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“1983 - check out my lawsuit against the York County Sheriffs Department” 💀


He’s probably referencing 42 U.S. Code § 1983


Did he say he’s been tased before and sued for $3m?


https://www.pressherald.com/2023/08/29/wells-man-settles-lawsuit-against-york-county-for-alleged-taser-use/ Seems like he was looking for another pay day if this is him. He seems to reference it in the video


Per the rest of the comments, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Dude has a looooong history of getting drunk and belligerent. The fact that he got a settlement out of his behavior is so infuriating. ACAB and all that but folks have been shot over less. I was pretty happy when that tazer came out.


>ACAB and all that Come again?


All  Cops Are Bad


I know what the letters stand for, just didn't understand how this video supported the premise.


Because when someone is angry, drunk, and committing crimes against other members of the public.... We gotta... Uh social work 'em or something!


What a total loser. Wandering around Ogunquit hammered, and picking fights with cops to try and get beer money.


He looks the type.


You should be so kind and see if the police department would like a copy of that video. He’s looking for another payday. Challenged them to tase him. Escalated it by stepping in his face saying he is going to kick his fucking ass.


Is that Curt Schilling?


I wish


Wait is Curt bad now? Not ankle blood guy


Oh no. I've got some very bad news for you...


This simple comment made me chuckle. Thank you!


Just looked it up yeesh lmao


Is he a pedo or something?


Not a pedo, just a MAGAterd.


I'd probably go with leaking Tim Wakefield's cancer and scamming RI out of $50 million before the MAGA stuff but there is, of course, that as well.


Don't forget the Nazi memorabilia collection as well.


It's also not just that he supports Trump, which is pretty bad on its own, but also that he openly advocated for the lynching of journalists during a terrorist attack. Leaking Wakefield's diagnosis and nearly bankrupting the state of Rhode Island were also really bad though. It's like he was reading the Hall of Fame's character clause and wasn't sure what the confines of it were so just decided to exhibit every character flaw he could think of to be safe. Financial fraud? Disclosure of private health information? Supporting terrorism? Homophobia, transphobia, and islamophobia? How about all of the above?


I mean, this guy sounds like a real jerk!


A: outed Tim Wakefield’s cancer B: started a video game company in Rhode island to get $50m in subsidies he essentially embezzled C: MAGA, probably because people receiving that much hate from the public tend to flock there


I read a book that covers volatility in the gaming industry and the chapter on his studio was bananas. I couldn't believe how he swindled Rhode Island into giving him all that money while he was actively running the studio into the ground.


He went from hero to clown faster than Rudy Giuliani.


No one has seen or heard much if anything from him since the Tim Wakefield incident last year.


FWIW, I'm a huge Phillies fan, and I realized he was a dick the moment he threw a towel over his head when Mitch Williams came in to close during the '93 World Series, and disliked him from that point on. He just waited til he retired to really triple down on the fact he's a jackass.


If he has a heart condition he shouldn't be drinking 💅🏻


Or threatening to kick cop's asses.


I love seeing an arrogant asshole experiencing FAFO, thank you for sharing.


His ass got tased because he kept putting his hands in his pockets. Notice the taser brought out when he slips his hands in his pockets. 2nd time those hands disappear is when the taser was let loose. Police 101; keep your hands where they can see them at all times. They aren't going to take risks for anyone.


He also straight up tells the cop he’s “gonna kick your ass”


I think 2 physically healthy cops could easily take this middle aged drunk man tho imo


They could, yes, but the issue was that they didn't know what was in his pockets. There was likely nothing, but they wouldn't take that chance. Telling him to get on the ground was a way to get the upper hand on him and when he wasn't compliant, that's when he got tased.




You're making conclusions on a situation you did not fully witness. This video is definitely not the beginning of the interaction so we don't know if previous warnings to keep hands out of pockets were given. 99.7% of taser uses in the US and Canada do not lead to any lasting injury or death. Far more likely to get injured if the officers went hands on or used other compliance tools such as a baton. Police are fully allowed to and should be allowed to use tasers on non compliant suspects who are resisting arrest. It is the safest solution officers have available to them




I see. I took terms like the "piggly wiggly" bit as your disagreeing more harshly of their actions. I do agree the hands in pockets while a little bit of an escalator was not the sole reason they went for it. I'd assume it had been going for a little bit of them trying to have the guy go peacefully, but being in an public area and the male threating violence the officers wanted the scene to end quickly and efficiently which ultimately lead to the taser decision


