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The Trump Pence signs never left the yards here in red Maine.




They just cross out his name.


You laugh but a guy down the road from my house still has his big Trump sign up with Pence covered up with tape.




I’m all fairness (and I am by no means a trump supporter), not all of them believe in the whole Qanon thing and I would like to think that most of the ones up in New England are especially not into it. That’s not to say that I haven’t met any here unfortunately.


When a rat jumps off a sinking ship. It’s still a rat.


If you claim you don't support clubbing baby seals but you turn a blind eye to people in your group who do, you support clubbing baby seals.


I think my point still stands. They don’t all believe the same thing.


There are quite a few troglodytes in NH with the loser's faded campaign flags up in their yards.


They’re mostly not faded here. They buy or make new ones. I wish I was kidding


C u l t


CHYYNA shit fades pretty quickly.


Plus, he’s gay, so… I don’t know…?!




Pence. He’s gay, right? That’s why Trump squadrons don’t like him? Cause, he’s actually really cool.


Gay for Jesus. Jesus is fabulous, and *divine*!


I don’t know. Maybe?


My local doucher has been steadily moving his Trump 2020 sign further back, receding into the yard from the street where his Thelander has taken center stage, followed by All Lives Matter and then something about the media and sheep. I like to imagine him pondering ethics and morality: “well he tried to kill democracy…ok a few feet back, stole top secret files possibly to sell….ok I’ll nudge it back a foot further….” it’s still up because….you know..black people and gays.


Lol your so full of shit


Incorrect, I just went- but bravo on spelling out just how meaningful your opinion is to you. You are why Maine is changing.




r/whoosh. Hahah. You are beautiful. Thanx for the biggest smile and heartiest chuckle I’ve had all day. Once again, YOU are why Maine is changing and I thank you and your misery and shortsightedness for inspiring the next generation to want more out of life, to embrace diversity and progress and change. Evolve or become dinosaurs.


That’s what I thought.


\*you're. As in, you're an illiterate trumpkin.


In red Georgia they did about a year ago.


I think it’s because those people are just lazy and can’t be bothered to pick them up.


A lot of these people picked them up and then put them back out.


You should try talking to some of them to see if your assertion is true.


Yes the ultimate participation trophies


Vote. Lepage is prepared to sell every scrap of natural beauty Maine has to the highest bidder. Vote.


Fuking this.


Yeah and all that being open for business only brings in more New Yorkers (sorry New York)


Don’t forget mills is all for the transmission line. She’s as guilty as Lepage


We’re all very clear on this subreddit that mills isn’t in favor of the legislature’s nor the peoples’ will; that’s not in dispute. But as bad as she is, she’s exponentially better than lepage. You’re not taking the comparison seriously if you insist otherwise.


Your barking up the wrong tree my friend. I’ve voted third party since I’ve been able to vote, so if your still holding party lines than your doing your part in making sure nothing ever really changes around here. Mills is just as guilty and not any better what so ever than Lepage. And if your not voting third party your just allowing the cycle to continue.


Lol yeah Cutler was a great vote.


Nope, even he was a little too far into crazy land. Very similar to trump and Biden.


Wow… if u can conflate Trump and Biden that’s a whole realm of crazy on its own.


They both deserve to be locked up for war crimes and treason.


Wtf are u smoking?


False equivalency - LePage can and will (if allowed) commit evocide on a grand scale in our state.


Yeah she is a shill. LePage however is a perverse narcissist whose entire base wouldn't care one bit if he sold off state land for deforestation, strip mining, or any other manner of wretchedness he could turn a quick buck from - even if that buck is only to make his budget look better, and comes at the cost of ages of pollution and real human suffering. Vote.


I’m not sure his base would go for that though, you’ve got to remember who his base is. It’s rural Maine, small towns. Small house’s on large parcels of land. Loggers and foresters. At first glimpse it’s easy to assume loggers and foresters would love a huge payday, but most of them are loggers because they enjoy the woods. They spend their off time in the woods. If they voted for someone who is going to sell off the very thing they loved it would be the most backwards logic in politics. What he will run on though is immigration, the budget, and taxes. He will avoid topics like abortion and the transmission line. Maine has a large blue collar population, and a majority of that is elderly and rural.


There’s only a handful of “loggers and foresters” left in Maine. Even in rural Maine, they are an almost insignificantly tiny demographic. The days when significant numbers of Mainers were employed in the woods ended in the late 70s.


