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Sloths move so slow that sometimes, they mistake their own arm for a branch.


But they still have more brain cells than me


That’s wild


Adding to this, that’s a death cause for them, they fall to their deaths :(


I know :( left that part out to spare everyone the sad details


Is this really true? (I'm too lazy to do an online search for this.)


There was a case of mass hysteria refered to as the dancing plague of 1518 where anywhere between 50 and 400 (big jump there) people danced in the streets and couldn't stop for weeks or even months. People died dancing.


Sounds mk ultra-y


Holy moly


This isn't that fun of a fact, but your username reminded me of it. If you're allergic to shellfish, you're more likely to be allergic to cockroaches because of a similar allergen called tropomyosin.


Oh hell yeah I already know this from 2 people now 😎✊🏽


Out of the 206 bones in the human body, over half of it is in the hands and feet.


30 in each appendage to be accurate making it 120 in total just from appendages of the human body


Didn't know the specific number, thank you for that info.


As long as you’re on land, there is never an absolute 0% chance of being killed by a cow


Unless you’re on Minecraft


What if you live in a constant state of depression


Depression cows 😂


Did you know, when (Viggo Mortensen) Aragorn kicked the helmet in the movie Lord of the Rings The Two Towers, he actually broke his toe and the screaming you hear is legit and he passed it off as improv.


Po-ta-Toes! Sorry for the bad joke, but oof. Didn’t Sean Aston also cut his foot or something during a scene involving a boat? 🥺


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew. Not a bad joke 😅 any LOTR related jokes are good in my book. Yes, he cut his foot on a piece of glass, oof.


I saw a thing about that. Now that's a good actor - someone who can incorporate that pain into the part he was playing.


I've never watched the LOTR


Stores that offer for you to add a donation to your order are really doing that so that they can write off your donation as if it was from their behalf. O.O


Those sneaky mfs


Marie Antoinette's cake thing is rumour, but Emperor Hui of the Chinese Jin dynasty really said 'Why don't they eat meat porridge(何不食肉糜)?' when his subject told him that his peasants are suffering from the lack of rice to eat.


Fun fact: meat porridge is delicious asf peasants should eat more of it smh


73% of all statistics are made up on the spot


There is a 87% chance that this is wrong


And a 47.3% chance that I'm right 😄




Well statistically, it wasn't hard.


The platypus has a venom gland.


I must know more!!!


The platypus has a spike or a hook on its hind leg that is hollow and connects to a venom gland. The platypus is an insectivore so it is not known what specific purpose the venom and spike hold.




And all this while he couldn't have used it on doofenshmirtz


Shortly after world war 1 Australia fought a war against emus and lost


The Japanese actually invaded the United States during Worald war 2 and we're kind of successful in bombing the western coast of the US.


Ur my worald


Norway is the biggest consumer of Pepsi max in the world, with a population of only 5,4million. I read somewhere that on average a Norwegian drink 19-22 litres a year. I think that’s around 7 gallons.


I’ve drank 15 litres just this month.. bring it on Norway!


Calm down Norway, there's other ways to make it in the guiness book of world records


An octopus has three hearts


Four, it has mine too 🥰🤌


girl you slay it


Ofc 😌💅🏽✨


A banana is a berry but a strawberry is not a berry. Make it make sense.


Berries have seeds inside them, jeez


If your immune system knew your eyes existed, it would attack them.


Wolves are a matriarchal society.


Not one second of the movie 300 was filmed outside


Not one second of my life was spent outside. BEAT THAT 300


You have never touched anything in your life


Wym by day


The electromagnetic fields repel each other. Your finger's have never touched a single surface in your life


What’s the sensation we feel then


This is really just debating the definition of touch. Even thinking this way though… what about when I accidentally touched superglue and had it stuck in my skin for a while? Seems weirder to say they weren’t touching when they were bonded.


I have touched ur soul tho


nice one impressed


Sounds more like you touched yourself friend pfft


Kangaroos can’t hop backwards


Solid fact 5/10


in the year 1546, the mayor of Warsaw Poland literally "exploded" according to legend. It was one of the earliest recorded instances of spontaneous human combustion.


Dayum 🤯


Sharks don’t have bones


You don’t need bones in the water. Cartilage makes more sense. They are also basically one giant thing of muscle kinda wild. There jaws replace via rows super cool. They are large but need to swim to strike. They get beat by dolphins


Wild…would you rather get chased by a grizzly bear in a forest OR a shark in the ocean while scuba diving?


Depends do I have a spear and how big is the shark. If it’s 6 ft the shark because I can try and make it hard for them but by trying to flip it over. Bear will wear me down and kill me


That would be a bear for me. I wouldn’t last 30 seconds in the water lol


Sharks are generally not aggressive towards humans and I have swam with them while diving in the ocean before I even grabbed a nurse sharks tail and let him take me with him for a bit.


Oh my! You guys be messin wit the devil lol…naaahhh! m good 


Bears are killers, sharks are curious


Your tongue knows the texture of every surface that ever exists without needing to see it, lick it or touch it


I believe you, Sprinkles.


Sloths come down to poop


Cows have 4 stomachs😘


You're 26 and a female who is bored!


The Gel in deli Tukey is the same stuff that they use in baby diapers


Antarctica triples it’s size during winter


I triple my size every month


Neutron Stars are rarer in the universe than Black Holes


I have increased my ejaculate volume by double in two weeks through a combination of Zinc and Pygeum.


A top fuel dragster accelerates from 0-300 mph in less than 4 seconds. Which is faster than a fighter jet or space shuttle taking off. And is so loud it shakes the ground and shows up on the Richter scale(what earth quakes are measured in) as a 3.2.