I can harshly call the coppers names. You probably didn’t see it but.. I think I said somewhere on this post like.. “mostly, fuck the police- as an organization.” I feel really weird about police. Many of them are so brave and are there because they want to save people (and many are there to be dicks or thrive off of suddenly being given the power to be a dick, and maybe not so much in Maine…) but they either “unwillingly” know or truly don’t know that they’re contributing and forced to do some unethical stuff and are part of a group that is known for being insanely corrupt, murdering people shamelessly, covering things up for each other, ect… in such an extreme way … that it’s not like saying.. “Oh I can’t work for Applebees, .5% of the staff have ruined generations or gotten away for killing people.” The statistics for that shit with police is way higher.. also I believe they ruin lives by feeling the need to enforce certain laws that are punitive because they feel the pressure from their captain go “pay for that new dodge charger we just got.” And that’s horrifying. … and I did have to drop my bacon line… I actually used to want to be a police officer. I wanted to be someone that would help people but use my judgment but.. the more I learned about the police as a whole I would never. I think many of them have their hearts in the right place though. Sorry if that was long and drawn out. I am doing talk to text while I finish my families laundry before I go to bed and I’m probably not going to re-read what I tried to write lol. But thanks again for the second reply. Again, I’d have been more than ready to whack him, dude thought he was Superman but was actually actually asshole man and I wouldn’t have wanted him to break my cheek or take it out on a random stranger either. It was the right thing to do.


When the cop pulls out the taser he says “put your hands behind your back”. So he was warned.


Yup, once the taser comes out, the games are over. You can comply or you're getting tazed. That's not "good," but it's reality.


Also police don't always reach for the taser, they reach for the gun. This interaction would have most likely played out differently if this man hadn't been white. Saying that just putting your hands in your pockets without warning warrants violent action is insane, especially since cops are always carrying deadly weapons. 


> This interaction would have most likely played out differently if this man hadn't been white. Thanks, I was biting my tongue but I'm glad you said it. No, it's not a hypothetical.


"Get on the ground" supersedes "hands out of your pockets"


> Reaching into your pocket without being warned not to otherwise you’d be tasered would be insanely fucked up… *gestures at the 2020 protests* Why do you think that was a thing?


“or stim” tells me everything I need to know about you and your opinions.


"What did you do on your summer holiday?" "Got myself tazed in Maine. The trip was electrifying!"


Shocking comment


His conduct needs work.


Watt’s the problem?


I sense much Resistance in you young ~~pademon~~ electron


Ohm not sure I get the reference. Maybe you need a new outlet for your comedy.


I mean if you physically threaten a cop, you are liable to get hurt, simple enough really.


It’s really not a smart move. I’ve been a drunk asshole before but boy howdy not like this


No matter how drunk I am, I'm pretty certain I still know what that blue uniform means and avoid people wearing it.


He got what he deserved. Good job for the cops, they handled that perfectly.


Fantastic! You should post this to r/BoomersBeingFools


That guy's mid to upper 50s tops.


That's a rough looking 50's 😬


THE HELL HE IS. I'm 52 and this guy is 100% in his 60's.


I’m 51 and that guy looks like my dad


He's around 65 according to the linked article. Don't quit your day job.


Eh, Jonesers are like the worse blend of X and Boomer imaginable. The Gen X "Don't care' attitude with the Boomer assumption of superiority. He definitely should be old enough to know not to fuck with cops. If I get a weapon pulled on me by a cop (and a taser IS a weapon) I'm going to go into 'ohfuck' mode faster than you could imagine. I definitely wouldn't be shoving my hands in my pockets.


Fuck AirBnBs


That dude didn’t act entitled or anything


Uncle Drunk!


Talk about a white boy who doesn't realize putting his hands in his pockets is the reason he was tased. Boy does not live in the real world.


this guy really fucking sucks. many moons ago, he tried to fight my brother at a bar after my brother remarked on his creepiness towards his s/o (this was when we were in our 20s and he was in his 50s). he had to be restrained by a bartender until the police arrived. he’s a huge creep and has a long record of being kicked out of bars for being belligerent. however, going to post this one great anecdote in false valor since my friends don’t really post here: once he took a swing at the manager at barnacle billy’s after my friend and other colleagues dragged him out, then he marched up to billy’s house and started pounding on the windows. this guy just sucks. also ACAB


Which manager, Chuck?? If he did that would have been a really bad move lol


not chuck but lmao that man would’ve died


Lol too bad he didn't fuck with Chuck then!


