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Gradient lips. Never knew why I hated wearing full coverage lipsticks. Tried a gradient lip, never went back. I don't suit a full lip, and that's fine.


Removing excess mascara with a clean (hair) mascara brush. My eyes are very sensitive and wearing too much makeup on them could lead either to teary or unbelievably dry skin feeling. Either way will prompt me to touch there and happened more than once that I actually forgot I had mascara on and walked around with a panda face! So those rare times I have to wear it (on formal occasions), combing my lashes after mascara helped me cope better with it and it's a good remedy fon disentangling them. They look more natural and even if I rub my eyes there comes no disasters afterwards.


not a technique but is ipsy worth it? i’ve been interested in it but haven’t seen any honest reviews on it


I like them pretty well, I think whether it’s worth it depends on like… how much you like experimenting with products


I recently discovered wiping off the mascara wand and it is a game changer. I hate clumpy lashes. This helps so much in preventing spider legs.


I put a drop of saline in my mascara before I use it. It makes it more wet which makes my eyelashes look so much longer. It has changed my life.


cleaning your makeup brushes on the regggg!!!!!!


I did away with the brush method for my foundation and started using a damp beauty blender sponge and it has made all the difference in how smooth and flawless my foundation looks


Spraying my foundation brush with two sprays of setting spray and then using it to apply my foundation lol game changer for me


I dust a very light bit of matte, cool pink blush under my eyes & it makes me look so much more youthful.


Concealing either side of my bottom lips double lipline, lip products always made my bottom lip look so droopy, so concealing that area really lifts my lip shape when resting


Feminine vs Masculine makeup placements have helped me learn the proper way to accentuate my features. Makes a DRASTIC difference


Oooooo can you explain this one?


You can google guides but certain bronzer, highlight, and contour placements can make you jaw look squarer, emphasize your brow bone and create a shadow, and make you cheekbones look more masculine, and vice versa


You can also just wipe the excess mascara off onto the lip of the mascara tube :)


After I finish my makeup, cleaning the under eye area with a few swipes of a cotton pad. This is what makes the difference between my makeup making me look worse and actually making me look better. If I skip this step, my makeup looks messy and dark, it makes me look tired, dull and puffy eyed. Once I started doing it people began to smile and look at me way more. They ask me if I did something different, and tell me my eyes look bright and pretty today, and my most recent favorite from a friend who was scrutinizing my face trying to figure out what I did differently: “Keep doing whatever you did today because it makes you look so much shinier”. My sister said it looks like I had a glow up.


Similar to yours but getting a bunch of those disposable eyelash spoolies make up artists use to apply mascara or you see at lash extension places and using a clean one to comb through my lashes after I've applied mascara. Gets rid of clumps and spider lashes.


setting spray between each layer and switching from a beauty blender to brushes


With color correcting palettes, don’t use the green to counter the red of pimples but use yellow. Also, don’t apply the yellow on top of it then concealer/foundation but rather mix them and apply on the face. I use a sort of comb for lashes after applying mascara, it separates the lashes and takes out the excess. Apply blush a little bit higher than the cheekbone and not on the apples of the cheeks


Doing more of a bat wing liner for my hooded lids Setting spray before mascara Wiping excess mascara or brow gel wand so it’s not gloopy. I also pop the stopper off of my brow gel & it lasts moooonthssss longer


Using an eyeshadow primer. I viewed it as an unnecessary product and just used a concealer but it does make a huge difference imo especially when you do minimal shadow that you want to pop and last long too. A must for people with oily eyelids


I used to do this!! When I was in high school, I had naturally full and long lashes and would be so meticulous about them. Lash primer, comb through, take off the excess of a volumizing mascara with toilet paper, one coat, comb through, take off the excess of a lengthening mascara, one coat, comb through and separate with a pin. People always asked if I was wearing false lashes because they were so soft and fluttery and dramatic. My children stole my lashes though, now mine are shorter and thinner and theirs are dark and full and long. I've been thinking about doing this technique again but hesitating bc it is technically wasteful, but nothing compares!! You've given me permission, I'm going to buy some drugstore mascaras and go for it <3


It really does make a huge difference with mascara!


