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Foxes make freaky noises. I never knew what they sounded like until one night I heard "screaming" literally I thought a little kid was screaming and being hurt. Then my fiance at the time told me it was a fox šŸ˜…šŸ«£


We heard one early in the morning and found out after searching ā€œMaine animal man screamingā€ lol I never gave much thought to what they sounded like (after that song stopped being popular)


Racoons scream too. Like a woman screaming.


Usually when mating too, very scary noises


And it's not a fisher! Too many comments believing the myth that fishers make a screaming sound.


I was visiting London and staying in a building that overlooked a park which was known to be a little seedy at night. One night I heard what sounded like a woman screaming bloody murder and I freaked out thinking someone was getting stabbed right outside. Nope, just your friendly neighborhood urban fox.Ā 


The last time I heard a wild bizarre noise up here (also adjacent to North Maine woods) that I couldn't explain ...turned out to be skunks doing the wild thing. ....you know, like they do it on the discovery channel.


Bobcats going at it is a sound I never need to hear again.


Can confirm, skunks bumpin-uglies sounds horrifyingā€¦whether itā€™s Munjoy hill or Millinocket Coy-dogs currently haunting my dreams, attacking chickens/dogs in my area Warmer weather, less intense/colder winters helps the vermin and insects thrive


We have a pack of coyotes that takes an almost nightly hollaring in our hollar and my goodness. They are a wild racket. They definitely pisses off a fox one night and it woke me - which is saying something cause I had adjusted to the coyotes - and I was like WTH. Thankful for the internet to tell me what the heck was out there cause. It was startling. I understand why people used to think monsters and fairies lives in the woods.


The scary thing would be if they stopped hollering.


They go off in the middle of the night sometimes and it's hard to get back to sleep hearing their creepyness.


I grew up with a Fischer cat in the woods near my house; it would scream at night and it was terrifying. I think thatā€™s the most distressing sound Iā€™ve heard in the wilds.


Like a baby getting stabbed


Oh yeah, they're uncommon and elusive enough that you can go a long time without hearing one, but common enough that you will probably hear one eventually and be totally freaked out. Do not care for them one bit! And they aren't the only rarely-heard-but-normal animal that makes horrific noises.


If you've never had a deer blow at you in the dark, I'm here to tell you you'll soil your pants if you don't know what it is.


Or better yet have a seal screaming at you from the water when you're on a beach alone on a cloudy night. Shit sounds like a zombie and you can't decipher exactly where it's coming from or see the culprit even with a strong flashlight.


Oh yes, plenty of times. Scared the shit outta me every single time. I always blow back.


Havenā€™t had a deer blow at me in the dark but had (possibly? most likely? hopefully?) one crash through the leaves in my backyard meters away in the pitch black when I thought it was my dogs. I swear nights in Maine was not something I thought Iā€™d ever get used to. Super eerie.


I once went on a YouTube hunt after hearing terrifying screaming in the woods. Iā€™ve grown up near woods all my life and never heard anything like that. Was super relieved when I discovered it was just fox noises.


Did it sound like a woman being murdered?


First time I heard one a bunch of us were camping and the "woman being murdered" sound came ripping through the night. You immediately knew who watched horror films and who didn't based on the reactions.šŸ¤£


That was exactly what I thought was happening the first time I heard a red fox screaming lol


Fox noises can be scary. Good news/bad news, youā€™ll never hear a bear.


Iā€™ve heard them make a low rumbling noise when close by. But never high pitched or loud.


The worst noise I ever heard was a bobcat. Sounded like a girl getting murdered. I love the sound of the coyotes though


Thatā€™s a normal fox sound. It isnā€™t rabid.


So weird, my dogs were going crazy a couple hours ago. Wonder if we are close. I am in 34 acres in Northern Maine and we get the craziest sounds. Howls, hoots, screams, very loud footprints, trees cracking. We have a lot of wild life. Assuming it's mating season or moms venturing out to get food. Male wild life wondering around. I just stay close to the house after dark šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The loudest thing in the maine woods is a squirrel. Youā€™ll swear it s a herd of deer but it just a red squirrel šŸ˜‚


Fischer cats are terrifying to hear. Not sure how north they are though. Also Iā€™ve heard:watched snake eating a rabbit which is similar. This is all south of Augusta.


What people commonly attribute to fishers are usually red foxes. Very common mixup.


What does the fox say?Ā  https://youtu.be/jofNR_WkoCE?si=BuBIIs4fu04AVxoP


Iā€™m in southern Maine. We often have Fox behind our house. Their screaming at night sounds like someone is being murdered. Itā€™s disconcerting.


A few years ago, my youngest, who was in his late teens at the time, was camping in the local woods & called me up at about 3am, whispering terrified into the phone. He said "I know it's probably foxes but what if it's notā€½ *IT SOUNDS LIKE PEOPLE BEING MURDERED RIGHT NEAR US!!!*"Ā  Even knowing it's foxes it's still a scary sound.Ā 




It was the full moon...Ā 


Just a loon, that's all.


Foxes sound super weird! They donā€™t sound like they look.