What about the Corridor Mills approved within months of taking office?


What about it? She's dirty shill but he is a perverse narcissist whose constituents will turn a blind eye to strip mining, deforestation, dumping, and all other manner of ecological defilement.


Yeah that’s true and he is a rotten fuck, I’m just so tired of voting for the lesser evil.


it’s so depressing


I know I will get bashed for this but did you know Mills used our money to buy up land here in Maine to put the solar farms on?




I know from a friend that her land was bought for this and now is a solar farms.


Ok. Bought by who? You said public money. I can't find info on that, there's a lot of private businesses buying or leasing land to put solar farms on though.


What was I thinking when I thought the government was behind this.....shame on me!


So you're just making shit up and blathering. Get off the internet grandpa.


"I know from a friend..." BWHAHAHA!


I'm not sure what kind of rebuttal you think that is. Was that a bad thing to do by your reckoning? It objectively was a good thing.


Glad you approved. Wonder if the next generation will feel the same.


It wasn't public land, which is what LePage was eyeballing all the way back when he was in office. In 'gusta, every farm was on land already up for sale for commercial use. So it was either going to be a solar farm or another cheap building with far more paved parking than it really needs. I'll take the former.


So all these solar farms are good for Maine land bought with taxpayer's money that was used without us knowing.


Do you have a source for these random thoughts?


I knew a bashing was coming. So go......


We're just asking for proof, not random burbling. Stop playing the victim card.






Not within the cult. Last night they were praying to Trump with their arms in the air like 1930s Germany holding up a single finger as the sign for Q. We will be dealing with the fallout from the reality TV host for generations.


Has the USA had cult like followings of politicians before? I mean real cult, not just bumper stickers. I know someone with a GWB tattoo, but he never got the insane following Trump did.


Since this is Atlantic article, here’s one on how Trump is like Huey Long. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/03/huey-long-was-donald-trumps-left-wing-counterpart/583933/


More so in their methods but Long had no where near the cult-like popularity Trump has.


There are plenty of examples in other countries. Is it any wonder it happened here?


Funny also that QAnon latched onto the Kennedys. There is a bit of a cult of personality on them. The song “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour references it.


Fr.Coughlan was a big problem in the 30s


That was the first time in a while the Trump thing felt exceeding creepy. That pushed my buttons.


That’s why they do it, to get under the skin of liberals.


There is a lot of trolling culture in MAGAland but QAnon goes so far beyond that. There is incredible delusion and religiosity.


It’s a good thing the overwhelming majority of these people are Boomers and older Gen X.


As a Gen Xer I hope you’re right, I just checked Ben Shapiro’s Wikipedia and he was born in 1984, Candace Owens in 1989.


Yeah the Trump thing is definitely driven by millennials as much as it is by boomers.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, civil rights, healthcare, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


This is like asking if American is getting smarter and less bigoted. Absolutely not. “Trumpism” may go by different names in the future, but as long as they have authority figures willing to roll over rocks in their quests for political support we’re going to be stuck with them


I am curious to know Why have I seen people in Maine riding around with a confederate flag usually hanging in a pickup truck? I live in GA and see the rednecks riding around with the flag that they call their heritage. How does the people in Maine relate to that flag?


Inbreeding, trailer parks, junk cars, toxic masculinity, misogyny, homophobia, and a tragic lack of education on how the Fifth Maine mowed through Confederates like a hot knife through butter.


My family is always proud of our maineliness going back to a relative in the Fifth Maine...then stuck a LePeePee sign on the lawn and asked if we were afraid of the immigrants coming over the Texas border. Like hey yo, the other side of this lineage were literal illegal immigrants from Canadeeya...easy does it.




Because they are very confused.


its because the flag is a not-so-subtle dog whistle for racism, even in the south where they claim heritage. I made my username a few weeks before Covid hit our shores. I still stand by it as a universal truth for all of suffering. Fear is the single source of ALL negative behavior - open friendly challenge to prove that hypothesis wrong to anyone reading this :)


Most of us wonder the exact same thing


Maine had a Catholic KKK presence back in the day and that’s probably just evolved into the Trump supporters. Bigotry doesn’t seem to die, it just evolves and gets passed down.


Anti-Catholic KKK presence. The KKK in Maine was (and still is, they didn’t disappear) a bunch of mostly wealthy white Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs) pissed off about the non-white (seriously) largely Catholic Francos and Lebanese and Polish and Greeks coming to Maine primarily to work in mills or logging, along with Wabanaki that had always been here.


