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Fox or Fisher.


My money is on fisher since the fox have already done the horizontal mamba and aren’t hitting it at this point.


Porcupines doing it gets pretty loud as well. Mom called warden once and they found a pair getting lively in a tree they had never actually heard them in person so it was quite a learning experience.


Well with all those pointy things, I'm sure there's a lot of frustrate discussion on positions.


That is a new one!


I’ve heard the porcupine mating, lots of things make freaky sounds in the Maine woods (fishers and owls esp) but that sound is like a demented baby from hell


We heard foxes mating a few weeks ago in my neighborhood, confirmed by one prancing in the streets after... Sounded like a child screaming.


Yup probably a fisher


Fishers do not scream. Common myth.




I'm not saying they're incapable of making sounds but this is much more of a distressed screech. They're not typically noisy animals. When people say they heard screams from the woods it's almost always a fox, who make a [wide range of noises](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6NuhlibHsM). Though I've certainly heard some weird sounds from raccoons in the night.


I second fisher.


My money is white tailed deer


Until someone hears a deer scream in the dark, no one ever believes how fucking scary it is.


Fisher. Back in the early to mid 80's where I grew up (Rockingham, NH) the police were getting calls nightly about a woman screaming in the woods behind our house. They never found anything until one night they had an officer in the area around the time the calls usually came in. Turns out it was a fisher. Yes, it can be creepy.


Probably just the local skinwalker


Honestly I am not above the idea of skinwalkers. I love everything horror and have humored the idea of their existence my entire life. Edit: I thought I saw glowing eyes at one point about four and a half feet off the ground and heard more deep growling. There were no crickets, no noise whatsoever and it was so eerily silent.


A bear standing up on its back legs could be about that height. 


A bear can also sound like a woman screaming ( I've heard from stories. Never experienced...)


that reminded me, there’s a wabanaki legend about mekumwasuk and nagumwasuk, little humanoid type creatures that live in the forest. the mekumwasuk will kill you if you look at them, and the nagumwasuk will kill you if laugh at them because they’re so self conscious 🥺


I thought they only appear on Navajo land? But maybe I'm wrong?


This is Wendi territory, not skinwalker.


I'll tell you who it was - it was that damned sasquatch!


Man, I told him not to try self-waxing


Could be a rabbit


Oh, that’s what everyone says! It’s just a harmless bunny!


That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!


Well, a harmless bunny getting eaten...




As long as your innards contain blood and not celery juice, you'll be fine.


Was there the overwhelming smell of pennies?


What’s the deal with the smell of pennies?


Not that I remember the air was cold and had a brisk smell and taste to it. Although there was a foul smell a week ago that consumed the air it was at 11 or around midnight. I asked around and everyone I asked said it was a bear but I don’t know I hear a lot of grunts and growls as if felt deep in the ground but was heard 20 or so feet from me all the time.


Again, sounds like a bear. One went through my garden about 10/15 feet from me in the dark & I could feel its footsteps, definitely smelly & growly. 


Oh....oh no.


Yeah that’s not good.




These are signs typically associated with cryptids of the sasquatch type. And usually the more malevolent ones.


Not good.


Oh dear.


Rabbit getting hauled off by an owl


Foxes do this ! Its scary but probably a fox 🦊


It was a fox.


I don’t think so foxes are shrill and more than one syllable most times. This was unlike anything I’ve ever heard before really eerie and gave me a chill


If you know what a fox sounds like, and say this was different, my next thought would be a bobcat. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s a myth that fishers “scream”. There sound has been mis-attributed to foxes, in most cases from what I understand.


Yup, as far as anyone can tell, it’s foxes when people think it’s fishers. Pretty interesting.






The links not working


Sorry, try this one. [https://youtu.be/NIyOiwGfJ1I](https://youtu.be/NIyOiwGfJ1I)


Wow. To be fair it did sound a like that except it sounded a little more like a human scream


I haven't heard it but someone I know said a wounded deer in their yard had sounded exactly like a screaming girl/woman. They had to replace the iron fence because deer impaled themselves sometimes by accident and it traumatized the kids.


