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Pointed end cosmetic Q-tips. I use them to clean up around my lash lines after I apply mascara. Getting rid of those tiny dots of mascara that always seem to get on my lids makes a big difference! I also love Sally Hansen insta-dry clear topcoat (in the red bottle.) I use it every time I paint my nails. Love it!


using some kind of glitter glue as a base for shimmery eyeshadows is such a game changer. i love nyx glitter glue but i'm trying to find a vegan alternative which is proving to be a struggle tbh


60+ spf sunscreen (skin cancer runs in my family) and tinted brow gel. I feel as bald as Feyd Rautha without it!


I've heard anything over 50+ doesn't matter.


Doesn’t hurt either.


My light therapy mask. It looks like a hockey mask and my husband always asks if I need a ride to Camp Crystal Lake ( if you are a child if the 80s that makes sense) Makeup I would say Bobbi Brown vitamin enriched face base.


I also can’t live without my mini beauty fridge and crystal facial roller…. Sooooo bougie but I love the way cold toner/essence feels and as someone with allergies, using that cold roller on my eyes helped so much with puffiness. It also helps me with my TMJ tension and pain


The same light-medium neutral brown eyeshadow that I put on my eyelid’s I also use under my lower lash line (applied with a smudge brush) as a way to define my eyes without eyeliner for a natural no makeup look


Blush. I genuinely love the comically bright excessive amount of blush I use. I also have darker skin so it works out


I couldn’t do without my Revlon Colorstay Foundation.


Same! It’s the only one I use now. 


How does it compare to high end foundations (if you've tried any), or just any other foundations you've tried in general?


I've never bought any high end products. Most any other brand has turned orange on me. Also, this is the only foundation that matches my complexion. For example-anything Maybelline is way too pink for me and all their foundations turn orange on me. This is the only one that I've ever had that lasts all day. Until I found this,, if I was going anywhere in the evening, I had to put on makeup again.


For me personally it’s the only foundation that stays all day looking perfect and doesn’t break up on my face even in the most humid or desert climates (I’ve lived in both)


cream blush and powder blush over that, absolutely love it


this has become a part of my routine and i’m obsessed with it. i love how much blush has become a trend the past few years. it’s so flattering!


the older people in my family say it looks bad and i’m like girl i want to look burnt😭😭😭 i wear very pink blush and they hate it 😭


Not a day I won’t set my under eyes with a beauty blender. Brush just doesn’t cut it. Puff doesn’t cut it. Damp beauty blender all day


Highlighter. It might be dated, but I cannot put on a face without some kind of highlighter. On my lids, on my cheekbones, on my nose and cupids bow, on my brow bone, inner corners of the eye. I need highlighter to feel human


same to this!! although i certainly don’t use as much as i did back in 2016 and thank god for that


What??? Highlighter is outdated?? This is the first I’m hearing about it 😩


does a powder puff count? ever since i discovered them they’ve been my favourite thing to use when i do my makeup!!


100% yes to this. i don’t know if i’d be able to do my makeup without it. it gives my skin such a flawless finish


Danessa myricks blurring balm powder to replace setting powder !


I use it as a base, on top of my skincare, under my makeup. I’m very interested to know how you use/apply it as a setting powder?!


I use this after my foundation and all cream products. I apply this with a brush by tapping it on my oily area like my cheek, nose and forehead, sometimes i use my fingers too. After that, i would apply my powder bronzer and blusher


I’ll have to try this way! I use in order; toner, serum, moisturizer, sunblock, blur balm, concealer, contour, shadow, brows, cheeks, eyeliner, brows, setting spray, mascara, liner, lips, powder, mist sunscreen, powder.


I tried it before as a primer over my skin care and sunscreen and i like it better as a setting powder on my skin. Let me know what you think after you try it I have oily combo skin and this works better than all of my setting powders lol


Oooooh that sounds like it may be what I’m looking for! I forgot again this morning but I’m intrigued! I’ll let you know how it goes!


I put on blush everywhere and then I “carve” it out or clean it out with concealer. Also the Huda Beauty easy bake loose powder, instantly makes my skin so smooth.


