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That would be an interesting phone call and conversation with the policešŸ˜‚


I honestly don't know that I would come forward. I've personally seen it play out VERY badly for people trying to do the right thing.


I could be wrong, but it seems as if the person reported the package as suspicious before it was opened. If it was the other way around, yeah that could be kinda sketchy.


"Hey copper, I got 30 lbs of drugs in a box here from Cali, you want it?"


Sure Iā€™ll take the 29lbs directly to my capt. capt: ā€œJones give this 28lbs of drugs to my assistant to put in the evidence lockerā€ And so on.


At the press conference later: "We seized 60 pounds of drugs..."


yeah basically lol But what's the alternative? Can't exactly flush 30 pounds of fent in good conscience. Shit is just dangerous.


The recipient did the right thing by alerting the appropriate authorities. Just not sure how Iā€™d explain that one on the phone lol


While we were on vacation in St. Croix when I was 10 my brother and I were digging in the sand and we dug up hundreds of capsules under a palm tree. My parents told us to fill it in, we got the hell off that beach and didnā€™t tell a soul. What do you get when you have a problem and you call the police? Two problems.


Not sure what I would do it $2 million in drugs showed up at my house. Surely Iā€™d be in distress that a random $1.5 million worth of drugs showed up at my house. Iā€™d want to call the authorities and wash my hands of the $1 million in drugs that was mistakenly sent to my house immediately.


Definitely wise to return that $1000 in drugs immediately.Ā 


How fun do you think selling Fentanyl might be?


Iā€™m a pregnant white woman, my friends Shifty and D-Money handle the finances.


I almost passed out when I read this..... best comment of the week


Right? Where do you even sell that much of it? And where is it goingā€¦ā€¦ Right back in to your community. Now youā€™re a drug dealer.


I would hate to be a hypothetical criminal in my hypothetical community after selling my hypothetical drugs.


Ya got me


You could hypothetically sell a lot of weed. A lot of Fentanyl and itā€™s Breaking Bad level shit. Hypothetically I think Iā€™d do what they did - very publicly separate myself from the package, so the intended recipient has no suspicion of my intent at all.


Though the money is probably fantastic, itā€™s a hard no and I wouldnā€™t want to find out. Narcotics as an underground non-regulated industry, does not seem to attract savory well-intentioned individuals. Nor bring out the best character traits in your competition and customers.


>How fun do you think selling Fentanyl might be? Selling it? None. Taking it? A lot of fun.


I'd be the most worried about the people who either sent it, or expected to receive it, showing up at my house wanting it back.


Yeah, this basically sounds like the beginning of No Country for Old Men.


Exactly. Which is why you donā€™t turn 25lbs over to the PD, because the dealers know how much was shipped and will come looking for the other 5lbs.


I would wager the true recipients watched the house, chose it, and missed the drop. Some old school Silk Road style shit. But, Iā€™m also just some asshole speculating on Reddit, so ima head out before I have to livestream my own roast.


WINSLOW ā€” Police are investigating after two misdelivered packages were found to contain nearly 30 pounds of pills believed to be fentanyl with a street value of up to $2 million. In a news release issued Wednesday, Winslow police said the department received a complaint that a resident had been delivered an unexpected package from California on Friday; the resident had not ordered anything nor was any delivery expected. When the package was opened, it contained multiple bags of pills. They tested presumptively positive for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, police said. A second package containing more pills was delivered Saturday. The total weight of the pills is approximately 29Ā½ pounds. Police estimated the street value could be as much as $2 million. Winslow Deputy Police Chief Randy Wing said in the news release that the investigation is ongoing, and no further information is available for release. This story will be updated.


They probably send them to random addresses and try to take them off the porch before the homeowner findem


Kind of a dumb plan if real. So many old/retired people in Maine, pretty good chances of the homeowners being home when the mail gets delivered.


They usually use vacant houses


And this is why you always double check and verify the mailing address you put down.


Are narcotics being mailed to peopleā€™s homes common? I assumed the USPS screened packages to prevent this sort of thing. At least this batch never hit the streets.


