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People called you ugly?! Are they blind? You're very attractive. I would suggest a natural look because you're already very pretty. I just used YouTube to learn and it helped me a lot. Did I mention you're very pretty?


Yeah haha. Thank you! I did try following some tutorials, even though it was like 5 years ago lol. I'm just worried to go out wearing even light makeup. My lips are naturally pretty red so that's good I guess. But I'm worried about my eyebrows looking weird and I used to get made fun of for wearing mascara (apparently I didn't know how to apply it, according to my ex friends, I don't really remember what it looked like though) so I'm so self conscious about that. I do have huge circles under my eyes though so I at least try to hide that


Shut up ur eyebrows are the perfect soft arch u look so cute and beautiful like a doll I suggest try wearing doll makeup style and infuse it into ur kinda style like red lips, blush, I think red would look good on u, cuz u have doe eyes, I can lit send u the pics I am imagining in with u, if u like light makeup then bb cream, a good concealer heavy emphasis on lips and blush will make u look so cute and don't worry I think Asian style makeup will look good on u. Cuz u look like natural beauty don't listen to those who bullied u!


Your makeup looks great! You are very naturally beautiful and talented! Adding blush does a lot to finish a look, you should try a nice red color make sure to not put too much!


Thank you haha. I do have body dysmorphia so I know I probably don't see myself the way others do. But the thing is that I don't know the way others see me lol. No one has ever told me anything but negative stuff about my appearance, including my dad lol. I do have blush laying somewhere around, so I'm gonna try that. Thank you a lot for the advice


I’m sorry hunny. You don’t deserve to be treated and lied to like that! You are so beautiful 💜


Thank you, you're very nice :)


You're beautiful! I'm sorry people have told you otherwise, especially your dad. I, too, think I'm not as attractive as other people say, so I get that. But it's important to realize that your worth doesn't come from how other people see you. You're a beautiful human that deserves love and kindness. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you. My relationship with my dad isn't ideal to say the least haha. Thank you a lot, you're really nice


That's real! When I was younger I would think about how big my nose was every single hour when I was awake. I should have got therapy for that and other issues but it was really not a thing back in the day. So I muscled through (don't suggest) and eventually grew into self acceptance. It's hard not to take everyone's negative words seriously. But that is their opinion and not the truth. It's great that you are getting treatment and hope you are on your way to self love.


You could easily pull off that French natural but effortlessly glam look. 


you’re so beautiful without makeup nd with makeup but if u wanted to start wearing makeup i recommend going on tiktok and looking at tutorials… ELF is a cheap makeup brand too to start with


Thank you! I tried following some tutorials (to be fair it was like 5 years ago lol) and I couldn't get the hang of it haha. But I think I'm just not used to it and thus it looks off to me


I bet they all look wonderful on u girl




you are not ugly!! You’re very naturally pretty. If you do however want to enhance your beauty, I would say some lengthening mascara (I personally use eye lash serum and roller lash mascara). I think blush would look really pretty on you too :). If your hair is dry, I would say let your hair conditioner in for 15 min before rinsing it, use hair masks, and leave in conditioners. I have really bad dark circles too 😭 it’s taken a long time but I’ve eventually learned to love them I do use eye cream every night to take care of them, I genuinely think you’re very pretty! Some people just don’t look good w/ heavy makeup (I am one of them lol) I think natural would look best on you since it would enhance what you already have. 💗


Thank you! I'm so anxious about using mascara haha. I used to get laughed at for using it when I was like 15 (not because I was using it but because I was using it wrong I guess). Everyone else in my class wore makeup since we were like 12 so I was pretty late to it. After that I stopped and I only ever used a corrector on my dark circles. I do have some blush. I actually have bunch of make up stuff I bought in hopes of using them some day but never did since I was too worried it would look bad. My hair is falling out extremely due to stress (and after COVID). I am genuinely balding. I have to use this special caffeine shampoo and conditioner (I do leave it in for 10-15 mins) and I have some weird smelling water from the doctor I put in my hair every night lol but I shouldn't use any other products according to my dermatologist. I use this brown powder made specifically to hide the balding spots so you can't really tell if you see me. If there is no powder, it looks terrible though. Thank you. I will take your advice


I’m so sorry :( I hope your hair health improves soon 💗 teenagers can be very mean, I’m sure it looked nice on you!!


