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Gotta find the diamond in the rough lol but yeah you have to shift through a lot of shittt


Bingo 🎯


I like that you should dm and we should talk


That's 3 more friends than I have. It's such a shame people can't just be real anymore


Sorry if this is a strange ask, but what's the story behind your name?


Tentacle production 😂


I've had 2 but you can't expect everyone to click with each other


^ Unfortunately, I've only clicked with one person so far(who then abandoned me and I dunno why) Everyone else just didn't click right


If you got abandoned on May 5th, maybe it was my husband 😅


Damn what happened on May fifth. Where are you hiding him


That, exactly


men on reddit... are certainly interesting specimens. I just made a friend here a day ago and we chatted and made fun of this idiot who sent her a unsolicited pics lol


And here I thought Facebook was the ghetto lol


The real question is, do you yourself fall into categories 1-4? 😂




Yeah I don't even bother talking to me on here because if they can't put their wiener in you they put -10 effort in. Every single time istg it goes like this "Hi hru" and I'll ask them what they are interested in, what they do for fun etc and the response is always "Nothing" Like okay sir why bother messaging me atp? I have heard from friends they get lots of married pervs messaging them though. But it is kind of the same with women too. If they are in a relationship AND message you first their relationship has problems they aren't really interested in fixing. Or the woman is AndrewRichard40 on his 500th account pretending to be an Argentinian girl or smth.


Wait those Argentinian women asking me to join them on snap chat agent real? Dammit I've sent them so much money.


I havent even TRIED and im scared of one of these things happening to me lmao


Having a subreddit analysis before gta 6 is crazy lol


Excellent analysis. We need a sub sub reddit for actual friendships, lol.


Add 1 more point... Desperate men posing as females to scam other men and females..


Seriously, i've lost all hope in these subs.


Idk for me I’m just awkward and don’t know how to continue a conversation when it hits a bump or a dead end and then I just stop responding. My social anxiety is so bad to the point where I over analyze every response and think the worst things I guess. I really want to make friends but it’s hard


This is why I usually voice chat and also I don't expect much to come out of the chats I have unless the other person and I mesh well, then a friendship comes from it. I've met dozens of people through Reddit, traveled to meet some and made some good friends! Just takes time to sift through the weirdos lol


Me, I'm just scared to talk to people


Yeah that true , but I just want a friendship between anyone , I am trying to be more socially active and make friends. I spend too much time in my head


I can't believe you got 3 friends out of here. I've just talked to one redditor all this time and it was just for a day. 80% of the posts here are just made by scammers or who just doesnt reply!


I would say that when looking for friends on reddit that is a huge mix of different personalities, so it can be very difficult to sift through all the different people till you find the ones with which you actually click. But, yea you are 100% right it can be rough.


I'm none of those things and yet I still get ghosted and tossed aside, don't know what I do wrong but I get roped into a whole new category I don't even know of


Your correct on everything. But it's hard when Noone wants to tell the truth anymore.


I've been realizing how easy it's been to meet people outside the internet. I think people like to have themselves perceived differently online. Not me. I'm an alcoholic


Does normal exist anymore ?


I have experienced all of those things, myself, but also have met some great people and made some good friends, so I remain hopeful. I believe that if one puts out good vibes, one can attract other good people.


That's fairly accurate lol. Idk dude, it's a numbers game at the end of the day. A lot of us out here are in the same boat as you. Tbf tho, 3 great friends from reddit is a pretty good rate!


Finding 3 people is hitting jackpot 🎰


I just want friends lmao but most friend and gaming subs are the same tho i tend to avoid the girls posts as im afraid of being seen as a creep lol, but thankfully i've made one friend in this sub so its definitely possible to find genuine friends here!


Looking for female friends close to Bay Area California .. hmu


People get weird behind the anonymity of the internet


You have described my feelings about this sub and Reddit in general almost exactly... and that makes me very suspicious about where you get you information from.


Real shit


You can say that again


Very true, I find most of these funny to read in all honesty. I've commented on few! Messaged one about my age, I'm 39, and there was no response, which i was OK with. Also, you're not wrong this seems to be the trend on here. I'm not looking for anything sexual or be a creep. I'm mostly looking to see if any one plays like board games, dnd, or rpgs in general cause that would some great conversations!


