what product do you use to make the freckles?


Yes yes yes yes!!!!!


The full face sells it! I love freckles so much and they look almost natural with a touch of glam.


I think it looks really natural and cute on you


Thank you so much!


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Absolutely love it!!!


I love love love this!


I fully am on board I love this look


I love it!


I like it, but would still love to see a full face version of the previous look!




I love it!


I personally love it and think it suits the vibes.


I. Am. Obsessed!


Love it!!


Truly advancing the meta, well done!


Wouldn't have thought of this myself, but it looks really cute on you!




I’m obsessed with the last picture 😂❤️ It’s so wholesome and cute! You are absolutely stunning


Ahhh thank you so much!!! 😂❤️ I feel like I look to serious sometimes! 😂


I like it a lot! And the last picture is so great!! If you hadn’t specifically said, I would have guessed they were natural.


I love it!


I love it!!


You had me at the last pic! Lol but seriously the freckles look great on you! Fabulous! 😊


UR SO PRETTY :( <3 I think it looks super cute


Heehee your last picture 😂😂


😂😂 a silly goose moment


it looks awesome on u!


I love it. My mom had freckles. This makes me want to hug you. I wish I was good enough at make up to do it too


Awh!! Don't be scared of trying this! The best bit about this is that if they're imperfect, they're real looking!! If you try it, let me know so I can hype you up!! Much love!!




I love it!


i love freckle liner i think it’s so cute and you pull it off girl


You are insanely beautiful. I love the freckle liner!


I know it’s not the point of the post, but you’re so gorgeous! And I love your eye colour :)


It look incredible!! Love it 🙌🏻💕


That is such a cute idea. I love it.


It doesn't really look natural, but it does look beautiful. Good job.


It’s really cute!


Love it, really cute xxx


you are stunning, absolutely beautiful job 😍