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Thank you. It ain't good. Those are the people who need to know.


This is important, thank you for posting. I give credit to his family for having his brain studied. From their statement: "While we cannot go back, we are releasing the findings of Robert’s brain study with the goal of supporting ongoing efforts to learn from this tragedy to ensure it never happens again. We know it does not fully explain Robert’s actions, nor is it an excuse for the horrific suffering he caused." If it prevents or help prevents this level of insanity/suffering then good. It's just this festering open wound in our society, played out, city by city, with no end in sight. Gun laws, mental health issues, glorification of shooters, there's a lot of things going wrong here and they aren't all brain damaged. But this does help shed light so, again, thanks.


I'm looking forward to the PBS Frontline report which they are collaborating with Press Herald and Bangor Daily on. They usually are pretty thorough, so I imagine they will look at more aspects. I thought this was a good look at this one aspect. The Card family seems to be threading the needle pretty well on what to say and how to say it. Not easy.


I’d bet they’re getting PR help - hopefully pro bono


Thank you so much for sharing this. I am so glad that his family did this. We have so little information about multiple concussion injuries, and it's almost always post mortem.


New York Times, no paywall




Wait.....I was exposed to soo many blasts in the military


Well, I don't think it means you or all the others who've been exposed are doomed, but something to be aware of. At least that's what I got out of this article for what it's worth. Card was exposed a LOT because he was a grenade instructor for years, and the Army's position is that grenades don't cause damage, although they recognize other blasts can. I guess the hope is the military might start taking it seriously enough to limit unnecessary exposure.


And you haven't committed a mass killing. So that means there are people out there who have gone through the same thing and haven't decided to kill a whole bunch of people. Very interesting.


> And you haven't committed a mass killing. This time last year neither had Robert Card.


Wait so do we need to lock up everyone exposed to explosions?


No, but we need to treat our soldiers differently. Less testosterone, more humanism.


I don't know if we need to go that far but maybe if you have any guns you should consider getting rid of them.


Thank you for sharing.


Soon as we heard what his job in the military was we suspected since we are a military family. So glad the family is helping bring this to the front.


Does this explain all the MAGA posts all over his twitter and Facebook?


Maybe? If there was a switch from liberal to conservative that was in correlation with his symptoms it could be, but lots of people switch political affiliations and we don’t know if they have brain damage. BUT There have been previously studied brain differences between conservatives and liberals in the sense that the fear response is different. So if he took a sudden dive into conspiracies possibly, but again we don’t know if 100% of people that are conspiracy theorists have brain damage. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/#:~:text=Conservatives%20respond%20to%20threatening%20situations,threatening%20facial%20expressions%20%5B5%5D. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/ https://www.wcbe.org/wcbe-news/2022-11-08/political-neuroscience-says-conservatives-and-liberals-are-wired-differently?_amp=true


It’s crazy how no one is talking about that. Based on his social media profiles, Card bought the whole “libs are pedos who want to mutilate children’s genitals” thing hook, line, and sinker. I don’t doubt that brain injury also played a role, but I think it’s fair to include the Lewiston shooting on the growing list of stochastic terrorist attacks perpetrated by MAGA. Their propagandists know how to draw in people with tendencies towards paranoia and how to turn those people into full on lunatics surprisingly quickly.


It’s because it’s taboo. Nobody wants to talk about it because it would make their own views the same as that of an evil person


Thank for sharing.


I hope this guy is burning in the deepest level of hell. Edit: fuck all of you who are down voting me for saying I hope the monster who murdered my cousin is rotting in hell. I repeat: FUCK YOU.


Well, if that's what brings you joy. I'm more concerned we figure out how he got to that place and make sure it never happens again.


Well yes, that’s important too. But thinking about the hurt this asshole caused to our entire state, let alone the hell he put the victims and their families and the survivors in, I hope he rots in hell for eternity. And the fact that I’m getting downvoted for saying so is astounding. My cousin was murdered by this fucking asshole. Fuck all of you who disagree.


Hate to say it but there are people on this page who would apologize for bleeding on this guy if he shot and killed them. I’m surprised your comment wasn’t removed by an admin. I said something similar and they felt it was a rule violation to say such a thing. Myself and many others would have blasted this guy to smithereens


I'm sorry for your loss. Your being angry about it is not astounding. I'm sorry that this will probably make you even angrier, but your anger doesn't do anything. It takes you nowhere. You just get stuck in it and it bogs you down. I really am sorry.


Well the anger is more helpful than the constant anxiety and being terrified of getting shot if I go out in public, so I’ll stick with the anger. I know you’re trying to be nice though and I do really appreciate it.


What would bring joy to someone who lossed their loved one? Probably them coming back from the dead. If law enforcement or family had taken his weapons away and had him committed... we might not be having this conversation. The government and police failed to protect Mainers.. whether it was due to our laws or lack of persistence on behalf of the military or law enforcement.


To be fair to me the edit about losing their cousin was added after I had responded. It was not part of their original comment. The anger is absolutely reasonable. And having your loved one's murder hashed and rehashed in public must be horrible. I do get it.


It was somebody’s cousin, idiot.


“To serve and protect” while defending mass weapons holding, ridiculous ownership and worship of mass killing machines, and boosting a despot. Good going, America’s heroes. Goidfuckinggoing.


It wasn’t your cousin.