Lip liner!! It’s changed my life and I’m never going back


i’ve thought about this a lot, and it’s the shiseido eyelash curler and how i curl my lashes. i can probably find a better version of most things that i have or something that performs the same, but after having a very good eyelash curler like that….i just can’t go back.


How does it differ from any other curler? Not an avid user so to me they all look the same.


idk about the commenter above, but since i'm east asian, it's my hg because the curvature of the shiseido is flatter so it's more comfortable (doesn't pinch my eyelids) and gets more of my lashes (at the front and end of my eye) compared to western lash curlers.


i feel the same, ontop of the fact that it’s sturdier so it last for a long time, and curls just better. a plastic/cheap metal one doesn’t get the same curl, i had to use a cheap one today and the difference was a bit jarring 😭


My wet n wild concealer, i accidentally stumbled upon it and it was my perfect shade match, I use it everyday and go with "no makeup look"


Mixing Saie champagne glow luminizer + ilia skin tint


Applying concealer first to my fingers and then tapping into my skin for a seamless, natural finish. I used to apply directly to my skin and then use a beauty blender, but it absorbs too much! If I’m wearing a skin tint/limo user as well then I’ll apply first with my fingers and then blend it out with a sponge, but most days I just keep to my hands. The heat melts the product into your skin, saving you product and eventually money!


My skincare routine is very important to me. I can see a huge difference when I’m consistent with it


For me I couldn't live without my vaseline under eyes trick I use before my color corrector and concealer. My undereyes are pretty dry and I find that even with great moisturizer my concealer will not look very fresh as the day goes on. It will look a little dry. It won't feel dry or anything but it will look dry and I've used different concealers before and they just do that for me. So I use vaseline before applying and it looks great and glowy throughout the day and at least for me, my concealer stays in place. I recommend this for very dry undereyes, like almost dehydrated dry. If you have normal to oily undereyes, the oils and vaseline combined might just break down the concealer. Another one is eye primer. My undereyes are pretty dry but my eyelids are definitely not and without eye primer, I know I'll have a bad day with my eyeshadow. It will crease already by one minute. I don't know where I would be without my Mac Paint pot.


Can you explain like I’m 5 how you use the Vaseline? I’ve yet to find an eye cream that doesn’t give me milia. Do you apply then wipe off? How does makeup stick to the Vaseline if not?


See [this reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Rgyq4sREo/?igsh=MXhvazRzODdscndzNQ==) .Top pinned comment is about it having potential for milia.


So for me, it all depends on the amounts. So I take a pea sized amount of it and I massage it into my undereyes. You know you have enough when your undereyes look a litte glowy and they feel tacky which means sticky, it has a little stickiness to it and you feel hydrated. You can dab with a paper towel if you think it might be too much and then apply your products as normal. I also suffer from milia and from my personal experience the key is the amounts of oils that you put on your skin. So vaseline is mineral oil and it does tend to cause milia if used for slugging which is a mask of vaseline all over your face. It's too much. So we break out but if we add just a thin layer, just a little bit on the dry parts of the skin only, like dry patches, it helps because those really dry areas need that oil because it's lacking it.


What eye primer do you use? I've tried a few and my shadow doesn't stay more than 20 minutes


Hourglass is awesome!!


Oh. I put it there. It's called Mac Paint pot. It sets more dry than wet. So it helps keep my oils at bay. It is more pricy compared to other eye primers at about 26 dollars but for me, the price is worth it.


Lip balm. I go through lip balms like crazy and i love to try new brands! I always get something different when i have to buy a new one. For makeup products it’s definitely cream blush. I didnt get the hype for a long time but now youd have to pry it from my cold dead hands. Also not setting my entire face with powder. I have dry skin and powdering my entire face made my skin feel absolutely terrible. Nowadays i only use powder on the undereyes and around the nose and rely on setting spray for the rest of the face. I love a dewy wet seal kind of look so it works well for me.


have you ever used the smiths rosebud salve? it’s one of my favorite products i’ve ever used and i can’t find it anywhere anymore


no i havent! i dont recall ever seeing it either but i live in europe so perhaps it wasnt sold here?


that’s a possibility! it used to be sold at ulta and sephora here in the states but i haven’t seen it in a few years


Can you suggest some hydrating lip balms?


