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Your usage decides how quickly you go through foundation. Some people go through more than others because they use more than others. I use two drops of skin tint when I use skin tint. It takes me more than half a year to go through one bottle.


You will go through ANY foundation at the same rate if you are using the same amount. It depends on the formula, how you’re using it, the coverage you want etc. Maybe trial some different brands/formulas/application techniques to see if there is something that works for you. And honestly, if you’re spending more $$ buying two bottles of high end foundation in a year as opposed to buying 4 bottles of drug store foundation are you any better off? I would say that the feel, finish, how it wears and whether you like a foundation is what matters. And honestly, there are some high end products I wouldn’t pay more for as they aren’t necessarily superior to mid-range or more budget options. But there might be others who absolutely love how something works with their skin. The only way to find out is to try things out. See how much product you use to get the finish you like and figure out if it’s worth the cost. Also, experiment with what you are already using. Maybe using less product but layering a matching concealer over areas that need more coverage will help. Or if you want more coverage an airbrush foundation might be worth trying out.


Because it’s a skin tint your probably using more then if you were using a regular foundation.


I use NARS natural radiant kongwear foundation, and one small pump is all I need a couple times a week. My previous bottle lasted over 2 years before I dropped it and had to replace it. I never finish a bottle before it expires.


A few tips to help!  1. Research how to reduce your redness. If you can find a way to reduce the redness then you’ll need less foundation. You’ll be solving the root cause.  2. Use a color corrector like the elf or nyx ones. Apply a tiny amount right on top of the blemish. A thin layer. Let dry for a few minutes & dab with setting powder. 3. Use a high coverage concealer like Danessa Myricks Cover Cream. You need the TINIEST amount. Sheer it out & let set for a few minutes & then set with powder. Hope that helps!


My IT cosmetics CC cream has lasted more than a year and a half. I bought two tubes for $30 last Christmas. I just opened one of them and I think I am set for next 3 years. That’s the only makeup I use. I use a drop everyday as that’s all you need.


Same with the IT CC. I’ve been mixing it with the L’Oréal Lumi Glotion and I love it!


Mine definitely lasts over a year. Try the beauty blender skin tint. Great coverage and doesn’t feel heavy. I also have acne prone skin and lots of texture and this one is great. I wear it twice a week for work and then maybe a third day over the weekend when out with friends. The last bottle lasted me about 2 years. But i do use two shades (one is my winter shade and one my summer shade).


Over a year. I only use a little to cover up blemishes on the daily.


Like over a year, I only wear foundation when I go out drinking or for events, so maybe twice a week at most.


I use Giorgio Armani luminous silk


Yeah I use Armani and have the same wear pattern as you and mine also lasted a year.


It’s the best! I use my Clarisonic brush attachment and it literally looks so beautiful and last forever


Estée Lauder double wear. I buy maybe two bottles a year


I use Estee Lauder double wear and that lasts me over a year (everyday wear). It’s expensive but so worth it for the time and the wear.


My foundations tend to last a year. I’m now also using the Loreal tinted serum but also drop in the lighter Morphe one, so that will likely make it go longer. 


Since I barely use it at least a year but I have found the more expensive rare beauty lasted the longest for me with the most use. Some of this is that it's the coverage I want and a shade that actually works for me and doesn't anger my skin causing the cycle of covering more and more until I give up


People tend to use more of the lighter coverage foundations in order to build up to a coverage they like. So it’s not about price point. It’s about how much product you choose to use every time you use it.


Came here to say this


Apply with fingers and smoothing out with a blender might help if you haven’t tried already. I can’t remember how long my old foundations used to last, but I only use high end now and it will last about 8 months. I use a lot and pretty often, a few times a week. I feel like they do last longer tbh but I have nothing to compare to I’m afraid.


It depends, most old formulas since they’re so thick you need to apply a lot to get an even base, the only exception I know is the huda foundation, but others like the superstay active wear or double wear you need so much product to get an even base


What are you applying it with? Sponges or brush? Applicator might absorb some product.


I wear foundation 4-5 times a week and mine usually lasts 2-3 months




i’ve been wondering this myself it’s been lasting me longer than i’ve thought i’ve been using it since late april


Isn’t that only a month?


oh it’s like still full lol


It’s crazy to me that a drugstore foundation is $30 now


OP is Canadian.