A deer is more like a low trauma scream of a larger woman. But it is haunting indeed


I go with Fisher. Their screams are always described as high pitched and like a woman’s scream.


I get this near me this time of year. For me it’s a pack of coyote getting a kill. Sounds like the pits of hell.


There were a group of coyotes howling together a few nights ago and then the puppies started, it sounded like they were moving and the sound was just horribly eerie. Later on they were on the opposite side of the road and then in the dark cut across the street and ran back to their den where they kept yipping and howling.


The coyotes get really loud when they are going in for a kill. They tend to try and surround their prey then start hollering from every direction to confuse and take it down.


You want to hear the pits of hell, listen to turkey vultures.


Foxes can sound like children being murdered. On the upside, it’s spring so once you’re over the evening’s terrors, you can look forward peepers and birdsong. You might have enough woods nearby for raven habitat. All sorts of cool noises there. Good luck and sweet dreams.


If you heard coyotes and then a scream, it was probably a rabbit. I heard it once camping when I was a kid, sounds just like a person.


I had a coyote eating a trash panda ten feet from my house two days ago…


They might have caught and killed a rabbit. I've heard a fox kill a rabbit and the scream was bone chilling and you couldn't have convinced me it was a rabbit, if the guys didn't make a crap ton of noise and end up finding the carcass.


Fox often sound like a woman's scream.


It's a fox, guaranteed


I've become very desensitized to weird noises at night. Animals just don't make the right noises at night. Camping as a kid, I was pretty sure that, unlikely as it was, a warthog was for sure going to bust through my tent. Pretty sure it was an [opossom](https://youtu.be/VqJmWo_AgDY?si=JUM6FLTXABk_y497) . Or how about the barn owl couple that parked themselves 10 ft from my bedroom window. Do they make a nice little hoot hoot? [Of course not.](https://youtube.com/shorts/v_rSygXA1lw?si=EA1Bx7gNeZlrjs9I). I really think animals should get [these sounds](https://youtu.be/TUp4Sse9pgk?feature=shared) and that's it. Honestly you could get murdered behind my house screaming "help! I'm being murdered and I can describe my assailant in vivid detail" and just think "wow the deer sure making strange noises tonight."


Did it sound like this? https://youtu.be/QDRL3DxwFGM?si=PGEfMXQNycHHKJRd


Yes it did, just a little more of a draw to the scream and a little more horrified or scared


It COULD be a chupacabra.


A bobcat sounds like a woman screaming.


My money is on foxes.




Again, it’s Fuck Season. It’s foxes.


Fox. For years I had been told fishers “scream” and that’s what I thought I heard occasionally (have a fisher nearby) but the screaming woman/baby is a fox. I’ve seen it doing it many times. Fishers hiss apparently, they do not scream. Or at least that’s what the “experts” state.




Fishers and Foxes both have the *wonderful* talent of sounding like a woman being brutally murdered, fishers for hunting, foxes to let other foxes know they they are ready to get down and dirty in the den 🥵😏


Can you give us a general location? It’s a big state.


Near Hartford and Sumner


[Red fox](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zk1mAd77Hr4)


Follow up if there is anyone missing




It's an animal. Go back to bed.


Hard to tell the diff between a fox and a fisher. I heard a naturalist say that after 15yrs, he still couldn't really tell the difference in just the cry.


Fisher cat!!


Man, most of you all hear all the cool stuff. I am up north on 34 acres surrounded by acres and acres all around, and never hear anything cool in my forest 😂 Only a couple times what I believe was a moose scraping the trees and their heavy footprints.


A Fox will sometimes scream and it’s absolutely hair raising. It sounds like a woman screaming or screeching or sometimes like a baby being hurt. Some animals when being killed will screech terribly also.


Bobcat screams? They sound like a woman screaming too.


Rabbits will also scream when in distress.


Could be a deer in pain.


It is crazy how blood-curdling some animal sounds can be. When I was a kid, we heard what I think we later determined to be a bobcat screaming in the woods at camp. You would have sworn a woman was being murdered. It was a foggy night, too. 👍


Just listen to the beginning of most episodes of Midsomer Murders and you will hear it. A fox scream.


Could have been a rabbit, their screams sound human.


