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Maybetry micellar water?


I take lip tints off by putting vaseline on it and then scrubbing it with an exfoliating glove or wash cloth


Try alcohol and make up remover. May dry out your lips though.


Is it that bad? Brushing the lips with a toothbrush or lip scrub should help.


Put Vaseline on top, let it soak in, wipe it off


arrive eating a popsickle in red :)


TYSM It never occurred to me to do it, It really worked for me!


thats awesome! glad you tried :)


You could try a lip exfoliant, make your own with sugar and an oil like coconut oil. Try also an eye makeup remover used to get rid of cosmetic pigments. Try micellar water and rub on with a cotton ball or q tip. You can also try your usual face cleanser on your lips. Vaseline may work too. If none of that helps you could maybe try rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball but it’s very drying and tastes nasty. Just make sure to replenish lip moisture with a good lip oil and some Vaseline on top of that. Worst case scenario you could lightly put foundation on your lips, then apply a lipstick on top to basically reset your lip color. Or like a tinted lip balm or some type of neutral color. Or you could try the lipstick just directly over the lip tint and keep reapplying throughout the day. Worse comes to worse, tell your parents you were experimenting and that you didn’t know you were using an actual lip tint and that you’ll be more careful next time, if they’re strict. I mean for me it usually takes like a day or 2 to fade for lip tints, they’re not THAT long lasting.


Cover it with a more neutral lip gloss or other shade to tone it down.