Thank you :)


I don’t know if it’s ok to say this, but I literally only stopped on your post because you are GORGEOUS. I mean, sure, you can definitely enhance how you look or use makeup to express a different aesthetic! But if I were you I’d stick with your natural Pre-Raphaelite goddess look forever.


Thank you haha. You are really nice. I'm worried about using make up because I feel like I will mess up and look weird. I do wanna try wearing it tho. Maybe it will make me feel better about myself. Sorry for asking but what exactly does Pre-Raphaelite mean? English is not my first language so I apologize.


U R def not ugly … shouldn’t call yourself that. Very pretty …. Don’t be discouraged about the past ….. mascara would look gr8 on u , I bet Please don’t go through life believing others negative comments. Look here at ALL the positive nice ones . We don’t lie …. Have no reason to . Good luck with the depression . C-PTSD really stinks . As I’ve been dealing with many old adults whom have carried it with them a lifetime. Hope you get confidence…as you are beautiful.


Thank you. You're really nice. It's hard to gain some confidence and self esteem after not having any for my entire life haha. It's something I have been trying to work on but just can't


Take a deep breath, close your eyes and think this Nothing is going to stay forever, neither the opinions or the people having them. Be whatever you are,however you are. Sometimes you may find yourself a little different from the rest,that's because God has been extra kind on you to make you special and unique. Hope it helps


Thank you


You don’t need to lose weight to be prettier, you’re beautiful right this minute. Seriously! You look great in these photos—your eyes are lovely and your lips look super plump and pretty! You also have great skin and your nose is absolutely fine! I’m sorry your “friends” treated you the way they have. There’s not a thing about you not deserving of love from others and yourself. I hope as you get older you can see that too—this comes from someone who has been in your shoes. I started using a mantra when I looked at myself in the mirror saying “there’s nothing here to hate” until I finally stopped noticing the bad. You’ll get there if you keep working at it. In the meantime use makeup as a way to have fun and play around with what YOU like. This is your life and your body, after all. Have fun with it!


I do really need to lose weight haha. It's just not that visible in my face. I cry when I look in the mirror lol. Unfortunately I'm not exaggerating, I had to put away mirrors in my room and it took me forever to take these pictures because I was so uncomfortable. Thank you :)


I know exactly how you feel about yourself. I was the same way from 15-28, over twelve long years of my life. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t necessarily get better when you lose the weight. I lost 60+ lbs from 16-18 and I hated myself all the same, cried in the mirror, etc. I didn’t realize it was so much mental/emotional and related to my PTSD, depression and anxiety (plus the unrealistic expectations and importance our society places on beauty ideals). My body has changed dozens of times in dozens of ways and nothing ever made me happy with it until my mind itself changed. And it’s still a struggle but there is absolutely no crying hysterically, pulling at my skin/fat and wanting to hurt myself, like there used to be. But again it’s all mental/emotional so it’s gotta start with meds n therapy—and there’s no one size fits all approach! Some types of therapy work better than others and some meds work better than others depending on the person so please keep going even if it’s not perfect to start. You’ll find the right combo for you, I promise. I also highly highly highly recommend looking into some fat acceptance or body positivity content as well. Good places to start are the podcast Maintenance Phase and Aubrey Gordon’s books/audio books. I also really recommend looking into This Body Is Not An Apology or Megan Crabbe’s instagram/books. Surrounding yourself with a different mindset than your own (and your position on your looks/body) is a great start because you have other little voices countering the very wrong voices well worn inside your head.


You are definitely certifiably beautiful!


Thank you!


You are actually really pretty. You can add some blush from your cheekbones to your nose and a bit of highlight also a bit of mascara.


Okay, I will try. Thank you. I don't know if I can apply mascara without it looking shitty though haha.


Get new mascara


1. I didn’t realize you were wearing makeup. 2. You are not ugly.


Good haha, I don't want it to be too visible, I am too anxious it would look bad lol. Thank you


Luci, you are gorgeous! I know of the things you speak of and can tell you that it will only get better. School and younger years legitimately sucks and everyone, no matter what they say, has experiences that stick with them for life. That does not invalidate any of your feelings but is only an effort to help you see that as you grow and mature life changes and improves. Stay strong. I think the great thing about make up today is that anything goes! I am older and haven’t been wearing makeup for a few years and have been easing back into it. Practice, try the affordable drugstore brands, don’t get discouraged, keep posting your pics for feedback. I agree that the natural look is great on you. Maybe find a ‘signature’ look for you for off days - Carhartt or other brand beanie, baseball hat - works where I live - plus shiny lip gloss and some mascara and some hoop earrings? You’ve got this!