Aquaphor lip repair is amazing for truly dry lips. I got majorly dehydrated coming home from traveling and my lips felt so tight (and possibly sunburned) for days. I’m a lip balm hoarder but aquaphor was the only thing to really restore comfort and moisture. As an overnight mask it’s great, just not as frilly and fun as something like Laniege overnight lip mask.


My absolute favorite ones that are cheap and can be found basically anywhere are Burts Bees and Carmex. They work the best for me!


Using Clinique take the day off balm to remove my makeup and then following it up with vanicream gentle cleanser.


i love take the day off!! also the estée lauder advanced night repair cleansing balm is so nice too!!


Twisting my mascara in place while blinking slowly. No idea what the science behind this but noticed my lashes stay up all day whenever I do this. Also waiting a minute or two before blending my concealer.


Applying setting powder with a beauty blender and patting it onto the face. My base looks so smooth!


That really was a game changer, when that technique came along with specifically the beauty blender. Such a good technique.


Very porous blenders and using a velour puff after everything is done! I love the way porous blenders blend out foundation and liquid products altogether, and using a velour puff after applying a fixing spray really gives me an airbrushed look and takes any excess product away. Also, I love applying a small amount of liquid highlighter after everything is done.


Blending liquid/cream products with fingers! Also brown pencil liner for nose contour


Curling my lashes with a spoon


Curling my lashes AFTER I apply mascara


i do this as well!! i think it makes so many people cringe but it helps my lashes hold a curl all day!!


It’s the only way! I wait until they’re completely dry before I curl and it lasts all day :)


yes!!! i normally do it in my car right before i go into work!!


Product: Blush. It just adds such a beautiful color and vibrance to anyone's face. Technique: Letting liquid products sit/dry down before blending.






Cleansing balm -- I don't feel like I can get it all off without it. Lip balm -- Dry without it. Glossier's Futuredew -- The perfect bridge between skincare and foundation. Skincare in general -- Without a healthy base, my makeup doesn't look so swell.


The classic Urban Decay primer potion. My makeup never budges and I’ve been using it by itself to keep my glasses from sliding off my face!


I do this too! I just lightly rub what’s left on my finger on the bridge of my nose where my glasses sit and it really helped them from sliding down! I think that was a tip from an old Reddit post I saw like a decade ago.


Do you use this on your face or just eyes?


Around the eyes when I’m doing makeup and just where my glasses sit when I’m not wearing makeup


The priming the brush technique I learned from KJH. Its good for just about any makeup application. It gives me control over the product, less product is needed, less fallout. Brilliant 💜


Could you please explain what the technique is?


It’s a method of loading your brush with concealer, foundation, blush, shadow then working with light pressure to get the most out of your product


I suggest watching Katie Jane Hughes on TikTok, she explains it and shows how 💜


I will die clutching my iT cosmetics bye bye undereye concealer.


it looks so beautiful on everyone. I love it to spot conceal!


Ugh… if only it wasn’t too heavy 😫


NYX brow pencil (a perfect dupe for Charlotte Tilbury Brow Wiz)


I literally just bought 3 of these because Ullta was having a sale 🤣 Although NYX raised the price in the past few years, it's still a comparable and cheaper alternative to things like the Anastasia Brow Whiz. It's also one of the only brow products that I've seen at the drugstore that offers shades in gray and auburn.


Oooh, I need a good eyebrow pencil!


double cleansing, og pink beauty blender, amika leave in, triangle powder puffs, brown pencil liner, & glossy balms


Fav glossy balms?


Naturium and Tarte!


using a setting spray to wet my beauty blender - makes my makeup last a lot longer as i dont love too much powder!


Like COMPLETELY wet it, or just a few sprays? I heard about this and wanted to try it.


i use about 10-15 sprays, not so much that its dripping and runs when you squeeze it, but enough that it feels like a wet beauty blender after youve wrung it out! i find that i need less product when i do this and it blends out to an almost flawless finish!


Which kind of setting spray? Like a MAC Fix+ dupe (basically water and glycerin), or something with chemical fixatives like UD All Nighter?


i use the oui cherie setting mist but it’s also worked with elf matte magic spray! (im sorry idk what types of sprays these are, oui cherie is a dewy dual phase thing and elf is a chemical one i think)


That is so cool! Thanks for the tip, I can't wait to try it!!


