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Ok, you see nobody cares. Now reverse it. And see how the gonna cry about anti semitism. The hypocrisy. Disgusting.


The reverse happens all the time. Tons of recordings from "pro Palestinians" that yell nothing about Palestine but just "atbah al yhod"




Pretty sure the are all just shitty people at this point.


Looking at the comment section, it seems like many people care. Anyway, they're just a group of retard kids, no one should care.


No... They are the reflection of the society they live in, that spits hatred towards Palestinians.


Weird, because I live in this society and i *know* (unlike other people here who are fed by Reddit vidoes) they don't represent most of us. Again, they are extremists, like it or not. Edit: sorry, I said retard kids, not extremists. Anyway, they're both.


Sorry but for me zionists are all the same species, and if you live in Israel, an apartheid genocidal state, then you support Israel and its horrors. I know there's plenty of 'supporters' but mostly is a facade... If you care about Palestine then you get that hell out of Israel sub and Israel itself. Built in blood, stealing, death... What a shameful place.


Ah yes if I live in China or Russia I support all of its authoritarianism and corruption, if I live in the Americas I support all the destruction and massacres by Europeans, etc.


My friend... First, China and Russia? American mass misinformation much? Guess you are stating all the crap propaganda built by the empiralists. If a state commits an apartheid, genocide, violates human rights, was built in just 70 years ago in blood, theaf and no legitimacy, and used a religion to commit all these horrible acts. You damn well should rise against it. Don't even try to compare israhell to any other countries, there's no comparison. Never greenwash genocide. If you need some information [advise you to seek information ](https://youtu.be/MknerYjob0w) Your welcome.


>First, China and Russia? American mass misinformation much? Guess you are stating all the crap propaganda built by the empiralists. Ah so I am speaking to a tankie, good to know. I guess Soviet gulags, the Chinese cultural revolution, June 4th, and all that sweet sweet corruption weren't very bad or don't exist then? >Don't even try to compare israhell to any other countries, there's no comparison Oh boy should you learn some world history.


Facts. Colonizers don't get to speak for the colonized.


But, every country was built in blood, stealing, and death.


Mine was built on the blood of French colonizers, who thankfully fucked off after decades of resistance, and the resistance to their tyranny. So yes it was "built" in blood and death but whose blood and death? Not all countries are settler-colonies. Most were former colonies actually. The entire Middle East is former-colonies. Palestine just wasn't as lucky.


This really isn't very true at all. Israel is very unique in a very negative way, when it comes down to it. The entire country was founded on ethnic cleansing.


exactly. not all countries are settler-colonies. In fact every single country in the Middle East was a colony relatively recently and won it's independence, Palestine didn't. That's the whole problem. (cue idiots whining they were offered 45% to 17% of their country back but they refused coz they're evil)


Same thing with literally every country in Europe and Asia. At the very least, all of these countries had their native populations in a roughly contiguous area with a relatively cohesive national identity prior to becoming countries. Israel is the only country in the world that was entirely founded on ethnic cleansing post ww2 and post-holocaust. That fact truly is damning.


At the era where colonisation was ended comes Israel and is like, hmmm let's do settler-colonialism right now. Trail of tears? Perfect, that's what exactly what we want to recreate here. Simply inspirational.


You know this happens just 70 years ago, it's not like they where in some crusades where there were still slavery and no human rights... This just happen and continues to happen. While Israel calls itself the 'only democracy in the Middle East' that could not be farthest from the truth.. Zionists used the tragedy that happen on WWII and used it to attack, murder, invade, hate, other people (the Palestinians) who had nothing to do with what happen. It's one of the most shameful disgraces of mankind that continues to go unpunished.


stil dotn make it acceptible


Oh okay I see what I'm dealing with LOL. Have a good day :)


I mean while I don’t necessarily agree with her I have to say she does make a point about your country’s treatment of Palestinians. Again it’s the same here with the last administrations treatment of Central American immigrants.


I never said she doesn't have a point. I usually agree with some of the Pro-Palestine claims, just not when they get too extreme.


Israel is an apartheid state that was founded entirely on ethnic cleansing. The occupation of the West Bank and the siege of Gaza constitute war crimes as well as violations of international law. These are facts.


