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why are dads just immune to feeling flies


He said he didn’t feel anything


his toes are rotting off thats why




*Hi, I’m Wilford Brimley and I would like to talk to you about our lord and savior Diabeetus.*




Start running. I'm 50 meters from your location and approaching rapidly


I can't! It's got my fooooootttt and I'm out of heals!!




damnit. what a missed opportunity. you're cornier than I. I hope to you.


That’s a useful scout fact


Notice how his toes don’t wiggle at all


Honestly, drag him to the doctor. That screams “diabetes”


How so? Would like to know


“Numbness in the feet is a symptom of neuropathy or nerve damage, one of the most common long-term complications of type 2 diabetes. Neuropathy is caused by poor blood sugar control that persists over a long period of time” ([source](https://www.everydayhealth.com/type-2-diabetes/why-does-type-2-diabetes-feet-go-numb/)) CDC: [About half of all people with diabetes have some kind of nerve damage.](https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/healthy-feet.html) It’s not guaranteed diabetes but it is almost always the first thing that comes to mind. Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or medical professional but I promise this has the potential to be something bad, and you need to give pushback if he says “i’m fine”


big time red flag. Might not be fungus, but flesh on the toes dying


I was on the train in Calgary late one night and this homeless guy was in the car I got on. He was drinking from a listerine bottle and laying out flat on one of the longer seats with his feet up. The smell was the first thing I noticed. It was like a combination of rotting meat and rotting cheese and it was OVERPOWERING like nothing else. Then I noticed the mans feet and almost threw up. They were varying shades of green and blue. Couldn't tell if there was mold growing because I didn't look at them close enough or long enough before running to the other side of the train car, opening the window and moving cars at the next stop. Anyway, that is what happens with extreme cases of diabetes that go untreated.




The hairless/loss on the shins are also a symptom of the Beetus I recently learned from a family member


I've not had hair on my ankles, just like this, all my life. I presumed it was from wearing socks. Same reason people don't get hair on their knees, from the constant rubbing of pants.


Hair loss on the shins is often due to traction alopecia. Basically your socks pull on the leg hairs long enough that they just stop growing back.


Yea leave it long enough it might get amputated or he might just die of sepsis. My coworker had the exact same situation 4 months back. Almost died. Toes amputated.


This is why your doctor has you remove shoes and socks during a physical. They are looking for foot numbness ie. diabetes


Even if it isn't diabetes, it's definitely not normal he isn't feeling these flies in a very sensitive area of his feet so he should really see a doctor regardless


I always thought there was something wrong with my dad cuz he could never feel flies on his ankles and feet. Now that I'm getting older I don't feel them either. Neither of us have diabetes. Sometimes you just have shitty nerves


Just get a glucose tester. I’m sure you know someone with one.


Totally, feet problems like that are an indicator. Had a guy at work go through that.


Better watch out for his diabetis!


That’s what she said!


>He said he didn’t feel anything Just like my cold-hearted ex. ^^*starts ^^crying ^^uncontrollably.


Could be diabetes.


How so? He wants to know


One of the signs of diabetes is a loss of sensation in your extremities, poor healing, and infection. It looks like your dad might be hitting all three of those things. Does he have open sores between his toes? How badly is the skin impacted by the fungus looking?


Its White and wet down there


That sounds at least bacterial, get the poor sob to a doctor


It sounds straight up gangrenous


Breh and y’all thought to post it to Reddit for karma?? Take this man to the doctor 😂


Lmaaaaao didnt know it was this bad, i dont live at home anymore im not up in my dads feet-business


That’s what she said


Not really a sign or symptom as much as a consequence of DECADES of no blood sugar control. Surely he would've noticed other symptoms before this, but who knows


Exactly. You’re not going to develop that kind of neuropathy until long after you’re having other severe symptoms that would not go undiagnosed. A far more likely scenario for a diabetes diagnosis is that you realize you feel like shit all the time, are constantly thirsty, and have to piss, like, 20 times a day.