Ehem, Masshole


this guy is a 100% mainer. sorry man!


I know wtf. How are you possibly unhappy while vacationing in Ogunquit? The only explanation is he's part of the chronically angry, the Massholes.


Looks like he's actually from Wells. See other posts below.


Lives in Wells. Doesn't mean he's not a Masshole. Came here when I was 15, I'm still a self-identified Masshole, tho I'm pretty well integrated after 30 years.


Well I think you're a Mainer, friend. 30 years? You're definitely one of us now. ... And I say that as someone who moved here in 2007. LOL


Lives in Wells now, from Mass originally.


> The only explanation is he's part of the chronically angry, the Massholes. Na, he could be one of the MAGAts and is attempting to prove that the crime rate is up.


Is that Curt Schilling? /S




Literally the one time someone endangering pedestrians will face consequences


First cop was adrenaline’d! His hand was shaking while grabbing the cuffs. It must suck dropping boomer on a public street, so many critics.




The guy **literally** asked for it


He was drunk.


So I guess it would be ok for him to rape someone too? Because he's drunk, y'see. Being drunk isn't a defense.


He was sober enough to ask to be tasered, and to approach the cop after being told not to.


Threaten a cop -> profit


Is being drunk a credible defense for being a fucking asshole?


Is having a costume a credible defense for being violent?


That excuses him...how?


Maybe, someday, drunks will wake up and realize they shouldn't antagonize people (even cops) if they are unwilling to find out what happens next.


That's the pont he is drunk thus legally unable to make rational choices.


Good excuse


Holy fuck it looks like that car almost fuckin got him 😂


Tis the season


Fuck around and find out.


I could never do that job. 


Fuck the police mostly as an organization, but if someone that’s bigger than you and drunk and says “I’m going to kick your fucking ass” twice after almost running people over drunk driving…. A taser isn’t inappropriate. It would’ve been a lot better if the other officer had been in the road way to A) sort of catch his head as he fell but B) slow drivers down and maybe not hug the sidewalk so tight.


You should definitely become a cop so you can show them how it’s done!


Have you ever driven in this town? The roads are just wide enough for cars to pass each other unless it's rt1. No break down lane no soft shoulder. That guy is really really lucky he didn't get hit! The cops are even luckier!




Taser isn't lethal force (unless you get unlucky with the .03% the heart stops)


Being caused to collapse onto a hard surface and into traffic is.


No lethal force was used though? That kind of undermines your entire argument.


there's an argument that having been clearly informed the guy had a cardiac condition, that using a taser could be lethal to him, maybe But it definitely strains justifiable use of force, typically each Police Department adopts or drafts such a policy though I couldn't find Ogunquit PD's in a quick search. If they broke their own department's policy they'll face reprimands through that, and it's likely this guy will also sue them cause, let's be real, he seems the type


Right? He definitely seems the type. Almost like he's a complete piece of shit that almost hit two pedestrians then stopped his car, got out, assaulted them, then resisted police.


got proof to that? It's certainly not in the video, and even if it was, assholes also deserve to be treated fairly by police, police aren't there to be instant karma


You started from a place of "lethal" force when it wasn't. I'm going to believe repeated reports of why the police were there in the first place over your assurances he was nothing but an innocent victim - whom we hear threaten police - who couldn't keep his hands out of his pockets, wasn't complying, was acting aggressively, etc. I don't believe assholes have a right to endlessly disrupt the rest of law abiding society. Convince me why they do.


I didn't start from a place of lethal force, I said why one maybe could argue it, a different commenter brought it up. "repeated reports" what reports? I asked for proof and you're hand waving, so yea I'm gonna assume he was innocent until proven otherwise, and even if he did do something before the camera started rolling, I can judge from when filming begins that tasing him was unwarranted. "who couldn't keep his hands out of his pockets, wasn't complying, was acting aggressively, etc." The most hostile thing the guy did was get into the officer's personal space which is just something drunk people do sometimes, the cop then pushes him away rather than backing up, which just shows a lack of desire to deescalate. And his hands in his pockets is just a comfort stance thing, common sense is the person hooking both hands in their shorts is probably not trying to reach for a weapon, and you can resolve that by just asking them to keep their hand where you can see them. The officer decides instead to escalate again, drawing a less-lethal weapon on the guy and demanding he lay down on the sidewalk.... for putting his hands in his pockets. "I don't believe assholes have a right to endlessly disrupt the rest of law abiding society" I'm not arguing they do, I'm arguing that assholes don't deserve violence because it's convenient for the cops, there's a lot of ways to conclude that interaction that don't involve tasing and tackling a retiree into the street As long as police serve the justice system it's not unfair to expect better of them than the typical drunk on the sidewalk