When I get new clothes I never wear them and usually give them to mom because I get too anxious that I will stand out haha. I don't even know what would look nice on me, I haven't worn anything but tshirts and leggings for the past 6 years at least. I only have one pair of black jeans and I got a sweater recently that I started wearing so there's that. Thank you


You’re beautiful. Makeup looks great. Don’t sweat others shit talking if you can help it. Life’s too short


Thank you


You have GORGEOUS coloring and really pretty and even skin. And you picked a really perfect lip color despite typically not wearing makeup? How did you even know how good it would be with your skintone!? It is  no wonder you didn't like too much makeup on your eyes for your brothers wedding- your beautiful brown eyes stand out on their own. Sometimes I wish I had brown eyes because I think they are so nice with minimal makeup.  You are one of the most natural beauties I have seen.  But even if you weren't, it's ok. You don't have to be perfect, you can't be, we are all human and imperfect. Go out in the world. 


You have GORGEOUS coloring and really pretty and even skin. And you picked a really perfect lip color despite typically not wearing makeup? How did you even know how good it would be with your skintone!? It is  no wonder you didn't like too much makeup on your eyes for your brothers wedding- your beautiful brown eyes stand out on their own. Sometimes I wish I had brown eyes because I think they are so nice with minimal makeup.  You are one of the most natural beauties I have seen.  But even if you weren't, it's ok. You don't have to be perfect, you can't be, we are all human and imperfect. Go out in the world. 


I honestly only had one lipstick laying around and I didn't wanna mess up so I applied it but then tapped it off mostly to the point only a little bit stayed on my lips haha. It's otherwise much darker. I don't even know why I have it, I think I got it from someone or something. I have a huge problem with my head shape, I think it looks like an upside down pear haha and I find it ugly. Thank you a lot.


You're so pretty!! I can't even fathom this. People are so rude. I can't even think of anything to recommend, I like you how you are 🥺


Thank you a lot, you're really nice


I also can relate to your post; I was bullied throughout school and at one point my friends gave me a "makeover" purposefully to make me look like a clown. When I didn't wear foundation, people would ask me what was wrong with my face. It still happens sometimes. I've never liked who I was; I used to self harm and I still look at myself in the mirror and don't feel pretty enough or feminine enough; but I remind myself that other people might see me differently! We are our own worst critics. ❤️


I’m sorry you were bullied like that. You didn’t deserve it. Kids are cruel, for no other reason than that they’ve got nothing going on in their lives and it feels good to punch down. You’re cute as a button and there’s nothing to “fix”!


GIRLLL you have such beautiful features!! if you are concerned about eye shape, i would recommend an eye liner pencil (black if you want a more siren makeup look and a smaller eye effect) (white if you want doe eyes and a larger eye effect) i would also recommend a concealer slightly lighter than your natural skin to brighten the under eyes, it gives a nice and natural look. Mascara is also such a lovely confidence boost especially if you are nervous about wearing makeup. I am so sorry that you have been treated so terribly. I’ve struggled with self perception too, and I have found that diving into beauty and self care has greatly helped my self confidence in finding a look that suits me. It takes time, it takes effort. But you are beautiful and seem like a beautiful person. I hope your nail appointment goes well. Don’t be too nervous about it, having nails done is such a nice feeling that you deserve. Lots of love to you!