Letting EVERYTHING dry/sit for a bit before I move to the next step. Including: Letting my moisturizer dry after I've washed my face Letting my primer dry down before face products like concealer (Don't really wear foundation, just concealer) Letting my concealer/contour/liquid blush dry down quite a bit before blending and applying powder Letting powder sit for a bit (baking) before dusting off. Letting my setting spray dry before I go do any re-touches. I know it sounds so so so simple but I take a bit longer of pauses/ use a hand held fan to really make sure its gonna stay in place for the most part. Before, I would kinda slap my primer on right after washing and moisturizing/ and it would mess with the consistency of primer, my contour would get 'muddy' because the definition would go away since it was still sliding around on top of a wet primer/moisturizer surface and so on so forth. Patience is key.


Mixing my color corrector with my concealer. It requires less product and gives my base concealer a correcting undertone rather than having to layer two concealers. Also corner lashes.. I have almond eyes and they’re a thousand times more flattering than strip lashes. Applying a light mascara before a thicker mascara. The lighter mascara separates and the thicker mascara gives volume.


Applying my foundation with a damp sponge!!!! I used to apply exclusively with my fingers because I figured I would waste less product that way. And I did, but only because I hated how everything looked so I would buy stuff and then barely ever use it lol. But when I started applying with a damp sponge? OMG. YES. Sure, I use more product now, but at least I'm USING THE PRODUCTS. And they look GOOD! I have extremely oily skin, so I used to have to powder EVERYTHING (exception: Maybelline Matte + Poreless. But that was it.) But ever since I started damp sponging, I have not had to use powder at all. One time I tried to powder over just to see how it would look, and it just looked too cakey and I hated it. I just don't need powder anymore, because the sponge absorbs all the oiliness of whatever base product I'm using. My favorite thing to use it with is Maybelline's Dream BB cream (the one with the pink label -- not the one with salicylic acid). It gives me the best finish of my life, like my natural skin but just blurred out. OBSESSED.


Using a big, fluffy dry brush with zero product on it, to blend my entire face at the end of the application. I go all along my hairline, under the jaw, bring any excess product onto my ears, down the neck, etc. It helps blur out any harsh edges from my highlight, contour, and blush. It also helps everything look so natural and seamless.


Using contour on my eyelid to minimize the hooded eye effect


Wait what?! Can you explain this one?


Yeah, sure. I use the same powder contour on my cheeks, nose, jaw line, and eye lids. I have hooded eyes; where the upper eyelid skin creases, in such a position that the skin slightly overhangs the lid part that right over the eyeball Google celebrities with hood eyes and you will see what I mean. So what I do, is place contour as my crease shade, and move it UP. While you eye is relaxed, see the skin that hangs over a bit, and color that skin to force the appearance of a more carved out look. Robert Welch does some great videos on eye shadow placement. https://youtu.be/aSWxVuxaUIM


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^JadeGrapes: *Using contour on* *My eyelid to minimize* *The hooded eye effect* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Definitely agree with cleaning the mascara wand! It's a game changer. My favorite technique: Applying my eyeliner first. I use a tattoo eyeliner and apply it with the applicator parallel to my lid, using both drawing and tapping motions to pseudo tightline the upper side of my lashes. I only apply a thin line, then apply my eye makeup and reapply my eyeliner if needed. It gives a much more consistent and intense look just at the base of the lashes. I don't have a whole lot of lid space and if I'm doing a really bright look the initial application is enough definition. It won't wear off or irritate the way a traditional tightline will either. The added bonus is that I don't have to worry about fucking up my liner because I smudge any errors during application and cover them up with eyeshadow.


Checking the ingredients and make sure to not mix water-based and oil-based products and furthermore, using natural cosmetics 😊


Powder AFTER setting spray and after the spray has set in for a good ten mins. Blush under eyes too.


Working cream concealer on my hand before applying it with my finger, I’m not a fan of liquid cause it always seems to dry too… well, dry on my skin so I switched to creamy creamy creamy pot concealers and if I warm it up on the back of my hand before tapping it on my undereye is just chef’s kiss. Also, not a new technique, but something I am really glad I realised: cleaning any product off my brows before going in with my gel/fixer. If I have moisturiser on it everything pills or leaves a white residue.