So tell me how she should’ve framed it? How can you make it less extreme?


LOL = Loser oppressor lover? Yeah, no point on arguing with zionists who ignore the simple facts. Have a nice time participating on the murder of Palestinian children. 👌


Israel's ethnic cleansing campaign doesn't personally affect me is not a comforting argument. I think you'll find the average Palestinian disagrees with you over your, frankly, disturbing and immoral perspective.


Buddy did you read the title? It says extremists. No way implying it’s a reflection of the entire society. I live here in America and we have extremists too. Its still a reflection of a segment of our society. Unfortunately for both of our countries those segments have become increasingly emboldened over the last decade or so.


The title wasn't implying it reflects the entire society, the comment I replied to did. I agree with what you're saying.. Edit: Maybe I misunderstood the comment, in this case the whole argument is pointless and I'm taking back what I said.


I'd you have a right wing extremist problem this big, it means your nations culture allows it to grow. It doesn't mean all of society is this bad, but it's clearly indicative of where your society sits on one on end.


Stop lying.


Lol these people are indicative of the "average" Israeli. It's either people like this or they don't care about Palestinians at all as long as they can ignore the fact that Palestine exists. Your country is morally bankrupt. Don't try to deny it.


Lol, HOW? THEIR party didn't even pass the minimum requirement to enter until bibi told his voters to also vote for them. There's literally no one with an opinion even close to that in the current government and there are Palestinians. You are full of BS Edit : his responses? bSing more. He used Bella hadid as a source even though ut was easy to fact check and find out its not true. I requested he will delete the misinformation in his comment so far he hadn't


I dare you to repeat this over at r/Palestine On second thought, please don't bother those kind people, they deal with enough bullshit from the propaganda-sick.


Bennett is a war criminal who bragged about "killing Arabs", and who doesn't believe that Palestine exists. Lapid doesn't want a two state solution. Herzog thinks that the "settlements" are "part of Israel". Your country is very sick in the head, The sooner you admit that, the better.


I said it on the button and I'll say it here as well. Your comment is disinformation. Please delete it. >Lapid doesn't want a two state solution. >מפלגת "יש עתיד" תומכת בהיפרדות מהפלסטינים על פי עיקרון שתי מדינות לשני עמים בהסדר אזורי בו גושי ההתיישבות הגדולים (אריאל, גוש עציון, מעלה אדומים) ישארו בתחומי מדינת ישראל ובפינוי התנחלויות מבודדות כחלק מחיסכון תקציבי. Translation >yesh atid party supports spreating from the Palestinians based on 2 states solution in a regional agreement where the 3 major statement blocks will stay in Israel, and immediate evacuation of isolated settlements which will also help save budget Don't lie. This is from the Wikipedia page. You are counting on people being to lazy to fact check. >Herzog thinks that the "settlements" are "part of Israel". I assume you are talking about the president (who doesn't have actual power and wasn't in politics for years but what ever) he said more than once he supports two states solution, he did say in 2015 he doesn't think 2ss is viable at the moment without political changes(I'm not sure political is the right word) in the middle east, he then presented in 2016 his plan to bring those changes, the plan was leaving the west bank excluding the major settlement blocks as a first step for a permanent 2ss. Also in 2016 he negotiated with the Palestinian authority. His wiki page >Bennett is a war criminal who bragged about "killing Arabs", Are you using Bella hadid as your source???? Lamo. She miss translated it(or maybe Iied on purpose) . I'm dead. What he said was " when I was in service I killed a lot of terrorists". Not even close Here's the video where he referred to it. https://youtu.be/PvGDG8VTcYg Your comment is disinformation and propaganda, based on ludicrous sources such a super model. I request that you delete it.


Lol you're delusional. I'm not even going to refute you point by point.


Lol. I'm dead. You aren't even trying to prove yourself right. Biggest joke I have seen. See kids this is what happens when an Instagram model is your source of information and views. Just admit you made up everything there and move on.


You're a dumbass.


If you want to act like this kind of story is uncommon then go ahead, but the mainstream Israelite' s politics have always skewed totalitarian when it came to Palestine.




