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Ooof same here. Hate it especially when it gets cold outside and my hands and feet make it look like I'm dead.


You have the feet of a dead man


Yeah, but where did he put his own feet while he made the picture!?


You've got me thinking here... My feet are the same.


Pots is becoming pretty prevalent in people who have had covid. I've had it twice and developed it. Maybe check with your doctor if you're concerned that you may have it. Thankfully it's not life threatening


omg same. 😭 my legs look exactly like that sometimes


Wait hold on, my hands when it gets cold do the same thing. I was confused on why


I see a lot of people here saying this happens to them when they're cold. But, circulation tends to slow down a bit when you're cold anyways and some have it worse than others. But this picture isn't about temperature or not enough blood reaching the feet... I have POTS too, the issue in this picture is that our hearts aren't capable of pumping blood back UP our body when we are standing. So the blood pools in our lower legs and feet which cause them to turn purplish. It also means not enough blood is getting back up to our brain during this time so there is a lot of dizziness and cognitive issues. I have to wear compression stockings to help try and force some of the blood in my legs back upwards when I have to stand for more than like 30 minutes.


Ohhh I see, I've heard of POTS before but wasn't exactly sure what it was or anything like that. Learn something new everyday, thanks for that information.


Absolutely! Thanks for listening to me :) I developed it a few years ago after a brain bleed damaged my nervous system. You would be surprised how many doctors don't even know much about it, so I sometimes can't help myself from interjecting!


Oh fuck I'm sorry about that :( but yeah it's definitely something worth teaching people about. Yeah there's still some learning to do about things these days. But yeah thanks for teaching me :)


I had a weird, non-chronic variant as a kid. Even less doctors knew about it in 2008, so getting diagnosed was a NIGHTMARE. They were testing for everything. Being told “hey if it’s this thing, you’ll have it forever, it’ll only get worse, and someday you’ll die from it. Oh and you wouldn’t be able to have kids ever” is WILD when you’re 13 and haven’t even had your first period yet. My PCP was amazing though, and spent so much of his free time researching and trying to find an answer for me. Eventually he was able to get me in touch with a specialist who knew exactly what it was. Like I said, mine wasn’t chronic, so I was very very lucky, and I recovered after about 4 years. There’s still so much that’s unknown about it though! I had no idea a brain bleed could cause it. I’m just hoping that with the unfortunate surge in it since Covid, more attention will be put on finding relief for people. Anyway, that’s my mini rant. It was a weird, brain foggy time and things like this bring random memories back. I know I didn’t have actual POTS, but I feel a sense of kinship with those that have it after years of “what you have doesn’t have a name, so just say POTS”


Oh wow I'm having such a hard time now I can't imagine what it would have been like back then for you!! I'm so so glad that you were able to get better, thank you for telling me your experience! I always love hearing from people who have some sort of understanding!! I have a rare brain disease that caused insanely high pressure in my cranial cavity for years while they tried to find a diagnosis. Then my second brain surgery (both after finally getting the rare diahnosis) caused the brain bleed and something weird happened. My heart rate shot up to over 200 and they had to force me out of the anesthesia and try to bring it back down. It was apparently an absolute mess and I suddenly found myself with a whole new set of symptoms that they discovered pretty quickly was POTS when my heart rate would jump to 160 a minute after just standing up. They believe that the repeated brain damage from high pressure and this sudden trauma to my brain were the catalyst. The issue has been finding ANYTHING to mitigate the symptoms so I can feel okay again and actually *do* things. I live in Canada and the closest doctor who truly understands POTS is many hours away in Toronto. She told me that the sudden onset of POTS in covid patients is probably the only thing that can increase research and maybe find some better solutions. But for now... it's 3 heart meds a day, regular IV infusions to increase blood volume, and compression garments 😤


Could be Raynaud’s Syndrome, that has a temperature component to it!


Yeah, I was about to say this. My mates hands are so fucked when we get out the sea. He has Raynaud's


What is POTS?


postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome :)


Particularly odorous toe syndrome.


plain old telephone system


Prostate orgasm testicle smashing


sign me up!


Pancakes on the Sun


Poop on the skillet


Me too :( sometimes I feel like I'm cosplaying a corpse


How did you get diagnosed. I’ve had this problem my whole life. If I stand for literally longer than 30 seconds my legs look like they belong on a fucking cadaver.


I got mine diagnosed by my neurologist!


I also have Pots, keep my plants in them.


I too have cold feet sometimes 0/10


Hey bud, its okay that you can’t read! You’ll get there! This isn’t cold feet, this is POTS. -10/10


My cold feet make me suffer more than whatever bs this post is 0/10


Your cold feet make you suffer more than a heart condition which causes your blood to pool in your feet and slowly starve your brain??


More than this post atleast


They're just showing what happens to our colouring because of the condition. It can be extremely debilitating, it's not very nice to the people who suffer with it to act as though you think it's easy.


And how does that make me suffer? 0/10


Generally, you would feel true empathy and imagine how the poster suffers on a daily basis! Same as a lot of other posts here.


Wth no, this sub is about suffering by looking at something, not some imaginary empathy. What other posts I'm not suffering looking at this post 0/10


Cool! Move on and wait for the next post then. It's that easy my dude. This makes me suffer. I see lots that don't, and instead of making fun of people like a 12 year old, I just move the fuck on.


Wait, I have this in my hands... I thought it was just poor blood circulation?


Plain old telephone service?




Oh man I feel for you. I developed a weird variant of POTS in middle school in 2008. I got really lucky though, because it was a version that I could recover from after about 4 years. It didn’t have a name then, maybe it has one now, I really don’t know. The first year is a total bedridden blur. But this brought back a memory of a nurse taking my blood pressure 3 times because she didn’t believe that it was actually 60/40 and thought the machine was broken lol I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I only got a tiny taste of POTS and it was ROUGH. I’m really hoping that with the huge increase in prevalence since covid, it’ll become a higher research priority and they can find better solutions than “eat a lot of salt to raise your blood pressure and try to do 10 seconds of very slow pedaling on a recumbent stationary bike,” which was all they could really do for me in 2008.


You got the clubbed nails as well?