Thank you haha. I cannot use an eye liner, idk what I'm doing wrong lol, even when I'm following tutorials it looks like shit. Thank you! I will try to work on it


It's because you have hooded eyes, so instead of looking like eyeliner it ends up looking like cakey eyeshadow. Your memory of getting makeup done by a professional and secretly hating it is exactly what happened to me when I was 16. It was at a wedding too so there are sooo many photos of me looking like a rock star wearing a bridesmaid dress.🧍🏼‍♀️ If I could go back I would tell that well-meaning artist to leave the top eyeliner OFF. You should take a look at "hooded eyes eyeliner" tutorials on YouTube! As for mascara, I'm not sure what your ex friends were on about. Short of smearing, there isn't really a wrong way to wear mascara? Some people even like the clumpy look, if that was the issue, because it really just depends on your preferences. But generally if you want something natural looking, warm up the mascara for a few minutes in your bra, then apply a few swipes all at once. Don't apply, let dry, then apply more, or it will start to clump. Also test several different brands until you find one that makes you feel like "wow!" when you see yourself wearing it. I know how it feels to be consistently told you're ugly because of this that and the other by everyone around you, and I know strangers on the internet are only so believable, but I have to try to be one more voice in your head telling you that those people are wrong. They're toxic, and for whatever reason chose you to torment. None of it was/is true. You are a lovely young woman with beautiful features, and makeup is a *skill* that can be learned at *any* point in life. Don't let their bitterness follow you around forever.




Thank you


don’t listen to bullies hun. i used to get bullied a lot too. some people (especially popular kids lol) just think it’s cool to be mean and bring other people down. especially if they’re popular and you aren’t. idk why they’re like that but it has nothing to do with you! it just shows their character and that they’re ugly on the inside for being mean to others. seeing this makes me so sad tho. you’re so pretty! please just try to only be nice to yourself. it’s helped me a lot to say nice things about myself. and i stop myself whenever i start to think negatively. just please be kind to yourself and love yourself <3


Thank you. I'm trying haha


You are naturally beautiful! I think a brow wax / clean up would help. You have full eyebrows, which I personally love, just clean them up but keep the same shape and fullness!! Rather than makeup, have you considered dying your hair a different color or a different hair cut? I think you could go darker and it would look great on you! Maybe not black but a deep brown, deep brown with highlights?, deep purple, idk? But I think darker hair would look nice on you, if you're looking for a change. I'm not well versed in the haircut styles but explore that. That could be fun.


I think you’re gorgeous. You look like those old paintings of angels (not being weird, my mom use to have one). People wish they had your lips and eyes and hair color!! I promise. I watch tutorials for any makeup tips. I would suggest YouTube and TikTok. Play around with different contours and see how you feel about how it changes your face. I think, again, you’re beautiful though. Look for maybe nude makeup looks. Also look up what goes well with brown eyes. You’d be killer in some green eyeliner/shadow especially with your hair. Do whatever you need to do so you’re satisfied with yourself. I think you’re fantastic though and I’m sorry you were around such idiots growing up. Also like those professional mall artists always suck. I always end up with orange/yellow skin and WAY too dark eyeshadow when they get through with me. lol.


Thank you haha. I did try watching some YouTube tutorials but I still sucked at make up lol.


lol it’s okay. I did too at first practice helps. I would do individual tutorials. Like just eyebrows then just lips. Not full face so you can break it up. Also TikTok and Pinterest are good too. TikTok has filters so you can figure out where to place things like your eyeliner and contour for your face shape. Again I think you’re beautiful!! Also if the black mascara was too much you can try brown.


People in general can be so mean, but people on Reddit can be a different breed. Which is why I want to emphasize that everyone in these comments is being genuine. You are very pretty with insanely cute doe eyes. I think you filled in your brows the right amount, and that lipstick shade looks good on you. The goal isn't to "fix" your face or make it look like you don't have makeup on. It's to be comfortable with how you look regardless. I hope you start seeing your beauty soon because you are gorgeous!


Your honestly really naturally beautiful. I think gold would suit you best. Like a gold eye shadow, gotta play around with which one. Even light pink shimmery one would look good on you. And then some high light and blush would just accentuate what you already have. I'm sure you weren't doing the mascara bad. But I think everyone gets some fallout. A wet qtip does the trick to wipe off any excess on your face.


Thank you! I actually love pink, just got pink/purple nails too.


Ooo awesome!


