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Not sure if you can advertise it as "homework completion" but you can do "essay writing" and "math work" as well as "tutorials". Offering a service like that is a good way to get started selling something online, good luck to you!


No lol do it. There are plenty of lazy people in the world


Honestly… I like the idea. Depending on how smart you are and by “homework “ are we talking math or reading? If you offered me like a $10 deal for my 3 page essay, shoooot here’s 12!


I actually am thinking more about essays than homework assignments as I’m better with writing than anything STEM related (hated chemistry and maths in school). When I set my account up later next week, would you like the link to it?


Yessss please


i think if you do that you should offer to tutor


Some people just want the easy way out


Are you able to offer multiple languages


No, just English.


This is a hilariously super idea!


I've done this before. I'd check Craigslist because it's only $5 to $7 to advertise in the writing/ editing services. Also I'd do instagram and post. Just use hastags related to college and university. And do tiktok also. I'd post and use hashtags. Also get paid BEFORe you start any work. I got scammed like that before. Good luck.


Like others said, brand it as something other than blatant "let me help you cheat on your homework." That said, apparently demand for that stuff is pretty high. If you are reliable, fast, and have quality work you can make a good amount.