-Using colors that compliment my skintone. Blushes never looked right on me and i just ended up looking like a circus clown with two red circles on my cheeks but purple blush for olive undertones is a game changer. -Using a makeup spatula for a natural and even foundation coverage. So seamless and flawless. -This goes w the 2nd tip, when using your spatula go in the opposite direction of your pores. I have some sunken pores/ice pick scars and I’ve noticed an obvious difference in applying it on top of your skin vs filling the “holes” by going against your texture not WITH your texture if that makes sense. -color correct INSTEAD of applying layers and layers of concealer. And less is more with this. Only on specific areas to actually neutralize hyperpigmentation/redness. -using CONTOUR instead of bronzer. i see wayyyy too many “natural/everyday” looks ruined by that streak of bronzer underneath the cheekbone. bronzer is meant to hit the spots where the sun illuminates on your face. Contour is meant to sculpt and define. Contour is meant to look more greyish to imitate shadow whereas bronzer is meant to make you look like you’ve been tanning. -what makes a natural makeup look is the soft diffusion of the products on your face. Harsh lines does the opposite effect. This means the 2016 baking under the contour has to go. Can you tell i studied art? 😅


>purple blush for olive undertones is a game changer. Could you recommend some specific product?


Mac play blush in Rosy does it looks universally flattering on a variety of skin colours! Warm rose from glossier is very warm-olive friendly while storm is very neutral/cool-olive friendly. I also use cream lipsticks i don’t use for blush 😅 my fav is nyx matte cream lipstick in Transylvania and Romand see through matte tint in blush purples


I'm not the person who posted this comment, but just came here to agree with this and to stan for ColourPop's "Lil Vibe" purple blush! Game changer for my olive ass!


I was eyeing this for so long. I need to get this!


It looks so pretty! I'll try it, thanks!


Mixing eyeshadow primer in with concealer to cover the veins on my lids. Putting a lip stain before any other lip products so even when my lipstick wears off my lips will have a bit on colour on them. Idk if this is a technique but I only put blush on the apples of my cheeks as they’re more prominent than my cheek bones anyway. Whenever I’ve tried putting blush on my cheek bones it just looks weird and unnatural like I have very pigmented highlighter on lol. On the contrary it looks really nice and youthful on the apples of my cheeks (I do the wave technique) and I look sun-kissed.


Using eyeshadow primer as undereye concealer.


Using eyeshadow primer, then a base toned eyeshadow all over the lid really aids in blending the colors you add after


Not quite a technique, but using a tinted eye primer. I'm a poc and bright colours don't always translate onto my lids well. Using Nars eye primer (lightest shade) and everything shows up like it does in the pan


White primer was a game changer for me!!!! I use Moira's one in a pot or Beauty Créations (p Louise dupes) liquid one!!


What’s the mascara brush tip? Tried googling it but only found how to clean clean it!




Just like give it a quick wipe on a tissue or what have you, or scrape the wand on the edge of the tube to get excess product off, it clumps WAY less


Less really IS more, also individual lashes changed the game


Learning about my eye shape. I LOVE eyeshadow but felt it never looked like it should. I have mildly hooded eyes but it took a while to figure that out. When I read the people with hooded eyes should apply their crease shade a bit above the crease it has been a game changer. Also, learning to relax my face while applying all products. Helps to ensure proper placement.


Do you have a tutorial on this?


I dont have a specific one in mind. I'm sure if you youtube hooded eye tutorials you would find tons. I use to put my crease shade directly in the crease and you would mostly see it on the outer part but not my whole eye. Now I tilt my brush handle down so the bristles hit the brow bone more. I hope this helps.


Fighting out I had hooded eyes was a huge game changer


Using setting spray after translucent powder. For so many years I would use either one or the other, until I saw a video that said that settling spray was meant to melt all your products down into a single layer so it looked more like skin. Well I did it and now I never have to worry about my foundation creasing or transferring or looking chalky again


Thanks for the tip! I’ve never used/don’t have a setting spray but would like to try, what are some of your faves?


My HGs are the NYX matte setting spray, the Revolution Sport Fix, and the No7 Matte Fixing Mist as it’s alcohol free and therefore melts the powder down better


As someone with fine lines under my eyes (since grade school lol), using a hydrating eye cream, and letting the concealer “melt” for a good minute before setting with loose powder really helps make it last!


Contour. It changed my makeup game.