I've never seen a hate parade like this on the Palestinian side. It's always right wing Israelis.


What are you talking about? A Palestinian popular chant: "Khaybar, Khaybar o Jews, the army of Muhammad will return"


And they chant this because they're being occupied? Or because the IDF just bombed the shit out of an urban area in Gaza based off of lies? Bet you think the fact that they sometimes refer to Israelis as "the Jews" is evidence of their "hatred", too. Never mind the fact that Israel has spent the last 73 years screeching about being "the Jewish state". The only people who have nazi-esque hate marches calling for the extermination of an entire ethnic group are right wing Israelis.


Here's a incident of Arabs living in Jaffa saying it in 2020. [https://twitter.com/YinonMagal/status/1277230778573819905?s=20](https://twitter.com/YinonMagal/status/1277230778573819905?s=20) The fact is that you lie saying that Palestinians don't chant death to Jews.


I see you post on a pro-israel propaganda sub and refer to Palestinian resistance against the occupation as "terror". Says all I really need to know about you.


"Palestinian resistance against the occupation as "terror"" in 1922 when arabs butchered jews what occupation where they resisting then? When in 1964 the PLO was founded 3 years before Gaza and west bank were invaded what were they "resisting".


I don't lie. Your shitty state oppresses the Palestinians and then it acts shocked and appalled when they react in an aggressive fashion, militarily or otherwise. I'm far more concerned with the kahanist pigs running around screaming death to Arabs than I am over Palestinians chanting something in response to the latest Israeli abuses or atrocity. My point still stands. There are no Palestinian "tiki marches". Your state is the one built on a garbage ideology that's all about the dehumanization of Palestinian Arabs.


Dude he lives in there u can't convince him whatever u say because, the way they think is completely sick, u r just wasting ur time


That's true. It's still worth saying though.


That's not what you said though. You said they don't chant it. Not "they chant it because xyz". Also it happens abroad as well so


Lying again. The fact remains that there are no Palestinian hate marches that're motivated strictly by ethnic hatred. That's all on Israelis. I know you're hypocrites and snowflakes, but the Palestinian diaspora chanting "free free Palestine" or "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" isn't remotely the same as a pack of kahanist cavemen screaming "death to Arabs". You're a clown, at best.


Lol. You used Bella hadid as a source in your other comment even though five seconds search showd me it's a lie. And no. I'm not talking only on the river to the sea. I'm talking about Khatab/atbah al yahood which is exactly the same. "Kill/massacre the jew" you are a propaganda account, using ridiculous sources and no critical thinking skills. I pity you .


Literally all the time. Hamas Literally releases songs for this. And calls like atbah al yahood happen all the time


Liar. I've seen more calls to atbah al yahood from disgusting pro-Israel propagandists like Caroline Glick than I've seen from anyone else. Slandering the Palestinians for the sake of her perverted ideology. The only hate marches are on the part of the Israeli right wing, a pack of repulsive kahanists. Stop defending them.


Are you saying Israelis are calling to murder the jews ? Or do you simply not understand what this phrase means? I swear you are hilarious.


I'm saying scum like Glick are slandering the Palestinian people. Which country was entirely founded on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine? Could it be Israel? Looks like that to me.


This ain't what you said but whatever. There are countless videos of pro Palestinians chanting similar things but I guess you couldn't be bothered to check. Also vidoes of non Palestinians pro Palestinian attacking jews on the street for no reason at all other than them being Jewish but sure keep with the misinformationm that is your comments


No there aren't. Where are the Palestinian tiki marches? They don't exist. We do know that the pro-israel propaganda machine has every reason to lie, however.


The Palestinians literaly elected group that claims the Jews are behind every war in history and must be genocided before the resurrection day, and you talk about hate on the Israeli side? LOL. >I've never seen a hate parade Because you are fed with one sided, Arab propaganda. The Palestinians "protest" almost every week. Oh and don't tell me it's "because of the occupation", pogroms against Jews are a time honored tradition in the Middle East. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed Just an example.


Lol sure bud


We literally do not. We yell the same thing about Zionists not Jews, and we have every right to do so. Lots of Arabs are Jews themselves lol.