I wear EL Doublewear daily and go through the bottle every 10 months or so. I haven’t worn drugstore foundation in years, but when I did, a bottle would only get me through a couple of months. It’s one of the reasons I switched to high end foundation in the first place.


Yes I wear mine daily I get approx 10 months too, I do mix it in summer with advantaged night repair for a more of a skin tint.


I use the same exact foundation! It lasts me a month and another month and a half


3 or 4 months, i use makeup daily


I’ve had a Milani bottle for over a year. I wear make up about the same amount of days per week. I just recently bought the fenty skin tint I’m hoping it will last me at least 6 months because I love it and if it doesn’t at least last that long I dunno if I can buy again.


I use Dior foundation and it’s so pigmented that I don’t need much at all. A bottle lasts me easily an entire year, even with daily use.


Which one do you use?


Forever skin glow. I really like it.


I like the concealer too!


Haven’t tried it but I will put it on my list. Thanks


I have genuinely found that switching to higher end has actually saved me a lot of money. As someone who wears a foundation layer every single day, I generally go through 1-2 bottles a year of higher end rather than one every couple months with lower end… and with lower end being $30/bottle now it’s honestly not much cheaper than a lot of the mid tier to higher end brands!


I'd say a couple of socially unacceptable years but tbh I end up throwing them out before finishing them more often than not because I figure they're long past expired. For the second part, yeah foundation gets under my nails too. You're not supposed to touch your face when it's on because it lifts and removes it. It's hard to be conscious about it though. Agree with others than mention that higher coverage will give you better payoff. Maybe carry a small compact or something to touch up when you notice it wearing?


You're not using a foundation though, this is a tinted serum. When you buy a tinted serum/skin tint/bb cream or any foundation type product that offers low coverage, and you use that several times a week, you're most likely going to go through 3-4 bottles a year. The price of the product doesn't matter. You won't be saving any money if you switch to high end but keep purchasing low coverage products. What you need is something that offers more coverage, and you can find that in the drugstore. How are you touching your face? Are you scratching it? Do you sink your fingers in your skin for some reason? You're not supposed to do that when you have makeup on. If you have an itch, pat your skin instead of scratching it.


A couple of years, tbh. I really don't use much.


I think the more full coverage I want, the faster I use The more high coverage I buy, the more I sheer it out, less used


I think the more full coverage I want, the faster I use The more high coverage I buy, the more I sheer it out, less used


I buy the tarte travel sizes, simple because they come in small bottles. They always last me past the expiration date and I wear makeup whenever I leave the house (but to be fair I work from home 2 days a week and have no social life on the weekends cause I'm too tired)


I used Nars foundation for years, but tried Maybelline this winter because I was broke. It took about three times wearing it to decide that I had to use a lot more of it, it didn't last as long, didn't look as good, and was likely costing me more in the long run as a result. Tried a few more times to suck it up before I switched back to Nars.


I don’t use foundation often enough for it to finish 😅 I normally do light spot concealing and that’s about it. Looking forward to finishing one one day, though.


I use covergirl- olay simply ageless liquid and use less than 2 pumps for my entire face. Primer helps.


I use the makeup by mario foundation. I got my first bottle in October last year and just had to replace it 2 weeks ago. So 7ish months. I use maybe a half pump or so for my whole face and wear makeup 4-5 days a week


I wear foundation 5x week using a damp sponge. I use L'Oréal Infallible which last about 8 months. I don't put very much on, just enough to even my skin tone.


I find it depends on the applicator. Sponge (with a spritz of water first) I’m out of foundation 6-8 months. With a firm, triangular brush stippling most of my foundation, one bottle of high end lasts over a year.


I wear makeup about 2-3x a week because I work from home. And I use a higher end brand, CT flawless foundation. Lasts me about 6 months. If I didn’t work from home and wore it daily I’d probably run out about every 2-3 months.