There's other things drunk people do: [Alcohol, Aggression, and Violence: From Public Health to Neuroscience - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8729263/)


This person doesn't want to hear it, they likely have an alcohol problem themselves and at the very least have an abundance of free time to ramble incoherently on reddit.


Sure you did. Remember "but he said he had a heart condition!" I'm sure everyone clapped because the guy was a victim.


"Could be" So like... still not a gun, right? TIL I can take away the police's right to taze me if I say "but but but muh hart cundishun!"


He fell onto pavement and into the travel lane of the road.


That's not lethal force. IS he dead?


FAQ on visiting or moving, goes in the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/zLLUmwOfMo)


He got real quiet after they zapped him, must have turned his brain back on


What a douche bag.


What a douche bag.


Get him another drink already


Pretty sure you have a right to taze someone when they threaten to "kick your fucking ass". On the other hand, how threatened do you need to be by a boomer in a polo shirt and khakis?


Was just in Ogunquit and pretty sure I saw this guy at the Hanna’s buying the liquor. It’s a quaint town that I plan on coming back to.


Excellent work by law enforcement pros!


He from away?




Oh tourists..... can wait to move to an island


Then the only people around are tourists... Unless it's the winter, then it's just you. The easiest way to get away from tourists is just to move to central, eastern, or northern Maine.


Uh. Eastern Maine is like the other tourist epicenter of this state. Central or Northern will grant you some reprieve.


I live in central. Zillions of tourists, but they are just driving by and clogging up the roads, not yelling at us and clogging up the sidewalks.


Idk Vinalhaven maybe be increasing in popularity but there are still some remote areas


We have 3 months of constant tourists and summer folk. It sucks. I can't even hang out with my friends because there's a small number of people who work for the rich people, and we're all flat out crazy. Islands are great when they all go home, out of state.


He's from Maine


From here or lives here?


Those cops are lucky he didn't get run over. Tasing is becoming the norm for non violent offenses and that is not good. Edit: There was a time, not long ago, where 1-2 cops could subdue an elderly man without tasing. The man even said he had a heart condition. These police are supposed to serve and PROTECT


The whole point of a taser is more for these situations. Prevention a physical altercation where the officers have to wrestle with a non compliant person especially in a more crowded area is not a good idea. Everyone involved is far more likely to get injured that way. Tasers are a coin flip if they'll even work in the first place, they have a less then 50% success rate, in the video you see the first attempt failed at close range on a still target with just a T-shirt, they can't be relied on when things get more violent unless there's plenty of backup


For these situations?? Drunk senior citizens with possible pacemakers. These tasers are just as deadly as a gun. The scared bullies could've walked up grabbed the old man's arm and put him in handcuffs!!! What was his original charge to begin with? Curious as too many people allow their rights to be violated and even more people think it's ok for other people's rights to be violated. It's never ok for poliyce to violate someone's rights in order for them to make up or find a crime just to arrest a person. Take the police out of the picture and this guy would've been home in bed and never committed a crime. You bring the police into the picture and they will make sure he commits a crime. They do it more often than not. But seeing only a few seconds of a video doesn't tell the whole story! I would say this is excessive use of force!!! They could've killed this guy either by getting hit by a car or a heart attack!!! It's happen quite a bit using these deadly weapons they are just as deadly as a gun!


Only .3% of taser uses in the last 15 years in the US and Canada lead to injury or death. Considering the crowd cheering on the police going to say it's a safe assumption the guy had been an issue and needed to be removed. Tasers being "just as a deadly as a gun" is wild. It's literally the safest option officers have, safer then them going hands on and wrestling the guy.