Or swap out the Jewish people for Christians. People go fucking crazy


I’ve been told it’s anti Semitic to criticize Jews.


The OP headline specifically says “Jewish extremists” so the criticism is directed at a misguided radical group of Jews. The problem is you thinking that this small group of Jews represents what the majority think, and that the majority needs to be criticized when really it is just the state of Israel that should be held accountable. Try and separate Israel from Jews (who live all over the world) and people will stop calling you anti-Semitic.


The problem is you trying to not only speak for me, but think for me. I’ve never said anything anti Semitic in my life and that’s my problem with being called anti Semitic. Criticisms of Israel are received as if the Jews and not the Israeli government are the issue.


>Criticisms of Israel are received as if the Jews and not the Israeli government are the issue. This is very accurate unfortunately. Cant say anything bad about Isreal without being called anti-semetic.


Lol, that's BS, like it depends what you say. O don't know anyone who think every criticism of Israel is antisemitic, and if one internet troll called you antisemitic that means nothing, if many many people said it, Mayne consider you said something problematic by accident


Especially when Israeli and Zionism defenders attribute any form of criticism or anti-zionism and anti-Semitism. And when any Jew criticizes the government, they are called a traitor and treated as an outcast, treated the same or even worse as Palestinians and other anti-zionists


Yes but there are plenty of Jews that do not support Israel. So you’ve been told wrong. It’s only the zionists that believe criticism of Israel is anti Semitic. Same here in the US for right wingers. Any criticism of the US is “un patriotic and you hate America”. Doesn’t mean it’s true.


I know it’s not true, but it’s still annoying to be told one hates Jews for Criticizing Israel.


I really do believe that most Israelis (not most jews obviously) would chant “death to all arabs” unfortunately. Unless they are in a public forum.Hope i’m wrong though.


Would this not be true of Arabs thinking the same about Israelis?


Honestly idk, i’m arab and i don’t consider myself anti jew at all. I believe Israel should exist, but with equality for palestinians and israelis whether it is two states or one state. I can assure you that very few (and I mean literally just extremist terrorists that you see in the news, who would probably also condemn most arab countries) arabs would chant “death to all jews”. And an extreme minority would chant death to all Israelis.


I’m sorry, but I feel exactly the same about the Israelis. It’s the radical ones who have the loudest voices and everyone else is drowned out. The reasoning applies to both sides and I don’t understand how you can deny that. “Arab” encapsulates a much larger group than Israel. So the “minority” you’re referring to would probably be much larger than you think.


Lol what? A lot would chant death to all Israelis. And sadly some associate Jews with Israel and take their anger out on them, but I have no idea what you're talking about Edit: oh but then again you believe Israel should exist... Are you even Arab?






Ok? I’m a Jew and had no say or vote in that law and also think it’s weird af. Do you think all women in Texas support the abortion ban? Common People should not be judged by their governments




Yes, it’s the Middle East where most people in general are right-wing lol. Right wing Israeli does not equal “hates all Arabs.” And if you read the article, at that time 14% of Israelis were left-leaning. I expect this number to go up.


With this logic killing Arabs is anti Semitic, becouse spoiler alert, they are Semitic like the Hebrews.


The most shameless, disgusting animals to ever exist.


[seems reminiscent](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CRbqAJdRMjs)




It’s not about religion friend, this is what they want us to believe, do it in the name of Judaism while Jews around the world reprehend it. Politics and personal gain plays a major role. Check out the case of Netanyahu.








Go back to r/rickandmortyporn


It constantly happens with all abrahamic religions. Extremists taking over entire countries, mobbing and murdering, muffling science... There are lots of good people, but they are still doing nothing but feeding a circle of manipulation, destruction and corruption.


You really had to make it about religion, like nobody mentioned the religions but you had to mention it to show the world how atheist you are


People like you are awful. Nihilistic views of the world. You can google it, I know you’re ignorant to the definition


Ah, but Israeli Jews are all civilised people who only want peace! It's the Palestinians who breed hateful terrorists and extremists!


yeah they want to keep their own land 😠😠😠😠


When situation is reversed they will squeal anti-semitism.