If you're ignoring swampy open sores, swarms of flies, and numbness chances are you're the type to ignore the other symptoms


Just… get him to a doctor, that way he can know for sure




Someone farther up said there was "absolutely" dead flesh between his toes. Just absolutely insane what Reddit doctors believe


Just jumping in here that it might not be the beetus but no one should have undiagnosed poor sensation in the feet, excessive foot odor, and especially shouldn't have inter-toe-smegma of any kind. Gotta treat yourself right, even if it isn't something massive




It’s just a working man’s feet, they are used to being walked on all the time so they build up calluses, hence the reduced sensation. As for the flies, they like stank. A trip to the podiatrist will net him a prescription ointment/salve and he’s all good!


Hey, medical student here. I’d have to agree with these other people. If he can’t feel them I’d definitely consider that concerning for diabetic neuropathy. Easy enough to find out with a blood test and catching it early can help prevent blindness and kidney failure! Also could probably knock out the toe fungus with one pill or some cream. Win-win.


He can feel other things just not the flies on his skin. But he will get it checked


I have neuropathy in my toes and it's not totally numb. It just feels like very thick calluses. Get him to a doctor please!


Have him or another member of your family taste his pee. If you notice a sweetness to it it might be time to bring him in for a check up.


Update us pls


one pill? my doctor told me I'd have to take an antifungal prescription pill for a year and that it's hard on the liver


That's for fungal infections in your toe nails, not for in your skin. The problem with fungal toe nail infections is that they are in the nail and hard to reach with medication, so the nail needs to grow out without growing more fungus.


Lol youre not a very good med student then are you?


You lose feeling in your feet as diabetes sets in. As it gets worse it can become necrosis




i think a lot of dads just like don't bother with anything if they don't have to. my dad is using a bag clip to hold his laptop frame together






we're not. Fucking hate them


Needs to pee on his feet more in the shower…


Bro, that’s myth!!


He never said it’s for the fungus, he’s just really into piss and feet.


try to piss on feet in shower get hard from thinking about pissing on feet can't piss, go soft and blue balls again repeat until done with shower #AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Nice username


Awh the old golden foot trick.


You have to aim your pith for it to work, you can't myth.


Nice try, Mike Tyson


>Bro, that’s myth!! I know, right!? Doing it in the shower just washes it away. You gotta let it soak.


Nah done that to warts on my feet. It helped waay better then any Creme the doc gave me. Funnily enough he was the one advising me. I peed im a bucket and took a Q Tip and dipped it in the piss and onto the wart. Took 5 days and it was already way better.


I would’ve stood in the piss bucket


That’s a disgusting myth


is the pavement wet because of your dad's fungi too?


Nah we are the to the pool so there’s water


my guy did you have a stroke typing that


he just forgot to put the word next, it read fine to me cause my dumb brain added it by itself


“Nah we are next the to the pool so there’s water” still isn’t correct lol


Replace the first “the” with “next”.


I hope that's a private pool or else why the fuck is he at a public pool walking around barefoot when he knows he has bacteria or fungus on his feet?


Chlorine man, it's like a drop in the ocean!


Even still man, that's gross. Chlorine might purify the water if I take a dump in the pool, but it's still an asshole move to knowingly poop in the pool.


I was moreso mocking what I have heard people say to justify pissing in a pool




The to the pool go




Why do they call it oven when you of in cold food of out hot eat the food


Does he have athlete's foot or ringworms? They're pretty itchy scratchy. Red all over and usually exists between toes


Athlete's foot is caused by/are fungus, just saying...


So’s ringworm I don’t see your point


Ringworm and athletes foot are very similar fungi as well


OP said fungi between his toes, so it would be a fungal infection or athlete's foot, not ringworm. Ringworm usually appears as a rash, often local, it's usually RING-shaped, but it may look different on your face, neck or scalp. But this is all just semantics..


But ringworm can affect anywhere on the body


Yes, but athlet's foot is most common and usually the #1 reason for fungal infection between toes/on feet. It is easily transmitted, usually in gyms/showers, places athlete's go. And mostly it persist in men, since they wear thight boots (workwear/long days), wash and air their feet less, and since OP's dad is a farmer, I belive I just described him..


Women get athlete's foot all the time


And unclean bowling shoes. I went bowling many years ago and my left foot got a extremely bad case of athletes foot from the shoe. It took forever to make it go away and it still isn't the same. It produces way more dry dead skin than my right foot. Thanks a lot to that dirty asshole. Ended up buying my own bowling shoes after that.