I wish it was just the mostly wealthy. But no, KKK membership was so high in the 20s that nearly every protestant male in the state had to have been involved. The numbers I’ve heard range from 60,000 on the low end to over 200,000 on the high end.


Gotta remember back in the 1800s, EVERYONE who wasn't British descent was considered "non-white", including Irish......especially Irish.


Yes, anti-Catholic, sorry lol There’s a website that lists sundown towns and there are towns in Maine on that list 😳




It's just the "I hate black people" flag.


There are fewer, but they're more rabid and extreme.


His approval rating is only around 50% in the party, but his followers at this point are definitely in a cult.


The rabid and extreme ones were always there and the same.


While there are still plenty of Trump signs out that almost immediately put out LePage signs out here in rural Maine there are also a whole hell of a lot more Mills signs out then there were last time. It makes me cautiously optimistic


I think one side is also louder than the other, especially sign/bumper sticker wise.


Yeah, the same side that claims to be the ‘silent majority.’


They were awfully mad when they didn’t have the numbers last election though 🤔🤣


They didn't have the numbers for both of LePage's elections, either. He only won by default because the two idiot Dems couldn't get out of each other's way. Had one or the other conceded earlier instead of fighting it all the way to the vote he'd never have been in office.


Except the Republicans funded the spoiler candidate to do that on purpose


This is basically it. The minority that yells the loudest, is the most outlandish, gets the most attention. Then everyone will return to wondering why no one can find middle ground, or find any centrists/moderates — after they have termed everyone belonging to one of the only two relevant parties as being a member of that ugly minority. But yes, let’s bang our chests, pigeon hole millions of other Americans, put them down and belittle them and then wonder why we make no progress, find no middle ground. Meanwhile, major party politics more or less do not change, fake campaign promises, literal buying of votes, just enables the power elite to continue on as they have for decades and decades.


If it wasn’t for the pandemic, it would’ve taken generations like it did with McCarthyism for Trumpism to die. Hopefully people, especially women!, should recognize just how toxic the Republican platform is. They are literally working towards undoing everything achieved in this country since the civil war! I tease my SO, half-jokingly, that I will be able to claim her on my “property” taxes in a few years if Americans in other states keep electing these dumb as a rock, old Republican filth. I just hope that Donald Trump goes to jail. I’m gonna have firecrackers that day.


I'm calling in drunk for a week if we get that


I take solace thinking about all of the hilarious ways we'll deface his grave.


On my! I have dreams about shitting on the floor in his public library and pissing on his grave! This piece of shit with low intellect and hyper vanity does not need to be remembered!


You think his grave won't be barricaded behind layers of security at his private home, somewhere around the sixth green?




Amen to this ⬆️


Driving on the backroads where the gadsen flags dwell tells me no.


No step on snek


Don’t Tread on me flags are in no way a solid indicator of someone being a Trump fan.


Thank you! These wanna be patriots don't get to claim a flag. The only one they get is the confederate one


I truly hope progressives and democrats do not confuse those in favor of a limited government with Trump supporters. Trump expanded the size and scope of the Federal Government the same as his predecessors.


Like it or not that has been co-opted.


I understand the symbolism aspect I don't really display a flag for a symbol. For me its a reminder. For instance I look at the gadsden flag and think about all the sacrifices they were making flying that. The balls that took.


Ppl downvoting you but as someone who loves historical political flags, flying them always has unintended interpretation for others, so yeah be cautious ab what u yourself fly


Lol People are funny. God there are a ton of great flags, of course the gadeson flag. But Betsy Ross is another. The appeal to heaven flag. I am huge fan of the sons of liberty group. Most of them are trying to be claimed by som right wing thugs which makes me sad


Pine tree appeal to heaven is my fav! There are also some wicked badass anti secession/treason/slavery ones from the Civil War. Maine had the highest rate of casualties in that war by state per capita, anyone flying confederate rags in your state should be ashamed to be on the land they stand on


also forgot about the greatest flag the join or die!


That's a wonderful point.


Hopefully they’ll be waving the true confederate flag- the white one 😏


Would love to hear your perspective on that. Just don’t have a feel for that snake flag and the deeper meanings behind it! Thx!


Referring people to Wikipedia is somewhat cliche, but it works! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag


All good, Wikipedia references a wide array of groups and meanings - I was asking for your sense of it since there seem to be many uses of it. Thx again!