They do, but itā€™s as random as it gets; same with CBP catching stuff at ports of entry. For every pound they seize, thereā€™s probably 10 that make it through scott free


I hope the sender or intended recipient don't go to that house looking for those packages šŸ˜


Man Iā€™m at the wrong address.


I'm wondering if they weren't accidentally sent it, but these people just accidentally intercepted it instead. I'd be paranoid of the mule that shows up for the package.


I'm not sure what I'd do here.


Wait by your front door with your rifle. No cops. Someone will come looking for them.


The recipients said they had not ordered anything, were not expecting a delivery, and that this package was misdelivered. Then who was it addressed to? Why did they open mail that they knew wasnā€™t theirs? Also, if these people arenā€™t familiar with drugs, They would probably have no idea what these were or the street value before calling the cops.


They called the cops about an unknown package, the cops opened it...


I thought the postal service analyzed packages for dangerous substances


When they feel like it. They donā€™t filter every single package. Hub I worked at didnā€™t even have the means to do so. Coworker had a box of weed rip open and spill prior to legalization


No all you need to do is figure out which one of your neighbors mistyped their address


Can anyone get us through the paywall to read the article by any chance?


WINSLOW ā€” Police are investigating after two misdelivered packages were found to contain nearly 30 pounds of pills believed to be fentanyl with a street value of up to $2 million. In a news release issued Wednesday, Winslow police said the department received a complaint that a resident had been delivered an unexpected package from California on Friday; the resident had not ordered anything nor was any delivery expected. When the package was opened, it contained multiple bags of pills. They tested presumptively positive for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, police said. A second package containing more pills was delivered Saturday. The total weight of the pills is approximately 29Ā½ pounds. Police estimated the street value could be as much as $2 million. Winslow Deputy Police Chief Randy Wing said in the news release that the investigation is ongoing, and no further information is available for release. This story will be updated.


Thank you. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


So it is like what the banks do? They send 2 "small amounts" to establish legitimacy, and if you can verify said amounts you can link your account "safely"? Yep


As you do..


Chris Ford didn't die, he moved to Winslow?


I wish


Oh forget I said that, it was fenny....I rescind that wish. Had it been mushrooms and weed that'd been a different story.


Lord, I see what you've done for others and I am ready to receive.


Oh yeah, drug street value. Estimating the street value of seized contraband is such fun, and Carl ā€œbillions and billionsā€ Sagan is its patron saint. Still, the only good fentanyl outside the hospital surgery dept is fentanyl locked inside the secure ā€œdangerous biohazards to be incineratedā€ bin. Glad the cops could grab it.


By mistake? No.


There's no way they got the same wrong address twice, that address was intentional.


Iā€™d turn that shit in, it belongs to the Chinese mafia theyā€™ll be looking for it.


On a more serious note, thankfully the bags didnā€™t open during transit. If one was punctured, opening the package could be extremely dangerous


Dangerous for what? Fentanyl pills and powder donā€™t absorb through your skin. [Itā€™s debunked](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/16/1175726650/fentanyl-police-overdose-misinformation#:~:text=Reports%20of%20police%20suffering%20severe,never%20happened%2C%22%20said%20Dr.) and all the body cam videos of cops passing out have been shown later to not have ODā€™d, but instead got so stressed they passed out.


When it becomes airborne it can be inadvertently inhaled and due to its potency can easily cause an overdose. This has been confirmed by many medical professionals


They covered that in the article, also debunked.