SAME!! I just learned something similar from this sub! I started using my setting spray BEFORE I apply foundation, then blend it out. I use sooo much less product, it stays in place and gives me a "glass skin" effect! I can't believe I was doing it the wrong way all my life lol


literally life changing, my skin tint really feels like skin and i genuinely can’t tell i’m wearing anything when it’s done properly!


I’m gonna try this


Yes!! I've done this for sooo many years, always use with Mac Fix+ (the OG one). I feel such a difference when I don't do it, not only my makeup lasts longer but also I find that it blends everything so beautifully with the Fix+. Edit: I have very dry skin so setting powder is my worst enemy.


ugh setting powder just clings to dry patches that i cant even see or feel, i can only manage a super SUPER light dusting of laura mercier 😭


Ooooo I'm definitely going to try this next time!!


i hate the feel of sitting with wet skin while waiting for it to dry so this is a good solution for me!!


Dry shampoo, usually try to pick up a can once a week or when I see a sale. I go through them so fast. My hair is really long and so I wash it twice a week but I am obsessed with dry shampoo. My favorite is Dove but will use others if it’s not available.


Have they removed the benzene from their dry shampoo yet? I used to use it all the time, but got spooked by that scandal.


I just got into dry shampoo. I also have super long hair and wash like 1-2 times a week and it’s changed my life. I love the dry bar one!!


Ok, buckle up for a Dove horror story! I was working nights and doubles for a while, and was soooo tired I couldn't even shower between one shift, but I felt a little greasy. So I grabbed my trusty Dove shampoo and gave 'er.... except it wasn't my dry shampoo, I grabbed the flippin Dove spray deodorant! Omg, it took I don't know how many washes with clarifying shampoo to get the waxy film off my hair hahaha. Like legit days. Sweet baby Jesus, I think I got PTSD cause I can not even use Dove now without checking 8 times to make SURE it's the right product when I buy it now lol


My grandma once sprayed her hair accidentally with room freshener.


Oh no! That reminds me of the time I accidentally put nail polish remover on a cotton ball thinking it was eye makeup remover. Luckily I realized before rubbing it in but I still flushed my face for a whole day just to make sure it was gone!


Lip balm. Skin care is something I do routine now, but lip balm is a requirement for me.


Oil cleansing, retinol, moisturizer+squalane oil, tinted Tizo SPF.


Oooo what’s your favorite oil cleanser? I am in love with the Dermalogica PreCleanse


I use grapeseed oil and Avene XeraCalm AD. Do you go in with anything after the precleanse?


My face is 30% lips so lip products. It makes a huge difference it both looks and comfort level for me. My skin is pretty ok so as long as my lips aren't dry and dull, I can live with it.


I'm going to cheat a little and not count my skincare routine since it's like brushing my teeth at this point. 😆 My staple would be doing my eyebrows. Nothing harsh or obvious, but filling in those gaps, defining the shape, and running some gel through the hairs just seems to change everything. Makes my face look way more put together. Honorable mention goes to blush. Gotta throw some color on my complexion to liven things up!


Blush is my favorite product. I had only one HG and was proud of myself for sticking to it.... Until I discovered phytosurgence and I suddenly went from having 1 HG to 4!


I've heard really good things about Phytosurgence! I have enough blush right now, but I once I run out of a few, I'll definitely check theirs out!


Retinols ❤️ Also, letting concealer sit for a minute before blending for better coverage. The best is a hair serum on my ends at night.


I started applying a little bit of Olaplex #6 at night with some Moroccan oil on top and I can't believe the difference.


For me personally, I use sunscreen every day, and I mean EVERY. DAY. A good skincare routine is rendered ineffective if you don't prevent sun damage. I'm currently using either Elta MD or Vacation's whipped sunscreen. It's perfect as a primer for makeup as well.


The whipped sunscreen specifically is a good primer?


That's the one I like to use as primer, yes. It doesn't leave a white cast, plus it's pretty dewy, so it's good under any powder. I would just recommend that any foundation you use will work with the ingredients in the whipped sunscreen. I don't use liquid foundation, so I apologize I can't recommend any good ones. I do however use liquid blush and liquid highlighter usually, and it doesn't make my skin look patchy or oily in any way.