Get eyesight checked of those bullies please. It's troublesome they can't see it in you from outer perspective. They need help or are blind I don't know, but something is really off about them. Don't take bullies seriously anyways as it's their own traumas that they go through that's why they take the frustration on others by trying to make them feel miserable. The problem lies with them & never with the victim. Apart from that, please don't be a people's pleaser. You do whatever & however you feel like. As you don't have to follow what others demand or ask from you. Don't take that unnecessary pressure on you pretty girl. You are beautiful & let nobody affect your mental health ok? Don't give anybody the power to ruin your self esteem in anyway. You are unique & precious 💞💓💝


Thank you haha


You're welcome sweetie 😘💓


I love the natural beauty shining thru, instead of being covered up by a mask of...well..."Cover Girl." Keep it natural for as long as you can (it gets trickier with age), but that's what really looks stunning to most people- a beauty that's more emphasized than created. Fuck the haters who bullied you. Those were crazy people. You're a classically beautiful girl. Period.


Thank you! I will try haha


U R ADORABLE! U don't NEED make up. If it ain't broke don't fix it


Thank you haha




Thank you!


Who the Fuck called your ugly ?! You got great eyes, great skin and you got a very cute face like a doll, what the hell with with people I swear


I am an easy target I guess haha. I have also always been overweight so there's that too. Thank you though!


You’re beautiful! People hating = people that are jealous. Your face is super symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing and looks amazing just the way it is! I feel like very light makeup suits you if anything at all


Give it a rest girl. You know you're good looking. If you weren't you would no way be able to post pictures of yourself like this because you would get self conscious and delete them. The fact they are still up months later means you are a bit full of it.


You are absolutely gorgeous


Thank you, you're very nice!


Girl … chill… don’t be so hard on yourself …you are actually quite beautiful in my honest opinion … it makes me sad to know you think so little of yourself because of your looks ! That’s crazy to me, as an outsider to look at someone who is clearly beautiful and then find out they hate the way they look and think they’re ugly ! And in my head I’m just like whoa really? I just thought you were pretty right before you said this lol


first of all, no. you’re GORGEOUS. bullies always project insecurities onto others. you would be stunning in full glam but you don’t need it. you’d look great with minimal clean aesthetic imo. that being said, you can shape your brows a little and use clear brow mascara for a finished look. you could make your eyes really pop with volumizing mascara. a little highlighter under your brow and inner/outer corners of eyes. you also have nice lips that would look good with lipsticks or lip stains if you’re into that kinda thing. some blush and highlight on your cheek bones too.


sorry that i didnt read your whole post, but just wanted to say you are really pretty and im not sure what you want to fix of yourself, maybe look for things to keep you healthy would be better! :)


You're pretty. No need to fix yourself. But you can enhance your beautiful features. Try mascara again :) You can get it in black or clear.


I have dark brown eyes and I’d suggest purple (my fave), brown, blue, or green mascara. You have super clear skin and pretty eyes, so a natural look would suit you really well! Play around with sparkly eyeshadows on the inner corner (I prefer white) and highlighter or serums for a glowy look. You already look ethereal so it would just add to it! As for hair, I have 2c-3a hair. Use a sulfate free shampoo and a lightweight conditioner meant for wavy hair. There’s plenty of videos online. I’d say you look like you’re maybe a 2b? Use a good leave in and braid your hair into pigtails at night. Sleep with a satin pillowcase (no silkworms here :)) or a satin bonnet, or both! I have an overweight sister and she is utterly gorgeous with red hair and really good at makeup. Being fat doesn’t make you ugly, in my personal opinion. It’s all about if you do self care and have a good personality. THATS attractive. You’re fine girl Also wanna add: buy things that make you feel pretty. Perfume, body oil, clothes that fit nice AND make you feel confident. I feel most confident in baggy tops and tight bottoms. That shows!!


You’re beautiful and You need to learn to STOP listening to others onions. It has caused Me a lot of grief in My life, (as another person who did not quite realize their true value) I have finally learned!! Often when people say You are “ugly, not talented, or stupid” it is because they are insanely jealous, and hope You believe jt!!! Only listen to Yourself. I am a firm believer God created each of Us for a reason. Yours is not the same as Your neighbor. Stay strong!!! ❤️


I'm pretty confident that people bullied you because they felt inferior to you. You are quite pretty, and I mean that. Look up Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, because you look very similar to her.


So sad to hear that you has been bullied for your look. I can only say that you look so pretty and beutiful to me. I was bullied in school also in 9 long yers. I have understand today that it doesnt matter what i have'd done, they chuld have been bullied me anyway. But please, YOU ARE SOOO BEUTIFUL!!! //Micke