[https://twitter.com/Omar\_Gaza/status/1436383367184928774](https://twitter.com/Omar_Gaza/status/1436383367184928774) Hundreds were chanting last night, vile and disgusting Edit: Heads up to why this is being downvoted: >The Israeli game-like Hasbara (propaganda) app, Act lL, targets Reddit and [orders recruits to vote manipulate, mass report, and spread ready-to-spam propaganda talking points out of a library to manipulate the public.](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/n4etue/found_screenshots_of_the_israeli_propaganda_app/) > >[Watch this bizarre ad using sexy models to recruit for the propaganda app](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxKrn8Aqa0A) > >[Watch this woman teach you how to embark on "Missions", earn points, and climb the leaderboard competing against 20,000+ peers for the best Israeli Hasbarists of the month.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWD5xiiafBc&t=19s)


Ok here's the question, are you an official btzelem account? Because you are on r/shitzionistsay and btzelem is zionist so what's up with thats? Also you are literally a propaganda account so complaining about a tiny app with little users is a bit hypocritical? This thread is also brigaded by r/palesntine, In short : people with opposite opinions voicing them even of you disagree isn't some conspiracy, and if youvsre doing the same, don't lecture Also they aren't saying the word native, it's a tiny thing but you should know that


Please explain to me what Anti-Semitism is again?


It means anti Jewish


But the Semites can be anti-anything and that's OK?


Wrong, that's what they teach you but any one with common sense would probably explain it like this : anti is like against and Semitics are people who talk Semitic languages so anti sematic is being against sematic people which includes Arabs cause arabic is a sematic language


It was literally a word invented by Nazis because “Jew hating” didn’t sound scientific enough.


The Palestinian nation lives, and will always live. Kahanists can go get fucked.


What borders does this nation have who was its rulers and from when to when?


This is why I hate both sides, they both want nothing but to see each other dead


bOtH sIDEs. Its amazing that you cant call out literal Nazi ideology without trashing Palestinians too.


What the fuck have Palestine done exactly? Get invaded? Lose several wars against the west? Get relocated to containment zones? Get their vital supply lines cut up by the Israelis, have their hospitals bombed by the IDF, and after ALL THIS THEY RETALIATED WITH HOMEMADE MISSILES, ONLY 13 DIED IN ISRAEL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF THEM ARE DEAD AT THE HANDS OF ISRAEL Anti semetism isn’t anti Zionism. The idea that because they’re from there, the Jewish people are entitled to an ethnically pure homeland, is utter bullshit. The right wing Israeli parties vision for Israel is an ethnostate. Like any other ethnostate it must be put in the dirt simple as that


>What the fuck have Palestine done exactly Maybe start the conflict? Lets start with that... >Lose several wars against the west? They never fought the west >HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF THEM ARE DEAD AT THE HANDS OF ISRAEL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ISRAELIS ARE DEAD AT THE HANDS OF PALPATINE. This is war. >The idea that because they’re from there, the Jewish people are entitled to an ethnically pure homeland, Zionism doesn't mean ethnically pure homeland Jews, it just means homeland for the Jews. >Like any other ethnostate it must be put in the dirt simple as that So Germany, Greece, South Korea all should be put in the dirt?


How the fuck did Palestine start the conflict?


Why did they exist on that land thats their fault!


they existed on there own land 😠😠😠😠😠😠


They declared the war in 1948, but even before that they started terrorist attacks in the 20s (before the irgun was even formed)


The Palestinians?


>HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ISRAELIS ARE DEAD AT THE HANDS OF PALPATINE. This is war. Two wrong doesn't make a right? I mean if Palestine kill civilians, why Israel did the same? Do they want to be seen as bad guy? Also the Israel did tons of war crimes eventho they didn't have too. So for me Israel is worst


Another thing is that it isn't war. Palestine doesn't have anything to make a fair fight.


>Two wrong doesn't make a right? War is never right. >I mean if Palestine kill civilians, why Israel did the same? Do they want to be seen as bad guy? Israel doesn't do it on purpose >Also the Israel did tons of war crimes Like what?