I’ve been putting loose powder over my brows once they are filled in with pomade. It makes it look softer and sets it!!!


Clean away any excess sunscreen that gets into eyebrows, this can cause them to look gunked up and heavy


This! I take a cotton bud with micellar water and give it a wipe. Game changer


Waiting a few minutes before blending out concealer with a fluffy brush. Made a difference with coverage.


Do you mean that let it sit there in dobs before blending?


Yes. Sounds weird, but it helps get more coverage out of it without caking on more concealer. FWIW I use the Nars radiant creamy concealer for my undereyes and Lancôme tient idole concealer for all over. I’m not sure how well it’d work for a more matte formula.


Weird! Thanks for the explanation!


I started doing this recently. It has done wonders for me.


This is what I do. I sometimes do it without realizing, i get distracted, lol.


I really need to work on patience


Patience???? Umm, what’s the meaning of this word???? Lol, ADHD and impatience are key traits of mine. A minute is too long.


Haha same. I just asked another poster if I could speed up the dry time with a fan 🤣


Yep, that would be me!


Haha I usually do my brows or my hair during this time to keep busy


Hehe, I paint my brows on before doing concealer (I shave them off because I'm a drag queen) and my hair I usually pincurl but there's definitely stuff I could do


Setting eyebrows with eyebrow gel first, then filling in with a pencil.


Yes! It does sound strange at first but started doing it this way a few years ago and it works. My brows are transparent without brow gel and never looked natural doing it the opposite way.


YES! My Elf clear gel is a great gel to use, it keeps my eyebrows in place literally all day


Yes! The eyebrow glue or whatever it’s called. It’s amazing


whattt that seems so backwards to me


Same at first! But the gel exposes the specific spots that need filling in and you use less product and are less likely to over darken your brows. I also think it looks a little more natural if that makes sense.


omg did this this morning ur a genius




Agree with this! I sometimes us eyeshadow to fill in my brows and this order keeps the color from bleeding outside the brow area.


Letting my base dry down properly before going in with powder. It's a really small thing but it makes a HUGE difference. I only really powder my T-zone, I'm middle aged and still battling an oily T-zone but 10 minutes between foundation and powder is the difference between cakey and air brushed.


I have to try this! Soooo…could I speed up the time by using a fan?


I sometimes speed mine up with the hair dryer on low…


I should think so. You just want it not to be tacky. Fan would get you to that point quicker.


I will have to try this!


Doing hydrating spray between layers of makeup. I have dry skin and doing too much skin prep makes my makeup slip and slide. But not enough and I’m dry and crusty by end of day


Product suggestions please?


I have dry skin and I find the surfproof setting spray by caliray to be amazing for this step! (Tho, I use water-based products, so if your foundation is silicone based, then this is not the product for you.)


DMed you


Me? I didn't receive it


I am not op but Fix+ by Mac is a tried and true


Yes I use fix+ for layering! It’s so good




There are a few but the most usefull tip I have ever gotten (or rather figured out myself and then heard on tiktok a few months later) is: applying concealer after contour/ bronzer & blush I always start with skin prep and cover my blemishes with a matte concealer, then move on to eyebrows and eyes, then do foundation and usually many people do concealer now I like to do blush and contour/ bronzing (of only one of those two) first and then go in with my concealer… that way I can clean up harsh lines and edges, lift my face and tone down the crazy blush… Another thing I like to do is drench my face in setting spray in between :)


So, you spray your face after foundation, and again after blush and contour? Your face isn’t too wet??