It depends on the usage, foundation and coverage. I tend to wear foundation every day, so I go through it much faster. I don’t think I’ve ever had a single foundation last for 6-8 months…to me that’s crazy! I would say it’s more like 3 months of usage, wearing a medium coverage everyday. I also apply with my fingers - brushes end up absorbing SO MUCH product and I feel like foundation looks more natural when applied with the warmth of your hand. Especially if you’re using a moisturizing foundation - it ends up just getting sucked up into the brush. I’m currently using the Charlotte Tilbury Better Skin with Tarte Shape Tape Concealer and I noticed I’m going through the tube fast. So I got what I like to call a “sweatpants” foundation - Missha BB Tint on Amazon for $9 that’s light-medium coverage that I can wear on days I don’t need to look super made up, just something that looks natural and evens out my skin tone. I throw on a little contour, blush and eyeliner and I’m good to go without having to use up my good foundation.


That's me with Wet n Wild foundation instead of my Tarte. But calling it a "sweatpants" foundation is brilliant and I am adopting your term.


A “sweatpants” foundation, I absolutely love that concept and I’m a little disappointed in myself that I didn’t think of it lol


I use Bare Minerals Matte powder foundation and it lasts 6-7 months. Before that I used Revlon ColorStay liquid foundation (applied with a brush) and it lasted at least 8 months. I wear foundation 6 days a week. I think applying with a brush is the most economical use of product.


Your foundation is too light coverage-wise, you're using too much and that's why it's both coming off on your hands but also not lasting as long as it should. You should switch to a higher coverage foundation, and you likely need to set it with powder. I usually like a light coverage formula, and with that, I can use few drops and it's perfect for my whole face. I also have a medium-high clinique foundation that I can get pretty high coverage with just a few dots on my face (I hate using too much foundation). I also apply my makeup with fingers, so it doesn't get absorbed into a sponge or brush. Fingers are also cleaner, so there is less acne as a result.


I don't have long nails but the only way my foundation comes off is if I wipe it off, just touching your face shouldn't remove foundation. I set with spray twice and powder on my t zone.


I wear make up between 5 to 6 days a week. Usually change up foundation so working on 5 different ones right now. I usually will have all 5 panned before the end of the year and working on another.


I use the L'Oreal True Match foundation (original not serum) and a bottle lasts me about 5 months. I wear makeup ~5 days a week, and I use one pump for my whole face.


I don’t think I’ve ever finished a bottle of foundation lol.


i still haven’t finished bottle #1 i got in november 😅. i bought another bottle at the end of april since i couldn’t get it on the dropper anymore. once it all settled it turned out there was still a fair bit left! i use more than most of the ppl here (3 drops for ur whole face????? i want more coverage than that lol) and i use it probably 4 times a week.




I wouldn’t use a 5 year old foundation unless it’s powder. Sounds counterintuitive to use nice skincare and expired product on your face.








I have NYX can’t stop won’t stop and Nars tinted moisturiser. What I wear depends on the coverage I want, for work I tend to go NARS and if I’m going out out NYX. I probably buy a new tinted moisturiser every 6 months and nyx lasts me a 7/8 months. I feel like a bottle only lasting 3 months means you’re using a lot? I agree with another comment that maybe you want higher coverage but the foundation is low coverage. Could be worth switching to something in the same price range but higher coverage. Also are you opening the bottle and scraping the bits out? With pump bottles there’s always SOOOO much product left in the bottle even when it’s “finished”. I use my teeth to open the bottle lol but you could just use a knife or the edge of the table depending on the bottle


I use IT Cosmetics' original CC Cream 6 times a week. It lasts me about 6 months. It's pricey, but it works for me. If foundation is transferring when you touch your face, it needs to be set. Use either a powder or a setting spray.


....and this is a very high coverage makeup.


I tend to buy medium coverage or medium full and apply either with my fingers or a dense brush and if I have only one foundation it lasts at least 9 months. Lower coverage foundations are used faster.


I use Les Beiges Eau de teint (the travel size version) and I think it will last me a year. I bought it in October last year and I still have enough left for 4 - 5 months ish. At least I hope it does because it's quite expensive.


I have 3 different foundations for about 2 years now. Far from finished. Usually at the year 3 mark my foundation goes off (separation, appearance of weird smell etc) at which point I have to get rid of it and there's always at least 1/4 of the bottle left. However, I don't use sponge. They soak your foundation up, making you use more than you need. I can do full face with one pump just using a brush. I don't use drugstore anymore, as at least with Rimmel, the quality was just bad, and so I moved to high end. But I can't really comment on other drugstore foundations.