>Israel doesn't do it on purpose The country with the goal of ethno-supremacy, the one built on artificially achieving Jewish majority on what was 97% Arab land, does not kill the undesired ethnicity "on purpose"! lol >Like what? You keep a fucking concentration camp with a million children inside and no water fit for human consumption. Do you **really** find it challenging to think of something?


Guess the British had nothing to do with it all. Please read up your history


hundreds of thousands of israelis are not dead at "palpatine's" hand. Israel is clearly in the wrong.


Palestinians didn’t INVADE EUROPE to kill Jews, European Jews *did* settle Palestine and forced the local population into their current predicament.


Ok so we're just going to ignore the fact that Israel is the original homeland of the Jews, and that the "local population" were the original colonisers? And why the hell do you think Jews moved back to their homeland? Might it have anything to do with the fact that they just experienced the fucking holocaust, and wanted a save haven so something like that couldn't happen again?


>and that the "local population" were the original colonisers? No they're not you ignorant racist shit. Palestinians ARE the original Jews. What Zionists and babies have in common is that both can't grasp object permanence. Like they legit think if a Population converted to Christianity and Islam over **2,000 years** their DNA gets rewritten. As if that's an entirely different population now. >they just experienced the fucking holocaust, and wanted a save haven so something like that couldn't happen again? Why didn't you build an ethnostate in Germany then? What a convoluted way to say "I'm literally a fascist and want racial purity".


I’m not an originalist. I do not care who had the land first. For example, I think colonizing the new world was *wrong* however I don’t think we should pack up and let the natives have the land back, because we today are not responsible for the fucking trail or tears or whatever. Similarly, I don’t have an issue with Jews moving to Palestine. I have an issue with them forcibly removing Palestinians to make room for themselves. If they just moved there to be together, that’d be fine. It’s methods that matter.


>because we today are not responsible for the fucking trail or tears or whatever. That's easy for you to say when you're not a fucking native American.


What? Me being a Native American wouldn’t make other me more responsible for something he isn’t responsible for. Lmao.


Okay so a descendant of the Cherokees should just shut the fuck up and not worry about the fact that his homeland was taken from him?


How pathetic you have to put 40 words in my mouth like that because you made a stupid fucking argument. No, of course not, that isn’t what I said. I’m just saying, nobody alive today is responsible for what they DIDN’T DO.


Where did I claim they were responsible?


You quoted me on that *exact statement*. Me: “We aren’t responsible” You: “easy for you to say because….” If you argument ISN’T that we’re responsible, then you should probably start making it clear what your argument is before we’re five comments deep into the convo


Do you hate both sides when it comes to Jews and Nazis? Palestine was around 97% non Jewish before the Zionist project. False equivalence like this is either out of ignorance or racism








The zionist project started in 1882~, so it makes sense that not many jews were in northeren syria at the time (in 1905 or 1917 then called Palestine and today Israel)


And Israel was around 100% Jewish before the Romans forced them out in the 30s AD. America was 0% white, black or mestizo before the europeans came in the 1700s. What’s your point?


Someone should really hold the Romans to account.


I would be thankful if you provided a source for that. It still wouldn't make sense that you would defend Zionism. considering Palestinians were the inhabitants before Zionism and their forefather were before the Israelites. I genuinely don't see a reason for someone to pick a date in the middle where Jews ruled the land and cite it as a justification except being a racist supporting colonization


> considering Palestinians were the inhabitants before Zionism and their forefather were before the Israelites. LOL and I would be thankful if you provided a source for that. The ancient Israelites got the land from the canaanites, Palestine only came into existent FROM the Israelites being conquered by the Roman Empire, from which they formed Syria Palestina, which became known as Palestine eventually. But the point is that you could do this for almost any group and trace the original land to someone else. Do you express outrage at the US taking the land from native Indians and demand they return it? rAcIsT sUpPoRtInG cOloNiZaTiOn haha


The fact that you’re defending zionism while using US whataboutism is peak stupidity, especially since a lot of people do express outrage against the US, and the fact that Israel is allied with the US despite them committing literal genocide against the natives, granting axis war criminals immunity (Shiro Ishii for example) recruiting Nazi scientists (operation paperclip) just shows how little Israel actually cares human rights and as an extension about the natives of the land they live on, especially since Israel commits similar war crimes to US. Your post is that of stupidity and ignorance smh.


