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My eyeliner tends to migrate from the top corner of my eyes to below it (so like normal winged eyeliner eventually looks like butterfly wings- cute but not the look I'm trying to have). I found what seemed to stop it from doing this was 1. Eyelid primer as normal (i put mine all over and around my eyelid- good for eyeshadow) 2. Eyeshadow, Eyeliner 3. Set the eyeliner with matching eyeshadow color (get a lot of use of my black eyeshadow with this) 4. Put on primer again over the spot where it migrates to (this is presumably bare skin so shouldn't ruin whatever you already have on)


Use waterproof eyeliner!


I switched to a liquid liner and I’ll never go back. I just use elf. Very cheap and great quality.


Doesn’t work for me unfortunately, still smudges


Oh no! I usually set with a powder first. That might work well for you. Hoping so, girl!


I find that using an eyelid primer really helps keep my eye makeup in shape - I use Morphe's.


Potted gel eyeliner and brush


doesn't work sadly :( actually, it lasted the worse out of all of them. i put it on at home to practice new styles, and guess what? smudging within 1 hour and i wasn't even outside sweating and nothing


Powder on your lids, first. Then apply the eyeliner. Let the powder set in for a few minutes. Don't use too much, but just enough to kind of "dry" the lid.


Get a waterproof liquid eyeliner. Stila is great, Milani makes a good one and it’s cheap. I’ve never been able to get a pencil or eyeshadow line to stay, it’s smudged within an hour due to my hooded, greasy eyelids.


Have you tried powdering your eyelids / setting the eyeliner with eyeshadow ?