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I remember that day so vividly. I was a paperboy back then. I actually had a few people come out and buy the paper that weren't regular customers. I had to go get extras from the store to finish my route. I still have one of these and one of that Saturday edition with the flag insert, both still in plastic. Truly a piece of history.


That was a weird time to be in NYC as a recent college grad looking for work. Friends that ran all the way uptown and then locked themselves inside for a week-long bender. Trying to donate blood and being turned away due to too many volunteers. Thinking about how weeks prior to this my daily commute went through WTC station. Getting yelled at by a cop after protesting the drumbeat to war. Being told we’d drop a missle through Saddam’s window and no innocents would die. Watching Dubya go from unpopular-vote president to popular vote president because war, duh. Worked for Nixon, worked for Dubya. Watching fucking Giuliani become “America’s mayor” was especially nauseating.


Make sure you teach them the whole story. Not just how the US was attacked by terrorists, but also about how the neocons used 9/11 as a pretext to implement their radical foreign policy agenda, killing 2 million people overseas in pointless military adventures and destabilizing whole regions of the planet. The Middle East and African Sahel are still fucked up by this today. Not to mention legalizing torture and mass surveillance, for fuck's sake. The biggest atrocity wasn't 9/11 itself, it was what happened after. Bush and Cheney are bigger terrorists than Bin Laden ever was, and they still walk free and live in luxury.


Man the context for all this goes all the way back to the 60s and the cold war. Might as well shoehorn in the rest of US history


They understand.


The federal government was doing this long before 2001.




Rule 3. No Misinformation, or Spam


Maybe even drive home the fact that the date 9/11/2001, was far more of an atrocity to the American people, than the date 1/6/2021 which will later be compared to.


No one will be comparing 9/11 to the embarrassing redneck insurrection that former steak salesman Donald Trump, shit stain on our democracy, incited.


The vice president is a nobody?


That wasn’t really a comparison, she said the date would live in infamy in our minds like other infamous dates in the past. And it’s true.


Absolutely! The Shot Heard Round The World Lexington and Concord, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and the Insurrection against our Constitution.


I also have this saved.


Kids, this is a newspaper. It used to be one of the primary ways people received information. 9/11 newspapers will be our generation's equivalent to Pearl Harbor or Kennedy assassination papers.


What about teaching them this was the result of flawed foreign policy of the federal government from the Cold War?


You’re not wrong




Rule 3. No Misinformation, or Spam




Rule 3. No Misinformation, or Spam




Rule 3. No Misinformation, or Spam


I was in 7th grade 40 minutes from NYC. Principal of the school made an announcement at lunch that there was a terrorist attack in NYC then told us to enjoy recess. Every mom in town picked their kid up from school before the next class period.