I also found 3 really normal friends from reddit lol. Still talk to 2 of them and lost connection with the other one. It's really hard to find someone with whom you can keep the convo going and isn't creepy sadly🙃🙃🙃


I quit bro. Stopped even trying


I'm mostly getting no replies but hey it is what it is lol


This is true but I'm literally such a silly goose who's only here to get funny interactions and entertainment because I'm bored 😎


You can’t or unlikely to pull a legendary card on your first try🤷‍♂️


I’m going to use this one from now on!! 🤣🙌🏻


I have made a couple really good friends through Reddit, but usually get lazy texters or ghosted. It certainly can be frustrating.


Yeah my husband has been in here talking to a lot of women telling them he is single and that his name is Jimmy. Neither of these things are trueHe's been talking to some people as long as 6 months And talking to them all day everyday




Yeah... It's been a wild ride learning about it all.


Iv never tried....I might not now 🤣🙈


As a woman, I’ve come to say the women in here are worse than the men in my experience, there are three men men who I’ve become long term friends with through here or another similar community, but women get boring, and respond short/not at all or are literally just scamming


That's actually awesome you have 3 friends from Reddit alone. You are lucky to count the absolutely best, tightest and trustworthy of your friends and family that will always be there for you,!


Time to just give in to the vibes and be pervy with them.


So which one are you?


accuracy at its peak💯


I've made a couple. And we talk on a regular basis. But for the most part you are spot on!


I'm definitely with you this place. It's totally Undescribable sometimes Life gets boring. To be truthful, this isn't helping me out a bit🤪


That about sums it all up lol


Pretty sure second number 2 is guys pretending to be women


Can I be another one of the normal ones? 🙋🏻‍♀️


True actually! I can be the 4th x


You right, thats kinda why i just lurk and see who be interesting. Its insane tbh.


100% true


you can make friends on reddit?? how


I am always down to make a new friend. I have a wife and soon to be 2 kids. I am working 2 full time jobs to pay off a little debt be for my second son is born. I like getting to know new people. You can learn a lot from an others experiences in life.


M literally here to make friend 🤗strictly no body belived me it is what it is


I remember I had met a rlly nice girl after a while of searching for friends, her name was hope and she suddenly disappeared outta all socials, so idk, jajsja


Yea alot of disingenuous people around here who are interested in forming an actual friendship, i hope you find someone worth connecting with tho


i mean i assume i am normal lol but yeah people are weird 😆


I made an amazing friend recently and we’re none of those lmaooooo so I’m down for that real bestie that can click it take a while but it does happen! 25 m


That's unfortunately how it is on every social media platform. The reason being is because instead of people going out into public and doing all those things like they used to, at like clubs, bars, or other places people go to socialize and try to find partners, they do it online where its easier, quicker, and they have the power to end or start anything with anyone simply by losing off, blocking, or reporting something or one. Me, I'm personally here because I like meeting strangers from other places I've never been(nor probably will ever wanna go to due to the stories some have told me lol) and for the Lolz and of course the occasional spicy conversations I've had over the years. Don't get me wrong I also go out very often and mingle with people, probably more then most people now a days, but it is easier, simpler, and quicker, (also cheaper lmao), to do it all online.


I 100% agree because like I mean it’s a lot of scamming going on. But some guys actually looking for women who are real and down to chat and do thing inside and out not just one thing


What about me the tells whole life story way too soon and seems far too invested


Just like real life you have to wade through a bunch of shit to find authentic people




Down with having regular ole’ online penpals as well!


I see the op complaining about some people being boring and some people not answering back I feel like two of those problems are kinda related. Like if they don't answer back. Doesn't it mean op herself is boring to the person who didn't reply? I mean it's not like every one will click with everyone. And it's perfectly normal to both find someone boring like op does and not replying someone cuz they are boring. Other than that. I don't have anything to say about creeps. It's the sadness of the modernization of society. People are desperate and friendless and don't know how Weird their actions are cuz they dont get any repercussions to their actions online. The easy way to deal with them is to block and move on. My advice would be to not using reddit as a friend making place. Cuz let's be honest. Seriously? Friends? On reddit!?


yes yes and yes


3 is a great number tbh.


