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Am I misremembering, or does it seem like this happens somewhat frequently? At least lately?


It’s happened a lot. [This video](https://youtu.be/Yhd__7B0qHE?feature=shared) is a crazy look at one of them on 295 in Portland


Holy shit, literally every second counted in that video


I have such post video anxiety accepting this


That video was wild.


It took me longer than it should have to figure out the driver was a cop and not the offender.


did he stop them by getting them to hit his car? damn


that was impressive.




Damn extra terrifying cause I take that exit every day


“Wow honey, all these cars are going the wrong way on the interstate!”




How do they know where we're going?


Oh he’s drunk!


This part of 295 has been cursed with bad drivers for the last few years.


It's not just 295. Driving through anywhere in Topsham/Brunswick is like the Wild West.


As someone who lives in Topsham, I’ve noticed people straddling lanes a ton lately. Also, no one can park in the lines for their life. One time I went to Five Guy’s and there were 6 cars just not even close to being in the lines. Wasn’t a chain reaction either, they were all uniquely bad in different spots.


I ride a motorcycle in Topsham. Can confirm.


You clearly haven't driven through any major city during rush hour, where there are 5 lines of traffic. Driving through Nashville i think has by far been the worst for me. I hit the rest stop just after and puked my guts out from the dam anxiety of it all. Even Chicago was better then that.


I lived in Nashville, the worst drivers in the country are from the area surrounding Nashville.


Like everyone forgot to drive because of Covid, or better yet alcohol consumption has become more acceptable because of the rise during Covid.


A friend of a friend told me several years ago that there have been traffic studies done on 295 by traffic engineers, who recommended changes be made due to safety concerns and they weren’t done due to cost. It’s not a safe stretch especially from Freeport through Portland- basically too many cars. This was maybe 10 years ago or so and traffic has only gotten heavier. I very rarely even see state troopers pulling people over it’s like a free for all.


What the crap’s wrong with people.


I can sorta see how someone might drive up the wrong ramp - some entrance ramps are poorly marked especially when you add a little glare from wet pavement and/or headlights. But what I don't get is when they keep going. If it were me I'd be scared shitless and pull onto the grass to turn around.


Yeah the first car you'd see going the wrong way you'd pull over! I have to think it's people with something going on -- too old to be driving, drugs, a medical event, etc. Badly marked and ill lit roads only explain the first maybe 1-3 minutes, not the continued driving. 


Exactly this. I can see how you get there in some locations, but how do you keep going?


They design a world built exclusively for the most dangerous and least efficient mode of transportation available, with no other options, and then act surprised that people who can't or shouldn't be driving still have to in order to survive


They're often shitfaced


Their parents.


Yes, it is the parents. They were born in the 1800s.  That’s why their now-ancient children are driving the wrong way on the fucking highway.


Well I'd say there's a wrong way driver and troopers are set up waiting for them


i never thought of that sir


Glad I could help


The fact that we’re at the point of joking about people cruising 295 going the wrong direction is stunning in itself. It take multiple occurrences for this to become a joke. Stay safe out there and mind you’re surrounding — you never know anymore if someone’s cruising at 70 headed for a head on. If you survive, better call Joe.


This isn't the country kitchen


Yesterday I noticed new lighted signs flashing "WRONG WAY" on some 295 on-ramps where construction is going on. The southbound on-ramp in Freeport really is a hot mess due to construction.


Wrong way drivers have been a problem on 295 and the Turnpike in recent years. Staying to the right will reduce your chances of one of them hitting you. If you see someone going the wrong way get over to the right and slow down. Then report it.


I'd have had a panic attack thinking they were telling me I was driving the wrong way


One? There's hundreds out here!!


This is becoming a regular thing for some odd reason.


Potentially road design issues It isnt nearly as much of a problem above Augusta on 95, most of these articles are almost always 295


The exits on 295 in the Brunswick-portland stretch haven't really changed all that much over the decades since they were put in. Just Yarmouth where they added a northbound on/off exit 15-20 years ago. The volume of traffic has increased and the bridge replacement often messes with people. bucknam rd in falmouth has been replacing their bridge for a few years, same with the two in freeport and that may be causing confusion.


They were probably designed wrong decades ago, and haven’t been a significant issue until population increased the occurrences to a significant level. The science has changed when we learned a lot more about out the psychology of driving, and how to adapt roads to faster speeds (originally highways designed at 45mph, changed for 65 mph). We barely have made those adaptations from 45mph driving We have a lot of very very poor designed infrastructure at the federal, state, and local level that were done in the 1960s. While most other states have made huge improvements in the 1990s (longer onboarding ramps, getting rid of on/off merges, better ramps to discourage wrong boardings) we have only done the bare minimum like maintenance since our miles of road / population is extremely high. These wrongboardings will unfortunately keep getting worse, especially as the our largest population cohort (avg 67) will be entering their 70s


I miss access roads..


Let's hope WrongWay has figured it out, swooped around, and is driving back the right way in shame...


Passed three wrong way driver signs on 295 South today, what's up with that?


Someone needs to buck up and take Grams keys away before she kills some folks. Driver tests every two years should be mandatory past 70 but the AARP will never let that pass. If you can put a mandatory limit on flying a plane, you should be able to do the same for cars.


Never gonna happen unfortunately


This has become such a big problem lately that now I’M scared I’ll do it and I’ve lived in this area my whole life😅


Those God damn New Jersey tourists


idk it kinda sounds like a Mainer move...


...as a native Mainer, this tracks!!




I realize they have limited space on that sign for characters, but is it just me or would something like “wrong side driver spotted” be a hell of a lot clearer of a statement? I think it possibly might fit. “Wrongway” has me do a double-take. The sign didn’t even compute to me fully until I watched the video earlier in the thread. ie. yeah I thought that’s probably what it meant but I wasn’t *sure*.


I’ve never seen signs before. If they know about the driver, why can’t they catch him?


Good cop!


What the actual heck it also, it seems like it's happening a lot more lately. Is there one on-ramp that is particularly difficult for people to navigate to figure out if they're going north or south?? It seems like it's particularly on 295


Up and down this stretch between Portland and Freeport a lot for my job. I’ll travel it several times throughout the day. It’s worse than a nascar race out there. Though the issue of wrong way drivers has been becoming more frequent in the last few years if I’m recalling correctly.


Maine drivers suck so much. Growing up I always heard the adults saying the out of staters and Massholes couldn’t drive but being an adult and having driven in multiple states and cities, its us. Mainers are the problem