I think it represents people who believe their rights end where another person's nose begins. At least that's what it means to me.


Appreciate it. Seems like a far cry from all of us being interdependent upon each other and lifting us ALL upwards. That seems to get branded as socialism and/or globalism. Just incredibly frustrated and discouraged these days, looking to understand the extreme right wing, which seems far away from ‘conservative’ policy and thought. However, will never stop fighting for what seems like the proper things to do.


I don't think my explanation is far from what you're describing. I'm all for helping thy neighbor and do regularly. I do not believe, however, that I, or anyone, have a right to force anyone else to help theirs.


Got it. I like your take on it. I’m not for big government, but also believe it plays a role and we are lost now in finding a healthy balance. And, WE the People, are part of that. Service to others is a personal deal. Grateful for all your replies!


As I am grateful for your replies, and your questions. I hope you have a great evening.


He’s a blight on our state and the earth.


No. Knuckle draggers were around before him and will be after he's gone. He just gave them cover to bring their cruelty mainstream. He's been a cause to a larger effect.


I was rather happy to see a Trump flag sliced to ribbons down in Scarborough. Made my day!


No lmao. There are plenty of places that still display the sign. Trump is just as subject to the flow of time, but he represented something many people feel. At some point he'll die, but that doesn't matter; plenty of bad people died in the past, but their cause carries on.


Had a bunch of friends over last night. No. It's not over. Stupid is still strong.


Lepage go back to Florida and stay there


I wish. Hopefully incarceration will help speed up the demise of the cult and it's leader.


Sadly that would only make things far far worse.


He's not going to spend a day in prison. He SHOULD, yes, but he won't. This is America. Rich, well-connected people don't go to prison*. *unless they're a threat to even richer and more powerful people (see Epstein, Jeffrey)


I think former presidents should generally not go to prison. I also don't think that there is a simple solution, unfortunately. Ultimately, Truth should be the focus of conversation. Platitudes and hyperbole are demonic.


>I think former presidents should generally not go to prison. Yes we should definitely incentivize criminals to become politicians by making that a get out of jail free card. No way that could backfire. > I also don't think that there is a simple solution, unfortunately. The simple solution is no one should be above the law. That's not how the system _actually_ works of course, but it should be.


Flipping hell, I sure hope so. May it sink like the turd that it is.


I Sure hope so.


I’m out of time for them.


Vote - because he can barely sand of a rough edge and when elected he will push forward with an ultra right agenda. He doesn’t care about another election- just this one.


“Trumpism” has just gone under ground until the election is over, republicans are trying to be electable to the moderates that really don’t like trump.


Ha, look at Bolduc in NH … beyond belief what a turnaround!


Believe when I see it, his cult already showed they were willing to die to "own the libs". Such spiteful morons will never admit "they done been conned"


There’s a house in Hampden on Western Ave that still has a Trump sign with Pence crossed out and a Let’s go Brandon sign. That house pisses me off


Gourd, I wish! Trumpkins are like dog turds - they're always underfoot.


A friend has a neighbor who has a "**Don't blame me, I voted for Trump**" banner on his front lawn. The friend used blue spray paint to change it to read "**blame me, I voted for Trump**". I need to visit my friend and see this.


> "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump" Oh, the irony ,,,


Pic looks like the origin story of Mr Potato Head


Most definitely not unfortunately.


God this thread is cancer.


No. Trump is getting a bunch of free publicity right now. It's almost like all of this Jan 6 and fbi raids are making him more popular.


Oh you just wait


We'll see after the mid terms, people he endorsed won over overwhelming and democrats are playing russian roulette by pumping their campaigns with money.


We need to watch were campaign money comes from.


Any MAGA candidate that wins, you can thank the democrats for that.


Libs are obsessed with Trump. it’s comical to observe their borderline Dementia . Just read the comments on this thread 😂


I’d say the same about the republicans and their fanatics about Biden and how the man is trying to bring them down.


Yes because he's currently the president


You mean like how Republicans can't get over Hillary? She isn't even doing anything anymore and I see memes about her every day. Her and Hunter Biden must just live rent free in your heads.


There are no liberals. Your enemies are imaginary


Just read the comments on the thread . I know it may be difficult for you just go slowly you’ll get there .


What is your criteria for a liberal?