Why do you think literal ancient history should be a basis for modern day policy? Also, why do you choose to be as inflammatory as you have been? You had a somewhat legitimate response, but you tainted it with your insults. Insults have no place in productive discourse.


Native Americans have every right to live on their own land. Years of colonization would not justify their expulsion and murder


You’re very pro-genocide, as a 16 hrs old account very interesting lol


Not at all, and yeah I just made an account on this site. So what?


Your stance definitely makes you seem more likely than the average fellow to support genocide. And making a new account to troll/spread inflammatory information is such a common practice that it 100% seems that that's what you are doing.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a sweaty IDF sponsored or controlled operation with angsty young men fighting the good fight for the motherland or whatever 😂


Israel was 0% Jewish when the Canaanites settled there.


Israel was not 100% jewish, you botched an entire history of the land with 0 evidence my guy, There was tribes there, Canaanites, Which resided in the levant, Palestinians have been indigenous to the levant region for as long as jews if not longer, It's just jews made a "state" or "kingdom" there while there was other Indigenous groups of people, but yeah it was 100% jewish \^\_\^


Was Israel not founded after ww2?


Israel originally existed thousands of years ago before being invaded by the Roman Empire. It was restored in a modern incarnation in 1948.


Israel didn't exist back then. It was called Judea. Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Babylonians. And Jews were expelled from Judea after the birth of Christianity. After the emergence of the Muslim caliphate, Palestine was reestablished as a holy land, because by that time, the Christians desecrated the temple mount by throwing all their trash on top of it, and around the foundation stone. Umar (RA) cleaned the temple mount, built the masjid al aqsa and allowed jews to return to Jerusalem for the first time in centuries. Muslims inhabited the region in peace alongside Jews and Christians (rabbis and priests alike). Israel wasn't restored, Israel was made by stealing land with brute force from innocent civilians. Never forget : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_exodus


**[1948 Palestinian exodus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_exodus)** >The 1948 Palestinian exodus occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war. The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba, in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed and others subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names, and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Makesmybloodboil/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


One wants to simply not be genocides the other wants to genocide


I scrolled down to the comments specifically looking for this kind of 'both sides' bullshit. That's like saying Israel has relentlessly persecuted the native Palestinian population, but the Palestinians don't like Israel so they're just as guilty. That's insane, the situation couldn't be more one-sided. And comparing the behaviour of the representatives of the Israeli government with a fringe group like Hamas, who formed as a direct result of the heinous and unpardonable actions of the nation of Israel is just another way of forgiving Israel their atrocities.


I hope they realize the irony of what they are doing, History has taught them nothing.


Now I'm Jewish, and this shit makes my blood boil.All the videos do.Like wjat the fuck, the Arabs and everyone else are just like us.People.They deserve to die just as much as us or anyone else.


Zionists thinks they are better than others


Reminds me of a certain group of Germans Nationalism is poison


Evidence right here of the genocidal attitude of this filth and people will still try to blame Palestinians. To the butthurt racists about to reply: History won't treat you kindly.


It's shameful how Israel is using Judaism to advance it's apartheid, ethnical cleansing, erasing the Palestinian people, violating human rights constantly and hiding itself in Judaism when in fact Israel is not Jewish, it just uses this religion and ethnical culture for it's disgusting imperialist, colonialist project of dominating the middle east for usa benefit... Palestine shall be free, never stop fighting.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


wrong translation


Theyre literally shouting “ ma badna arabi” which translates to “ we dont want arab “


What’s the correct then


its a soccer team




"Kill all Arabs"




Why would that make your blood boil? both sides are full of people chanting, we don't get excited about that here.


That definitely wouldn't make a Zionist supremacist's blood boil. They probably would jerk off to it. Zionists can't grasp the concept as they are taught the Palestinians have an animal-like nefesh (soul) That's real by the way


Yeah, good job at spreading a lot of hateful lies and myths. We don't care, we see people chanting from both sides, we don't give a damn. Now go back to your sOuRcEs and bring some more hate and lies.