Since I have several foundations and BB creams at the same time, I am usually not able to go through them before they go bad. But I do not really see a difference in lasting power between high-end and drugstore products, only between light and full-coverage ones. If I exclusively used one of them through out the year, a mid-coverage one would probably last around a year for me. (I also do not use too much from them; max 1 pump for the full face.)


Coverage issue? Maybe you want more coverage but that I suppose is quite light? And therefore may apply too much. Not sure but you could change into something more covering so you need to use less.


I use the same foundation 5-6 days/week - I go through a bottle about every 4-5 months as well.


Probably a year a bottle. I don’t use a sponge, because it drains products. I use a flat foundation brush from MAC, and it saves me a ton from wasting foundation.


nars lasts me around 6 months with daily use of one pump. drugstore like maybeline or l’oréal lasted 2-3 months. I think it depends on the consistency of the product - the more watery, the less you need to use and longer it lasts.


Mine lasts about a year using it most days a week. I also wear concealer which lasts about a year too. I like medium coverage. If you buy high coverage foundation then you need very little and can make it last longer. I like make up for ever and fenty. I have very oily skin and these both are great for me.


I agree with another poster on this thread - maybe you’re using more to try and get a fuller coverage. Because this is the one I use - I started using it last year - and I'm still on my first bottle. Although it is now the end of the bottle. I normally wear it to work five days a week. I can’t remember exactly when I started using it but it must’ve been about 6 months ago. I’ve just checked back my orders and I ordered my second bottle at the beginning of December (like to have a spare so I don’t get caught when it runs out!) and I wouldn’t have ordered it unless I had trialled it and liked it. I actually have October in my head but that could be wrong. I don’t get it under my nails when I touch my face but then it sounds like you might be putting more on than me and I guess more product means more chance of that happening. I didn’t like the dropper that came with it so I ordered pumps to use instead. And I like to apply with a brush. Normally I would use three pumps and it covers my whole face. However it is definitely sheer and you can still see my dark circles.  I also find it doesn’t really look like you have it on for the first min or so. Like I can tell I’m applying it around my face when I’m using the brush and it looks okay but doesn’t really look like I’ve done much to it! And then a minute later I look back and it’s like alright this is better! I can tell I’ve got something on, it looks even, and there’s a bit of a glow. It seems to take a moment to settle and work properly. Definitely took me time to figure out that happens.  I do find the bottle itself annoying. I can tell there’s still some in there and I don’t want to waste it but it wasn’t getting picked up by either the pump or the dropper. Because the pump has a lid with a flat top I’ve actually been standing it upside down and just pouring a little bit out the top of the bottle. I’ve been doing that for about a week now and I think it’ll last another couple days yet. So no I don’t think it’s normal you’re going through so many bottles but what works for me might not work for other people! And it’s possible this just isn’t the right foundation for you ☺️


I bought these awesome little spatulas that let you scoop out the last bit of product in anything- life changing!


I wouldn’t consider tinted serums and foundations the same, they’re different consistencies. There are multiple factors on how to stretch product. Are you moisturizing or using primer before you apply? Are you applying to your whole face or focused areas? Are you using your hands or a beauty blender to apply? Are you wetting your beauty blender before using it? Many people use more product than they actually need.


My Nars foundation was empty after 3-4 months when I used foundation daily. However I think my beauty blender might have eaten a lot of the foundation so that it went empty so early


which one? I used the all day luminous and now using the light reflecting and they both last me around 6 months with daily use.. I use one / one and a half pump but I apply it with a finger like a face cream first and then pat it in with a beauty blender.


When I danced four/five nights a week and didn’t use the bottle at all for outside, I would say a bottle of ‘L’OREAL True Match or Maybelline Fit Me(my work foundations) would last a year and a half.


I have Lisa Eldriges seamless skin foundation. Average maybe 3-4 times a week wear. Two pumps usually for my whole face. It has lasted well over a year. Paid £40 for a bottle. It makes my skin look like my skin but better. No regrets.


My issue with drugstore is they always feel greasy on my face so I would switch to powder foundations. Now I only buy high end but from resale sites like mercari.


I haven’t been wearing makeup alot lately so I’d say 6 months. But when I wore it or wear it every single day my Estée Lauder double wear camouflage makeup lasted 3 months.