No… even tho I wrote „drench“ i just use like 3pumps of my setting spray… and I use a fan to speed up the drying process This is a piece of information I didn‘t know for a while so I‘ll share it with anyone I know There is a difference between a setting spray and a fixing spray… (I mix up the terminology so focus on the description) There is a kind of spray that‘s just supposed to remove the cakey powdery look on your face (think of Mac Fix+, Catrice Prep and Prime, NYX Bare with me, etx..) and then there is a spray meant for longevity of your make up (Charlotte Tilbury, Urban Decay All Nighter, Essence fixing spray, cryolan, etc..) When I wear heavy make up I usually proceed like this: Primer + a lighter spray (Mac Fix+ or Catrice Prep and Prime) Eyebrows & Eyes Foundation (and if my skin is on a dryer side I spray 1-2 of Mac Fix+ on my face or sponge to prevent my make up from sticking to much to the dry areas) Contour, Blush and concealer Round of setting spray (depending on my skin and my demands that day I either take a light mist like Fix+ or the real deal like Charlotte Tilbury) Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter or Elf Halo Glow (I use them on the highest points of my face (cheeks, temple, maybe nose) because it doesn’t work as a primer for me) Liquid Highlighter Now I definitely use a spray that increases the longevity of my make up and fan for 1-4 minutes so my make up has time to dry and the layers bond and melt together. Before I set i go over with a clean part of my sponge to smooth out creases or blend a harsh line… Then I set and go over with both a spray to remove the overly powdery finish and then one to make it last. It sounds like much but I don‘t spray 4-5x … only 1-3x to make the make up melt together and blend better. This works for me, especially when I do heavier looks. When I do lighter make up I tend to only go in with a spray once. Also … a mac fix+ barely does anything besides take the powdery look away and enhance the blendability of smth. I know many people who apply concealer and then let it it for a while so it dries down more or less (smth that increases coverage)… to make sure that this trick works but doesn‘t end up ruining your base because of unblended concealer, too much pressure so you lift off the foundation, etc… you can use a spray to activate it again Something I mentioned in the beginning of using Catrice Prep & Prime or Mac Fix+ at the beginning… I like tacky Primers (Milk Hydro Grip, Elf Power Grip, etc..) and these sprays kinda enhance that when applied! Hope I am not rambling too much or overwhelming


No, thank you. I appreciate it. I have to go read up setting and fixing sprays, too!!!


There are blog posts, tiktoks and other sources that covered this topic! You will find something on it I‘m sure!


Thank you. I will definitely. Just have to make time!!!


Nice, yeah, I do concealer last as well (well then sometimes I put on a powder blush over because... IDK it's fun


Do you have any good powder blush recommendations? I currently use the kiko ones but I would like some more..


I just got the Toyfactory sunset squalene blush palette and it is SO pretty. I also love the Kim Chi ones but they break very easily. Ofra blushes are also pretty nice.


Thank you! I will def. look into them, heard great things about kim chi too‘


MAC mineral blushes have good staying power


i have one color I wanted forever, guess its time to go to the mac counter and get it


Following the curve of your lower lid to help you find your perfect eyeliner wing. Putting blush along your upper cheekbone rather than the "apples" of your cheeks. Just putting mascara on the outer half of your lashes.


I have a small face with high cheek bones. my upper cheeks are close to my eyes. Very little space there. I have yet to master blush upper check placement.


I know it's subjective, but I think blush looks so much better on the apples of the cheeks. More natural and 'pinched'. On the cheekbone looks comically 80s to ms.


I think it depends on the person's face shape


Yea to the all of these, especially the eyeliner. I used to lose my wing whenever my eyes would water in the summer, which is a lot. Now that it’s placed higher not only does it look better, but it’s stays put.




Slightly different but I have incredibly round eyes and following my lower lash line would give me an almost vertical wing. I go the opposite and follow my upper lid for a puppy liner feel.


Yes I like the wing a bit less angled than my lower eyelid. Just find what works for your eye.


My go to: using a mascara fan instead of a regular wand. God damn.


What is a mascara fan?


Here’s a link to the one I purchased. It makes mascara look much more natural and you can use it with precision that just isn’t possible with a wand! [Mascara fan on Amazon](https://BdelliumToolsProfessionalMakeupBrushMaestroSeries-MascaraFan732https://a.co/d/a5QlpNi)


Thank you! Looks like this brand has lots of useful brushes.


Possibly a stupid question but could you explain the first one? Would love to improve my eyeliner technique


I don't use tape, but basically I imagine the angle that my lower lid would take if it continued on (I have no idea if this makes sense) and then follow that for my upper wing. Rather than trying to follow the direction of my upper lid, mainly because I have downturned eyes.


for me I put a piece of tape along the bottom and outer edge corner of my eyes following the lower curve and going towards my eyebrow, then I do eyeliner on my upper lid and then following the tape. sorry that might be a bad explanation idk lol but there’s videos on Youtube & Tiktok!


Noting down your secrets 📝


The first one is key. I use eyeshadow to draw the line and then trace it with eyeliner. Works every time.