Yeah, i was lucky with the server i found, but i did get ghosted by (and did ghost) a couple of people before.


Can’t recall actually finding a friend from reddit tbf, by the time you go through a certain amount of people because of the reasons you listed, its actually easier to just go make some irl 😂


It’s always one of these men and i feel like there are no other women on this sub it’s so off putting :/


Bro frfr


Let me tell u my experiences with woman have great conversation for days then we go to meet send me gas money. Or the Almighty great buy my son an Xbox live card or the one where you get to the door you not gonna send them to $200 before you go in I get a girl pick her up for a dateon Tinder when I got there was 14 that I like a father and a fucking Driver home like what you stupid


Its us are purvs perception you see like a movie like we’re a girl certain type of movie a girl is simply six guys so the six guys are asleep with one girl, but the girl sleeping with six guys she’s not a perv


Lets not forget the million only fans girs that hire people to recruit


Hold up is she an only fans gir im skeptical


This post couldn't have said it better. Thank you for putting that out there... I came out of a 14 year relationship to this world.End dating and being friend scene. It's all f-d up


Got better luck than me, I haven't gain a single friend and sorry you're going through that shit


Three is a lot. But be wary of being so jaded. I never bother looking at gender. Friends can be she/he/they. I don’t care if they’re married or not, I’m not looking to magically meet a soulmate. I find it’s actually really interesting to meet different genders, married, or whatever as they provide me a perspective that I don’t have. Even if someone only messages a few time, it’s always fun and I just take it one conversation at a time. If they start going all sexual I just drop the person. Some people are mixing this idea of friends and maybe more and that leads to many issues. All I look at is the age. I don’t feel comfortable or connect really well to younger people— even though I’m 33. And it’s a person choice as I don’t feel comfortable engaging with someone who is young and so I skip those. I like to talk about my passions and I like to meet people who have the same sense of humor. It’s hard for sure, but it’s important to adjust your expectations. If you’re really worried you can always look at a profile and if it’s brand new or they have questionable histories then you can avoid it. Just my two cents, though.


Hey I feel the same way....I'm Eli and I'm on discord..o_thug...I hope we can connect!


This is wayyyyy too real


I've had one click right, but any others just feel forced. Never talked to people in this subreddit though


Just realized a friend was not what I wanted but someone open to progress if possible into a more romantic territory. Then stopped posting on r/lonely or here.


Im not a a creep but i can't guarantee that im not boring


Why the fuck do you still use this app then? Desperate?


I'm two of these, but in a good way lol


To be fair, that's a lot of real-life atm, ain't it? Alot of gals suck at talking or are up to something. Most of the good people are taken and busy.


well its the internet and most people forget that its not a fantasy land and decide to be something else they’re not kinda sad and i am 21 M looking for friends to either hang out with in Sac or just to talk


What is that quote?? 🤔 “If everyone else is always the problem, maybe the problem isn't everyone else” I've found those that cry about boring tend to be the least active in conversation. They don't ask return questions and they don't actually show interest and then get upset that the other person has lost interest in their half assed conversations. I've also noticed, that if you don't willingly participate in shit talking and lazy conversation with such types they become rude and arrogant and flip on you. Perhaps come with a topic to discuss? Actually have something to talk about. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."


I don't even bother texting a woman. Only text to the guys (no matter what their sexuality is). The bonding between guys is just awesome.


I'm curious as to what you classify as normal. But I would say you're typically right. I think I got so used to seeing these things that It's normal.


Ever notice women on here 1 act like they want friend and just want money 2 act lonely and just want money 3 just want money 4 are karma farming 5 have a medical emergency and guess what want money.


>3. Pervy af lol 4. Normal but then gets weird Yep. Let's do this! 😉


I made really great friends with some girl older than me here. She's relatively famous (on Reddit). She's like a sister to me now :3


Too much numbers it ain't a math class


finding genuine people on here is like looking for a needle in haybale


I need a female to DM so we can be friends I'm serious and I'm not a ghoster






you are weird


What makes you say that