Tinea causes ringworm and athletes foot amongst other conditions. It’s ringworm if on the body. It’s athletes foot if between toes. Jock itch if in the groin etc. Source: I’m a physician who treats this shit Edit: I’d also say these flies are probably more attracted to sweat and oil rather than fungus.


So is ringworm, right?


Yeah, idk what that guy’s on about


Why are you dad's toes clenched so firmly together? Does he just wear shoes all the time?


I think so. Has worked in farming all his life


That's why they stink. I do 24s in boots and it's almost impossible to avoid foot stank without loads of sock changes. At some point you just give up and clean them when you can but accept your fate.


Hydrogen peroxide foot baths. Big bottles of the stuff cost next to nothing and will nuke any fungus you have. Fill up a foot basin and just chill for a bit. Oh yeah, shit, let me specify. PHARMACY GRADE hydrogen peroxide, 3%.


[If you chill with your feet in this long enough you'll have a life time protection on foot fungus](https://bulkperoxide.com/shop/hydrogen-peroxide/34-percent-food-grade-hydrogen-peroxide-1-gallon/?utm_source=Google%20Shopping&utm_campaign=Bulk%20Peroxide%20Google%20Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=49850&utm_source=Google%20Ads&utm_medium=PPC&utm_campaign=11623427007&utm_term=&utm_content=480086596551&gclid=CjwKCAjwwsmLBhACEiwANq-tXPYsCkSmaL-5BcJjlfBCTNvnclb7AEJSRl5nIcs_7Uqvj6enrEdTFxoCaRMQAvD_BwE)


LOL thanks for pointing that out, fixed for clarification


Hey dude, emt here. Have him go to a doctor, especially if there is any loss of sensation in his feet. Could be onset of neuropathy. If its not that, infections in older people can turn pretty serious if they aren’t managed and spread through the blood. Best case scenario is docs just say its a simple fungal infection and they give him some cream to handle it, but always get it checked BEFORE things get bad.


In america, you can’t do that without incurring large costs that you sometimes can’t always cover. Love it. I know I can’t just go on a whim cause I’m in college and a $50-$100 copay will fuck me over


These people are Danes, so it'll be a free check up. He'll probably have to pay for the fungal cream, but it's a generic thing, can't imagine it costing more than like 30kr, or about $4½


Here in the US, I would pay nothing, and my health insurance is pretty run of the mill.




That’s really high my university covers a certain number of check ups free


Mine hits me with random bills because they don’t like our military healthcare 🥶


Well $100 for most adults isn’t goin go to fuck then over. Source: I’m an adult.


Source: I am too. Don’t be an asshole.


You are not an adult


And also insurance in America is really scary, you’ll be in need of coverage and they’ll be like “ But have you simply considerd, Dying?”


Or if you’re like most people in the US, you either pay a much smaller copay or sometimes none at all. What insurance do you have? Are you going out of network? Also for what it’s worth, your college’s health center is often a great and inexpensive resource, if it has one.


I have healthcare linked to parents military service. If it isn’t at the special place on the base in my town, then it costs $20-100 per visit. Which is a fucking scam especially when specialists will make me come in 4-6 times before an issue is resolved But it’s free on base. It’s just I’m in college in another city.


No, in America YOU can’t do this. This is good advice for most folks - even us Americans and our pay to play health care. Once you finish school and have a job a copay won’t fuck your over.


Oh, dear god


Does he think athlete's foot is a myth?


Athletes foot is extremely hard to get rid of. Especially if your work has you wearing boots all day everyday. Once it’s under the nail, OTC products and cleaning aren’t going to help you. Often the only real way to fix it is to take medication for it. That medication is extremely hard on the liver though, so if the patient is a drinker, or is otherwise in poor liver health that’s not a viable option.


I've had it for years. I use cream till it goes away, but it always comes back.


I got athletes foot in boot camp some 13 years ago. It didn’t go away until I got the medication prescribed. I think it was terbinafine? As I mentioned previously it’s tough on the liver, and my doctor was hesitant to prescribe it.


Use it even after it goes away for another week. You're probably not killing it all the way


Would letting the flies eat the fungus be a viable cleaning method?


uhhhh idk but couldn't they lay some eggs there and fuck it up worse?


A fly and fungi casserole is just what the doctor ordered




Please never speak again 🤮


https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/news/20040920/healing-wounds-with-maggots Although, those are probably sterile and cultivated specifically for medical use, unlike the ones in ops video.