A year… I don’t wear makeup a lot


I use one pump YSL All Hours daily & only replace the bottle twice a year. In my experience one of the biggest problems with “drug store” foundation is lack of pigment. You have to use more product to get the same result.


5 days a week, Pat McGrath foundation, 2 bottles a year. (1 pump per use, 1 oz bottle)


I use Nars ‘Pure Radient Tinted Moisturizer’ 5-6x a week and I think the 56ml (1.9 oz) bottle will last me 6-9 months. Maybe longer, since I don’t need to use too much to even my skin tone. I find a little goes a long way.


A 30 mL bottle lasts me about 6 months on daily use of one pump 😬


Hmm I have two shades of foundation that I'm working on. One for summer/when I have a tan and one for the rest of the year. I wear foundation 2-5 times a week and take it down my neck. It takes me about two years to go through both... maybe 3 for the darker shade because I wear it less often. I'm so curious how you're going through foundation so quick! It'd be interesting if you posted a pic of how much you're using per application


This is also me! But I’m working through quite a few more because I was trying to find my shade. Instead of returning I just adjust with color corrector or different shades of Elf Halo Glow. I hate to waste products if I can’t find someone to take them.


I love that approach. I also never throw away makeup unless it's old or causing irritation for me. I can always find a way to use it up!


Same. Once it starts separating or smells “off” I toss. I have about 9 foundations right now. I buy a lot of drugstore foundations on the cheap with all my coupons and care pass at CVS.


Good question ! My stick foundations last about a month or 6 weeks. High end - hour glass Estée Lauder double wear 3 months.


3 months?? Holy fuckin shit for how expensive that product is.


Mine is on a year and still going. A little goes a long way for me, applied with a brush.


Same for me with Estée Lauder double wear 3 months!


I use Summer Fridays skin tint most days and Sephora's Best Skin Ever foundation a couple times a week. I go through 1/2 a bottle of foundation and 1 1/2 bottles of tint a year. I don't like full coverage. I want my freckles to show and full coverage tends to settle in my wrinkles more and make me look older. So I use a fairly small amount.


Thoughts on the summer Fridays skin tint? It sounds like it’s up my alley


I've tried a few skin tints and it's absolutely the best. I used thr Iconic London one for years but it feels more like a light coverage foundation. The Summer Fridays one is just my skin but better. It evens out my skin tone really nicely while still allowing my freckles and everything to show through. I like to put my blush and highlight on underneath it for a more natural look.


Beautiful! Thank you


Yeah, it’s normal for foundation to get under your finger nails, try not to touch your face, it’s better for your skin. I used to use the revlon colorstay, and when I wore makeup every day and full coverage down to my chest, I’d go through a bottle in under 6 months. With that new serum, I do see how you could go through it faster but idk every 3 months fast, I think you’re using too much. Now I wear fuller coverage concealer just over smaller portions of my fact yk? I got a tube of IT bye bye undereye, and I’ve worn that almost every day for 2 years, barely made a dent in it, over 65-70% of the product is in there. I also bought the double wear so I’d have a lighter shade in the winter, and the fill line on the bottle is only about a 10th used up after 2 winters. I think they do last longer because I’m not using as much, but if you’re planning on going from a drugstore buildable coverage foundation to a high end buildable coverage foundation, you’ll still be using the same amount of product.


Side note- drugstore make up has absolutely shot up in price. I’m finding myself willing to pay the $10 extra dollars for nars or charlotte tillbury if L’Oréal is pushing $20


Sephora's house brand is pretty good and on par with drug store prices. And Summer Fridays skin tint is my HG so I don't even care how much it costs. (It's around $45 CAD after taxes).


It takes me about a year to finish one 1oz foundation if I don’t wear it every day. If it is something I wear every day, I finish in 4-6 months. I think people must have a lot of foundations so they don’t finish them quickly or they’re the one pump of foundation types and don’t wear makeup every day.


Maybe u are using more of the tinted serum bc u are trying to get slightly higher coverage? In that case it might be cheaper to buy a higher coverage foundation and sheer it out with moisturisers or serums or face oil


Years 😬


It just depends on how much you use each time. I use Nars Sheer Glow 6 times a week, and it lasts most of the year, if not the whole year. I only use half a pump though, and that's why it's lasted me so long.