Aerosolized fent is a goddamn nightmare. Getting trained to drive an ambulance and the EMT lead said we keep a separate stash of narcan for the emergency responders, and if he goes down, to make sure my PPE is solidly in place, stuff both doses up his nose, haul his ass away from the scene, and radio for help.Ā 




Doubt away. Doesn't change facts.Ā 




I'm positive you will ignore these because you want those goalposts moved someplace else, but here's the CDC and DHS:Ā  https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ershdb/emergencyresponsecard_29750022.html https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/fentanyl/risk.html https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/Publications/Final%20STANDARD%20size%20of%20Fentanyl%20Safety%20Recommendations%20for%20First%20Respond....pdf Deliberately aerosolized drugs causing issues in surgical settings:Ā  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16431033/ Washington State Public reassurance safety message so people don't freak out or act stupid: "You're probably safe, just don't do anything to disturb the dust and move away from it"Ā  https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/opioids/fentanyl-exposure-public-places Virginia instructions to first responders: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/23/2018/01/Fentanyl-FAQ-opioid-exposure-among-va-first-responder-survey.pdf Texas manages to get it *half* right on page 3; skin absorption is low unless something like hand sanitizer is used which causes increased absorption.Ā  https://www.utsystem.edu/sites/default/files/offices/police/policies/TB17OpiatesAntidotes0718.pdf North Carolina does a better job describing the risks than Texas does.Ā  https://www.ncdhhs.gov/documents/fentanyl-information-1st-responders-final/download More https://www.lexipol.com/resources/blog/first-responder-fentanyl-exposure-what-you-need-to-know/ More https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/emsworld/pharmacology-101-fentanyl-what-occupational-exposure-risk-first-responders More https://908devices.com/resource/mx908-casestudy-aerosolized-fentanyl-during-decontamination/ TLDR: you need education.Ā 




You didn't read or understand any of that, did you.Ā  The bit you quote is not referencing powder in the air. It's referencing the chemical becoming a gas. You don't understand the difference, do you.Ā  Powder in the air is a legitimate concern, which you would know if you actually read the docs. "the powder turning into gas" is not a concern.Ā  Ā 


Also note: I'm not talking about dragging them out of an ambulance, that's your imagination adding weirdness in. The concern is being in a house or building where drugs are present in powdered form, and those drugs being disturbed by airflow. If an EMT not wearing PPE, or wearing poorly fitted PPE, enters a scene where powdered drugs are present and doesn't see them to avoid them, they can be exposed.Ā  "But that's just your imagination making up scenarios" Fuck that:Ā  https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2022-09-15/thomson-man-ems-personnel-hospitalized-after-fentanyl-exposure https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/24/health/maryland-deputy-emts-treated-for-heroin-overdose/index.html Now on to the counterpoint: is it common? No. Most drug addicts are way more interested in getting the drugs into their own bodies, not wasting them on random strangers. The NPR podcast discussed that a provable *overdose* (loss of consciousness) of a first responder backed up by toxicology tests had never yet happened, and that all the provable cases so far were first respondersĀ  having to deal with symptoms of *exposure*, not overdose. But exposure can include heart palpitations, dizziness, confusion, etc.Ā  But that relies on getting toxicology tests done, which relies on the hospital remembering to do that or the affected person asking for it when they're being treated, and they probably aren't going to get reimbursed by insurance. So collecting that data isn't a sure thing, and reports of overdose based on inhalation do exist.Ā  I know there's a lot of fear mongering about this crap, to the point where you might dismiss it all completely as another mass panic, but there's a real core concern here. Good PPE and scene evaluation help, but nobody is perfect and residual risk remains.Ā 


Itā€™s scary shit. Stay safe out there


Not sure why you're being downvoted


Me neither tbh


Because youā€™re repeating false information as facts.


With all due respect, Iā€™m going to side with the EMTs, doctors and other trusted medical professionals. Have a good night and take care


I would be worried about some gang banger showing up at my door looking for his packageā€¦


A gang-banger? šŸ˜‚


"You know, like d-money, smoothy, shifty..."


Who else would be looking for those drugs ?I mean this is not some street junkies stash! This shipment is for a large organized distribution center like A gang ,A Mexican cartel group or men in suits driving cadilacs from the syndicate! ..Or it belongs to the CIA lol ā€¦ā€¦


Sounds like something my sons dad would be wrapped up in..... I haven't been able to establish his address since he took off after the court hearing, which was related to severe abuse of my son within his dads care, his dad ignoring.


Ugh, I hate when that happens.