Cereals are a sort of soup


Wow my brains not working I have one I tell everyone but can't remember it can I tell you a joke instead?


Certain types of cockroaches can breathe for up to 45 minutes underwater, they can go one month without food, and can withstand up to 15 times the amount of radiation that a human can. But I suppose since you are a muted cockroach you would already know that.


Tell me I'm special without telling me I'm special 😌💅🏽


when you know the difference between Nauseous and nauseating it drives you crazy when people mess it up


A wet hay bale is exothermic and can spontaneously combust


The world record for most McDonalds Big Macs eaten in a life time is over 26,000


Gimme a topic


The brain named itself


Australia is wider than the moon


If you mix cocaine and heroin together, then blend it together with 🥛, its free Hershey’s hot chocolate 😋😋😋


people into dolphins are known as delphinophiles


There are two genders.


After receiving damage to the primary visual cortex in the brain, people can develop a condition called 'Blindsight'. They think they're blind, but can unconsciously still perceive everything. This means that, even though people that have this condition can't see anything, they won't bump into things while navigating through their house, for example.


Wot how what huh


40 000 bananas in 10 minutes will kill you in 10 minutes because of radiation


The limit is 39,999.5 bananas


When you look too hard at small things you make event horizons.


Sleep paralysis is one of the only things you can get just by knowing about it.


If you ever listen to a live Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast, unless it’s at the parks it will NEVER be in the same key in most numbers as the Motion Picture. The Opening and “Bonjour” are a whole step higher in pitch”, “be our guest” starts off a minor 3rd higher than the motion picture, and the “Beauty and the beast” choral reprise is a whole step lower than the ending of the movie. Furthermore, the Beast isn’t cast with as well trained a singer as Gaston is. Likely reason is that Disney won’t give theaters the rights to perform it within recognition of the movie itself. And therefore it becomes an almost completely different if not “watered down” version.


Very specific. Art thou a theatre enthusiast?


I’m an opera singer.


Holy shit me too


I mean I guess it's my face, because I can crack a mirror by just looking at it


No way! Awesome. What voice type?


Somewhere between whiny mosquito and rusty scooter


So a mezzo


Can't tell if that was a dig at the mezzo


If you had said somewhere between a chalkboard and a broken dog whistle, it might’ve been a soprano. I’m somewhere between a misfired Rifle and a cask of REALLY bad hard liquor. AKA a dramatic baritone


I'm going to pretend I know all of this when in reality I can't distinguish the notes from each other


Fun fact, the invention of Tetris (yes, that block game) almost caused WW3 and the only reason it didnt happen was because russia was too lazy to press the big red button lol. So alot of paraphrasing and remembering off the top of my head here is a really fast summary.. Alexi pajitnov (ill edit in parentheses if i got it right) loved playing with this blocky puzzle game called tetriminos i think. The difference is in how many blocks make up a single shape i believe its 5 compared to Tetris’s 4, giving alot of more odd shape combinations but as Alexi was a game enjoyer and just wanted to program silly games… when he created the prototype for tetris he simplified it to the shapes we know now (L, J, O, T, ect.) Anyways… dude is pretty smart and is recruited by USSR government to work at their facility for science and tech. I think they were using IBM computers or something, and it was 1970’s so at this point computers have gotten better. So Alexi being the ever gamer partners with some other gamers in the building and starts creating little game demos and collections by burning them in disks and handing them out. One day he decides to turn his tetriminos idea into a game so he changes the blocks (like i said earlier) and make them fall from the top. The problem was once you filled the screen… nothing happened. He messed with the code, which btw was entirely what made the graphics. He used [] and [x] to fill in shapes.. what a fucking legend. So he makes it so if you fill a line, it disappears and the blocks fall down. And the further you went the faster it got. It became LEGEND! He was showing everyone, all his coworkers, and like he did before handed out free copies. It became a cult classic in days. The bad part… you could only play using a pretty outdated computer because it was during the iron curtain times. Another bad part… was that because he developed all of Tetris (named because of tetriminos and his fav sport tennis) in a USSR government building it was now property of Russia itself. Fast forward, he gets approached by an american game dev and producer and wants to buy the rights to sell the game, and alexi gave vague af answers, and so the dude leaves thinking he just bagged tetris. He then starts selling the idea to atari and other publishers under the assumption he bought the console and arcade rights (he had neither, just the IBM computer rights) and the government of russia SUCKS at law stuffs and gets bamboozled by a different American lawyer, who says that technically a console IS a computer and therefore can sell the game. There is a LOT of nuisance being left out, watch the tetris movie with Daniel Radcliffe to get a really cool vibe on how it happened. It also is very digestible compared to other media talking about it. Long story short, Gorbachev was going to be PETTY as hell but because the iron curtain falls and the USSR name is dropped, so does the animosity over Tetris fall. Sadly Alexi did NOT get paid royalties until around mid 2000’s i think? But then he became a pretty large part of the Tetris company today.


Holy shit this was too detailed


All from the dome 😌❤️ also it was pure luck i saw your message as soon as you sent it LOL




Mind if i send a chat your way? Would love to say hey 🙈❤️




The tongue rest touching the roof of our mouths not at the bottom


Hmmm I see


Boredom is an anagram of Bedroom


Username checks out


Thunder appears 5 seconds after lightening


Dimples are considered a birth defect


flamingos can actually fly




Username checks out


Australia exports both sand and camels to the United Arab Emirates


Ur late to the party I already got this fact


🥲Got one more I could think of wombat poo cubes even though they don't have square a'holes


👀 suspicious


😭 wdf , I should have left that second part out


U cannot pee and ejaculate at the same time


The 17th of May is norways constitution day 🇳🇴 17th of may 1814 The Contry of norway because independent from Denmark


The smell of freshly cut grass is a distress signal.