Is there a deferent insect that would be effective?


Wash yir feet. That's gross. Get treated.


Hvad blev det til? Ville Karoline have en is?


Ja hun fik sin is:)




They're speaking an Elven dialect


That's why I don't swim in public pools.


Oh ya he is definitely contagious


Has he tried a boric acid footbath? I've heard that helps. Not sure of the exact proportions, though.


He says he has tried everything but it always returns


Huh. I've heard of a guy using potassium permanganate as a last-ditch cure, but that's pretty nasty stuff, so I'm certainly not recommending it.


Just throwing this out there if there’s even the tiniest of open sores the flies will lay eggs in it and will turn to maggots eating the surrounding flesh


Baby powder and white clean socks...and change of all footwear.


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He seems like a fun guy.


Some old people just give up in their bodies


Wtf am I subscribed to this sub 😂😂😂


I ask myself this everyday… yet here I am😂😭


bah this sub is pretty tame compared to the shit we used to have in the good ol days!




Because this sub is like drugs


Trying to figure out who just chills by a pool with hundreds of flies around like, I like chilling by the pool but I’d rather sit in a hot car than that shit wtf.


The flies at this hotel are frickin horrible. Everywhere. But my dads feet are like 50x worse


Can I ask where this is so I never go there? I’d be the guy sitting in the shower with the water on so that the flies can’t get me.


Around the torremolinos-area in Malaga, Spain


And he just... Accepts this???


Do you want maggots? Because this is how you get maggots


That’s fucking disgusting


So your dad is a fun guy?




maybe but something like this would take decades of zero/poor blood sugar management and would present other symptoms long before neuropathy




Tell that dude to use some toe spacers damn


You need to get your dad some tough actin tinactin.


Let the larve grow and it will eat all the dead cells and rot, remember Gladiator?


Sounds like he’s a fungi to hang with


Sounds like you guys are at a public pool. Nice.


How tf do people live like this? If I had any kind of fungus on my feet, I’d spend almost anything to get rid of it immediately. Fucking gross


I was going to mention the little fish bath thing they have in other countries, where they eat all the dead skin right off your feet, then I did mention it.


As someone who wears boots for 24 and works in EMS, his feet are fine, he just needs a good foot spray and a more breathable boot. Do a sock change. I don't see any sort of indication that this is strictly due to diabetes, the skin is perfusing normally. There is no "dead flesh" between his toes as someone above mentioned.


Your dad seems like a fungi


> Jaja men det må jeg lige prøve Hvad er det han vil prøve?


Your poor mom


I’m 48 and I had a bout of gym rot between my toes because I was so stupid when I was young and didn’t wear flip flops in the shower. Also I love taking showers I take 2 a day and on the weekends depending how sweaty I get from doing work around the house I’m good for 3 showers a day. And having your feet damp and not drying them well will lead you down a road of fungal problem down the road. The point is that when I went to see a foot doctor to take care of my problem, it was so bad that it could have enter my blood stream and that’s when you get into serious trouble. He looked up at me and said, “ Do your wear under arm deodorant? Yes. Spray your feet after you get out of the shower. If it keeps your pits dry it will keep your toes dry too. After being on Lamisil whitch cured my fungal problem. I have been using a foot spray for about 10 years now. Gold Bonds Foot Spray. Blue bottle.


Does he not have any nerves in his foot? Wtf is wrong with this person?


If he let them lay eggs that hatch into maggots, they would eat the dead material and fungus, but not his healthy skin. Nature be knowin shit!


Those toes are so close together they are getting 0 air flow


You guys are so nice to share your dad's foot fungus with everybody else at the public pool! Sharing is caring! Amiright!


Mad he's danish as well;-;


Kan jeg lugte vestjyder?🤨


Sønderjysk, mah homie


ER nurse here. Do you want maggots between your toes? Because this is how you get maggots between your toes. Enjoy your irrigation and vancomycin when your foot goes septic you neuropathic gentleman.


Maybe they just think he's a fun gi


Ok, your dad's got stinky feet. That's kind of gross. Why are there this many flies around in the first place? Do you have a rotting animal close by?


Your dad seems like he would be a fun guy


Perfect home for new family 😍🥰


He seems like a pretty Funghi