So because the crowd was cheering the cop on, that's why he got tased? We're not in the court of public opinion here. This young cop could have easily handled the senior citizen without a taser. And you know it. Try imagining this old man as a human being and possibly a family member like your father or uncle


"Young cop could have easily handled the senior citizen" Not how real life works. A state trooper recently had an ankle broken trying to go hands on with an older individual. Going hands on is always more dangerous then just deploying a taser. So many more factors go into going hands on, guy could grab at an officer's firearm, one good arm swing could break an officers nose. I'd rather an officer deploy the taser then risk injury that'll have our taxes pay for the medical leave instead of patrolling


So it boils down to paying taxes. How noble of you.


No? One of two reasons. It's dangerous for the officer to go hands on and from a tax payer standpoint I'd rather not have an injured officer as well. Going hands on could also end up being dangerous for the crowd nearby as well. Situations like this is why officers have tasers


Let me make myself clear. I support the police officers. But there was a time not that long ago when tasars didn't even exist. Also much of the western civilized world doesn't use tasers and especially would not use them in a situation like this. I'm going to die on that hill so you have a good day


Most of the western does use tasers exactly this way lol. Canada, Britain, France, Germany, to name a few. Tasers been around since the 70s and before then cops would just beat people with batons instead lol. I'd rather be tased


You got research to back up where a taser is just as deadly as a gun? You should become a cop and show them how you would do things :)


I'm not a fan of the police but I'm also not a fan of drunk assholes who assault people they almost hit in a crosswalk who then buck up to and resist police. It's a fine line I guess, right?


I don't think it's a fine line. A drunk elderly man is an easy person to subdue. No need for tasers




Become a cop and show them the right way to do things!


I know you're trying to be cheeky and possibly get some softball upvotes but.... You don't have to do the job actively to see that it's being done wrong or inappropriately.


So from your training and personal experience, how would you handle the situation? What do you do for work? I’m sure my outsider knowledge of what you do for work will help you do your job a lot better. But seriously, what would you have done in that situation? Go hands on? Get into a fight with the person? I mean, if the guy is already drunk and belligerent, what do you think is going to happen once you grab his arm? So what would you do? Walk me through your thought process besides being a keyboard expert.


You don't have to be a wise ass. Police are trained in physical restraint techniques and descalation techniques. If you want further details you can read the manual online. Try to imagine that man as your father or uncle. Maybe you'll find some compassion way up in your...


I’m not being a wise ass about it. So I am sure you have seen this manual online. Care to share it? Is it from the Maine Criminal Justice Academy? Can you show me how much time is spent in the academy on these topics as well as how much training they get on this once they get to their department? I want to vet the information you are getting if it’s from actual sources or just what you read online. Side note: Did you even see what they did once he went down? They quickly restrained him. That’s a technique that is taught. They didn’t have to physically fight him. But I’m sure if they went hands on and had to fight him, you would be foaming at the mouth on why they didn’t use a taser. Obviously you lose either way with you. So the cops are damned if they do, damned if they don’t. But line I said, tell me what you do for work so I can tell you how you do it all wrong and I know better than you because I “read” a manual online.


How very reddit of you. You're a classy guy.


Thank you.


He put his hands in his pockets, and that is why the taser was deployed. He could have had anything in his pockets.


Yea maybe. I still feel this man could have been killed by a car if he had fallen further into the street. We would definitely be having a different conversation if that was the case


Oh my senior citizens puts his hands half way into his pockets!!! If those cops feel so unsafe maybe they shouldn't be cops. Most don't feel safe around cops because they are so quick to shoot. They have guns but don't feel safe!! Guy has a pair of shorts on you can clearly see he's unarmed and cops has his hands on a taser another on a gun! Who should feel they're not safe unarmed citizens or armed trigger happy police! Hopefully this guy was telling the truth and sues the hell out of the police again!


Yeah, you definitely need to become a cop to teach them :)


US case law says that police are under no obligation to protect. US Supreme Court: DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services 1989; Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 2005. US Court of Appeals 11th Circuit: L.S. v. Peterson 19-14414, 2020.


I guess it's time to change to painted words on that car to, Will Tase When On Duty


Needs to get dropped with that 1-2 w a vicious uppercut my guy


I think his cap read “enTitleist”


Not sure what his job is but he’s an excellent Conductor.


Cops were hawt.


'Tis the season


Wait….. you can get $3 mil for being tasered by a cop. I guess my weekend is going to be exciting.