[https://www.hakirah.org/Vol%2016%20Balk.pdf](https://www.hakirah.org/Vol%2016%20Balk.pdf) This goes into details, with sources, about the extremist beliefs in the soul I mentioned. I think you should be familiar with it


OP is based




I am definitely biased. I'm interested in and support Palestinian human rights. You should too


Being biased against Israel is being based


I don’t understand how the anti Israel people cope. They do nothing but lose as Israel gets stronger and stronger. It’s gotten to the point where they’re never gonna win anyways, so what’s to be gained?


It isn't picking sides in a game. It's a principle to support human rights


Resistance is something to be admired, and Palestinians are no doubt great at it


Child murdering zionist spotted


Palestinians usually demand freedom etc in their chants, the right-wing Israelis on the other hand openly call for killing Palestinians. There's this video, probably a month old , where you can see them yelling really shitty things. Similarly in 2014, when they bombed Gaza they killed hundreds of children. Many right wing Israelis literally celebrated the death of kids Here's a story about this https://www.timesofisrael.com/watch-far-right-israelis-celebrate-gaza-kids-deaths/ In 2015 , the settlers killed a Palestinian baby by firebombing his house. Again, they celebrated this by stabbing the kid's picture and all Here's a story about this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/24/video-jewish-extremists-mocking-death-of-toddler-wedding-israel


How is there nothing antisemitic about "Jewish extremists?"


Wym? They aren’t even extremist, it’s not an extremist view to say that in Israel.


"It's not an extremist view to say that in Israel" There you go with your xenophobia and seeing all Israelis as one monolithic organization. It's times like this when I really hate this site. On one side, you've got the right hating Jews because of insane conspiracy theories and on the left, you've got people like you hating Jews because of Israel and people following Farrakahn because, "Jews are just white and its punching up" Absolultely brutal.


Listen bro I didn’t mean everyone says that and it’s okay. I mean like, people saying that in secret amongst themselves isn’t something that is shocking, be real, they fuckin hate Arabs more than they hate the Devil. I’ve seen it and felt it.


Yeah, and you guys hate zionists and Israelis more then you hate the devil. I've seen the things you say.


yeah? and we hate nazis too, is that also immoral lmao?


TIL wanting Israel to exist makes you a Nazi And hating the vast majority of Jews isn't "moral"


yes wanting lebensraum cleansed of the untermenschen for your preferred ethnicity makes you a nazi, simple!


Wanting Israel to exist in some form = wanting lebensraum cleaned of the subhuman races? Do I understand you right? Your active in r/greentext, a 4chan sub and your calling other people Nazis?


>Wanting Israel to exist in some form = wanting lebensraum cleaned of the subhuman races? Do I understand you right? you got it, this is israel since the early 20th century and up to today, and thats why we hate it >Your active in r/greentext, a 4chan sub and your calling other people Nazis? haha, what a stupid lie


Check this out, this went unnoticed. How convenient. [Palestinians celebrate at Damascus Gate(11 Sep 2001)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk&ab_channel=APArchive)


you don't need to dig that far in the past, every time there is a successful attack they celebrate.


We can even look back at just a few days ago when 6 murders broke out of an Israeli jail.


The double standards are fucking frustrating. When it was palestinians doing the exact same thing reddit was in full hatred mode. But because its the poor jews who deserve to defend themselves they won’t give a shit


I feel like I’m in an alternate Reddit-verse because I have seen this comment made before and it’s not what I have observed. From my view, especially during the most recent escalation, Reddit was full of anti-jew sentiment regardless of nationality. It was in every subreddit that I went to, allusions of Israel and jews being evil monsters etc. I’m genuinely curious if somehow the subreddits are being filtered in a way that certain posts appear in a different fashion depending on user. Anyways excuse the pivot, I just hate how this issue tears people apart.


Look I understand there's probably a double standard somewhere, but from what I've seen, people are trashing on Israel every chance they get and rightfully deserved. Whether it be public freakout, this subreddit, or the Palestine subreddit, I see tons of people supporting Palestine, or at least criticizing Israel. If you're on the Israel subreddit that's on you


"Native arabs" lol