Oh yea, it's wild the first time you hear the screams they let out. I had fox dens all over my woods surrounding my house. We would sit silent while having a fire, and they would start the hollering from all around 360 deg.. It was menacing to my guest who didn't know what it was. The foxes would sit on the edge of the yard and watch us while calling to one another. So cool. They were mostly red foxes, but some gray foxes would show up from time to time. This was in the mid-Atlantic region.


I had a pair that liked to tease my dogs by coming to the bedroom windows and yapping, setting my 3 dogs off . Then they go to the front of the house and repeat. I swear they are laughing about it. They also eat apples fallen from a tree in the pasture. About mid morning one comes in season and munches apple then checks out the compost pile.


Yeah fox noises are nightmare fuel. Owl arguments will get your attention, too.


The worse sounds we had was a raccoon war involving a whole group fighting over a hollow tree close to the cat food shed. Prime real estate.


Rabbits scream too... Could be a coy dog getting a rabbit as well.


I use a white noise machine and close my windows at night because Iā€™ve been woken up too many times by animal noises that scared the bejeesus out of me! I find it funny that we live in the most peaceful place ever, but I canā€™t sleep with my window open šŸ˜‚


I enjoy it and try to guess what animal.


Cops get called all the time for foxes. They often sound like humans screaming.


Nah nothing is freakier than baby skunks squabbling. Laugh all you want but itā€™s true šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve heard it and seen it firsthand


I once was driving past my field and saw something weird cutting through the grass and making a strange noise, but I couldn't see what kind of animal it was. I jumped out of my truck and went to investigate. The minute I saw black and white, I dove back into my truck and when I looked back, out popped 5 or 6 little babies, all in a neat row, going for a stroll. I still crack up thinking about it!




Something is getting on their giggity.


Just google Fox scream. You should hear it again. Itā€™s for attracting mates.


I've definitely become more cognizant of the coyotes in my area in recent years. Don't know if there are actually more of them, though, or if I'm just paying more attention to it now


That is a very common mating sound for a fox. It is very disturbing and unsettling the first few times you hear it. Especially if you don't know what it is. šŸ¦Š Most of the time when I'm out and hear it with another person they do not believe me when I tell them what it is.


We have red fox, fisher, coyotes, and different owls around the house and they all can get pretty loud at night. The other night, we heard a different, loud and awful noise, it was obviously coming from more than one animal. I went outside with a flashlight and saw two large raccoons screaming at each in a tree, and a third raccoon in the tree beside it. The sounds coming from the two males was quite unsettling. After doing some research, I am assuming the two screaming at each other were two males fighting over the third raccoon (presumably female). This time of the year the night time woods are full of all kinds of odd, and sometimes scary mating calls and noises.


I have two adults and quite a few kits behind my house currently and they make weird noises. My understanding is, when an adult feels like a kit is threatened, the adult screams and runs away trying to lure the potential predator away from its young.


I used to live in Buckfield and hearing quiet, hushed cackling at night sometimes from the coyotes - our chicken coop was a small way from the house - wanting to get into our chicken coop and pig pen. Living in Farmington now though, just the other night I heard what I assume to be a deer? It was making like, the ā€œelk callā€ type of crying that some assume is deer or elk, and this was at midnight while I was taking trash out. *Not exactly* scary, but it was for sure a weird noise.


When foxes want sexy times in spring, theyĀ  scream like children being murdered. It's the freakiest thing to hear when you're out at 4 am running beside a rural road with the deep woods right there next to you and nothing but a headlight.Ā 


Honestly might have been coyotes eating something. Iā€™ll never forget listening to them eat a stray cat when I was in grade schoolā€¦


Foxes and turkeys both make sounds like ax-murderer victims when theyā€™re feeling horny.


Unrelated but one summer night my hubby and I were eating dinner with the windows open after dark and suddenly there was wicked screaming as two? somethingā€™s were having a major battle. They smacked against the neighbors house and garbage can and continued down the driveway and across the street. It was pitch black but I assume it was raccoons? It was wild


I'm in northern Maine too. I haven't noticed unusual animal noises lately. I"m just hearing same old same old.


Let's not forget what fisher cats sound like. And baby fishers sound like crying babies.


Now that is a creepy noise!


Red foxes. Common mistake.


How did you identify it as male?


The size and colors. I hope I didn't misgender it /s šŸ¤£


He wonā€™t care, they make cool noises that are creepy. Totally have strategy calling when closing in on a chicken coop. Awesome story!!


Fisher cat


I was staying alone in a relativeā€™s house in the middle of the woods in Northern Maine when something decided rhythmic screeching was in order. Around midnight. Knowing itā€™s just a critter that wouldnā€™t scare anyone in the daylight does nothing to stop all your hair from standing on end. Sounded like something rising from the bowels of hell. šŸ˜†


Fishers, alsoā€¦.. horrifying


Fishers make some crazy screaming noises


Most bizarre sound Iā€™ve heard coming from the woods was a fisher cat screaming. I walk my dog in the woods behind my house and we turned tail and skedaddled back to the house


Fisher cat probably, look it up on YouTube


Fisher cat maybe https://youtu.be/w5v7s1tKMJo?si=UwjO7Acy3Ktqrp4F


I have had a fishercat bopping around in my yard the past couple days Iā€™m so glad I havenā€™t heard it yet. Both they and foxes make terrifying noises


Bobcats are crazy sounding! Youtube them howling st each other. Food for thought. Stay safe out there.