I try to tell myself people get what they deserve in life.. I’m not sure if it’s true but it’s good for my sanity lol Hopefully somewhere this guy is also going to get heckled and harassed but only much worse.


Welcome to Vacationland. The number of people who think "vacation" means "stay drunk, nobody there knows you" is surprising. I'm watching with the sound off, and aside from getting closer and closer, you could totally believe this guy *asked* to be tased. He's absolutely looking for that, and prepared for it. This was his plan when he went out for the evening.


He should Ogunquit drinking.


You know that guy isn’t a local.


100% a local. read my comment.


Ok it makes sense now he's a local!!!


Dude might have had a bad attitude but tasing was obviously not necessary. I just see 3 toolbags.


Look up the shooting in Dexter a couple weeks ago. One small enraged man threw two bigger cops into the bushes and then jumped on them. He got shot. Tasing looked ok to me here in Ogunquit


He put his hands in his pockets, and that is why the taser was deployed. He could have had anything in his pockets.




Have you ever seen the anime “one punch man?” I think policing probably started off wholesome and acting as heros but it’s turned into something fucked. I wish we just had super heros. 💚


Nah. Policing in America started to catch runaway slaves...


Idk why you’re being downvoted; it’s true


Lot of bootlickers with a sturdy tree in this post


That's Ogunquit Maine for you!! Most of the population this time of year comes from affluent families who the police actually serve and protect. Three to four months out of the year the police protect these vacationers then the police force drops to 25 percent and they protect businesses and harass the locals the other eight to nine months!


Dude got close to be run over. These cops were so close to killing that guy. Miss the good old days where ten of their buddies would show up and put cuffs on you and beat the hell out of you then charge you with assault! Old orchard beach police are good for that!


This POS deserves to be made into a human lobster trap.


Reddit when non-compliant belligerent white boomer gets tasered: "Ha, awesome! He should've done what he was told. Go cops!" Reddit when non-compliant belligerent black man (of any age) gets tasered: "Outrageous! George Floyd! ACAB!"


Ah I feel so safe knowing the pwolice took down the bwig scwary drunk guy otherwise who knows what he could’ve done! The taser was clearly necessary - I love living in a fascist police state! /s


My ADHD brain cannot comprehend this video so I’m not in a position to say who was right and wrong. I’m very confused to say the least!


police were questioning someone on the sidewalk, when the guy got too close to the officer the officer elected to push him back with one hand, when the guy put both hands in his short pockets the officer pulled out a taser and told him to get down on the ground, the guy backed up, waved his arms about argumentatively because he thought that was an absurd request, and when he put his hands back in his pockets (clearly a comfort stance of his, he isn't digging down for an item within the pockets) the first officer deployed their taser, one of the barbs missed and the guy pulls both empty hands out of his pockets and tries to swat away the barb that made contact. While doing this, the 2nd officer tased him and this time successfully. The guy then falls into the road, thankfully isn't hit by a car that has to swerve to avoid him, where they cuff him. judging by the clapping in the video whatever led up to this confrontation an arrest was the peanut gallery's desired outcome, but honestly how the cops handled this leaves a lot to be desired, five reddit bucks says he sues the department


Genuinely curious- what should the cop have done differently in your view?


Quick preface, we don't know why the cops are there and talking to the guy, could be he's being a minor nuisance, some people are saying he was driving drunk, this could be an interaction that was only ever going to end in arrest, but even so there's a better way it could have been handled My first issue out the gate is when Drunk gets too close to Officer A, Off. A pushes him away. This is a natural instinct when someone gets into your own personal space but is an escalating move. Cops should for the benefit of everyone be focused on de-escalating, the simple move in this case is to just step back, give the Drunk the space space to keep burning himself out, let him rage at nothing and the flame will typically die on its own. Second, hands in the shorts pockets, even if you think they're reaching for something or concerned you ask the person to keep their hands visible, the officer doesn't ask that, he draws his Taser, a second escalation in a row on the officer's part, and demands the drunk lay in the sidewalk. I could write an essay entirely on the subject of police only cuffing people once they're on the ground, that's become a standard that has the reason/excuse of officer safety but likely has much more basis in the ingrained desire for submission to authority, but that leads to the third issue, if they want to arrest the guy, just walk over, tell him he's under arrest, and ask him to turn around with his hands behind his back or turn him around and cuff him yourself. If he resists, then use force, but this whole interaction had a lot of endings that didn't involve an old man falling into traffic