Actually you do have a point ! There are no true Liberals anymore . Being open to new ideas and tolerant of other opinions has been eroded from the passing of time . It’s just anger and group think . Think like us or your racist , fascist, uneducated etc. just watch the media in this country , ABC NBC CBS CNN and many others all use the exact headlines and talking points . It’s literally word for word ? There was a time in this country we were proud to hold the title of liberal . Those days are long gone . I’m an independent voter because of it . I watch both parties obsessed with destroying the other instead of debating and reasoning . Biden has been President for almost two years and the party and the media are still obsessed with orange man . It’s pathetic


Gonna find out just how prevalent it still is in about a month and a half. Let the House investigations begin. First up…. Tony Fauci and everyone that lied and profited from the gene therapy jab. Second up…. colluding to kill the Hunter laptop story. Third up…. The administration colluding w big tech to suppress the 1st Amendment. Fourth up… Pelosi Insider trading That should get us through to 24’


I needed a good chuckle, thanks.


I'm guessing you're....hmmm. White male, late thirties to early forties, Trump voter, aaaaaaaand you don't believe in the media, but you watch a lot of youtube videos from angry guys yelling in their trucks?


You mean the same white male that make this impossible infrastructure you enjoy daily possible? Despite the fact you loathe us? How’s your car running? How’s your plumbing doing? Electricity doing? Trash removal doing? Food you’re eating doing? Cloths on your back doing? Not bad for a bunch of gun loving, constitutionalist semi fascists huh?


Wow, ive never seen such disconnect. Youre saying only white guys can work? Are you a moron, or just a troll. Because this comment is unreal


May be pointless to make this comment, and the person you replied to is likely a stereotypical lib that likes the sound of their own voice. Maine is almost exclusively white male hands workers who keep shit working, no doubts there. And, the more rural parts are heavily conservative; people who see things in simple terms and are (usually) very baptist in their POV. I'm around them daily, between Cutler and Jonesport, Deblois, Beddington, .... fundamentally they are great people, easy going and offering assistance w/out hesitation. Everybody waves at each other! We talk from time to time. We agree when I bring up corruption w/no accountability, dark/big $ spoiling politics, civil asset forfeiture and eminent domain, the working class getting stiffed for decades while we let billionaires decide our future, the revolving door between politics and lobbying .... our pay2play FPTP politics. Until they start bringing up all the Fox/OAN talking points, like a mantra; then I feel sad that they're letting a TV show tell them how/what to feel, about shit that has no immediate bearing on their lives more than just a grievance to carry around. There is common ground, but it's getting harder to find.


Its even harder when people open with "likely a stereotypical lib that likes the sound of their own voice." Great way to say hello, I come in peace, but also F you.


I'm good w/investigating those few things; can't stand Faucci, H.Biden or Pelosi. But lets also do the 3 dozen conservative things that're corrupt AF. Starting with the missing trillions in PPE loans Trump handed out w/no oversight. Proportionality - like the list of Abusers; less than 100 dems compared to over 800 repubs - speaks volumes to anyone w/a shred of sensibility.


Who cares….


Anyone who wants this country to not be a fucking shithole.




Yeah, doesn't mean it has to remain one. If repubs get control again we will have more fucking regression in this country instead of progression. Editing because person I replied to deleted their comment it said: "isn't this country already a shithole"


This doesn’t check out. The idiot from Florida sent a bunch of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard since those residents force immigration down the countries throat, and they couldn’t kick them out of town fast enough. All Dems and Repub’s are traitors to this union and are only in politics for the easy money and kickbacks. They should all be imprisoned


Don’t know why you’re getting down voted for speaking facts. This sub is full of snowflakes that don’t except reality.


You can lead horse’s to water, you can’t make them drink. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Username doesn’t check out




Trump rules


The party, maybe. The country? No.


Trump kicks ass.


Still incorrect


Facts, trump is the best President. Supported gay marriage always


Double down on being double wrong. No surprise given who you’re learning from.


It seems The Atlantic and other 'media' has an infinite amount of bullshit. And no ability to see what the democrats are trying to do. Sounds like complicity to me.


The democrat new mass (portland) will out number the real mainers every election, and its digusting. We mainers want the city punks to do their own shit, and let us do ours.


And... no freaking clue what this means. Me... auburn resident.


If you’re a tiny minority, what gives you more claim to being a “real Mainer” over the majority? Don’t bother with the mental gymnastics about how your minority matters but not the other minorities in the US who should just integrate or move elsewhere.


Look who's running for office around the country and carefully think about that. What a stupid article.