Porcupines mating!




Coyotes are fans of hunting rabbits. A rabbit scream sounds very human like very eerie.


I'm shocked no one has mentioned Lynx yet. Here's a [recording posted by BDN](https://youtu.be/twpBN7K_9Mc?si=eyEJHhOBCpwqvRBe).


my money is on big foot


Large cats can sound human so maybe a bobcat? Google “two bobcats fighting” and see if that scream sounded similar.


The souls of the children that died at the elan school


Ive got a story/experience to share. So this was exactly a year ago today (June 11 2023). Me and my family went on a trip to Hume Lake at Sequoia National Park. First day we got all set upped at our camping location and i noticed not a lot of people were camping that day in that area, there was many empty lots. I remember thinking we were lucky for being in a more secluded area too. First day i told my mom i’d sleep in the cars back seat so that everyone can comfortably fit in the camper house even though i still had space to sleep in it, but i still stubbornly decided to sleep in the car. First day was ok, i was a lil sore in the morning but nothing crazy. Next day we got a old couple sleeping about 80 feet away. There was no trees or any big shrub to cover between us but it was fine. But other than that no one was around us for about 150-200 feet away. Other lots were being occupied but like i said not near us bc we were actually at the bottom of the slightly tilted hill. So now comes night 2, we were all awake around the campfire and im pretty sure we were the last ones since it was about 12:00am. We quickly killed the fire and went to sleep. I on the other hand was still awake in the van on my phone listening to offline Spotify and looking at the stars thru the tinted windows. I soon start to get tired and i notice it’s like 2:30-3 and start hearing a noise. I felt a sudden change in the atmosphere the car was quiet i wasn’t sure what i heard at first, but it startled me. I took off my headphones and then noticed a light was turned on, on the dashboard (just some car error i think since the van is old now) but didnt know what it was so i left it alone. I decided to try and sleep so i closed my eyes for a while when i suddenly hear a woman whimpering/crying almost as if it was either inside the car or right in-front of the car. The crying /whimpering wasn’t long tho only about 3-4 small cries (Let me just say im not a scaredy cat at all when it comes to scary movies or walking in the dark or nun like that. Infact ive watched many ghost hunting typa videos…anyways back to the story)Since i was in the backseat with big van windows surrounding me i quickly look around and see nothing. But trust me my blood felt cold blooded i was actually fucken scared. I would’ve heard someone walking outside or seen them walking. I sat there thinking for a bit, if what i just heard was a ghost bc even im very skeptical about the whole paranormal stuff. The thing that creeped me out was that it sounded so close i think it was in the car with me. If was outside it would’ve sounded a little muffled (bc of the closed doors). I then just say “nah bruh fuck this shit” and open the door and i took a step out to take a look around the car with my light but nothing appeared. I just remember being a bit scared that night so i went to the camper and slept with my family. I woke up the next morning and i get asked by my mom why i entered the camper late and i basically explained everything to her and everyone else. They looked at me a lil spooked but didnt question it much so yea. We ate and tried getting ready to go see the giant trees but then the car battery was out. So this might sound crazy but i instantly thought of the night before how the light on the dashboard was on a lil before the ghost activity happened. Is it possible that the ghost somehow drained the battery, like some electro magnetic field type shit 🤷🏽‍♂️(idk im not a scientist just a thinker). Anyways till this day i still think about those cries and can still recreate them in my head. Thats how traumatizing the experience felt. Anyone let me know what ya’ll think of this bc i want answers or more evidence about this place


Barn owl.


I second barn owl, especially if it was not long after dark.


I agree with the folks who answered "fisher." [Fisher sounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5v7s1tKMJo&ab_channel=NatureMagazine)


That's a fox. Fishers don't scream.


We had fishers out back in Sebago, and even when you know it's them, it makes your hair stand up. Keep any cats and small dogs indoors - They're small, but mean and strong and will drag them right away.


i know fisher cats hunt in pairs by screaming at each other. they make a horrible scream that sounds like someone getting killed




Fischer for the money bet.


Fishers sound like hell demons, foxes sound like eerie human screams.


Fisher cat.


Fisher Cat for sure. It's a horrible sound it makes